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Protecting What's His (To Love and Defend Book 1)

Page 6

by Daniella Starre

  “Do you know who your alpha is?” she demanded. “The kind of werewolf he is? He takes and takes and takes. He steals. He cheats. He thinks that the world owes him something. It doesn’t. You don’t either. He’s not an alpha. Not a true one. Sure, he's strong. Sure, he’s powerful. But he can’t lead. He shouldn’t lead.”

  The faces, each one, surveyed her indifferently. That is if the werewolf would even look her in the eye.

  Alexis’ stomach twisted into knots of anger and frustration. She would not allow Melvin to win the day.

  Each one of the werewolves Melvin had brought were males, strong and powerful just as he was. Only a few had wives. Most had girlfriends.

  She cleared her throat and plunged ahead. “Do you know he drugged and raped me? Repeatedly. He violated me, humiliated me. He showed me a complete lack of respect. If you won’t stand with me against him, fine. That’s your choice, but just know who it is you’re siding with. Melvin isn’t an alpha. He’s an arrogant asshole who deserves nothing. Not your loyalty, not your strength, not your devotion. Nothing at all.”

  The werewolves said nothing.

  The sounds of the banging from the skirmish downstairs halted. Alexis nearly swallowed her heart as she raced down the stairs. Her stomach, more specifically her uterus, didn’t appreciate the brisk, harsh movement, but she didn’t slow down.

  The living room and dining room looked as if a tornado had swept through, but neither of the werewolves were in sight. A peek out the front windows didn’t reveal them, so she rushed through the kitchen to the backyard.

  Under the glistening moonlight, two wolves tore at each other. This was the first time she’d seen Jasper in his wolf form, and she hesitated, watching as his golden claws sliced through the air toward Melvin. Jasper was a beautiful, sleek dark gray wolf, larger and powerfully built. Melvin was a decent enough looking wolf, she supposed. Just the sight of Melvin, human or wolf, left her disgusted and dismayed.

  A fierce protectiveness washed over her. Despite giving birth, strength filled Alexis. Jasper would not fight alone.

  Hair sprouted over her arms. Her teeth grew, sharpening, lengthening into canine's canines. She dropped down to all four as her body continued to shift, the sensation both pleasurable and painful. Within seconds, her wolf had been unleashed, and she, in turn, unleashed herself at Melvin.

  Werewolves valued the biggest, the strongest, the more powerful… and the most terrifying. Melvin was all four. Whether or not he still wanted her, after Alexis dug her claws deep into his hindquarters, Melvin snapped at her. His teeth just missed snapping her leg in half.

  She darted back, already out of breath. Was she bleeding? The stench of blood was assaulting her nose. Or did the blood she was smelling originate from Jasper? Melvin didn't appear wounded, as powerful and ruthless as ever. He swatted at Jasper and blocked Alexis with his other front paw. The asshole alpha rose onto his hind legs, forcing her up too. Stretching herself out like that wasn't a good idea. Blood drained from her face, all the way down her body.

  A swift backhand from Melvin sent Jasper flying, and Melvin turned his attention to her. He almost gently lowered her to the ground, touching her far more flirtatiously. He even bowed to her and laid his legs over her neck, something mating wolves tended to do.

  Oh, hell no.

  Before her anger could reach a boiling point, her body traitorous and slow, his nose pressed into her private area. The sight of her blood on his nose sickened her, and she rolled over to stand and get away.

  Bad decision. Melvin mounted her but only for a second. Then he was gone.

  Alexis rolled over to see Jasper roaring and tearing into Melvin as if possessed or rabid. She started over toward them, ready to rejoin the fight, but the other werewolves exited the house, all in wolf form. They formed a circle around her.

  Shit. Had they decided to join the fight after all? So far, they hadn't partaken in it, merely observing. Which suited her fine. If they wouldn't fight with her, she'd prefer they not fight at all rather than alongside Melvin.

  But would they fight her? Yes, she had left them, and yes, she had not been close with any of them, a fact she was certain Melvin had deliberately perpetuated.

  A long moment passed. Howls, grunts, snapping jaws, whimpers… the sounds of the battle drove her crazy.

  The werewolves stared down at her. She was too anxious and worried to read their expressions. None looked ready to fight her, which was good. Now, if they would just get out of her way…

  She darted to the side to try to squeeze past two, but then they came to life. Instead of wolf statues, they snapped at her. Time and again, she tried to break free of the circular prison they formed around her but to no avail.

  They weren't entering the fight, which was good.

  But they had removed her from the fight, which was absolutely terrible.

  Adrian Hawkins was leading the charge, but he and the others weren’t trying to hurt her, merely keep her back. Her frustration and anger were growing, and she was almost ready to snap at them, to hurt them.

  If anything happened to Jasper, she would never forgive herself. True, the idea of leaving him had torn her apart, but she would rather live a thousand miles away than be the reason for his death.

  Desperation seized her. She backed up as much as the circle would allow and tried to run and leap. Her body couldn't handle it. She couldn't burst free.

  Broken, sore, bruised, bleeding, spent from giving birth and from the bit of fighting she'd already done, Alexis collapsed. At least all of the werewolves were here. If the moon was somewhat kind, Mandy had managed to flee unscathed with the baby.

  Tears streamed down Alexis' face, and she threw back her head and howled. She would rather die than be with Melvin, but it wasn't just about her anymore. It was about Jasper and the baby too.

  Jasper would never win by himself. He needed assistance and more than just hers.

  Melvin's pack didn't have an alpha female, not yet, and his actions toward her highly suggested that he hadn't chosen one in her absence. He still wanted her. She hardly considered herself the most beautiful of werewolves. Not even close. She truly suspected Melvin's actions to be motivated purely because of her rejection. Because she did not desire him, he wanted her all the more. No one had ever taught him that no meant no and needed to be respected. Jasper would drill it into Melvin's head if he could and if Melvin didn't kill Jasper first.

  She stood on all fours and held her head up high. She and Jasper had talked about this, about possibly moving away again, of maybe forming their own pack, just the three of them to start with. Which made her an alpha female already.

  If she could convince these werewolves to submit to her, maybe they would fight after all.

  Maybe they would all manage to live.

  Except for Melvin. If anyone should die this night, by the moon, let it be Melvin.


  Jasper had been in his share of battles over the years. All werewolves fought and trained and fought some more. It was in their nature to struggle for dominance, to wish to be the biggest, the strongest. Power and strength were all they needed. Some looked down on love, thinking it weak.

  They were wrong.

  When Melvin landed a blow, Jasper never stayed down for long. He thought about the small baby snuggling against Alexis' chest, and he could get up and find the urge to fight some more. When he wound up for a blow, Jasper used the power of his love for Alexis to make that swipe that much stronger.

  Alexis had fought at first too, but now, the other werewolves were barricading her. That suited Jasper just fine. He hardly thought she should be fighting immediately after birth. Don't worry, Alexis. I got this.

  The sight of Melvin trying to take advantage of Alexis right in front of him also fueled Jasper. He was a ball of rage, anger, disgust, and hatred. Jasper never thought himself a werewolf capable of so much revulsion and loathing. He'd thought wrong.

  Melvin swiped Jasper right on the snou
t, but Jasper took that blow easily and rewarded the asshole with a bite that came down so hard, a snap sounded out. Blood filled Jasper's mouth, and he spat it out right into Melvin's face.

  The asshole didn't appreciate that at all. He reared up onto his hind legs and crashed down onto Jasper's back. Jasper rolled to the side, Melvin still on top of him, and kicked the asshole up and over him. Melvin's face landed in the dirt.

  Jasper now jumped onto Melvin's back. His claws dug into Melvin's neck. Just a little more pressure and—

  No. With his good paw, Melvin reached up and dug his claws deep into Jasper's hand with enough force to detach Jasper from him. Melvin twisted around and tried to slice at Jasper, but Jasper wouldn't have it. He just slashed himself, knocking Melvin's paws away until finally, Jasper gripped Melvin's throat. He put all of his weight behind it, hoping to suffocate the alpha, but Melvin was too strong. With the brunt of his good arm, Melvin knocked Jasper's hold completely free. Only because Melvin then immediately trapped an arm and a leg and then hip thrusted did he manage to knock Jasper off.

  The back of Jasper's head connected with a rock. He lay there, dazed for only a moment before twisted around and standing.

  To his shock and horror, Melvin was running away. The other werewolves trailed behind him. At least Melvin was limping badly. A trail of blood would make it easy to follow them, but Jasper had other concerns. If killing Melvin had to wait, so be it. All that truly mattered was Alexis. His love and duty to her, his fierce need to protect her all dictated that he worried about her first. Love and life over death and revenge. As furious, frustrated and disgusted as he was over Melvin's acts, he would never leave Alexis behind to kill another.

  Jasper rushed over to Alexis' side. Even as a werewolf, she looked a little pale. He shifted to human form, and only then did he realize just how bruised and broken and sore he was himself. Werewolves tended to heal far quicker than humans, but for now, he was in agony.

  Despite his soreness, he kneeled and brushed Alexis' fur. She trembled beneath him, and her body slowly reverted to her human form. He cradled her in his arms, lifted her light, supple body, and brought her into the house. She pointed to the couch, and he laid her there, leaving her side to clean the tub again before bathing her. Once her wounds were tended to and bandaged, he dressed her and moved her to the bed. At this point, he was ready to drop, but he handed her a phone, so she could contact Mandy. They needed their daughter.

  Dragging himself along, Jasper forced himself to shower and then tend to his own wounds. Naked, body still dripping yet, he collapsed onto the bed.

  "Easy," Alexis chided, brushing his hair back from his eyes. "Don't hurt yourself."

  "Are you all right?" he asked, worried. "I didn't mean to bounce the bed."

  "I'm fine. We're fine. Mandy's on her way."

  "Melvin might come back," he said. "We should pack."

  He moved to sit up, but she grabbed his wrist and shook her head.

  "Relax," she murmured.

  "I can't. He's alive. He's a threat against you, against the baby… What if he comes back and tries to kidnap her? Or you? You both? No. I should go and…"

  Alexis handed him her phone. A graphic picture of Melvin dead greeted him.

  "Either he died of his wounds or the others finished him off," she said softly. "We don't have to run. We can settle here or back in Detroit or anywhere we want. We're fine. We're safe. We're good."

  Jasper brushed the tears from her face and kissed her deeply. He had protected his love and his baby, and now, his life could truly start.


  A year later, Alexis sat at their dining room table, flipping through a scrapbook of possible wedding ideas she'd put together.

  "What about this?" she asked, pointing to a fall color scheme. "An early November wedding might be nice."

  "I still say we could've eloped right away," Jasper whispered. He kissed her shoulder.

  She grinned at him. "We could've, but we're here. We're in the pack. We can't just elope. That wouldn't be right."

  After everything with Melvin, life had finally settled down. As much as Alexis had enjoyed being with her girlfriends, she had come to love Detroit. All along, she hadn't wanted to take Jasper away from his pack, from his roots. They moved back to Detroit. Now that Melvin was no longer a threat to her or anyone around her, Alexis was more than willing to open her eyes to joining his pack, and once they married, she'd be a full member.

  That the werewolves from her old pack hadn't come back to seek out Jasper to be alpha for killing theirs proved one of them handled it. Fine by her. Maybe she'd never forged a lot of lasting bonds with them because she hadn't been with her true pack yet. Yes, she was joining Jasper's pack, but truly, he was her pack. He and her baby girl.

  A knock at the door had Alexis closing the scrapbook. She patted Jasper's shoulder on her way to answer the door. Planning the wedding was taking some time, but why rush? They knew they loved each other and wanted to spend the rest of their lives together. With Melvin out of the picture, the moon willing, they would live until one hundred and fifty or even longer. Being married for an entire century was not outside the realm of possibility for werewolves, and she desperately hoped that to be their future.

  Mandy stood there, holding up a bag. From the smell of it, she'd brought with her Coney dogs for dinner.

  "Lisa's down for her nap," Alexis said. "Don't let her sleep for much longer than an hour, or else she'll be up all night. There's food for her in the fridge."

  Mandy laughed. Tall, striking, Mandy wouldn’t be single for long once she was ready to start dating again.

  "I know the deal even though you've only let me babysit her two times. She's one now. You can go out on dates more often, you know."

  "Which is why we're leaving." Jasper walked up behind Alexi and put his hand on the small of her back.

  A tiny thrill shot through her straight to her core. Even the simplest little touch could send her reeling.

  "Thanks, Mandy," Jasper said, giving her a one-armed hug.

  "Thank you," Alexis echoed, hugging her friend.

  "Stay out as long as you two want," Mandy said, wagging her eyebrows suggestively. "Hell, get a hotel room and spend the night. I don't care. I have no big plans tomorrow."

  Alexis glanced up at Jasper. He was grinning broadly.

  "I'll let you know," Alexis said.

  "We'll be back tomorrow. Around noon. That all right?" Jasper asked.

  Alexis was certain her face had to be bright red. "Jasper!"

  Mandy was laughing as she shooed them out the door. "Noon sounds good, but you better bring me lunch then!"

  "That we can do," Jasper promised.

  She waved to Mandy, and they were out the door.

  "So, where exactly are we going?" Alexis asked as she climbed into his car.

  "The Marriott in the Renaissance Center. Did you know it's the second tallest hotel in the Western Hemisphere?"

  Alexis burst out laughing. "So we're just going to the hotel room?"

  He glanced over at her, his green eyes hooded and full of love. "Whether or not we leave the hotel room is entirely up to you, my dear. We can mate like rabbits, or we can go to a casino. We can order some chocolate-covered strawberries that I can feed you, or we can go out to a restaurant. Anything you want."

  "But after you have me," she whispered, dying for him to take her right this very second.

  "Or you have me," he winked.

  She reached over and rubbed his thigh before letting her hand slip.

  "So hard," she murmured, stroking him gently through his pants.

  He groaned.

  It didn't take long for them to arrive, and Alexis couldn't look away from his bulge as they entered the hotel. If anyone else saw, she didn't care. She loved Jasper. She was his, and he was hers. They might not technically be married yet, but that would change soon. They would have the rest of their lives together.

  Jasper handled securin
g their reservations, and he guided her to the elevator. Alexis didn't even bother to glance around at the interior. She was too focused on the tightness of his pants over his erection. Her tongue darted out, and she licked her lips.

  Jasper groaned softly and winked at her. The elevator was full, or else she would've started already. Her body was humming with anxious desire and heady arousal.

  Once they finally reached her floor, Jasper grabbed her hand. Laughing, they rushed to the door. Jasper tried to kiss her and unlock the door at the same time, but he dropped the key.

  Laughing even harder now, Alexis grabbed the key. Her other hand wandered to his belt as she successfully unlocked the door.

  Jasper propelled her inside and kicked the door shut. His hands roved over her body, his lips moving against hers. Their tongues dueled, and she pulled away just long enough to remove her dress.

  Now she was naked. She'd hoped for a bit of action and planned accordingly. Jasper's green eyes lit up with admiration as he palmed her breasts. His thumbs encircled her pebbled nipples, and she all but purred.

  Not to be undone, she unbuttoned his shirt slowly, kissing or licking or nibbling each inch of exposed skin. Eventually, she reached his six-pack, and she licked his hard ridges.

  "Fuck," Jasper growled. His fingers wound through her hair, and he tilted his head back, eyes closed.

  "That's precisely what I'm going to do to you," she said coyly.

  Her fingers expertly worked on his belt, and she unbuttoned and unzipped his pants. His cock jumped out at her, and she kissed the tip, licking a drop of pre-cum.

  "Someone's excited," she murmured.

  "You can say that again." His grip on her hair tightened.

  She gripped his length, loving just how thick he was, and stroked a few times before taking him into her mouth inch by inch. Jasper applied the faintest pressure against the back of her head, and she complied, eagerly deep throating him. Back and forth, she bobbed, growing as horny and wet as he was hard.


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