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Page 9

by Sam Crescent

  Evan signalled to the passing waiter.

  “I’d like to see this file you have, if that’s all right?”

  His brother was the man in possession of it. “I can show it to you when we get home.”

  Drake liked the way his brother said home. It had a ring of truth to it. Their home was Wendy’s home now.

  Once the bill was paid, Drake helped her into a jacket before they slipped in the back of the limo. They had enough money for the expense of the limo. Evan handled their investments while Drake dealt mainly with Desire.

  “Is Mason a good man?” she asked.

  “Mason and his brother Richard are good men. They’d never hurt your friend.”

  “There is more than way to hurt a woman. I love Tiffany like a sister. If they hurt her, I’ll hurt them.”

  The blaze in her eyes made it hard for Drake to breathe. Fuck, he needed to get inside her.

  The drive went quickly. When he was in Wendy’s company the time always seemed to pass quickly. He never got to relish the time he spent with her before she went away.

  Evan took the lead as he escorted her up to their house. Drake locked the door behind him. His brother pressed her against the wall. His lips consumed hers within the next heartbeat.

  “No, I want to see this file,” she said, pushing him away.

  Following them through to his office, Evan opened the safe containing the file. He handed the brown folder to her.

  “Thank you.” She took it then sat down on the nearest chair. Flicking the file open, he watched as she winced. “Wow, they left nothing to the imagination here.”

  Evan knelt before her. He pressed a hand on top of the file. “These are just words. The true person is here.” He cupped her face then kissed her lips.

  “You know how to say the right words.”

  She pulled away flicking the pages open. There were only two other pictures throughout the whole file besides the one at the front. Drake didn’t think the file did her justice. There was more to the woman before them than a bunch of papers. It wasn’t even that thick.


  With his hands on her knees Evan stared up at her face. She looked shocked by the file before her. He was waiting for her to blow everything out of proportion. The file meant nothing to him and to Drake. They were just a bunch of words that were factual. They were worth nothing without knowing the woman they were about.

  “I can’t believe you ordered a file to be done.”

  He wanted to hang his head in shame.

  “I want you to burn it. There is no way I want anyone to know what is written in here.”

  Taking the file from her, Evan threw it into the hearth then set fire to the papers with some of the matches he kept on hand. He liked the fire in the office as it added a new element to his life.

  Turning back to Wendy he was shocked to see she was undressing.

  Drake was sat down in the spare chair watching her as intently as Evan imagined he did as well.

  “I love having your eyes on me.”

  She dropped the dress to the floor.

  “I’m waiting for you to yell about that blasted file.”

  Wendy walked up to him. “I think it’s kind of hot. Weird but hot.”

  She took his hand then pressed his palm against her pussy. “There is something I want a hell of a lot more.”

  Her thighs opened wide as he slicked his fingers in her sweet juice. For the past week he’d been dying to get inside her body. Touching her was all he’d been permitted. Touching was not enough for the passion he had for her and her alone.

  She moaned. Her fingers tightened on the flesh of his arm. “I want you. I can’t deny it anymore.” She pulled him close brushing her lips against his. What started out as a tame kiss soon turned into a rough claiming of lips. Her cream soaked his fingers as she rode his hand.

  Drake cleared his throat moving closer.

  “Maybe I can assist.” Drake’s lips closed around one beaded nipple.

  Wendy tore at his clothes. Evan helped her by throwing them to the floor. His cock was unbearably hard. He’d never felt so turned on in all of his life. Her soft curves were too much.

  Evan picked her up, pressed her against the nearest wall, and rammed home. Her drenched pussy closed around him, sucking him inside.

  They both cried out. Her nails sank into the flesh of his shoulders.

  “I’m sorry,” he said, easing out of her.

  “No, don’t stop. Fuck me, please. I need it.”

  Taking her at her word, Evan pulled out of her tight heat only to slam back inside her. Her head hit the wall as she cried out begging for him to take her.

  He wouldn’t last long. The feel of her tight cunt wrapped around his cock and her cream easing his path were too much for him.

  In three short thrusts Evan erupted. The instant his release came he was ashamed. He’d reached climax without giving her any kind of release.

  “I’m sorry.”

  Drake tapped his shoulder. “That’s what I’m here for.”

  Evan stepped back as Drake took over.

  Wendy looked at him like she wanted to say something. Her teeth sank into her bottom lip as Drake took over. Moving back, Evan took a seat.

  He couldn’t believe he’d been so lost to pleasure that he’d not given her an orgasm.

  Within minutes Drake had her screaming in her release.

  When they were finished Wendy walked over to him and sat on his lap. He instantly accepted her in his arms.

  “Why the moody face?” she asked.

  “He’s sour because he lost control.” Drake sat down next to him, reaching out to touch her.

  She didn’t have the first clue how she affected him. The L word was on the tip of his tongue.

  “What is it?” she asked.

  He cupped her cheek. “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.”

  She chuckled. “Try me.”

  “I love you.” The words felt right as they rolled off his tongue.

  Her eyes widened and she tensed in his arms. “What? That’s not possible. That can’t be possible.”

  She made no move to get off his lap.

  “You really know how to land one in the room, don’t you?” Drake said.

  “Why? I love you, Wendy.”

  “You don’t know me. Everything you’ve learned about has come from a document put together by another guy who only deals with the facts.”

  Her argument was valid. Evan wouldn’t listen. His feelings were real.

  “I know more than what that file said.” He stroked her hair loving the feel of the silken strands against his fingers.

  “What more do you know?”

  He smiled. “I know I love how your face brightens up when you smile. The sound of your voice is soothing to me, even on the worst days of my life.” Taking a leap of faith, Evan dived in. “You love ice-cream. I’ve seen you buy enough cartons of the stuff to know. You hate your job, but you’d rather do something you hate than do nothing at all. Most of all, you care. It doesn’t matter who they are or what they’ve done, you care about people. I like how you make me feel.”

  None of the words he spoke were related to sex.

  Tears shone in her eyes.

  “Please don’t cry. I didn’t say all of this for you to cry.”

  She wiped her eyes. “I wasn’t expecting you to say anything. I never thought you’d want me for all that long. Wow, I’m fucking up here.” She blew out, laughing nervously.

  “Can I … erm, have a moment?” she asked.

  Evan helped her off his lap. He watched her leave and saw the moment she grabbed her cell phone. Tiffany was going to be called.

  Pulling on his pants Evan moved out of the room. Drake followed close behind.

  “You really put it out there.”

  “I needed to tell her, and you can’t tell me you don’t feel the same thing,” Evan said.

  “She’s not ready.”

  “And how lon
g are we going to wait until she’s ready? I’m not going to pretend to be feeling something I’m not. I love her, Drake. Denying my feelings is a waste of time.”

  Drake sat down. “What are we going to do?”

  “We hope that Tiffany likes us enough to give her some good advice.”

  Evan glanced at the door. He hoped to God her friend gave her the right advice.

  Chapter Fourteen

  “He said what?” Tiffany asked.

  “He said he loved me. Evan came right out and said it. I think he means it.” Wendy held her head in her hand as she told her friend everything. She sat on the toilet staring at the door. For some reason she expected her two men to follow her.

  “Wow, you thought you were getting two men to fuck, and it looks like you’re getting them for life.” Her friend sighed over the line.

  “You sounded a little envious.”

  “I’m just thinking about Richard and Mason. I wonder if they’ll feel the same way about me or dump me the moment they have the goods. You’ve got two great men, Wendy. You’re a lucky woman.”

  “I’m not feeling lucky.” She explained about the file. “I wasn’t angry about it. I thought it was sweet of them to do something like that.”

  “It is a sign of something. Are you seriously calling me to give you advice on your answer?”

  Wendy muttered under her breath. “No, I didn’t want advice on how to answer. I needed to talk to someone I can trust.”

  “Babe, I love you, but your men are going to start feeling like they have a fourth person in your relationship. Think about it, every time they ask you something, you come running to me. How would you feel if they kept running to Mason or each other?” Tiffany asked.

  Her friend was right.

  “They’re brothers. They ask each other for advice.”

  “And yet when Evan fucked up, Drake was still here. They are brothers, but their actions are their own. You need to figure out what you want, Wendy. This is not something I’m going to help you with.”

  Accepting the inevitable, she hung up. Tiffany was right. Of course her friend was right, which was why she loved and hated her with equal proportions.

  She finished in the bathroom, grabbed a robe, and then made her way down to where they were stood in the kitchen. Throwing her cell phone onto the nearest counter she faced both of them.

  “If you keep throwing your cell like that it’s going to break,” Drake said.

  Wendy frowned at him.

  “What did Tiffany say?” Evan asked.

  His words held the truth in what her friend had said. Already she was the fourth person in Wendy’s life.

  “She wouldn’t help me. In fact, she gave me a hard truth, and even though I don’t like it, I have to accept it.

  Both men waited for her to continue.

  Running her fingers through her hair she tried to collect her thoughts. “The truth is I don’t know how I feel about you both. I enjoy spending time with you, and you make me feel happy to be with you, but I don’t know if that is love. I’ve never felt this way about any other man before.”

  None of them spoke.

  “What does that mean?” Evan asked.

  She didn’t want to hurt either man. Was that love? What was love exactly? Frowning at her own thoughts, Wendy started to get annoyed with herself. “It means I need a little time. Do you think you can give me that? I don’t mean time away from you. Just time for me to get to know myself and what this means?”

  They were well within their rights to kick her ass to the curb. Evan had admitted his feelings for her, and instead of jumping for joy at the news, she’d asked for more time.

  Drake went to her first. He wrapped his arms around her pulling her in close.

  “I can wait.”

  “Do you love me, too?”

  “Yes, I wanted to give you more time.” He kissed the top of her head.

  She spent the night with them. The sex was amazing, but there was also a distance between them. She saw the sadness in Evan’s eyes each time he looked at her. For the next couple of weeks she continued to be with them. While she was at work she found herself thinking about them. She’d send them text messages just to hear from them.

  Drake teased her while Evan was his ever so controlling self.

  Tiffany wouldn’t help her make her choice. Wendy found herself thinking about their future more than ever before. Evan and Drake were supposed to have been some fun, and they’d turned into something more.

  They sent her flowers, jewellery, and chocolate. She liked their gifts, but she preferred their company.

  Her eyes had filled with tears as the delivery man handed her a card.

  Her friend sniggered as tears filled her eyes at the sweet words.

  “What does it say?” Tiffany asked.

  “‘These roses pale in comparison to you. I’m your ever-loving slave, Evan’. Drake sent something similar with his usual quirk.” She folded the card then placed it on the side.

  “You can’t keep holding out on them. They deserve better.”

  “They were only supposed to be sex,” Wendy said.

  “So, some of the best things come from sex.”

  Wendy picked up the card then put it back down again and turned to her friend.

  “What’s going on? You’ve got a stern expression on that pretty face,” Tiffany said.

  “I was just thinking something crazy.”

  “How crazy?”

  She stared at her friend as a thought started to stir inside her head. “My dad lost the shop, but I was able to go to college without any problems.”

  “Yeah, so?”

  “How was I able to go to college, but they couldn’t afford the medication for my mom? None of my dad’s story makes sense.”

  “What? You think Evan and Drake have something to do with your college education?” Tiffany asked.

  Wendy shook her head. “I don’t know. It’s a little far-fetched a thought.”

  “Not really. Ask them or your dad. You’re going to have to speak to him again soon,” Tiffany said.

  “Yeah, I will soon.”

  She left their apartment a couple of hours later to go for a walk. Wendy took the path that led her to her father’s house. Staring up at the house, Wendy lifted her fist to knock. Her father opened the door before she got the chance.

  “Evan and Drake paid for my college education didn’t they?” she asked.

  “I’m so fucking sorry, honey.” He pulled her into his arms for a tight hug. She went to him willingly. In that moment she knew her thoughts were true. The two men who said they loved her had also guaranteed her college education when her father couldn’t.

  The tears fell thick and fast. She squeezed her father tightly to her. “You’re going to have to tell me everything, and you can’t keep telling me the shit stuff about Evan and Drake. They can’t be as bad as you’ve made them out to be.”

  She refused to believe any more bad things about the two men in her life. If they were so awful they wouldn’t have made sure she’d get to college.

  “I’m stupid. Can you forgive me?” he asked.

  Nodding, she followed him inside. Providing he told her the truth she didn’t see any reason to remain bitter toward him. He was her father, and she loved him. The house was still decorated with pictures of her and her mother.

  She followed him into the sitting room.

  “I need to ask you something,” she said, removing her coat. “How did you know you loved Mom?”

  “How do you mean?”

  Pushing her hair off her face, Wendy chuckled as her father gave her a band for her unruly locks.

  “What made you realise she was the one? The one woman you wanted to spend the rest of your life with?”

  “Is this to do with those two young men and your sudden interest in the past?” Ronald asked.

  “Well, they’re not exactly young, and I believe it’s time you told me the truth about what happened back t
hen. You’ve been ranting and raving about it for years.” Her cheeks bloomed as her anger rose.

  “I couldn’t risk you finding out how much I messed up. I fucked up with the shop. Your mother told me we were going under well before we did. My fucking pride took a hit. I refused to accept I was failing. I’m the man, and I was supposed to be the one to take care of you and your mother. That money those men gave us put you through college. I couldn’t look myself in the mirror knowing someone else was paying for you. Evan came to talk to me. He saw pictures of you and said everyone deserves to go to college even if their parents don’t see it. I hated him. He made me see my own selfishness. Your mother got sick, and I couldn’t afford her care until it was too late.”

  Her father looked like a different man with his admission.

  “I fell hard for your mother, Wendy. She came into the shop as a girl of five. I was seven, and I fell hard for her then. I told my father she was going to be the girl I married. I didn’t see her again until she walked back into the shop. She was twenty years old, and the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen. Her hair was as dark as yours. You remind me a little of her. I asked her to marry me on the spot.”

  Ronald laughed clearly remembering something important.

  “Sometimes love doesn’t need to have an explanation. You feel it in here.” He pressed a hand to his heart. “She became my every waking thought. Your mother was all I thought about, and to this day she still is. I promised her on the day she became my wife that I’d always care for her. She wouldn’t have to worry about a thing. When we discovered her illness I knew I’d failed. I’d promised to care for her, and when she needed me most I was too fucking weak to save her. She deserved better than me.”

  Tears spilled down her cheeks.

  “Are you in love with Evan and Drake?” he asked. “Your mother never hated me. She told me not to become bitter and to see what Evan had given us as a gift. Can you believe, it took me waking up here alone after sending you away to open my fucking eyes?”

  Opening her mouth and closing it, Wendy stared at him. She’d never expected him to be so open with her.

  “Mom would have hated you to feel guilty,” she said.

  “The only thing I feel guilty about now is reacting like I did to you. Now, do you love those two boys?” he asked.


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