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Page 8

by Mia Watts

  “You talk in riddles,” Parker said.

  “Yet you understand,” he said, quiet confidence in his voice.

  Parker ran her hands up his body. “Not if it means I can’t have you.”

  “Would you have me if you couldn’t be sure I wished to be had?” he asked.

  “More riddles.”

  “Listen,” he said. “You must listen. You know the answers already, but I’m just discovering them for myself. You have the confidence of several women. You weave the sensual spell of many sirens. Stop hearing the outward noise, and listen to what should be.”

  “You make it sound like I’m nothing but a sexual vessel. I have a mind, and I know my mind. Why can’t you take a chance that maybe I’m worth getting to know?”

  “Parker, I’ve never been in doubt that you’re worth knowing. I’m in doubt about whether I’m worthy of you.”

  Her throat felt tight from the tenderness in his words. Kei tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

  “I want you,” he said, his voice smoky. “I want you more than I’ve wanted anyone, and it’s important that I separate my physical desire for you from my emotional interest. Checking my motives, making sure I know the consequences is far more important than the satisfaction of my libido.”

  “So until you work it out, you want me to keep fucking these guys?” she asked desperately.

  “God, I love the way you say that word.”


  “Fuck,” he murmured, sharpening the k sound on the end.

  “Fuck,” she repeated as quietly. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.” She nipped the heel of his hand. “Fuck me, Kei.”

  “God.” Kei caught her legs and straddled her over his body, then pulled her down against his chest, nestling her head under his chin.

  He smoothed his hand down her back. He didn’t stop at her ass, but slid lower between her legs. Parker squirmed higher, wanting to encourage his touch on her pussy. He obliged, pushed his fingers into her swollen cunt. She whimpered into his neck.

  She lifted her hips when he tried to reach the front of her body. His nimble fingers circled her clit from the front and held steady in her channel from the back. Parker tried to turn his face to hers. He kissed her temple, instead.

  Parker found his nipples and rubbed them with increasing enthusiasm as fire built in her from the tips of his fingers.

  “I feel you. Your body is nearing.” His fingers twitched inside her so she couldn’t miss which part of her was giving away her secret.

  “Again?” Jaxon asked.

  “Yeah, they’ve been talking poetic shit for a while. I was gonna go to the gym until he stuck his fingers in her pussy. Fucking fine asshole, she has. Wait. Did that sound gay?” Dan asked suddenly.

  Kei’s hands left her. Parker groaned and shot Dan a glare.

  “Yeah, kinda did, jerkface. Can you keep the play by play down next time? At least until I get off?” she asked.

  “Woman, we just got you off. Twice. Get over it,” Dan snarked.

  “I think she’s looking for a little Asian flavor.” Jaxon and Dan hooted, bumped fists.

  “You’re both morons,” she said, climbing off Kei.

  Parker needed a shower after the lust fest anyway, so she found a pair of clean underwear and took her clothes into the bathroom with her. Her jeans’ pocket buzzed. Retrieving it, she noticed it was a campus number and put the phone to her ear.


  “Parker? This is Lillian from Housing.”

  “Oh, hi.” A rush of mixed feelings swirled in her gut. “What can I do for you?”

  “Did you find alternate housing all right?” Lillian asked.

  “Uh,” she glanced toward the other room. “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Oh, that’s wonderful! Well, then, you may not need to know that there’s an opening for you in Lygate Hall next week.”

  Her mind raced with thoughts of leaving her boys behind. Of seeing only Kei after she left. Of the risk she and the guys took by keeping her at Eckland. Of Leo making waves and getting them all kicked out of the program.

  “Actually, my situation is temporary. When can I move in?” Parker answered. Maybe if she didn’t have all four guys around, Kei would come see her, and they could figure out where they stood with each other.

  “Perfect timing! Isn’t that funny how things work out?” Lillian gushed.

  “Yes, yes it is.” Funny, erotic, crazy. Any of those would work.

  “The current student will be clearing out next Wednesday. Can you be ready to move in Thursday morning?”

  “I’ll be ready.”

  “Come by my office and sign the new paperwork. I’ll get you all set up, then it’s over! Easy peasy.”

  “Easy peasy,” she repeated. All over. God, why did that scare her to death?

  Chapter Eight

  “We’ve never done a study session in your dorm. Let’s meet there tomorrow,” Abby said.

  “Yeah!” Jana chimed in.

  “That’s not a good idea,” Parker advised. “My roommates don’t appreciate visitors.”

  “You’re roommates sound like control freaks.” Abby rolled her eyes. “They probably never let you have guys over, either.”

  “Ah, no. That’s not one of their hang-ups. Guys are always around,” Parker said, grinning.

  “Weird. Let’s just meet back in the library or stay in the lecture hall after class. I don’t think there’s anyone in there when ours is over,” Jana commented.


  Parker glanced to see Leo loping down the library steps toward them. “Shit.”

  “You got that right,” Abby said. “Why can’t he take a hint that you’re not interested?”

  “Why can’t he get your name right?” Jana said.

  Parker’s eyes widened. “Shh. Don’t correct him. The last thing I need is for him to know who I am and do something like look me up,” Parker admonished.

  “Oh, right.” Abby nodded and made a zipping motion across her lips.

  “Hey, Penny, how they hangin’?”

  “Really, genius? You’re going to open with that?” Jana asked sarcastically.

  He shrugged. “Just an expression.”

  “What did you think she was going to answer? Low and wide?” Jana asked.

  “Leo, I’m busy,” Parker said, hopping in to keep Leo’s scowl from becoming nasty words directed at her friend.

  “You’re always busy.” Leo sidled closer.

  “She’s busy for the rest of time,” Abby said.

  “She gets busy and I want in on it,” Leo snapped.

  “Excuse me?” Parker asked.

  Despite the protest, her face heated. She didn’t know Abby and Jana well, but she knew them well enough to care what they thought. Before moving into Eckland, Parker would have been shocked to hear about someone having sex with four men. She’d have assumed the girl was a slut.

  Maybe she was a slut. She didn’t feel like one, but then she was looking at her situation from the inside out, with all the tangled up emotions that went with caring about each of them.

  Did Kei think she was a slut?

  She shook the thought. It had been creeping up on her since the day she’d first accepted sex with anyone other than him. He seemed to enjoy it. She knew she did. But she wanted him inside her more than the others. She wanted his lips on hers and his arms around her. Every day that passed without him made her question whether or not she had thrown away the chance at happiness with Kei for the experience of a ménage.

  “C’mon, Penny. I know your little secret. You might say you’re dating Henry, but I’ve heard the orgy sounds going on in that room and they don’t all sound like Henry. I just want in on that action. Invite your friends,” he said, sending a wink to Abby and Jana.

  “Bastard!” Jana growled. “Piss off before I call campus security.” She whipped out her cell phone and started dialing.

  Leo put up his hands in surrender. “No need to get a
ll threatening.” He took a few steps back. “Penny, think about it and call me. You know where I live.” He grinned knowingly as he backed away.

  “Oh my God! What a prick! I’m so sorry you have to deal with this guy. You really need to report him for harassment,” Abby said.

  “Believe me, I will.” It might be a report to the guys, but she really didn’t have a leg to stand on. If anyone looked into his claims, they’d only find out they were true and that she lived with the guys, not visited. All five of them would be out of the program. If she could just hold out a little longer, just put up with him for a few more days until she moved into the female dorm, she could pursue a complaint.

  “I can’t believe you didn’t take a swing at him,” Jana said, shaking her head. “Seriously, I almost did it for you.”

  Parker put her hand on Jana’s arm. “Thanks. I’m glad you two were here. He’s been aggressive with me, and I shudder to think what he’d have tried if I’d been alone.”

  “Hey, if you want an escort to and from your dorm, just say the word. In fact, don’t say it. One of us will walk with you until the University takes action against him,” Abby decided.

  Panic tightened Parker’s chest. Walk her from her dorm? And where exactly would she find the time to run around campus to her fictional dorm between every class? It was part miracle that she’d managed to put them off this long, but the more they got to know each other, the harder it became to dodge the question about where she lived.

  In the most recent conversation, she’d said Lygate Hall, and then hedged about the room when Abby mentioned a mutual friend of theirs in the same building.

  “I refuse to live my life protected. Thank you for the offer,” Parker said, hoping they dropped the subject.

  They walked toward the housing area of campus as they talked. No sign of Leo even after they crossed the street dividing the two areas. Parker relaxed, enjoying the unseasonably warm weather. She thought about digging out the hoodie and decided to put it off a little while longer. The walking path diverged and Abby and Jana headed away from her.

  “Remember, we’ll meet in the lecture hall tomorrow,” Abby said.

  Parker nodded and waved.

  “Hey, Parker,” Jana yelled back.


  “Bring your laptop this time,” Jana said, grinning with an inside joke.

  Parker laughed and headed toward Eckland. She turned the corner of the nearest building and pulled her hoodie from her backpack, preparing to put it on. Leo popped into view and fell into step beside her.

  “Get lost, Leo,” Parker said, stopping so as not to go any farther toward her destination and his.

  Leo grabbed her arm. “I think we should keep going, Parker.”

  Oh, shit! “Parker?” she asked. Her mouth went dry.

  “If your bitch friend hadn’t given it away, I’d still know from that stupid hoodie.”

  “My hoodie? Get real. Everyone has a hoodie,” Parker reasoned.

  “Not everyone has a hoodie with red-lined pockets and a frayed orange drawstring.”

  “I borrowed it. I’ll tell Henry you’re looking for it, though.” Parker shrugged, hoping he believed the misdirection.

  She thought she caught a flash of indecision. Leo frowned. She windmilled her arm to break his hold.

  “Just what do you think is going on here?” she asked.

  “You’ve been shacking up at Eckland and fucking everything you come in contact with,” he accused.

  “Really? Because first, ow. And second, since when would Housing allow me to live in an all male dorm?” Parker found her verbal footing and stuck.

  He rolled his shoulders uncertainly. “I dunno, but you are.”

  “Is that the college genius equivalent of I’m rubber and you’re glue? Because that kind of logic is astounding. They give you a degree in Compulsive Stupidity?”

  Pain radiated from her right cheek, numbed her eye socket and exploded in her brain as her head jerked roughly to the side and her hair flew across her vision. Her ears rang. “What the fuck?” she asked, automatically holding her head in her hands. The throbbing started and she distantly realized he’d hit her. Hard. “Asshole!”

  “I’m not stupid. I was in the scholarship program until your boy toys fucked it up for me.”

  “Until you fucked it up for you,” she snapped, watching his body language to make sure he didn’t surprise her with another slap. Parker stepped away. Leo closed in. “Fuck off, or I start screaming.”

  “I’ve heard you scream. I’ve heard you whimper,” Leo said smugly. “When Henry wasn’t even in the dorm room. I already know you like to fuck. I also know you like to fuck loudly.”

  A branch scratched Parker’s arm, snagged the hoodie she held. Distractedly, she tugged at it. Looking down was preferable to looking at the crazy in Leo’s eyes.

  “So how does it work, Parker? Do they pay you?”

  “Fuck you.”

  Leo pushed her shoulder surprisingly hard and Parker stumbled backward into the bush. He followed, loosening his belt as he did. “It’s my turn for some candy. You won’t complain. Most chicks see my cock and they weep for joy.”

  “Because it’s invisible?” she sparred. Her head still rang causing her to squint against the low, late day sunlight. The guys would be expecting her soon, wouldn’t they? They’d taken to looking out for her, but she’d told them she’d be studying. Still, if she could dial the room and tell them Leo had her trapped in the unmanicured area of trees beside Eckland, they’d come looking for her.

  “See, here’s the thing. You can bitch and moan all you want, but I know the truth. You’ve been living with those assholes. The best I can figure, things got messed up with your name being all generic. What you don’t know is that you and your boys are in a shit load of trouble if I tell Housing and report you.”

  Leo finished undoing his belt, knocked her down and pinned her to the underbrush. Her bag with her phone dropped out of reach.

  “Fucking get off me,” she said, her voice shaking.

  “Or what?”

  She squirmed, finding renewed panic when she felt the ridge of his erection hard on her belly. Parker slapped at him ineffectually. Calm down. Think, she told herself. You have three brothers. You know what to do.

  Parker relaxed abruptly. She lay back against the ground and smiled, hoping it looked sincere.

  “I thought so. You’re nothing but a whore, aren’t you?”

  Parker bit her bottom lip suggestively. “I’ve always kind of thought you were hot. And you’re right,” she said forcing the words past the bile in her throat. “I like sex. No more hitting. I’ll give it to you however you want, okay baby?”

  Leo smiled, settled his hips on her and sank against her body. “I knew it.”

  She raised her arms.

  Leo grabbed her wrists and squeezed.

  “I want to touch you,” she purred.

  Letting her go, he shoved his hand to his cock, freeing it, and began tugging on her pants. Parker stroked his cheeks as she kissed him, trying hard to maintain her presence of mind from fracturing into a thousand panicked thoughts. He kissed her back, enthusiastically, and Parker made her move.

  She slid her thumbs forward into his eye sockets and pressed. Leo screamed. He clawed at his face and rolled away, behaving purely on instinct. Parker grabbed her hoodie and backpack as she ran from the treed area.

  Blood roared in her ears. Her breath sounded loud and unnatural, but she raced for the front doors and tore through the lobby, straight for room one-oh-nine. Parker slammed the room door behind her, closed her eyes, dropped her head back and tried to listen through the pounding of her pulse, the rage of breathing which seemed to overshadow every other instinct to keep fleeing.

  She heard him. His clumsy stomping feet and his roar could have been the roar of an angry bear. It preceded his quickened steps, and she half expected him to pound and kick on the door as he did last time. What she didn’t expec
t was the oil slick intensity of oozing false sincerity he managed to project through the old dormitory door.

  “Parker,” he cooed.

  She shivered, almost more fearful of this Leo.

  “Parker, open up. You seem to have forgotten the kind of influence I have around here.”

  Her panting had dried her lips, and she licked them. She knew her voice wouldn’t yet be stable so she didn’t bother to talk.

  Not that she knew what to say, anyway. Get lost? That hadn’t worked the first time. Please don’t tell?

  God, had she made a mistake? She had two days before she could pack her things for the dorm transfer.

  “Open the door, darlin’. We aren’t done yet.”

  She barely stifled the whimper. With five of them living in a single room, how had she managed to end up being the only one to have returned from class at this hour?

  “Please, please, please,” she pleaded to the room on a whisper. “C’mon, guys. Come back and get rid of him.” Or would they be mad that she’d blown their cover?

  Would they have expected her to offer him the same roomie benefits the others had when Leo had threatened? God, she had to quit thinking that way. She knew it wasn’t true. It was only her self-consciousness talking. The guys weren’t using her. If anything, she was using them. Still, she felt privileged to connect with her amazing guys. Leo didn’t factor in any way as being of the same quality.

  No. This guy took from people. He manipulated. The guys had been right about him. She couldn’t help but feel it was her fault. She shouldn’t have taunted him at the meeting. She shouldn’t have antagonized him when she’d run into him, either. If she hadn’t, she wouldn’t be in the position she was in now. The guys would be safe from exposure. Boy, she’d really fucked things up good.

  She heard a sound like metal running down the center of the door. It picked up, returned to the top, then dragged down the same central line. “I’ll keep your secret. Both of them. No one needs to know what I know, and no one needs to know about us.”

  The drag, lift, drop continued. Finally, it hit her. Leo was stroking the door. It had to be his class ring striking the wood and somehow that realization made her feel bone-cold. Jesus. He expected her to cave. He was confident of it. He planned to touch her with that same seedy hand, cool ring and grabby fingers.


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