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Sources of Chinese Tradition, Volume 2

Page 92

by Wm. Theodore de Bary

  Opium trade; Lin Zexu and; Letter to Queen Victoria on

  Opium War; causes of. See also Letter to Queen Victoria

  Orchid Pavilion Collection preface to (Wang Xizhi)

  The Origin of Species (Charles Darwin); Yan Fu on “Competition” and “Natural Selection” in

  “Original Sounds for a Flourishing Age” (“Shengshi yuanyin”) (Shen Xue)

  “Original substance”: Xiong Shili’s thought and

  Orthodoxy, Neo-Confucian: Lü Liuliang and; revival of, in Qing. See also Orthodoxy, Qing Neo-Confucian

  Orthodoxy, Qing Neo-Confucian: late Ming thought and; civil service examinations and; official and scholarly; Zhu Xi and; book projects and; Ma Xiangbo on Fang Xiaoru and

  Orthodoxy, Zhu Xi. See Orthodoxy, Neo-Confucian

  Our Attitude Toward Modern Western Civilization (Hu Shi)

  Outline of the History of Chinese Philosophy (Zhongguo zhexue shi dagang) (Hu Shi)

  Outline of National Reconstruction

  “An Outline for Studying the New Authoritarianism” (Wu Jiaxiang)

  Ouyang Xiu


  Panchen Lama

  Pantoja, Diego de

  Parallel prose



  Particularism (si)

  Parties, political: Chen Duxiu on Confucianism and; Chen Duxiu on women and

  Past and present: Wang Fuzhi on; Wei Yuan on; Kang Youwei on institutions and; Hu Shi on literary reform and

  Patriotic Church

  “Peach Blossom Spring” (Tao Qian)

  Peasants: anarcho-communism and; capacity for resistance of; Mao Zedong on organization of; Mao Zedong on land redistribution and. See also Agriculture

  Peking Gazette. See Beijing Gazette

  Peng Dehuai

  Peng Shaosheng

  People (min): Lü Liuliang on noble man and; Wei Yuan on interests of; Liang Qichao on relation of the nation to

  People’s communes

  People’s Daily

  The People’s Livelihood (minsheng zhuyi); formulation of, by Sun Yat-sen; The Principle of Livelihood Capital and the State Chiang Kai-shek and

  People’s Report (Minbao)

  People’s Republic of China

  Performance, popular culture and. See Performances, solo

  Performances, solo: genres of; purposes of; literary forms of; popular deities and; instruction and. See also Song of Guo Mountain; Woman Huang Explicates the Diamond Sūtra


  Persian Gulf

  Peter the Great


  “The Philosophy of Life” (Zhang Junmai)

  Platform Sutra [of the Sixth Patriarch]



  “Political Leaders, Artists” (Wang Shiwei)

  Political tutelage (Sun Yat-sen) debate over, Luo Longji’s opposition to, Jiang Tingfu’s support of; Hu Shi’s critique of; Chiang Kai-shek and


  Popular culture; ritual and; elements of, as shared culture; performance and; processions and; temple ceremonies and; ritual specialists and; sai ritual and; communal exorcism and; fire ritual and; domestic ritual and; written texts and

  Population: Chen Hongmou on natural resources and; traditional view of; Hong Liangji on

  Populism, Russian

  Portuguese: China’s early contacts with


  Posters, big character

  Practical learning (solid learning, substantial learning) (shixue); Gu Yanwu on; Evidential Inquiry and; influence of Zhu Xi on; Chen Hongmou and

  Pragmatism; Hu Shi on

  “Pragmatism” (Hu Shi)

  The Precious Scroll on the Lord of the Stove

  Precious scrolls (baojuan)


  Prefectural system (prefectures and districts) (junxian). See Commanderies and prefectures

  “A Preliminary Discussion of Literary Reform” (Hu Shi)

  “Present-Day Religious Thought and Life in China” (Zhao Zichen)

  “The Present-Day Tragedy of Christianity” (Wu Yaozong)

  Press, new: Liang Qichao and; commercial newspapers and; Sino-Japanese War and

  Priests (daoshi)

  Prime minister; Huang Zongxi on; Huang Zongxi on menial position of; Wang Fuzhi on restoration of

  A Primer in Verse (Youxie shi) (Taiping Movement): Praising God; Praising Jesus Christ; Praising Parents; The Imperial Court; The Way of a King; The Way of a Minister; The Way of a Family; Paradise

  The Principle of Democracy (Sun Yat-sen): Separation of Sovereignty and Ability; Four Powers of the People; Five Power Constitution

  Principle(s) (li); Lü Liuliang on; Wang Fuzhi on; Dai Zhen on

  The Principles of the Heavenly Nature (Tianqing Daolishu)

  “Private advantage” (si) A Procession on the Birthday of the Sanzong God

  Processions, popular culture and

  Profit (li); Wei Yuan on governance and

  A Program of National Reconstruction Progress, institutional: Wei Yuan on

  Progress: Kang Youwei on; Liang Qichao on

  Prostitutes: He Zhen on

  Protestantism, modern Chinese; state and; Zhao Zichen and; Wu Yaozong and. See also The Christian Manifesto; “The Present-Day Tragedy of Christianity”; “The Reformation of Christianity”; We, Because of Faith

  Protests from the Study of Jiaobin (Jiaobinlu kangyi) (Feng Guifen)


  Psycho-physical force. See Material force


  Public discussion

  Public opinion

  Qi. See Material force; Psycho-physical force

  Qian Xuantong

  Qianlong emperor

  Qin dynasty

  Qin Shihuangdi. See First Emperor of Qin

  Qing dynasty (1644–1911); Confucianism, Christianity and; Wei Yuan on military system of; defeat of Taipings and; reform and

  Qingyi bao. See The China Discussion

  Qiu Jun

  Qiugulu. See Record of the Search for Antiquities

  Qiyuan (Zhuangzi)

  Qu Anping

  Qu Yuan

  Quan Zuwang

  Quanxue pian. See Exhortation to Learn “The Question of Agricultural Cooperation” (Mao Zedong)

  The Question of Land Redistribution (Mao Zedong)


  Quotations from Chairman Mao Zedong

  Racism, anti-Manchu

  Reader’s Digest

  Reading (Dushu)

  “To Rebel Is Justified” (Mao Zedong)

  Rebellion: Hong Liangji on roots of

  Reconstruction. See “National Reconstruction”; “Reconstruction of the Village Community”; Rural reconstruction “Reconstruction of the Village Community” (Liang Shuming)

  Record of Daily Knowledge (Rizhi lu) (Gu Yanwu)

  Record of Inscriptions on Metal and Stone (Zhao Mingchen)

  Record of Life

  Record of Rites (Liji)

  Record of the Search for Antiquities (Qiu-gulu)(Gu Yanwu)

  Recorded Conversations [of the Neo-Confucians]

  Records of Beliefs Investigated (Kao xinlu) (Cui Shu)

  Records of the Grand Historian (Shiji) (Sima Qian)

  Rectification (zhengfeng) campaigns; Wang Shiwei and

  Red Army

  Red Emperor

  Red Guards

  “A Reevaluation of Confucianism” (Li Zehou); Characteristics of Rites; The Structure of Humaneness; Weak and Strong Points of Confucianism

  The Refining Fire Ritual of Shenze Village, Zhejiang

  “Reform” (bianfa) (Wang Tao)

  Reform Edict of January 29, 1901

  Reform Edicts of 1895 and 1898

  Reform: Gong Zizhen on; late Qing; moral as opposed to technological; Wang Tao on; Hundred Days of; Kang Youwei on institutional change and; Kang Youwei on Grand Commonality and; conservative reactions to, in wake of Sino-Japanese War; selection o
f officials and; Zhu Yixin’s opposition to; Reform Edict of 1901 and; new press and; Chinese writing system and; Liu Shipei on peasantry and. See also Hundred Days Reform; Literary Revolution; New Culture Movement; Self-strengthening

  “Reform and Intellectuals” (Fang Lizhi)

  Reform, literary. See Literary Revolution

  Reformation, Catholic

  “The Reformation of Christianity” (Wu Yaozong)

  Reformers, late Qing

  “Refutation of Han Yu” (Yan Fu)

  Refutation of Lü Liuliang’s Discourses on the Four Books (Bo Lü Liuliang Sishu jiangyi)

  Regulated verse

  Regulations and rules: Yan Fu on, in the West

  “The Relationship Between Politics and Economics” (Yu Qiuli)

  Religion: Ma Xiangbo on state and; Ma Xiangbo on culture and

  Remarks at the Beidaihe Conference (Mao Zedong)


  Ren xue. See The Study of Humanity

  Renaissance (renwen zhuyi)

  Renben xue. See Humanism

  Renewing the People (Xinmin shuo) (Liang Qichao): origin of title of; The Meaning of Renewing the People; On Public Morality; On Progress; “The Consciousness of Rights,”; The Concept of the Nation

  Renewing the People (Xinmin congbao) (journal)

  Renwen zhuyi. See Renaissnace

  Renzong, emperor

  “Report on the First Five-Year Plan for Development of the National Economy of the People’s Republic of China” (Li Fuqun)

  Report on an Investigation of the Hunan Peasant Movement (Mao Zedong)

  Report of the Propaganda Bureau of the Central Committee on the Zhengfeng Reform Movement (Mao Zedong)

  Republic of China

  Republicanism; Tan Sitong’s advocacy of

  Respect for the Guest (Gong Zichen)

  Responsibilities: rights and, according to Liang Qichao

  “Responsibility system” (agricultural)

  Revival (restoration): late Qing

  Revolution of 1911

  “Revolution and Absolutism” (Jiang Tingfu

  Revolution: Zhang Binglin on; Sun Yat-sen on destruction and reconstruction in; receptivity of Chinese to; Mao Zedong on strategy for; Mao Zedong on stages of; liberalism and; Ding Ling on women and. See also Anarchism; Mao Zedong; New Culture Movement

  Ricci, Matteo (Li Madou)

  Rightness (yi)

  Rights (quanli): Liang Qichao on

  Rights, people’s: Zhang Zhidong on; Ye Dehui on

  Rites (ritual, ritual decorum) (li); Lü Liuliang on principles, desires and; Lü Liuliang on ruler and; Zhang Xuecheng on women’s writing and; popular culture and; community and household; specialists and, in popular culture; types of, in popular culture; death and; opera and; theater and; Honored King of Broad Compassion and; Ma Xiangbo on religion and; Li Zehou on

  Rites (Liji)

  Rites Controversy

  Rites of Zhou (Institutes of Zhou) (Zhouli, Zhouguan)

  Ritual. See Rites

  “River Elegy” (Su Xiaokang, Wang Luxiang); main premise of

  Rizhi lu. See Record of Daily Knowledge

  Roberts, Issachar J.

  Roman Empire

  Roman Empire, Eastern

  Romance of the Three Kingdoms (Sanguo zhi yanyi)

  Romanization of Chinese characters; first system of


  Rome (Roman Empire)

  Rong Jian. See “Does China Need an Authoritarian Political System in the Course of Modernization?”

  Rong Lu

  Rousseau, Jean Jacques

  Ruan Yuan

  Rule, dynastic: Huang Zongxi’s critique of; Huang Zongxi on law and; Huang Zongxi on succession and; Huang Zongxi on “ancestral example” and; Lü Liuliang’s critique of; Wang Fuzhi’s critique of; Gu Yanwu on decentralization of; Gu Yanwu on concentration of authority and; Lu Liuliang’s challenge to; Gong Zizhen on reform and; Kang Youwei’s view of ancestral law and; Tan Sitong on; Liang Qichao on nation and

  Ruler and minister: Lu Liuliang on; Wang Fuzhi on; barbarians and; Tan Sitong on

  Rulership: Huang Zongxi on; Huang Zongxi on law and; Lü Liuliang on; parent-child relationship and; Wang Fuzhi on; Wei Yuan on power and

  Rulin waishi. See Unofficial History of the Scholars

  Rural reconstruction: Liang Shuming on

  Russell, Bertrand


  Russian Revolution (Bolshevik Revolution, October Revolution)

  Russo-Japanese War

  Sa Mengwu

  “Sacred Edict,”: background of; content of; lectures on; itinerant storytellers and


  Sage: Gu Yanwu on way of; Wei Yuan on moral norms and


  Sai ritual

  Sakuma Shōzan

  Salt monopoly

  San min zhu yi. See Three People’s Principles

  Sanmin Zhu Yi Youth Corps Sanskrit Sanzong God

  Schall, Johann (Johann Adam Schall von Bell); activities of, at Chinese court Scheidemann, Philipp Scholar-officials: schooling and, in Huang Zongxi; Huang Zongxi on selection of; civil service examinations and; opposition to Christianity of; degradation of, according to Gong Zizhen; Wei Yuan on; Wang Tao on recruitment of

  Scholars: Gu Yanwu’s view of

  Scholarship, classical; Dai Zhen on; Western learning and, according to Nicholas Trigault; self-cultivation and, in Chen Hongmou. See also Evidential Learning

  Schools: Huang Zongxi on; Lü Liuliang on well-fields and; Chen Hongmou on; Zhang Zhidong on; Song Shu on illiteracy and

  Schopenhauer, Arthur

  Science and Democracy (May Fourth Movement)

  Science and the Philosophy of Life (Hu Shi)

  Science and the philosophy of life, debate on (New Culture Movement). See also “The Philosophy of Life”; “Metaphysics and Science”; “A New Concept of the Universe and Life Based on a New Belief’; Science and the Philosophy of Life

  Science, western; literati and, according to Jean-Baptiste Du Halde; Chen Hongmou and; spelling Chinese and; New Culture Movement and; New Confucians on Chinese culture and. See also Science and the Philosophy of Life, debate on

  Script reform. See also “Civilizing”; First Steps in Being Able to Understand at a Glance; “Original Sounds for a Flourishing Age"; Letters for Combining the Sounds of Mandarin

  Scripts, opera

  Selected Philosophical Writings (Feng Youlan)

  “Self cultivation for the governance of men” (xiuji zhiren)

  Self-cultivation, Neo-Confucian: Liu Shaoqi on Communism and

  Self-interest: Huang Zongxi on; the prince and, in Huang Zongxi Selfishness; Liu Shaoqi on sincerity and

  Self-respect: Liu Shaoqi on

  Self-strengthening; Yan Fu on wealth, power and; spelling of Chinese and

  The Sensitivity and Steadfastness of Humaneness (Mou Zongsan)

  Sericulture: scholars and

  Seton Hall University

  “Several Questions in Strengthening and Perfecting the Job Responsibility Systems of Agricultural Production” (Office of the CCP Dehong Dai Nationality and Qingbo Autonomous Zhou Committee)

  Sexual revolution

  Shame: Gu Yanwu on way of the sage and; Gong Zizhen on scholar-officials and

  Shandong Rural Reconstruction Institute

  Shang (Yin) dynasty


  Shanghai Journal (Shenbao)

  Shelley, Percy Bysshe

  Shen Baozhen

  Shen Buhai

  Shen Que

  Shen Xue: universal script and. See also “Original Sounds for a Flourishing Age”

  Shen Yue

  Shenbao. See Shanghai Journal

  Shengwu jixu. See Military History of the Qing Dynasty

  Shengyuan. See Licientiate


  Shi. See Material conditions

  Shi Jing

  Shi Naian

  Shibao. See Eastern Timesr />
  Shiji. See Records of the Grand Historian

  Shimonoseki, Treaty of


  Shitong. See Understanding History

  Shiwu bao (China Progress)

  Should a Head of State Preside Over Religious Ceremonies? (Ma Xiangbo)

  Shu. See Empathy

  Shuihu zhuan. See Water Margin

  Shun, emperor

  Shunzhi emperor

  Shuowen. See Explanation of Writing and Characters

  Siku quanshu. See Complete Library of the Four Treasuries

  The Silent Gourd (Mogu) (Wei Yuan) On Governance; Pursuit of Profit; Institutional Progress in History; Taxation and Merchants; Reform of the Tribute-Rice Transport System; Reform of the Salt Monopoly

  Silk Route

  Sima Qian

  Sima Xiangru

  Sincerity: Liu Shaoqi on

  Singapore. See also Four Dragons

  Single Whip (tax) reform

  Sino-Japanese War (1894–1895)

  Sino-Japanese War (1937–1945)



  Six Arts (liu yi)

  Six Classics

  “The Six Principles of the People’s Report” (Hu Hanmin): Overthrow of the Present Evil Government; Establishment of a Republic; Land Nationalism Sixteen Maxims

  The Sixteen Points: Guidelines for the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution

  Sizhou zhi. See Gazetteer of the Four Continents

  Smith, Adam

  The Social Interpretation of History (Maurice William)

  “The Social Responsibility of Today’s Intellectuals” (Fang Lizhi)

  Socialism; industrialization and

  Socialist spiritual civilization

  Society of Jesus. See Jesuits Society to Promote Constitutional Monarchy

  Sociology: Yan Fu on Spencer and

  Solid Learning. See Practical Learning

  Song dynasty (960–1279 C.E.)

  Song of Guo Mountain

  Song Learning (Song Neo-Confucianism); Dai Zhen’s critique of; Wei Yuan and. See also Evidential Learning

  Song lun. See On the History of the Song Dynasty

  Song Qingling (Madame Sun Yat-sen)

  Song Ruoshen

  Song Shu


  South Korea. See also Four Dragons

  Southeast Asia

  Soviet Union (USSR); Mao on revolution and

  Special Economic Zones

  Specialists, ritual

  Speech Given at the Chinese Communist National Representative Conference (Chen Yun)


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