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Dreamlike State (The Magic of Black Forest Book 1)

Page 27

by Macy Farmer

  Breathlessly he murmured, “I didn’t think you were into marriage.” Pulling my lips from his neck, I stared at him bewildered as to what could have made him think that.

  “Had I asked you to marry me, would you have said yes?” He whispered the question into my ear then slowly caressed his lips along my jaw line.

  Gasping I replied, “I don’t know, you never asked.” I giggled softly into his ear.

  With both his hands cupped on each side of my face, looking me in the eyes, he asked, “Will you marry me, Natalia?” I could only imagine what I must have looked like. I probably looked like a goofball. For the longest time I just stared at him. It was as if I was waiting for the punch line. It wasn’t until he took his hands from my face and his eyes from mine that I realized he was serious.

  Quickly I grabbed his scruffy chin and said, “Yes, I will.”

  Chapter 18

  Since Jesse and Colleen are getting married in less than a month, Bradley and I decided to wait until after their wedding to announce that we were getting married. We didn’t want to take away from their moment.

  The time passed by quickly and before we knew it, it was the day before their wedding. Colleen stayed at my house for the night. I invited Cheryl to join us for a girl’s night. We were going to do girly things like our nails and hair.

  Since Bradley told me about Cheryl, I made an effort to include her more. She turned out to be a nice person. I was shocked to learn that the reason she wore so much perfume was because Anthony said she smelled disgusting. I told her, kindly, that she wore too much and she would be happier if she’d cut Anthony out of her life all together. In the last month, we’d become friends. Not like Melissa and me, or even like Colleen and I, but friends still the same. I only had one request; she could never bring Anthony around my house again. She agreed.

  While the three of us stayed at my house, Bradley and Dave took Jesse out for his bachelor party. I asked Bradley what they were up to and he said I’d have to trust him. I did, so I didn’t push him for an answer. He also mentioned that he wouldn’t be staying with me tonight. That he planned to hang with the guys all night. I was a little disappointed until he reminded me that we would have to do the same thing when it came time for our wedding and we should consider this a practice run.

  As it turned out, we had a blast. We did our fingers and toes. All through the evening, we took lots of goofy pictures, printed them out, and made a collage to put up at the reception. We didn’t stay up too late, well at least Coll and I didn’t. We, unlike Cheryl, needed sleep.

  I was just about to fall asleep when I heard the wind chimes. I went to the living room and Cheryl was sitting there in the dark watching chick flicks.

  “Is everything okay, Nat? If I’m keeping you up I can leave.”

  “Everything is fine. I just wanted to check the locks.” I jumped back startled when the deadbolt unlocked itself. Sensing my fear, both Seager and Cheryl jumped in front of me, knocking me onto the steps.

  As the door opened, Cheryl moved quickly through it with Seager following right behind her. I shut the door behind them unsure what to do next. I heard growling and snarling outside then I heard Cheryl yell out. Prepared to defend my dog and new friend, I whipped the door open and was about to throw a spell when Bradley appeared at the door. His hands up in the air with his palms forward he whispered, “I give up.” I peeked out the door to see Cheryl and Dave laughing while Seager was trotting towards the house.

  Bradley pulled me outside and shut the door quietly. “I thought you’d be asleep. I wanted to surprise you.”

  “Well you did. Where’s Jesse?” I laughed.

  “He’s sleeping.” Before saying anything else, he kissed me.

  “Brad couldn’t go an entire night without seeing you. We didn’t expect this one…” – He pointed at Cheryl. – “…to attack us.” He chuckled as he wrapped his arm around her waist. She giggled quietly.

  As Bradley was thanking Cheryl for protecting me, I had a thought. Cheryl would be good for Dave. Neither of them knew it yet but they belonged together. With my help, they’d realize it sooner rather than later.

  The guys stayed for a few minutes then went back to Jesse’s. I was exhausted so it didn’t take me long to fall sleep.

  Morning came quickly. Cheryl woke me first so that we could make Colleen breakfast. Pleasantly surprised, she thanked us for making her day even more special.

  After breakfast, we started to get ready. While Cheryl cleaned up the kitchen, I told Colleen about my theory on how Cheryl and Dave belonged together, that we needed to help push them together. Without hesitating, she agreed to help me.

  After the two of us were ready, we looked at Cheryl. For the first time in my life, I made a comment about someone’s dress attire. I told her that she needed to wear something different. I let her borrow the dress that Bradley bought me for New Year's Eve. We did her hair and toned down her makeup… a lot. She looked beautiful, like a very different woman. I also let her use some of my favorite perfume. It smelled like berries.

  I stopped wearing it because Bradley said he preferred my fragrance. It wasn’t what he said but how he said it. He whispered the words softly in my ear then skimmed the tip of his nose down the side of my neck, barely touching my skin. I heard him inhale deeply, slowly, until his lungs were full. Smiling, he exhaled. His breath shook when he asked me to stop wearing any perfume. When I told him that I like the way my perfume smells, he sucked my earlobe into his mouth then seductively admitted, “But I like the way you smell…” before licking the hollow of my ear. My body shook with anticipation. “…and tastes,” he chuckled quietly, brushing his warm breath over my ear. It was all very arousing. So to have more moments like that I stopped wearing it regularly, saving it for special occasions.

  After we finished with Cheryl, we got Seager ready. We made him wear a blue bow. He wasn’t happy about it but wore it anyway.

  Once everyone was ready, we jumped into my truck and headed to The View. Before we left Colleen asked Cheryl to join the wedding party and that she could walk down the aisle with Dave. Naturally, Cheryl said yes. She’s been smiling ever since. I’m glad I got to know Cheryl. Clearly all her insecurities have been created by Anthony. She’s a different person today than the one I met last year.

  On the way to the wedding, I grew concerned that my magic didn’t work. Last night before Bradley and Dave showed up, I cast a spell that should have decorated Hyner View. It was the first time my body shook uncontrollably when I conjured up a spell. The View is about forty minutes away, that’s the farthest attempt I've ever made. The spell and distance tired me out. After their wedding, this combination will only be used for emergencies.

  The guys were already there when we arrived. Bradley made Jesse turn around as we got Colleen out of the truck.

  When Colleen saw the decorations, she started crying. “Oh, Natalia, they’re beautiful. Thank you.”

  “You can thank me by not crying. You’re going to mess up all our hard work. Tell her, Cheryl.” Laughing, Cheryl agreed and handed Colleen a few tissues.

  To let Bradley know about the changes we made, I let my shield down and told him everything even the part about me trying to get Cheryl and Dave together. I’ll never get over the look on his face when he heard me telepathically. He had that devilish sexy smile on his face. His crooked smile used to be my favorite as it dazzled and rendered me speechless. It’s his devilish smile that’s now my favorite. It sent electricity through me making my legs weak. All I wanted to do was to have my way with him. I watched his eye color fade to black.

  “Oops. Sorry about that, love.” I couldn’t help but snicker as I put my shield back up. Looking at the watch on Jess’s wrist, Bradley just rolled his eyes with frustration making me giggle even louder.

  The town Judge, who by the way is a grizzly-shifter, was there to marry Jesse and Colleen.

  We were lucky that it wasn’t too breezy out today. The weather was perfect. The
re was a slight overcast blocking the sun from making an appearance to the wedding.

  I’d never seen so many vampires or shape-shifters before. Most of the people here lived in Clinton or Lycoming County. I’d seen them at the local stores and bars. With my new eyes, I could spot either from a distance. Some of the vampires had red eyes, which freaked me out a bit.

  From the moment, the ceremony started and until the Judge said ‘you may now kiss the bride,’ Bradley never took his eyes off me. As the Maid of Honor, I had certain duties that forced me to take my eyes from him, at least for a few moments. This was their moment, it had to be special. I was not going to be the one to ruin it.

  I also noticed that Dave spent a lot of time staring at Cheryl. I was positive that if she could have blushed, she would have every time she caught him looking at her. She looked like a totally different person without all that makeup.

  When the Judge announced the newlyweds as Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Skylar, twelve white doves flew overhead dropping white rose petals on top of the crowd and wedding party. Colleen gasped then started crying. Jesse took her in his arms, dried her tears, and then kissed her long and hard. Everyone applauded. I had tears in my eyes as well, I was so happy for them.

  After Jess and Colleen started down the aisle, Bradley followed pausing next to me. His seductive dark stare held me captive. I couldn’t take my eyes off of him. My mouth suddenly dry, I licked my lips. The devilish grin turned wickedly sexy. Wrapping his arm around my waist, he snuggled my body firmly against his and we followed them down the aisle. He growled lightly into my ear, telling me I looked delicious. With his lips against my neck, I led us forward through the crowd, grinning and blushing from ear to ear.

  My smile disappeared when I saw one of the vamps looking at Bradley, disgusted by his public display of affection. When I make eye contact with him, my instincts immediately told me to look away. His hatred and disgust sent a wave of fear running through me. I had a strong feeling that I had met him before and more importantly, that I should stay away from him. Great! I was going to wait until after the reception to mention the matter to Bradley. He was too happy and this would only upset him.

  After pictures, we were going to the studio for the reception. Over the last few weeks, the guys had converted it into a huge party room. Soon people would be there to prepare food and set up the bar. It left me very little time to spread lilies on every table along with the swans, doves, and ribbons. So as Jesse and Colleen got their photos taken, I concentrated on decorating the studio. Had I known how tired I would be afterwards I would have come up with a better plan for decorating. Bradley rubbed the beads of sweat that formed on my forehead as I struggled with my decorating spell. It was even harder this time, with so many people around, I worried about being seen. Bradley blocked me by hugging me tightly as I hid my face in his chest. I was thankful when I finally finished.

  The photographer took pictures of the entire wedding party together. Then Jesse insisted that he take a picture of Bradley and me without the rest of the bridal party. He took several photos as we messed around with different poses. For one of the pictures, Bradley lifted me up and wrapped my legs around his hips. With one hand on my buttocks and the other gripping my hair, he pulled my head back and pretended to bite my throat. There were several gasps coming from the crowd. I felt his laughter as he kissed my neck. Dave and Jesse applauded while hooting and hollering. Colleen and Cheryl laughed.

  “That’s enough!” We heard someone yell.

  Reluctantly, Bradley pulled his lips from my neck and sighed. He gently put me down on my feet smiling at me the entire time. He kissed my nose before we turned to see who objected to our public display of affection. I already knew who it was. It’s the same vamp that was disgusted with him earlier. This time I got a really good look at him. He looked like Bradley except his hair was blonde and he had red eyes with a scar along the length of his cheekbone. The man walked up to us. Bradley froze with disbelief. It’s obvious that the vamp was related to him.

  All of the sudden I felt someone grab me from behind, yanking me backwards. That caused Bradley to wake and growl furiously. We both calmed when we realized it was Dave that placed me in the protective circle of three vamps, two shape-shifters, and one dog.

  “What are you doing here Andrew?” Bradley demanded.

  “I was in town and heard that friends of my son were getting married. So I thought I’d stop by and congratulate the couple while saying hello to my son… Hello son.” He reached out his hand in an attempt to shake Bradley’s. When Bradley didn’t accept the gesture he angrily said, “Don’t be so rude, boy!”

  “I am not your son, I have no father. You are not welcome here. Please leave.” Hearing the hurt and anger in his voice, I reached out taking his hand into mine, to comfort him.

  “Take your filthy hand from his.” His father snapped as he lunged forward. Bradley and Dave both grabbed him and threw him to the ground. Immediately they returned and took their stance closing my protective circle.

  “Don’t talk to or even look at her. Stay away from us both.” Bradley reached back and took my hand into his. My heart ached as I remembered that his father raped his mother and then left her for dead. Seeing Andrew surely brought those memories back, causing Bradley even more pain.

  A protective instinct took over, making me act totally insane. It’s crazy for any human to say what I was thinking. Foolishly, I had no problem demanding, “Get out of here, blood sucker. You weren’t invited and you’re ruining their wedding.” Bradley, Dave, and Jesse burst out laughing. However, his father didn’t feel the same. It infuriated him.

  Bradley was still smiling when he turned around and gently skimmed his fingers against my cheek. “I love you, too and we won’t let him ruin their wedding. Please be patient, my love.” I placed my arms across my chest which only made him chuckle some more.

  He turned back to face his father and in a very calm manner requested, “If you ever cared about me at all, you’d leave and never return.”

  “I’ll leave but only because it is not my intention to ruin your friends’ wedding.” His father pointed at me and threatened, “You would be wise to show me some respect, young lady, for the consequences will be severe if you don’t.”

  I attempted to scowl at him but Bradley took a step in front of me, blocking my view. Angrily, he snarled at his father as Dave told him not to threaten or speak to me or the consequences would be severe only to him. With that, Bradley’s father laughed, and then spun around and ran. When he got to the edge of the forest, he stopped and said he’d see us very soon.

  After Andrew’s departure, Bradley quickly lead me to the truck where all six of us piled in the front while Seager jumped in the back. On our way to the reception we all talked about how beautiful the wedding was, and how we looked forward to the party. We avoided discussing the visit we got from Bradley’s father.

  Bradley didn’t join in on the conversation. Quietly, I imagined he was lost deep in his own thoughts, as he drove us to the reception. Although his father didn’t ruin it for everyone else, he ruined the day for his son. How awful that must be to have a father like that. I couldn’t imagine not having my father in my life when I was growing up. He protected and loved us. That is what fathers are supposed to do.

  To remind him of the good things that happened today and to show him what I hoped would happen when we got home tonight, I put down my shield and replayed how we both felt at the wedding. He grabbed my hand and rubbed it gently with his thumb.

  When we pulled into the parking lot, everyone piled out and went into the studio. I held Bradley back and took a moment to show him my plans for later. I closed my eyes and fantasized about us being together. Then I reminded him that his touch alone puts me in ecstasy. It didn’t take long after that for his lips to be on mine.

  “Thank you, Natalia. This time you saved me.” He kissed me, and then threw me over his shoulder and ran into the studio. Everyone laughed as he smacke
d my butt when he entered the room with me flung over his broad shoulder.

  The reception was great. Everyone danced and had a good time. I caught the bouquet of flowers while Bradley caught the garter. He made me blush when he put his head under my dress to pull the garter up my leg with his teeth. It took everything I had not to explode right then and there. The party ended shortly after that because Jesse and Colleen had to catch their flight. They were going to Hawaii for a week.

  As they drove off in their limo, Bradley asked if Dave and Cheryl were ready to go. They said no, that they were planning to stay until the end. We on the other hand, had had enough and were ready to go, so we said our goodbyes and left for home.

  When we got to the house Bradley and Seager, both still upset about Andrew, became extremely protective. Bradley verified the downstairs was secured and sent Seager to check the second floor. I asked if someone was in the house. They both said no that they were just being cautious. The moment they confirmed all was well, Bradley took me into his arms and ran right for the downstairs bedroom. We enjoyed hours of intimacy.

  Thankfully, we had not had another visit from Bradley’s father or Anthony during that week. Although Anthony had made several attempts to contact Cheryl, luckily, she was no longer interested in him. Her devotion and attention went to Dave. He also returned the feelings. We didn’t hear from them until Jesse and Colleen returned from their honeymoon. It was after they returned that we all got together for a picnic by my newly built bridge.

  Colleen and Jess told us about their honeymoon, well some of it anyway. They said they spent most of their time keeping their neighbors up both day and night. They brought some pictures to show but they didn’t take many. Their romantic honeymoon made for a short story.

  Dave and Cheryl seemed happy together. Before asking her questions about their relationship, I waited until the guys left for a run through the woods. Colleen spoke before I even had a chance to.


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