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Sources of Chinese Tradition, Volume 2

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by Wm. Theodore de Bary

  Kangxi Dictionary

  Kangxi emperor: Zhu Xi orthodoxy and; “Sacred Edict” and

  Kant, Immanuel: Mou Zongsan and

  Kao xinlu. See Records of Beliefs Investigated

  Kaogong [ji] (Zhouli)

  Kaoxin lu tiyao. See Essentials of the Records of Beliefs Investigated

  Kaozheng. See Han Learning

  Karmic retribution


  King of Heaven

  Kingly way: Wei Yuan on

  Knowledge: learning and, in Gu Yanwu

  Kokutai no hongi. See Fundamentals of Japan’s National Polity

  Kongzi gaige kao. See Confucius as a Reformer


  Korean War

  Kropotkin, Peter

  Labor service: Wei Yuan on

  Lambert, Johann Heinrich

  Lancā vatā ra Sū tra

  The Land System of the Heavenly Kingdom

  (Tianchao tianmu zhidu)


  Laski, Harold

  Latin America

  Law: Huang Zongxi on; Huang Zongxi on governance and; Gu Yanwu on ruler’s authority and; Wei Yuan on; reform and; Reform Edict of 1901 on; Liang Qichao and rule of

  Leadership: Qing reform and

  League of Common Alliance (Revolutionary Alliance) (Tongmeng hui)

  “equalization of land rights” and

  “Leaning to One Side” (Mao Zedong)


  Legge, James

  Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm

  Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich


  “Let a Hundred Flowers Bloom” (“On the Correct Handling of Contradictions Among the People”); Liu Binyan on; intellectuuals and. See also “On the Correct Handling of Contradictions Among the People”

  “Let a Hundred Schools of Thought Contend” (Mao Zedong)

  Letter to the English Ruler (Lin Zexu)

  “Letter of Opinion” to Mao Zedong on the Great Leap Forward (Peng Dehuai)

  Letter Opposing Kang Youwei’s Views on Revolution (Zhang Binglin)

  Letter to Prince Cheng Earnestly Discussing the Political Affairs of the Time (Hong Liangji)

  Letter in Reply to Advanced Scholar Peng Yunchu (Dai Zhen)

  Letter to Shi Zhongming Concerning Scholarship (Dai Zhen)

  Letters for Combining the Sounds of Mandarin, preface to (Guanhua hesheng zimu) (Wang Zhao)

  Li Bo

  Li Daozhao . See also The Victory of Communism

  Li Fuqun. See “Report on the First Five-Year Plan for Development of the National Economy of the People’s Republic of China”

  Li Gong

  Li Guangdi

  Li Hongzhang

  Li Madou. See Mateo Ricci

  Li Shizheng

  Li Xiaojiang. See “Awakening of Women’s Consciousness”

  Li Xiucheng

  “The Li Yi Zhe Poster,” (Wang Xizhe, Li Zhengtian, Chen Yiyang, Guo Hongzhi)

  “Li Yun” (Record of Rites)

  Li Zecheng

  Li Zehou; view of Mao and tradition in. See also “A Reevaluation of Confucianism”; Wang Yangming and Mao

  Li Zhengtian

  Li Zhizao. See also The True Meaning of the Lord of Heaven Preface to

  Li Zubo

  Liang Qichao; reform and; influence of West on; nationalism and; popular education and; social Darwinism and; republicanism of; people and the nation in; progress in; view of rights in; concept of nation in; new press and; Eastern Times and; decline of West in, See also Renewing the People; “Travel Impressions from Europe”

  Liang Shuming; Confucianism and; Westernization and China and Western democracy in; rural reconstruction and community compact in. See also Chinese Civilization Vis-A-Vis Eastern and Western Philosophies; “Reconstruction of the Village Community”

  Liangxin. See Conscience

  Liangzhi. See Innate good knowing


  Liberalism; Mao Zedong contra; types of, according to Mao Zedong


  “Liberty of the nation,”

  Licentiate (shengyuan)

  Liebknecht, Karl

  Life-is-Transient Demon

  Likin trade-tax

  Lin Biao

  Lin Xiling

  Lin Zexu; career of; opium trade and. See also “Letter to the English Ruler”

  Lineages, local governance and


  Literacy: commoners and; non-elite culture and

  Literary reform. See Literary Revolution

  Literary renaissance. See Literary Revolution

  Literary Revolution; vernacular literature and; Hu Shi’s eight items of; Chen Duxiu on. See also “On Literary Revolution”; “A Preliminary Discussion of Literary Reform”

  “On Literary Revolution” (Chen Duxiu)

  Literary virtue: Zhang Xuecheng on

  Literature, vernacular: literary revolution and

  Little Red Book (Mao Zedong)

  Liturgy for Issuing the Great Notification

  Liu Binyan. See A Higher Kind of Loyalty

  Liu Shaoqi; career of; Confucian self-cultivation in; theory and practice in. See also How to Be a Good Communist; On Inner Party Struggle

  Liu Shaotang

  Liu Shipei

  Liu Xiang

  Liu Xie

  Liu Xin

  Liu Yu

  Liu Zhiji

  Liu Zongyuan

  Liu Zongzhou

  Local histories

  Local officials. See Officials, local

  Locke, John


  London School of Economics

  Long March


  Lord-on-High (Shangdi)

  Lord Lao (Laozi deified)

  “Lost mind” (Mencius): Lü Liuliang on

  The Lotus and the Mud (Wu Jingxiong)

  Louis XIV

  Loyalism, Ming

  Loyalty: Tan Sitong on national, as opposed to familial


  Lu Ji

  Lu Longji

  Lu Xiangshan

  Lu Xun

  Lu Zhuangzhang: first romanization system and. See also First Steps in Being Able to Understand at a Glance

  Luminous virtue (ming de) (Great Learning). See Manifesting luminous virtue

  “Lun Yindu wangguo shu.” See “The Destruction of India”

  Luo Longji: critique of political tutelage in. See also What Kind of Political System Do We Want?

  Lü Bushu

  Lü Liuliang; revival of Zhu Xi school and; life and career of; degradation of; challenge to dynastic rule and; suppression of works of

  Ma Duanlin

  Ma Jong

  Ma Xiangbo; life and career of; definition of religion in; view on religion and the people in. See also Should a Head of State Preside Over Religious Ceremonies?

  Macartney, Lord

  Macartney mission



  Magistrates; Hong Liangji on malfeasance of

  Mahāyāna Buddhism

  Malthus. See Population

  Manchus; conquest of China by; Wang Fuzhi and resistance to; Taiping view of

  Mandarin Letters (Guanhua zimu)

  Manifesting luminous virtue (ming ming de) (Great Learning): Dai Zhen on

  Manifesto of the First Nationalist Congress

  Manifesto for a Reappraisal of Sinology and the Reconstruction of Chinese Culture (Zhang Junmai, Tang Junyi, Mou Zongsan, Xu Fuguan); The Permanence of China’s History and Culture; Science and the Development of Chinese Culture; Democratic Reconstruction and the Development of Chinese Culture; Our Understanding of China’s Contemporary Political History; What the West Can Learn from Eastern Thought; What We Expect Fron World Thought

  Mao Zedong; organization of peasantry and; land redistribution and; revolutionary strategy of; “mass line” in; stages of revolution in; democracy and dictatorship in; educational program of; rectification campaigns an
d; anti-liberalism in; art and literature and; post-1949 policies of; pro-Soviet stance of; collectivization of agriculture and; “contradictions among the people” and; Cultural Revolution and; era following death of. See also On Art and Literature; The Chinese Revolution and the Chinese Communist Party; Combat Liberalism; The Dictatorship of the People’s Democracy; “Leaning to One Side”; The Mass Line; “On the Correct Handling of Contradictions Among the People”; On New Democracy; “The Question of Agricultural Cooperation”; The Question of Land Distribution; Quotations from Chairman Mao Zedong; Remarks at the Beidaihe Conference; Report on an Investigation of the Hunan Peasant Movement; Report of the Propaganda Bureau of the Central Committee on the Zhengfeng Reform Movement; “Stalin is Our Commander”

  Maoism: Li Zehou on tradition and

  Marriage: Ding Ling on women revolutionaries and

  Martial arts

  Martial law: Taiwan and lifting of

  Marx, Karl

  Marxism; Sun Yat-sen’s repudiation of; anarchist movement and; unity of opposites and; Feng Youlan and


  The Mass Line (Mao Zedong)

  Material conditions (trend, condition) (shi)

  Material force (psycho-physical force) (qi); Wang Fuzhi’s thought and; Zhang Xuechen on


  Mathematics, Western; Nicolas Trigault on, and Chinese literati; Feng Guifen on importance of

  May Fourth Movement

  May Fourth period

  Mazzini, Giuseppe

  Mean (Zhongyong)

  Mean, Commentary on (Zhu Xi)

  Mean man (xiaoren): Wang Fuzhi on gentleman and

  Medhurst, W.H.


  Medicine, western: Nicholas Trigault on, and Chinese literati

  Mediterranean Sea

  Mei Wending

  Meiji Japan: China and, compared. See also Japan

  A Memorial in Defense of the [Western] Teaching (Xu Guangqi)

  A Memorial on Grain Prices, the Grain Trade, and Government Controlled Brokerages (Yang Yingju)

  Memorial on the War Against Heterodoxy (Hong Liangji)

  Men and women: separation of, in Taiping movement

  Mencius; discussion of ranks in


  Mengzi ziyi shuzheng. See Evidential Study of the Meaning of Terms in the Mencius

  Merchants: Wang Fuzhi on; grain trade and; Wei Yuan on. See also Commerce

  Metaphysics and science, controversy between (New Culture Movement)

  “Metaphysics and Science” (Ding Wen-jiang)

  Methods (fa). See Instruments, Western

  Military colonies (duntian)

  Military government: Sun Yat-sen on

  Military History of the Qing Dynasty (Shengwuji xu) (Wei Yuan)

  Military History of the Qing Dynasty Preface to (Wei Yuan)

  Military: need for Westernization of; weaknesses of, in Qing; Feng Guifen on; Wang Tao on training of

  Mill, John Stuart

  Minbao. See People’s Report

  Mind (tradition of the Mind); Gu Yanwu on human nature and; Dai Zhen on, in Song Learning; Zhang Xuecheng on quality of

  Mind-and-heart, (xin); Lü Liuliang on principle and; Lü Liuliang on nature, emotions and; Wei Yuan on

  Mines: reform and

  Ming. See Moral imperative

  Ming dynasty (1368–1644); criticism of, by scholar-officials; Huang Zongxi on abolition of prime ministership and; ruin of, and Wang Yangming school; Gu Yanwu’s view of; thought of, and Qing Neo-Confucian revival; Christianity and

  Ming History (Mingshi)

  “Ming liang lun.” See “On Enlightened Rulers and Worthy Ministers”

  Ming Neo-Confucianism. See Wang Yangming; Wang Yangming school

  Ming Taizu. See Gao Huangdi

  Mingjiao. See Moral norms

  Mingru xuean (Huang Zongxi)

  Mingyi daifanglu. See Waiting for the Dawn

  Ministers: Huang Zongxi on; Huang Zongxi on “plight of the people” and; father and child relationship and; Huang Zongxi on treatment of; Lü Liuliang on ruler and. See also Ruler and minister

  Miracle of Western Letters (Xizi qiji) (Matteo Ricci)

  Modernization: intellectuals and, in post-1949 era; post-Mao era and; Deng Xiaoping and; Wei Jingsheng on democracy and; Fang Lizhi on

  Mogu. See The Silent Gourd



  Monarchy, constitutional



  Montesquieu, Charles Louis de Secondat, baron de la Bréde et de

  Moral imperative (ming): Lü Liuliang on

  Moral norms (mingjiao)

  Morality books (shanshu)

  Morality, public; Liang Qichao on

  Morality, traditional: Sun Yat-sen on, Chiang Kai-shek on

  Moscow-Berlin Pact

  Mou Tsung-san. See Mou Zongsan

  Mou Zongsan (Mou Tsung-san); New Confucianism and; philosophy of; view of humaneness in. See also Manifesto for a Reappraisal of Sinology and the Reconstruction of Chinese Culture; The Sensitivity and Steadfastness of Humaneness


  Mukden Incident

  Mulian Rescues His Mother: plot of; performing context of; Buddhism, Confucianism and; ritual, opera and

  Music (lost classic)

  Muslims: astronomy and; rebellion and


  Nanjing, Treaty of

  “Narrow precedent” (li)

  Nation, Liang Qichao’s view of: people and; concept of; individual and; establishment of; court and; alien peoples and; competition and; Chinese and concept of

  National assembly: Sun Yat-sen on

  “National polity” (kokutai)

  “National reconstruction,”; Hu Shi on absolutism and; Chiang Kaishek’s five-point program for; Sa Mengwu on cultural construction and

  “National Reconstruction and Absolutism” (Hu Shi) Is Absolutism a Necessary Stage for National Reconstruction?; Why Did Centuries of Absolute Rule Fail to Create a National State in China?

  “National salvation,”

  “National speech.” See Literature vernacular

  National state: absolutism and, according to Hu Shi

  Nationalism; Wang Fuzhi’s concept of; Tan Sitong on anti-Manchuism and; Liang Qichao and; Liang Qichao’s concept of; Zhang Binglin and; the West and. See also The Three People’s Principles

  Nationalist Party (Guomindang), League of Common Alliance and; Soviet assistance and; revolution and; Mao Zedong on bourgeois-democratic revolution and; collaboration with Communists and. See also Chiang Kai-shek; Political tutelage

  Natural Justice (Tianyi bao)

  “Natural Selection” (Origin of Species): Yan Fu on

  Navigation Act

  Neo-Confucianism. See also Evidential learning; Orthodoxy, Neo-Confucian; Orthodoxy, Qing Neo-Confucian; Song Learning

  Nestorian Christians

  New Asia College

  New Authoritarianism; “Political tutelage” and; human equality and; Rong Jian’s criticism of

  New Century (Xin shiji)

  “A New Concept of the Universe and Life Based on a New Belief” (Wu Zhihui)

  New Confucianism: background of; Xiong Shili and; endurance of Chinese culture in; science and Chinese culture in; democracy and; view of communism in; West and Eastern thought in; Mou Zongsan and. See alsoTiyonglun; Manifesto for a Reappraisal of Sinology and the Reconstruction of Chinese Culture

  New Culture Movement; anti-traditionalism of; major phases of; attack on Confucianism and; literary revolution and; doubting of antiquity and; new philosophy of life and; pragmatism and; debate on science and philosophy of life in; controversy over Chinese and Western culture in; Liang Shuming’s reappraisal of Confucianism and; Liang Shuming on rural reconstruction and; Sa Mengwu on synthesis of China and the West in; radical critiques of tradition in; Westernization and; See also Chen Duxiu; Chiang Kai-shek; Hu Shi; Liang Qichao; Literary Revolu
tion; Science, Western; Sun Yat-sen

  New Life Movement: Chiang Kai-shek and; Confucianism and. See also Essentials of the New Life Movement

  “New Philosophy of Reason or Principle” (xinlixue)

  “New Rationalism,”

  New Testament

  New Text School

  New Year’s prints

  The New Youth (Xin qingnian; La Jeunesse nouvelle)

  Newman, John Henry

  Nian Rebellion

  Nie Yuanzi

  Nietzche, Friedrich


  Nixon, Richard


  Nobel Prize

  Noble person (junzi)

  North Africa

  North China Herald

  Northwestern Law School

  “Notes on the Twenty-Two Histories,”

  Nü lunyu. See Women’s Analects

  Nü xiaojing. See Women’s Classic of Filial Piety

  Oberlin College

  October Revolution. See Russian Revolution

  Ode to Stalin (Guo Moruo)

  Odes. See Classic of Odes

  Office of the CCP Dehong Dai Nationality and Qingbao Autonomous Zhou Committee. See “Several Questions in Strengthening and Perfecting the Job Responsibility Systems of Agricultural Production”

  Officials, local: Gu Yanwu on; hereditary appointment of, in Gu Yanwu; education and, in Chen Hongmou; Chen Hongmou on conduct of; Chen Hongmou on compilation of casebooks by; local elites and; Hong Liangji on; selection of; Chu Chengbo on venality of; Reform Edict of 1901 on selection of. See also Scholar-officials

  Okuma Shigenobu

  Old Testament

  Old Text School

  On Art and Literature (Mao Zedong)

  “On the Correct Handling of Contradictions Among the People” (“Let a Hundred Flowers Bloom”) (Mao Zedong)

  On the History of the Song Dynasty (Song lun) (Wang Fuzhi)

  On Inner Party Struggle (Liu Shaoqi)

  On Liberty (John Stuart Mill)

  On New Democracy (Mao Zedong); The Chinese Revolution is Part of the World Revolution; New-Democratic Politics; New-Democratic Economy; New-Democratic Culture; Some Errors on the Question of the Nature of Culture; A National, Scientific, and Mass Culture; The Two-fold Task of the Chinese Revolution and the Chinese Communist Party On Reading [Sima Guang’s] Comprehensive Mirror (Du Tongjian lun) (Wang Fuzhi)

  “On Strength” (Yan Fu)

  One Hundred Flowers Campaign

  One World [of the future] (Kang Youwei)

  “Opera Inspection Teams” (Wenhua ting)

  Opera: popular culture and temples and; ritual and; social context of; marking cultural differences and; moralism in; stylization of; communal values and; Mulian Rescues His Mother and; village. See also Guo Ru Buries His Son; Mulian Rescues His Mother; Village opera


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