Sources of Chinese Tradition, Volume 2

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Sources of Chinese Tradition, Volume 2 Page 93

by Wm. Theodore de Bary

  Speech of Response Delivered at the Convocation of September 10, 1982, at Columbia University (Feng Youlan)

  Spelling: Chinese writing and

  Spencer, Herbert; Yan Fu on

  Spengler, Oswald

  Spirit of the Laws (Montesquieu)

  Spirit mediums

  “Spiritual awareness,”

  “Spiritual pollution,”

  Spring and Autumn Annals (Chunqiu)

  Spring and Autumn period (722–481 B.C.E.)

  “Stalin Is Our Commander” (Mao Zedong)

  Stalin, Joseph; Guo Moruo’s ode to


  State: Luo Longji on political tutelage and; Hu Shi on absolute government and

  Statecraft (jingshi); traditional literary basis of; development of; non-Chinese world and; Chen Hongmou and; Wei Yuan on principles of. See also Anthology of Qing

  Statecraft Writings, Preface to; Criteria for Anthology of Qing Statecraft Writings

  Storytellers, itinerant

  Stove god; women and. See also The Precious Scroll on the Lord of the Stove

  A Strange Dream (E meng) (Wang Fuzhi)

  “The Struggle with the Communists Is a Struggle Over Lifestyle” (Jiang Jing-guo)

  Struggle, inner party: Liu Shaoqi on


  The Study of Humanity (Ren xue) (Tan Sitong)

  A Study of Sociology (Herbert Spencer)

  Su Che

  Su Xiaokang

  Su Xun

  Substance (ti)

  Substantial learning. See Practical learning

  Succession, dynastic: Huang Zongxi on

  Suffrage, universal: Mao Zedong on

  Suggestions on Foreign Affairs (Chouyang chuyi) (Xue Fucheng)

  Sun Ding

  Sun Jiagu

  Sun Longji. See also The Deep Structure of Chinese Culture

  Sun Yat-sen; nationalist revolution and; influence of West on; three stage revolutionary plan of; Three People’s Principle’s and; changing view on nationalism of; concept of “hypo-colony” in; structure of government in; economic ideas of; political tutelage in; constitutionalism in; National Assembly and; nature of revolution in. See also The Principle of Democracy; The Three People’s Principles; The Three Stages of Revolution

  Supreme Harmony (Taihe)

  Supreme Ultimate (Taiji)

  Supreme Void (Taixu)

  Suwen (Huangdi neijing suwen)

  Suzhou University

  Synthesis of Books and Illustrations from Past and Present (Gujin tushu jicheng)

  Taihe. See Supreme Harmony

  Taiji. See Supreme Ultimate

  Taiping Heavenly Kingdom (Taiping tianguo): economic program of; organization of society in; land distribution in; community organization and; separation of men and women in

  Taiping Rebellion; origins and course of; theology and faith of; peasant uprisings and; military successes of; Western powers and; internal reasons for failure of; final collapse of; Western influence and; Confucianism and; defeat of, and Manchus

  Taiwan. See also Four Dragons

  Taixu. See Supreme Void

  Tan Sitong; life of; idealism of; repudiation of obligatory relationships in. See also The Study of Humanity

  Tanaka Kakuei

  Tanci (popular performance)

  Tang dynasty (618–906 C.E.)

  Tang Junyi (T’ang Chün-i). See also Manifesto for a Reappraisal of Sinology and the Reconstruction of Chinese Culture

  Tang, King (founder of Shang dynasty)

  Tang Zhen

  Tao Qian

  Taxes: China and the West compared

  Tea trade, Opium War and

  Temples, popular culture and

  Ten Commandments


  Thaw Society

  Theater: ritual and; popular comic dialogues and. See also Attack on Hell

  Theory and practice: Liu Shaoqi on separation of

  The “Thinking Generation,”

  “Thoughts on March 8, 1942” (Ding Ling)

  Three Ages: Kang Youwei on

  Three Bonds. See Three Mainstays

  Three Dynasties; imperial era and, contrasted

  Three Kingdoms period (220–280 C.E.)

  Three Kings

  Three Main Guidelines (Great Learning)

  Three Mainstays (San gang) (Three Bonds)

  The Three People’s Principles (San Min zhuyi) (Sun Yat-sen); background of; China As a Heap of Loose Sand; China As a “Hypo-colony”; Nationalism and Cosmopolitanism; Nationalism and Traditional Morality; people’s livelihood and; Chiang Kai-shek and; Republic of China and; Jiang Jingguo on; Communism and

  Three-Self Movement. See also The Christian Manifesto

  Three Sequences

  The Three Stages of Revolution (Sun Yat-sen): political tutelage in; The Three Phases of National Reconstruction; The Necessity of Popular Tutelage

  Three Treasures

  Tian Feng. See Heaven’s Wing

  Tiananmen Massacre

  Tiananmen Square

  Tianchao tianmu zhidu. See The Land System of the Heavenly Kingdom

  Tianming. See Heaven’s Imperative

  Tianqing Daolishu. See The Principles of the Heavenly Nature

  Tiantiao shu. See The Book of Heavenly Commandments

  Tianzhujiao mingpian. See Clearly Distinguishing the Lord of Heaven Teaching [from Heterodoxy]


  Ting, K.H.. See Ding Guangxun

  Ting, V.K. See Ding Wenjiang

  Tiyonglun (Xiong Shili)

  Tongjian jishi benmo. See Comprehensive Mirror for Aid in Governance Topically Arranged

  Tongmeng hui. See League of Common Alliance

  Tongwen College [for Foreign Languages]

  Tracts (popular religion). See also Twenty-Four Exemplars of Filial Piety

  Trade: Gong Zizhen’s opposition to foreign; Lin Zexu on opium imports and; Liang Qichao on economic competition and

  Trade imbalances, Opium War and

  Translation bureaus

  Translations of Western works

  “Travel Impressions from Europe” (Liang Qichao)

  Treaty ports

  Triangular trade: Opium War and

  Tribute rice: Wei Yuan on reforming transport of

  “Tributes of Yu” (Yugong) (Classic of Documents)

  Trigault, Nicholas

  Trotsky, Leon

  True King (wang)

  The True Meaning of Life (Chen Duxiu)

  The True Meaning of the Lord of Heaven (Matteo Ricci)

  The True Meaning of the Lord of Heaven Preface to (Li Zhizao)

  The True Scripture of the Great Emperor

  The True Story of Ah Q (Lu Xun)

  Tsiang, T.F. See Jiang Tingfu



  Tussaud’s Wax Museum

  Twenty-four Exemplars of Filial Piety (Ershi si xiao)

  Twice-a-Year Tax, 195

  Two Emperors

  Two Treatises on Government (John Locke)

  The Ugly Chinaman (Bo Yang)

  Understanding History (Shitong) (Liu Zhiji)

  Unequal treaties; Chiang Kai-shek on. See also China’s Destiny

  Union Theological Seminary

  Unions, trade

  The Uniqueness of Chinese Philosophy (Mou Zongsan)

  United Front

  United Nations Security Council

  United States

  “Universal System” (Shen Xue)

  Universalism (gong)


  University of Hawaii

  Unofficial History of the Scholars (Rulinwaishi)

  “Uphold the Four Basic Principles” (Deng Xiaoping)

  USSR. See Soviet Union


  Vanderbilt University

  Victoria, Queen. See also Letter to the English Ruler

  Victory of Communism (Li Dazhao)

  Village Lectures; “Sacred Edict” and

sp; Village opera: themes of; scripts of; yangge and; genres of; “Opera Inspection Teams” and

  Vimalikirti Sutra

  Virtue (de): Zhang Xuecheng on historian and; Zhang Xuecheng on writer an

  Voltaire, Francois Marie Arouet de

  Voluntarism: Li Zehou on Maoism, tradition and

  Waiting for the Dawn (Mingyi daifanglu) (Huang Zongxi) On the Prince; On Ministership; On Law; Establishing a Prime Minister; Schools; Selection of Scholar-Officials

  Wang Anshi

  Wang Anyi

  Wang Can

  Wang Fuzhi life and career of; Zhang Zai’s thought and; problems of Ming China and; cosmology of; “revision” of orthodox Neo-Confucianism in; concept of material force in; understanding of history in; distinctions between gentleman and mean man, Chinese and barbarians in

  Wang Gen

  Wang Luxiang

  Wang Mang

  Wang Mingdao; background of; Three-Self Movement and. See also We, Because of Faith

  Wang Shiwei. See “Political Leaders, Artists”; “Wild Lily”

  Wang Sitong

  Wang Tao; journalism and. See also “Reform”

  Wang Xianqian

  Wang Xizhe

  Wang Xizhi

  Wang Yangming; Li Zehou on Mao and

  Wang Yangming and Mao (Li Zehou)

  Wang Yangming school

  Wang Zhao

  Wang Zhen

  Wanli emperor


  Warring States period (479–221 B.C.E.)

  Wars of the Roses

  Waseda University

  Water Margin (Shuihu zhuan) (Shi Naian)

  The Way; Wang Fuzhi on; Gong Zizhen on “guests” and; instruments and; Western institutions and, according to Kang Youwei

  “The Way of Confucius and Modern Life” (Chen Duxiu)

  Way of Governance

  Way of the Grand Commonality of Complete Peace and Equality. See Grand Commonality

  Way of the Sages: Kang Youwei on change

  Wealth of Nations (Adam Smith)

  Wealth and power [for the state] (fuqiang): Wei Yuan on

  Wei Jingsheng. See also Democracy or New Dictatorship; The Fifth Modernization

  Wei Shou

  Wei Yuan; role of scholar-official in; ideas on governance of; governance and profit in; institutional progress in; tribute rice transport and salt monopoly in; statecraft publications of. See also Anthology of Qing Statecraft Writings; Anthology of Qing Statecraft Writings, preface to; Criteria for Anthology of Qing Statecraft Writings; Illustrated Gazetteer of the Maritime Countries; Military History of the Qing Dynasty, preface to; The Silent Gourd

  Wei Zhongxian


  Well-field system

  Wen, King (Zhou dynasty)

  Wendi (Emperor Wen) (Han dynasty)

  Wenshi tongyi (Zhang Xuecheng)

  The West: Gong Zizhen on resistance to; tributary relations and; earliest Chinese publications on; Wei Yuan on policy toward; Taiping movement and; China’s inadequacies and; Xue Fucheng on Chinese imitation of; Yan Fu on; Yan Fu on rules, regulations and; China’s superiority to; New Culture Movement and; controversy over Chinese culture and, in New Culture Movement; Liang Shuming on Chinese culture and; Hu Shi in defense of; New Confucian critique of; New Confucians on Eastern thought and. See also The New Culture Movement

  Western barbarians: Wei Yuan on

  Western Jin dynasty (265–316 C.E.)

  Western learning; Han learning and; Nicholas Trigault on Chinese literati and; divisions of, according to Feng Guifen; Feng Guifen on Chinese ethics, Confucian teachings and; sending Chinese abroad and; “Chinese learning for substance, Western learning for function,”; Yan Fu’s view of; Kang Youwei’s pursuit of; Reform Edict of 1901 on; Eastern Times and. See also New Culture Movement; Reform; Science, Western

  Westernization; Lin Zexu on warfare and; Hu Shi and; Chiang Kai-shek and; Fang Lizhi on

  Whampoa Military Academy

  What Have Song Shuo, Lu Ping, and Peng Peiyun Done in the Cultural Revolution? What Kind of Political System Do We

  Want? (Luo Longji)

  What Women Should Know About Communism (He Zhen)

  White Lotus sectarianism

  “Why China Has No Science” (Feng Youlan)

  Widow chastity: Chen Duxiu on

  “Wild Lily” (Wang Shiwei)

  Will of Dr. Sun Yat-sen

  William, Maurice

  Wilson, Woodrow

  Wisconsin, University of

  Wolf (Wolff), Christian von

  Woman Huang Explicates the Diamond Sutra

  Women: Taiping movement and; Chen Duxiu on Confucianism and; He Zhen’s radical critique of tradition and; He Zhen on marriage and; polygamy and; rights and; Ding Ling on revolution and; marriage and divorce and, in Chinese Communist Party; post-Mao era and gains of. See also “Women’s Learning”

  Women’s Analects (Nu lunyu)

  Women’s Classic of Filial Piety (Nu xiaojing)

  “Women’s Learning” (Zhang Xuecheng)

  Women’s liberation; He Zhen on

  Women’s Revenge, (He Zhen)


  World Council of Churches

  World War I; Yan Fu and

  Writing, Chinese: Dai Zhen on. See also Script reform

  Wu Dao

  Wu, Emperor (Han)

  Wu Han. See Hai Rui Dismissed from Office; “Hai Rui Scolds the Emperor”

  Wu Jianren

  Wu Jiaxiang. See “An Outline for Studying the New Authoritarianism”

  Wu Jingxiong: background of. See also Beyond East and West; The Lotus and the Mud

  Wu, John C.H. (Jingxiong)

  Wu, King (Zhou dynasty)

  Wu Peifu

  Wu Sangui

  Wu Yaozong (Y.T. Wu); Three-Self Movement and; background of. See also The Christian Manifesto; “The Present-Day Tragedy of Christianity”; “The Reformation of Christianity”

  Wu Zhihui. See also “A New Concept of the Universe and Life Based on a New Belief”

  Xia dynasty

  Xian. See District

  Xiangsheng (popular comic dialogues)

  Xie Gaoyu

  Xin. See Mind-and-heart

  Xin Jiashun

  Xin qingnian. See The New Youth

  Xinmin congbao. See Renewing the People

  Xinmin shuo. See Renewing the People

  Xiong Shili; philosophy of; philosophy of “original substance” in; “cosmos of life” in. See Tiyonglun

  Xiru ermu zi. See Aid to the Eyes and Ears of Western Literati

  Xiyou ji. See Journey to the West

  Xizi qiji. See Miracle of Western Letters Xu Fuguan. See also Manifesto for a Reappraisal of Sinology and the Reconstruction of Chinese Culture

  Xu Guangqi. See also A Memorial in Defense of the [Western] Teaching

  Xu Jie

  Xu Zhongyu

  Xue Fucheng

  Xue Fucheng: reformism of; commerce and reform in; Chinese imitation of West in

  Xunhuan ribao:



  Yama (King of Hell)

  Yamen clerks

  Yan Fu; translations by; career of; political views of; Darwin, Spencer and; Western evaluation of other races in; view of nomads and agrarian peoples in; nature of Western peoples in

  Yan Gao

  Yan Jiaqi. See “How China Can Become Prosperous”

  Yan Roju

  Yan Yuan

  Yan’an Forum on Literature and Art

  Yang Changji

  Yang Guangxian; critique of Christianity in. See also I Cannot Do Otherwise

  Yang Tingyun

  Yang Xiuqing

  Yang Yingju

  Yang Zhu

  Yangge (popular opera)


  Yanjing University

  Yao, emperor

  Ye Dehui

  The Yellow Book (Huang shu) (Wang Fuzhi)

  Yellow Emperor

Yellow River; flooding of

  Yellow River Delta: “River Elegy” on

  Yi Yin

  Yijing. See Classic of Changes

  Yili. See [Classic of] Etiquette and Ceremonies

  Yimu liaoran chujie. See First Steps in Being Able to Understand at a Glance

  Yin dynasty. See Shang dynasty

  Yin Jishan

  Yin and yang

  Yingchao tongchou quanjuzhe. See Comprehensive Consideration of the Whole Situation

  Yongle emperor

  Yongzheng emperor

  Youth Corps. See Sanmin Zhu Yi Youth Corps

  Yu, King (founder of Xia dynasty)

  Yu Qiuli

  Yu Yue

  Yuan dynasty (1279–1368)

  Yuan Mei

  Yuan shan. See Inquiry Into Goodness

  Yuan Shikai

  Zaitian. See Guangxu Emperor

  Zeng Guofan

  Zeng Jing, rebellion of

  Zeng Lian

  Zengzi Zhan Ruoshui

  Zhang Binglin; revolutionary nationalism of. See also Letter Opposing Kang Youwei’s Views on Revolution

  Zhang Boxing

  Zhang Dongsun

  Zhang Fei

  Zhang Junmai (Carsun Chang). See also Manifesto for a Reappraisal of Sinology and the Reconstruction of Chinese Culture; “The Philosophy of Life”

  Zhang Juzheng

  Zhang Taiyan (Zhang Binglin)

  Zhang Xianzhong

  Zhang Xingyao: reconciliation of Confucianism and Christianity in

  See also An Examination of the Similarities and Differences Between the Lord of Heaven Teaching [Christianity] and the Teaching of the Confucian Scholars

  Zhang Xuecheng; study of history and; Song Learning and; women’s learning and; virtue and the historian in; virtue and the writer in

  Zhang You

  Zhang Zai

  Zhang Zhidong; reform and; state, doctrine, and race in. See also Exhortation to Learn Zhang Zuolin

  Zhao Zichen (T.C. Zhao); life and career of. See also “Present-Day Religious Thought and Life in China”

  Zhen. See Equilibrium

  Zheng Kangcheng. See Zheng Xuan

  Zheng Qiao

  Zheng Xuan (Zheng Kangcheng)

  Zhengfeng. See Rectification campaigns

  Zhengmeng. See Discipline for Beginners



  Zhou, Duke of (Zhou Gong)

  Zhou Dunyi

  Zhou dynasty (B.C.E.)

  Zhou dynasty, Western (B.C.E.)

  Zhou Enlai

  Zhou, King (last ruler of the Shang dynasty)

  Zhou Wenjun

  Zhoubi [suanjing]

  Zhu Xi; tablet of, established in Confucian temple; East Asian school curriculum and; Village Lectures and; statecraft and


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