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Page 10

by Sam Crescent

  “Yes, I do. I don’t know why, but I do.” She laughed at her words. “I’m not making sense.”

  “Love does that. I believe everyone has their own explanation for it.”

  “How can you be so forgiving after you’ve hated them for so long?” she asked, confused by his sudden change of attitude.

  “I needed to be told what I could lose. I lost your mother because of my own stupidity. I don’t want to lose you.” He looked over her shoulder. “She loves you, and I’ll gladly give her to you.”

  She turned in her chair to see Drake and Evan standing, looking down at her.

  “You’re here.”

  “We needed to make peace with your father,” Drake said.

  Wendy went to them wrapping her arms around their necks. She never wanted to let go.

  Their heat consumed her pulling her in tightly against their bodies. She went willingly, shocked by how quickly her life had changed. Her father was right. Love wasn’t something that could be easily explained, and it struck the most unusual of couples.

  “Is it true?” Evan asked.

  She nodded. His features blurred as her tears of happiness fell thick and fast. “And I came to that decision without anyone else telling me what to feel.”

  “We’ll take good care of her, Ronald,” Evan said.

  “Good. I’ve only ever wanted the best for her.”

  They stayed with her father for several hours talking. Wendy couldn’t stop staring at her two men. Since admitting her feelings for them she was seeing them anew.

  The way they laughed or touched her, it all made sense to her.

  When they left, Evan and Drake took her to their home. She kissed each of them in turn holding onto them.

  “I can’t believe how clearly I’m seeing this,” she said.

  “You needed time, and we gave it to you.” Drake took her hand and kissed the inside of her wrist.

  Smiling, she cupped his roughened cheek.

  Evan cleared his throat. She turned to him. He was holding a small black box. “This is not for now but when you’re ready.”

  “I can’t marry you both. Why would you even propose to me?” she asked.

  He placed the box in her hand.

  “You marry Evan, and we know in our hearts that you’re married to both of us.”

  She opened the box and stared at the most beautiful diamond she’d ever seen. It was small, subtle, but absolutely perfect for her.

  Drake took the ring and placed it on her finger. It fit perfectly. Drake kissed her cheek. “Your size wasn’t in the file.”

  She laughed. They’d guessed her size and been right.

  “I can’t believe I got so lucky.”

  “You call being with us lucky?” Evan asked. “I’m controlling, and Drake is a tease. I think we’re the lucky ones.”

  Evan captured her cheek kissing her deeply. That kiss went deeper as Evan picked her up in his arms as if she weighed nothing. Together, they made love to her body for the rest of the day.

  Wendy didn’t get chance to give her answer. They kept her mind and hands busy as they took her to heaven. It was one of the most magical days of her life.

  After they’d made love and tasted every inch of her body Wendy lay between them, sated and happy.

  “Will you marry me?” Evan asked.

  She turned to Drake.

  “I want you to marry him, baby. This is what we always wanted.” Drake stroked her cheek. The tenderness in their touch startled her.

  Staring at the ring on her finger Wendy nodded. “Yes, I’ll marry you.”

  Her words stirred their desires once more. She didn’t know how she was going to survive the rest of her life with the way they drove her crazy.

  Their hands were made of pure sin while their mouths were worse. Not a part of her went unsatisfied.

  When they finally collapsed in a heap on the bed, Evan caught her in his arms. Drake banded her waist with his arm.

  “I swear to you, Wendy Peterson, for the rest of my life I will make you the happiest woman in the world. You’ll want for nothing,” Evan said.

  “I’m with him.”

  She smiled at each of them.

  “All I want is your love. Love me for the rest of my life, and I’ll be happy.”

  Drake kissed her lips followed by Evan.

  “Consider it done!”


  Tiffany blew her chewing gum until a large bubble formed. The small kid sitting across from her looked entertained. She smiled at the kid before going back to Wendy. She looked truly radiant in her white gown. Evan and Drake looked proud as punch. Both men hadn’t married her, but Tiffany knew the truth. Evan had stood at the altar with Drake at his side as his best man.

  Everyone who knew them understood the meaning. In the eyes of the world, Wendy belonged to Evan, but in truth she belonged to both men. Letting out a sigh, Tiffany tried to ignore the yearning inside her chest.

  Her friend looked so happy and in love. She was happy for her. Tiffany was happy and envious of Wendy. Popping the bubble she sucked the gum back into her mouth. The kid wandered off, and she felt his presence behind her. Mason, being a friend to the happy couple, had been invited. She ignored him for as long as she could. Their time together had been a nightmare. She’d spent Thanksgiving with them and been in their bed, but it hadn’t worked out.

  Actually, you’d enjoyed yourself far too much and then ran like the pussy you are.

  “You can ignore me all you like. I’m not going anywhere.” He sat down behind her. His legs rested either side of her. She couldn’t believe how big he was in comparison to her. It took all of her effort not to straighten her hair or make sure she looked good enough for him to look at. “They look lovely together.”

  She nodded. Wendy was a beautiful woman with her raven hair and pale skin. Tiffany had always felt plain beside her obvious beauty.

  Richard caught her eye. He was checking over the food as he’d been the caterer to the event.

  Mason touched her back. His fingers stroked along her bare skin. She tried to ignore the shiver of pleasure working up her spine.

  “Why are you doing this to me?” she asked.

  “Why do you keep running from us, Tiffany? I know you enjoyed the time you spent—”

  “Exactly, I spent time with you as in past tense. Shouldn’t you be moving onto your next conquest?” she asked. The thought sent a spike of pain to her chest.

  “It doesn’t work that way.”

  “I don’t give a fuck how it works.” She stood, needing to get away from him.

  Mason stood. He caught her arm. “You can’t run from me.”

  “I don’t give a fuck what you think.” She always said “fuck” when she was nervous. Mason and Richard made her feel nervous. She’d been able to avoid them, but the wedding had put her straight in their path.

  “I’ll put you over my knee if you keep talking like that.”

  She gasped, remembering the last time he’d spanked her. Her pussy went from cold to fire in a matter of seconds. Mason was a dominant man. Not many people would think it from his easy going appearance.

  “I see you remember what it’s like to have my hand on that rounded butt.”

  Glaring, she pulled her arm away then stormed off.

  They shouldn’t be able to have this effect on her. Growing in annoyance she stopped beside Wendy. Next to her friend she was safe.


  Mason stared at her retreating ass. She looked so fucking sexy in that dress. The fabric moulded to her curves in the most sinful of ways. He watched as his younger brother moved toward him.

  “Have you upset her again?” Richard asked.

  “I’m tired of her running. She wants us, Richard. I’m not letting her get away again.”

  Richard sighed. Turning his attention to his brother, Mason frowned. “You want her as well?”

  “Of course I do. I think Tiffany’s a little harder to woo than you’re givi
ng her credit for.”

  Mason had dug into her history. He knew without Wendy’s income she couldn’t afford to stay in her apartment. Mason had taken it upon himself to pay for her apartment building. In the next few days Tiffany would have a letter regarding the new charges. She’d have enough money to pay the bill and live on.

  He didn’t like the thought of her struggling.

  She was swamped in student loans. Where Wendy’s had been paid with Evan’s money, Tiffany constantly struggled. He didn’t like it.

  He handed the piece of paper detailing her debt to his brother.

  “This is how much she owes?”

  “Yep, all the time she’s been busting her ass at that shithole you work in, she’s been struggling to make ends meet. Wendy has helped her a great deal, but I don’t like the thought of her being in this position.”

  Richard chuckled. “When she finds out about this, she’s going to kick your ass.”

  “And then I’m going to spank her ass for making us wait.”

  His words shut Richard up. They’d both agreed they loved her. Mason couldn’t believe how much she’d plagued his thoughts since the first moment he met her. She was like a drug he didn’t want to give up. He’d been intrigued when she’d given him the talk about not wanting him because there was someone else on the scene. Discovering that someone was in fact his brother had been the highlight of his year.

  For the coming year Mason had a lot of plans. His plans involved the woman now trying to evade him at every turn.

  Wendy and Evan moved onto the dance floor, and he got his chance to move in. He skirted the edge of the floor making sure she didn’t see him.

  Wrapping his arms around her waist Mason pulled her back. Drake winked at him before turning to watch his woman.

  “What are you doing?” she asked. “Let me go.”

  “You’re not needed here.” He slammed his lips down on hers, silencing her.

  Mason intended to take her to his island. His family were extremely wealthy, and he was going to use everything in his power to claim the woman who’d claimed his heart.

  The End

  Other Books by Sam Crescent


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