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Owned By The Bear: BBW Billionaire Bear Shifter Romance Standalone

Page 6

by Natalie Kristen

  Rachel blinked. “You...bought those for me?”

  Wyatt nodded. “Yep. And I'm pretty sure I got your size right,” he said confidently.

  She opened her mouth then shut it again. Wyatt Lawson was the Beta of the Silvertip clan, the Vice-Chairman of the Silver Group. He was a billionaire, a mover and shaker in Ursa Springs. Of course he would be able to get designer clothes delivered to his doorstep with a snap of his fingers.

  “I...t-thank you, it''ll go get dressed now. Please...excuse me...” she stammered and inched off the bed, still clutching the covers to her chest.

  Wyatt looked on amused. He leaned back against the pillows and laced his hands behind his head.

  “You're not going to drag the bed covers with you into the bathroom, are you?” he teased.

  “What? No, I...well, yes, if I have to...” Rachel shook her head and huffed. “You did that on purpose.”

  “What? What did I do?” Wyatt feigned a look of innocence.

  “You put the clothes far out of my reach. So you can watch me walk across the room stark naked,” she snapped, narrowing her eyes at him.

  He didn't bother defending himself. He just grinned at her, the same impish, victorious grin that Mikey gave her whenever he'd successfully pulled a particularly sneaky, ingenious prank on her.

  Rachel blew out an exasperated breath. Then she laughed.

  She'd thought that she had just one little boy to deal with. Now it seemed she had a big burly boy on her hands as well.

  No, not a boy.

  A man.

  A very handsome, confident, powerful man who had the most devastating, boyish grin and the most sinful, sexy body. He was all male, all man and all bear. But beneath his smoldering good looks and rakish charm, she saw the intelligent, astute man. Wyatt was an alpha bear, but he was caring, gentle protective. He was dominant but not overbearing. He could anticipate her wants and needs, and he took care of her without making her feel weak and inadequate. In fact, she'd never felt more beautiful and confident. So confident that she could parade naked in front of him with her head held high.

  Dropping the covers to the floor, she turned and sauntered to the chair and picked up her clothes. She bent down slowly, giving him a clear, unobstructed view of her ample rump.

  She smirked when she heard him suck in a ragged breath. She glanced over her shoulder and saw the burning, feral look in his eyes. His claws sliced out and she heard a low, dangerous growl rumble from his throat. Snatching up her clothes, she let out a squeal as he lurched from the bed, his eyes locked on her. He was a predator, but she wasn't going to be his prey.

  Racing to the bathroom, she slammed the door shut and locked it. The heavy door shuddered as Wyatt's shoulder crashed against it.

  She could hear Wyatt breathing heavily on the other side of the door. But he didn't attempt to open the door. Rachel yanked her clothes on at top speed, and backed away from the bathroom door. After a while, she heard Wyatt chuckle softly and whisper, “Temptress.”

  He was just playing with her.

  Rachel rolled up her sleeves and stalked towards the door. Oh, she could hear the big bad bear chortling to himself at having tricked her.

  Well, she would show him that Mama bear wasn't so easily fooled. She'd had enough experience dealing with a mischievous, quick-witted six-year-old. She would show the cheeky bear what she did to naughty boys.

  Throwing the bathroom door wide open, Rachel marched out and gave Wyatt the death stare. He stopped laughing immediately but he didn't wipe the smirk off his face.

  “You look very nice,” he said, letting his eyes roam down her curvy body. “Very, very nice,” he declared appreciatively.

  “Thank you,” she said stiffly. “You.” She pointed at him. “Come here. Right now.”

  He shook his head. “No.”

  “No?” Her voice carried a note of warning.

  “No.” He folded his arms across his chest. He was wearing only a pair of sweatpants, and he looked infuriatingly sexy. His physique was toned and muscular, and his skin had a healthy, golden tan. He looked like he spent his days at the beach rather than in the boardroom of the Silver Group.

  Wyatt peered at her and made a face. “You look like you're planning to do something to me. Something nasty. So I'm going to back away slowly and get away from you as quickly as I can.” He flashed her a grin and the thumbs-up. “Sounds like a plan.”

  “You! You won't be escaping from me, Wyatt Lawson. I'm not letting you get away,” she snarled and flew at him. “I won't let you go!”

  Wyatt caught her in his arms and twisted round so that he cushioned her fall as they crashed to the carpet.

  Pressing her writhing body down beneath his, he pinned her hands on either side of her head and laced his fingers through hers.

  “I was hoping you'd say that,” he whispered, his breath hot on her neck.

  She was blinking and panting hard, fully aware of his erection pressing between her legs.

  “What?” she muttered, feeling his heat invade her body and igniting her lust. She arched her back, pressing her breasts into his bare, muscular chest. She wanted to feel him against her, inside her, beside her all the time. He was holding her down, but the way he held her was loving, possessive, sensual.

  “Say what?” she repeated, blinking up at him in confusion. “What did I say?”

  “You said that you're not letting me get away, that you wouldn't let me go.”

  Rachel made a small sound in her throat as she grasped his meaning.


  “I won't let you go either, Rachel,” Wyatt said, staring intently into her eyes. I...can't.”

  “Wyatt...” she began shakily.

  He silenced her with a deep, searing kiss. Their fingers were interlaced as he pressed her hands down on the carpet and took her in a consuming, demanding, possessive kiss, the kind of kiss that told her without words that she meant something to him. Something really special. What they shared wasn't just sex. There was a connection, a commitment, a bond.

  As their labored breaths intermingled, Wyatt gave her one last lingering kiss and touched his forehead to hers. His next words made her breath catch and her heart stutter.

  “I love you and Mikey. Marry me, Rachel!”


  “Be careful, Mikey,” Rachel called out, as Mikey hung himself upside down from the monkey bars.

  “Look, Mom! No hands!” he squealed.

  She rushed to catch him, but he laughed and swung himself up again. Rachel gave him a disapproving look and raised a finger in warning. Mikey knew that look. It meant that if he didn't behave himself, they were going right home.

  “I'll be careful, Mom,” he said, running to her to give her a hug. “Don't worry, okay.”

  She sighed and ruffled his hair. He was such a sweetheart, and she tended to worry too much. “I just don't want you to get hurt,” she said, giving him a quick kiss before he could squirm out of her arms.

  “I won't. I'm strong!” He grinned and flexed his muscles at her before scampering off.

  Rachel strolled towards a park bench as she watched him clamber onto the slide, clutching his two teddy bears in his hands. He had insisted on taking those two stuffed toys to the park with him. Wyatt had bought those teddy bears just a few days ago, but already there was snot, saliva and sand in their gleaming, golden fur. But Mikey seemed to love them. They sat with him at the breakfast table, went to the bathroom with him and now, they were zigzagging down the slide with him.

  Rachel smiled as she watch her son play. Breathing in a lungful of fresh air, she sat down and looked around the park.

  The park was empty even though it was a lovely, sunny morning. It was a weekday, and most of the kids were in school and the adults were at work. She had informed Mikey's school that Mikey would be traveling to Ursa Springs to attend his aunt's wedding and she had taken a week off from work. It was really nice to just spend a relaxing day out in the sun with M
ikey. Every weekday from nine to five, she would be cooped up in her small cubicle in the office. Taking a nice, long walk and watching her son play in the park was a luxury.

  Wyatt had wanted to come with them, but an urgent call from the office had come through just as they were leaving the house. In Nate's absence, Wyatt held the reins of the Silver Group as its Acting Chairman. Rachel had seen a deep crease appear on his forehead as he spoke rapidly into the phone. He began to pace as he spoke, and he kept looking at his watch. Whatever matter had cropped up at the office was evidently time sensitive.

  Once he ended the call, Rachel had gone to him and told him that she would like to spend the day with Mikey and explore the town on her own. “You're a very busy man,” she'd told Wyatt. “You have responsibilities. You're in charge of the Silver Group and your clan. You don't have to babysit us. I can find my way around just fine. I won't go far. I'll take Mikey to the park, and visit some of the shops in town. You can give me a call and check on me later if you're worried. But you have nothing to worry about. Now go.”


  “But nothing,” she'd said firmly. “Tell you what. You go on and do whatever you need to do, and in the evening, come meet us in town. We can meet up for dinner. Ruby said there's a great fish and chips place that we have to try.”

  “Ah, Neptune's Corner. She would say that,” Wyatt had answered with a smile. “That's where Nate took her on their first date.”

  “ so sweet!”

  By that, she wasn't referring to Nate. She was referring to Wyatt. He could actually remember such a tiny, romantic detail. It showed that he listened, and he cared. The flippant, playboy persona was just a facade. He was sweet, sensitive, smart, and he loved his family. Rachel could see that clearly, and if she had suspected that she was beginning to fall in love with him, she could now lay all her doubts and suspicions to rest. She wasn't just falling. She had leaped right off the cliff and was plummeting headlong into love with him, free-falling without a parachute.

  The realization scared her, and she knew she needed some quiet time away from him to sort out her thoughts and feelings.

  She hadn't given Wyatt an answer.

  He had proposed to her that morning, but she just couldn't find the words to answer.

  Her body screamed yes! Her brain yelled no! And her heart lurched and pounded so hard against her chest she thought she was having a damn heart attack.

  In the end, she could only manage to stammer, “I...I need to think about it.”

  Wyatt had nodded in understanding. “Of course...” But he couldn't hide the disappointment and nervousness in his eyes.

  He really wanted her to say yes, to marry him.

  But...could she say yes? Could this really work?

  This—this was just a fantasy, a dreamy, romantic holiday fantasy. This was just a break from the grind and routine of their daily lives.

  After this week, she would be going back to the city with Mikey. And he would be out partying and picking up women, women younger and more beautiful than her.

  That was reality.

  This was a dream.

  Nevertheless, she was immensely grateful to him. He had spiced up her holiday, and he had taken very good care of them. Wyatt had been the perfect host, a dream lover, a wonderful distraction from the rush and stresses of her daily life.


  Rachel closed her eyes and tilted her head back. She heard his words clearly in her head.

  I love you and Mikey.

  She had no doubt that he was telling the truth. He did love them. It showed in his eyes, his smile, his actions. He genuinely cared for them and loved them.


  But, but, but!

  Rachel pressed both fists to her forehead. Again with the buts!

  She swallowed painfully and balled her fists tighter. She couldn't be a fool again. Once upon a time, she had said yes to a man. She had said yes with tears in her eyes, and notions of a happy ever after floating in her young, girly head. She had gotten engaged to Andy, and had even gone to pick out a puffy wedding dress. She felt like a princess, and while she knew she wouldn't be living in a castle with Andy, she'd thought that she would have his babies, build a cozy, loving family with him and grow old with him. Well, she did have his baby, and she did build a loving little family. But she'd done it all on her own. He wasn't there for them, and he wouldn't be growing old with her. She would be doing that on her own as well.

  Could she say yes to Wyatt?

  It was a big risk, not just for her, but for Mikey as well. She was making a decision for both Mikey and herself. She couldn't risk Mikey's happiness. What if Wyatt grew bored with them? Would he kick them both to the curb? Her little boy's heart would be broken. And she would never forgive herself.

  Rachel let out a long, shaky sigh and opened her eyes. Mikey was still tearing around the playground, pretending to be a bear on a rampage. He roared and gamboled into a flock of pigeons who were just minding their own business pecking at the dirt on the ground. He roared and squealed as the birds scattered, flapping noisily into the air. Rachel watched the pigeons flutter off into the trees, and stood up to stretch her legs.

  She strolled a little distance away from the playground and reveled in the warm sunshine. The sounds of nature were all around her. Leaves rustled in the breeze, and she could hear birds and insects cooing and chirping. Cautiously, Rachel walked towards the cluster of trees. It seemed the forest had been cleared and pushed back to build the park and the playground. Behind the first line of trees, she could see the forest thicken and grow darker and denser.

  There was a single shrill bird call, and then all the sounds seemed to ebb away. Everything seemed to have gone deathly quiet. Even the leaves seemed to have stopped swishing and whispering.

  Rachel tensed and whirled round. Her eyes widened as she ran towards the playground.

  The playground was empty. The swings creaked in the breeze and she saw the two teddy bears lying at the bottom of the slide, but Mikey was nowhere to be seen.

  Panic seized her.

  Where was he?

  “Mikey!” she yelled, running wildly through the playground. “Mikey! Where are you?”

  She spun round in a circle, staring at the empty swings, the slide and the monkey bars. He was just here an instant ago, gleefully chasing the pigeons into the trees.

  Rachel ran towards the trees surrounding the playground, and shouted, “Mikey! Answer me! I'm not playing hide and seek with you! You come out this instant! You hear me?”

  She heard a small sound like a gasp. It sounded like Mikey. She spun round but saw no one.

  “It's not funny,” she warned, trying to keep the tremor out of her voice. “Don't make me come after you, Mikey. Come out right now!”

  She tapped her foot against a twig. “I'm waiting...”

  There was another sound. This time it sounded like a whimper. Rachel froze and unfolded her arms slowly. “Mikey?” she called out, squinting between the trees. “Is that you, honey? Where are you? Are you hurt? Baby, answer me.”

  But there was no answer. Rachel glanced back at the empty playground. She could see Mikey's small footprints in the sand. They were leading towards the trees, right into the forest.

  Something must have caught his attention and he had run into the forest after it. And now he couldn't find his way back out.

  “Mikey!” she yelled as she stumbled forward.

  She caught a flash of Mikey's bright orange t-shirt between the trees. With a gasp, Rachel hurtled after that streak of orange, pushing her legs to go faster as she ran deeper and deeper into the forest.

  The canopy was getting denser and less sunlight was filtering through the leaves. Perhaps it was a trick of the light. Maybe she was seeing and imagining things in her panic and desperation. But it seemed that as soon as she spied that orange t-shirt in the distance, it would disappear and reappear at a spot even further from her.

  It seemed to be lead
ing her on, tricking her, taunting her.

  “Mikey...” she wheezed, tripping over a tree root. She was out of breath, but she refused to stop. She had to get to her son.

  She picked herself up but froze when she heard a low, menacing growl.

  Another growl, and this time it sounded nearer.

  In fact, the sound came from right behind her.

  Rachel spun round and choked down a scream.


  A whole pack of them.

  The large coyotes stepped out of the shadows and prowled around her. Their greenish-yellow eyes glowed as they snarled and fanned out around her.


  Rachel pressed her fist to her mouth, her eyes round with terror when she saw Mikey in the jaws of a huge, slavering coyote.

  “No, please don't hurt him,” she rasped. “Baby, don't move. You'll be fine,” she put out her hands and spoke to Mikey in a steady voice. “Don't move, Mikey. still. Mommy is here. I won't let them hurt you,” she spoke slowly, reassuringly even though her blood had turned to ice in her veins.

  The coyote threw Mikey to the ground and put a heavy paw on the boy to hold him in place. Rachel scanned Mikey's body and exhaled a shuddering breath when she saw no visible injuries on his body. He wasn't hurt...yet.

  As she met the coyote's glowing eyes, the beast bared its teeth and shifted into human form before she could even blink. A brawny man with gray hair and cold, green-yellow eyes stood over Mikey. The man had one heavy foot the size of Mikey's entire torso on Mikey's back, and Rachel knew that he could kill the little boy just by lifting that sledgehammer of a foot and stomping on him. Or he could give a swift kick to Mikey's head and fracture his skull.

  The coyote shifter literally had her son's life under his foot.

  “P-please, please let him go,” Rachel whispered, looking straight into the werecoyote's flinty eyes. “Please let my son go. He's just a little boy. Don't hurt my son, please.”


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