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Page 7

by Mia Watts

  Kei lifted a brow, but kept his silence.

  “It’s like a ménage thing. I heard about those. Don’t know why she’d hook up with a bunch of losers like you. Unless she’s vegetarian and doesn’t eat meat,” Leo said, framing his cock between his hands.

  Kei gave him a disapproving once over, letting Leo see the disgust in his eyes before he left Leo behind, too. Once clear of the building, Kei called the suite. “Hey, Jaxon,” he said when Jaxon picked up the line. “Parker needs to pretend like she’s leaving for awhile. Leo’s staking out the hallway for her. Tell her she’ll have to sneak in for the next few days.”

  Once Jaxon agreed, Kei dropped his cell into his satchel, ducked his head against the blustering October wind and trudged toward the bus stop. The room had become chaotic, and more than anything, he needed some peace to think. That used to be the library, but the library was too close to Eckland and Parker.

  Bus breaks hissed compressed air, and he climbed the ridged steps. Gears squeaked as the bus moved on, and Kei took lurching steps to the nearest available seat. The greenery rolled with the hills, tight on either side of the road as mile stretched into mile then broke for the short trip through town. The bus was nearly empty when it stopped at the Botanical Gardens.

  Kei flashed his student identification for the clerk and headed for the enclosed atrium he sought. Perfectly sculpted, a Japanese garden opened up beyond. His soul sighed, finding comfort in the trickling of water and organized paths through the grounds.

  His grandfather had told him that even if you knew where you were ultimately headed, it was the journey that centered the spirit. Planned specifically for meditation, the paths wound around, then over a small decorative bridge and took him further into the beauty of Asian horticulture.

  Finally, he reached the modest stone bench in the center of the cherry blossoms. They were in full bloom. Kei put his satchel on the ground and lay back on the stone bench. Sakura. It’s what he’d called Parker. There were no coincidences in life, and that this endearment had come naturally to him, made him wonder which meaning his subconscious had meant to convey.

  His mother’s Japanese heritage and his father’s Chinese heritage used the cherry blossom as a symbol for different things. They diverged drastically. So was it the Chinese interpretation of feminine beauty, sexuality, and power he saw, or the Japanese idea of mortality and great beauty followed by quick death?

  There was truth in both. Parker touched intense passion in him, made him long to possess her in ways he didn’t understand. She certainly had beauty and sexuality. Given his innate response to her, he also recognized her power over him.

  She touched his heart with sadness. That his time with her held flashes of perfection with the promise of an abrupt end. Was her heart transient? Would he fall in love with her, giving himself to her completely, then be left with nothing more than a shadow of her love when her interest burned out?

  A blossom drifted peacefully to his stomach. He picked it up, held it carefully in his hand, brought it to his face and inhaled. What would Grandfather say about his irresistible need to be with her?

  The timing couldn’t be worse. The distraction could affect his future, his family’s honor. Oh, it wasn’t the same as it had been generations ago, but he did owe his ancestors at least the recognition of his place in the family.

  Parker was neither Japanese nor Chinese. Parker had the power to draw him from his roots and his studies with equal abandon. And though he’d kept himself from consummation with her in an accepted fashion, he’d taken her from behind as a balm to his need. He wanted so much more.

  Did she?

  Perhaps he concerned himself in vain because she enjoyed the freedom of several sexual partners. She had allowed herself to be taken. Like a siren, she was one who could collect men if she wished. Hadn’t Leo been interested as well? Would she let him sample her? Did she care so little for herself that she’d take anyone to her bed?

  Even as he thought it, he rejected it. She had taken the others at his urging. She had followed his direction and trusted him with her body, and he had given her to the others. He ached in his stupidity of sharing her. She challenged him; it’s why he’d done it. He’d known from the moment he’d come to the dorm and seen her with his roommates that she had something important.

  It was the surrender in her steady gaze when she’d taken his mouth that had begun his fall into the unknown. He knew then that she was either his to claim or his to cast off.

  Was her heart as marked as his? Was he merely a challenge she’d conquer and then discard? Was her power, beauty, sexuality lasting or surviving only a short time before it died like the cherry blossom?

  “How do I know, Grandfather?” Kei asked the trees.

  Chapter Seven

  Parker took the hoodie out of her backpack and kept her bright hair hidden as she tugged a baseball cap then the obscuring hood over her head. Putting on a pair of sunglasses and jamming her hands into the front pocket pouch, she slouch-walked to the dorm.

  She made it through the side door without incident. Two doors and she’d be home free. Kei hadn’t been kidding. Leo had their room in his sights constantly. It had taken a lot of creative effort to get in and out of the building during the past several days. Once, she’d had to hop out of the first floor window to avoid him. Between the five of them, though, they had the dorm pretty well scoped out.

  Unfortunately, Leo had also decided that Parker aka Penny was easy. Almost without fail, he’d find her in the student commons at lunch to suggest they hook up for hot sex. The few times she’d had other people with her from classes, she’d had to explain that she’d turned him down for a date and he couldn’t take no for an answer. Generally, she just hoped they ignored him.

  She reached for the knob when she heard Leo’s bright greeting.

  “Parker! Hey, Parker, can we talk?”

  She barely glanced to the side. He needed to know she heard him, before she blew Leo off without an answer. Let him think Parker the guy was an asshole, so long as he left her the hell alone.

  Parker pushed through the door easily. Jaxon must have whipped it open from the other side, because he stood there with an anxious smile on his face.

  “Fuck,” Leo muttered. “Parker, damn it!”

  Jaxon slammed the door behind her. She bolted it, puffing an exhale at the close timing.

  “Jesus, he’s persistent,” he said.

  “No shit. He won’t even leave Penny alone,” Parker added.

  “You think he suspects?”

  “No. His ego is too big to believe Penny won’t go for him, and he’s too stupid to believe guy Parker won’t talk to him,” Parker said.

  The door vibrated beneath Leo’s fist. “Parker! Open this damn door.”

  Parker and Jaxon exchanged a look of concern. Jaxon cleared his throat and disguised his voice. “Fuck off, Leo.”

  A resounding thump coming from what would be on level with Leo’s foot had her jumping away.

  “Kei!” she said, suddenly seeing him.

  He’d sprawled out on his bed with a book on his lap. “Yeah, hi.”

  “Where’ve you been? I haven’t seen you in days,” she said.

  “What do you mean? I sleep here.”

  “You’d hardly know it,” she said.

  “Are you keeping track?” he asked, looking at her seriously.

  Parker shrugged. She’d missed him. He’d been avoiding the room. She didn’t think it was a disagreement with the other guys. She thought it related to her. Since they’d all had sex, he’d been distant. Since she and Henry had had sex, he’d all but disappeared.

  Dan threw a pillow at her from his perch on the top bunk. “Shut up! I’m trying to sleep.” Then sitting suddenly, he said, “Unless you want to have sex again?”

  She did. If Kei participated. The guys made her feel hot and eager, but Kei just did it for her. Dan’s gaze encompassed all three of his roommates. Parker looked to Kei who’d resu
med studying. She shrugged, not willing to commit if he wouldn’t.

  Jaxon came up behind her and settled his hands on her waist. “I’d like to,” he said.

  Dan swung off the top bunk. “I’m always ready.”

  No shit.

  “Kei?” she asked, hoping to God he said yes.

  “I’ve got a mid-term paper due next week,” he said. “I don’t have time for sex.”

  “Don’t have— Don’t have time for sex?” Dan asked in disbelief. “How do you not have time for sex? That’s inhuman!”

  Kei sighed. “I like to think outside the cock.”

  Jaxon snorted. “A whole new business paradigm.”

  “I’ll remember to put that in my dissertation. I bet the professor never thought of sex as a monopolized venture,” Parker teased.

  She left Jaxon. As she approached Kei, she unzipped her hoodie, letting it fall to the floor. After knocking off the hat, she wiggled out of her white cotton shirt, and stood at his left knee. “Come play, Kei,” she murmured.

  Kei’s heated look traveled over her, lingering on her lace covered breasts. “I’ll watch this time.”

  She unsnapped the front closure and shrugged off her bra. Then lowering a knee between his thighs, she rested her hands on his shoulders.

  He tilted his head back, meeting her gaze.

  “What does sakura mean?” she whispered, wrapping his hair in her hand the way he had wrapped hers once.

  “Cherry blossom.” Kei extended a finger and lightly tapped her nipple twice. “The center of the flower is the same color as this.”

  The taps felt like sharp jolts, and her nipple responded by puckering for more. “Cherry blossom,” she repeated softly. “I like that.”

  Jaxon pressed his hips into her ass. She couldn’t miss the hard ridge in his pants, and Kei didn’t miss the slow slide of his hands on her belly. Kei’s expression flickered.

  “Will you play?” she asked Kei.

  Jaxon continued his petting upward, cupping her breasts. He groaned into the crown of her head when he found her tightly pinched peaks. He rolled them and Parker couldn’t deny that it sent a pleasant tingle to ready her pussy.

  “Looks like you’re doing fine without me,” Kei murmured.

  “I want you…to join,” she said, stalling when Jaxon caught the outer rim of her ear with his teeth.

  Jaxon inhaled sharply and jerked his head around. “Dan, get your hand off my hole. I don’t let dudes back there.”

  “How do you know if you’ve never tried it?” Dan countered.

  “I’m not interested in finding out,” he answered.

  “How do you feel about blow jobs?” Dan asked.

  “Like I want my dick implanted in Parker’s pussy. So, not likely.”

  “Kei?” Dan asked, hopefully.

  “Hell, no.”

  “Didn’t stop you last time,” Dan pointed out.

  “Last time, I wasn’t given a choice.”

  “You still came.”

  Kei’s eyes met Parker’s. “Last time my mind was on Parker, not you.”

  “So think about Parker again, if that gets your rocks off. Fuck, let her suck you off, just leave your backdoor unlocked and I’ll take care of the clean up,” Dan said.

  “Still no,” Kei murmured.

  “No to letting me taste you?” Parker asked.

  Jaxon undid her pants, pushed them down her legs. His dark fingers slid inside her matching lace panties, one thick finger penetrating her cunt and hooking inside. Parker caught her bottom lip, trying to stifle the cry that lodged in her throat.

  Kei’s heavy lidded gaze watched Jaxon finger fuck her, seemed fascinated by the barely obscured digit appearing and disappearing deep into her pussy. It made her hot and achy when Kei’s nostrils flared as though catching the scent of her arousal, and he licked his lips.

  Jaxon extracted his finger, dragged it wetly up her body to tease her nipples. “I’m going to fuck you so hard that you scream when you come,” he murmured against her ear.

  Her eyes were on Kei, watching his expressions as Jaxon spoke. Dan undressed, slowly as though she were paying attention to him. She wasn’t. Her eyes were for Kei only.

  Kei reached for her pussy, pressed the side of his hand forcefully between her legs. Lace scratched erotically on her distended clit and she swallowed an unintelligible cry.

  He smiled then, seeing what his touch did to her. “Ride it, Sakura.”

  Tentatively, Parker flexed her hips. Lace applied with the pressure of his hand abraded her clit. With a whimper, her head fell back on Jaxon as she thrust her hips forward over and over, taking her pleasure on Kei’s hand.

  “That’s it, Sakura. Find it. Take it. Wet me with your sweet cream.” Kei’s voice rumbled over her senses.

  “Fuck, that’s hot,” Jaxon breathed.

  He bit her at the curve of her neck and shoulder, rolling and twisting her nipples as Parker’s cries escalated beyond her caring. She bucked hard and fast. Her body seeped, moistening her inner thighs and, she was sure, Kei’s hand. She would have been embarrassed, but she was so close.

  Her mind closed on a solid focal point of black. It committed her to no-exit path to ecstasy with Kei’s praise at the end destination. She fucked his hand for him, for her, for the pure and simple reason that reason was neither pure nor simple, it just was. She fucked him, rasping her clit to pleasure, unable to stop because it was his hand, his voice murmuring for her to continue. Her channel pulled rhythmically, emptily, and her scream, when it came, was as much for the lack of his raging cock as it was for the crisp, searing flush that broke and shook her pussy.

  “Goddamn, that was fucktastic,” Dan crowed.

  When she was able to open her eyes again, she searched out Kei’s face. He took his hand from her, held it up to show how wet she’d made him. With a sly smile, he leaned back, flicked open his jean button and fly. He reached inside and began stroking the hidden bulge with firm tugs.

  “Fuck!” Dan whined. “I want to see that shit.” Dan, already naked, leaked pre-cum. He swiftly yanked Kei’s pants and underwear down to his thighs.

  Parker could have kissed Dan for that.

  Kei didn’t miss a moment of his rhythm. He fucked his creamed fist. Dan swore, fixated on Kei’s thick, golden cock and frantically tugged his dick in time with Kei.

  Behind her, she heard wrapper tearing and the jangle of Jaxon’s belt. Parker stripped her panties and propped her foot on the edge of the bed. When Jaxon nudged her pussy, she tipped her hips back to receive him.

  She, like Dan, couldn’t tear her eyes off Kei. Jaxon pounded into her, on a mission of his own. Kei’s eyes slitted opened, found hers, and the thick shuddering moan that he gave nearly had her coming again.

  Jaxon pressed his hand on her back, forcing her to bend at the waist. He grabbed her hips and fucked her hard from behind. The new position brought his cock into perfect contact with her swollen inner flesh.

  Her body bounced with each thrust. Jaxon’s balls hit her labia with soft pats on wet flesh. Parker clasped Kei’s thighs for support. Her body contracted tightly, ready to release, but she held herself off, imagining Kei’s voice when he told her she couldn’t come.

  Suddenly, Kei moaned, thick spurts erupting from his cock and Parker couldn’t hold back any longer. Thinking of Kei spurting inside her pussy, she keened through the answering spasms, clenching on Jaxon’s cock so tightly that Jaxon shouted, stiffened and came, too.

  “Oh, yeah! Oh, yeah!” Dan said, jerking is cock and rolling his balls. He hobbled to Kei’s side, spurting over Kei’s cock and hand.

  “Dan! Jesus Christ!” Kei swore.

  “Oh, yeah! I needed that. Fuck, man, we gotta jerk off together more often,” Dan said.

  “Dan?” Jaxon asked, a chuckle in his voice.


  “Have you ever considered you might be gay?”

  “Fuck you. I’m not gay. I dig chicks. Can’t get enough pussy. C’m
ere, Parker, I’ll eat your pussy clean for you,” Dan protested.

  “I don’t think that proves your case. My pussy still has cock in it,” she said.

  Jaxon, Kei and Parker laughed. Dan blushed.

  “I just like sex, is all,” Dan muttered.

  “No questions there, pal,” Jaxon said. He slipped free of Parker. He pulled up his pants, hanging onto them with one hand while he drifted to the bathroom. Dan followed, continuing his protest about his orientation. “Dude, no one cares. Just don’t pretend to like pussy when you can’t get enough cock.”

  Dan sputtered.

  Parker sat down beside Kei. He took off his shirt and wiped his belly and penis. Tossing his soiled shirt onto a pile of dirty clothes, he laid back against his pillows. He hadn’t closed up his pants, but his beautiful penis had been tucked into his boxer briefs. They were red.

  Red suits him, she thought.

  She laid a hand on his stomach. When he didn’t move, she leaned down and kissed a spot below his sternum. The muscles flexed. Kei sank his fingers into the back of her hair, massaged the scalp as though he wasn’t sure he should pull her away or press her closer. She hoped the fact that she was still naked made his mind up for him.

  She scraped the edge of her teeth on a ridge of muscle. Kei inhaled sharply. His fingers tightened in her hair. Parker watched him to see what he’d do when she leaned her bare breast into his side.

  Kei’s hand drifted from the middle of her back to her shoulder. Gently tugging, he moved her up his body, her face hovering above his. Kei loosed her hair, cupped her face in his hands. She tried to close the distance, but his hold was rigid. He shook his head, barely moving.

  Her chest ached with the need to kiss him, have the right to hold him. Kissing you would eclipse my soul. He’d said that to her. Did he still feel that way?

  “I’ll give it back,” she promised quietly.

  “Give what back?”

  “Your soul,” she answered. His eyes narrowed thoughtfully. Yes, he remembers.

  “It’s what I fear.” He stroked her cheekbone with the edge of his thumb. “Souls are meant to be lost, Sakura. But the freedom is in the willful giving of one’s spirit, not in the eclipsing of the soul with the fruits of the body.”


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