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Dreamlike State (The Magic of Black Forest Book 1)

Page 28

by Macy Farmer

  “So tell us, Cheryl, how are things going with you and Dave?”

  “Things are good, better than I’d ever imagined even with Anthony constantly calling me. Tomorrow we are going out so I can get a new phone number. This way he won’t be able to harass me.”

  “What does he want?” Colleen once again beat me to the question.

  “He keeps saying he’s sorry, that he loves me. It’s all bull. It’s only because I’m no longer pining over him. I don’t know what I saw in him in the first place.”

  “Good for you, Cheryl. You and Dave belong together.” Finally, I spoke before Colleen. That’s only because she was preoccupied by the fact that she left something in her truck. She took off running, saying she’d be right back.

  Now that we were alone I wanted to ask Cheryl about her and Anthony. I wanted to know if they had sex when she was human. But by the time I worked up the courage, the guys had returned. As if she knew I wanted to ask her something, she looked at me puzzled when I directed the conversation to the guys.

  “What are you guys doing back so soon?” I asked playfully when Bradley plopped down and put his head on my lap.

  “Jesse remembered that they forgot to do something. He ran ahead to take care of it. Where’s Coll?” Bradley asked after finally noticing that she had disappeared as well.

  “She took off running when she remembered something they forgot. All she said was she’d be right back.” We all laughed at them.

  When they finally returned, they had a bag with them. Colleen handed Bradley and I two gifts, and then handed Dave and Cheryl a gift each.

  As Cheryl and Dave opened their gifts, Colleen felt the need to explain. “We weren’t sure if you two would be together or not but thought that you should be so we gave you both a picture of each other.”

  Cheryl thanked them graciously while Dave smiled and said that their wedding had been one of the best nights of his life. That made Cheryl smile shyly. They held hands and gazed into each other’s eyes.

  “Puke.” Was all Jesse could come up with.

  When I opened our gift, it was a collage of all the pictures the photographer had taken of us. In the center was the picture where my legs where wrapped around Bradley while he pretended to bite my neck. We all enjoyed a good laugh.

  I let down my shield briefly to tell Bradley that it was my favorite. He replied quietly, “Mine, too.”

  The other was a picture of Jess and Colleen. We thanked them for our gifts. I knew it had to reside on my fireplace with the other family photos.

  “Bradley will hang the collage above the fireplace.” I elbowed him to bring him back to reality. The picture obviously reminded him of his father. That angered me because these pictures clearly showed to everyone we are in love and having fun.

  “Yes, I’ll put it up tonight. Now that you two are back and we’re all together again, Natalia and I have some news to share.” I had no idea what Bradley was talking about. I had thought he was thinking about his father.

  Before either of us could say anything Jesse blurted out, “You two finally had sex.”

  Dave started laughing.

  Colleen punched Jesse causing him to wince aloud.

  Cheryl looked at us with disbelief.

  “No, Jess. And that’s not funny. You know it upsets Natalia when you tease her like that.” He was annoyed by Jess’s interruption.

  “Do you want to tell them or should I?” He asked. Since I was clearly lost, I gestured with my hands that he should tell them. Smiling he teased, “Since Natalia clearly forgot that I proposed to her and she said yes, I guess I’ll have to be the one to tell you that we’re getting married.” Totally embarrassed, I felt the heat rising in my cheeks. He let out a musical laugh and gently touched my cheek. “I love it when you blush like that.”

  “I’m so sorry, Bradley. I truly didn’t forget that you asked. I just forgot we didn’t tell them.” We were lost in our own moment when Colleen interrupted us asking when the wedding would be. I let Bradley handle this as well.

  “We haven’t set a date yet. But I was thinking… Natalia what do you think about having the wedding here on the bridge?” For the first time, I saw something of our future, right down to the gorgeous dress I was wearing.

  Elated I replied, “I would love that, Bradley. Great idea. Now we just have to figure out a date.” Everybody had an opinion on this but none of the dates meant anything to either one of us.

  “Maybe the first day of fall or the first day I realized I was madly deeply in love with you.” He gazed into my eyes as he said these words to me, smiling the infamous crooked smile I was immediately dazzled and at a loss for words.

  “When did you realize you loved her, Brad?” Cheryl cheerfully asked. It was easy to tell she was a hopeless romantic and that his answer would not only knock me off my feet but her as well. I looked over at Colleen and she was also on the edge of her seat waiting for his answer. I turned my eyes back to his and he sported that devilish grin that had me gaping and weak at the knees.

  “The moment our eyes met at the Black Forest Bar, I knew we were meant to be together.” He kissed my blushing cheek. “Ever since that day I’ve been chasing her waiting to make her mine.”

  “I’ve always been yours, my love.” Swept off my feet, longing to be intimate with him, I wished we didn’t have an audience.

  “You’re not mine, not completely, not until we’re married. Then we’ll have a honeymoon to seal the deal.” I was lost in his eyes… trapped willingly.

  While the guys were grossed out by Bradley’s romantic side, the women were breathless.

  “Alright, enough of the mushy stuff. Save it for when you two are alone. Let’s go to the bar,” Dave said as he stood and took Cheryl’s hand to help her up.

  We went to Lee’s and enjoyed our evening with friends.

  Later that evening, I had the worst dream ever.

  Waiting for my cue to walk down the aisle, I scanned the crowd of friends and family that traveled near and far so that they could be a part of our special day. There were many guests that I didn’t know. Everything has gone smoothly so far, even Mother Nature was cooperating by providing a slight overcast. As the music began to play, my parents and I walked slowly down the red carpet that led me to my beloved Bradley. I smiled proudly when our eyes met. He looked so handsome in his black tuxedo. I told my parents that I couldn’t wait to be his wife. It’s what I want more than anything. My father smiled down and shushed me.

  Strangely, each step I took towards Bradley he seemed to drift further away. Frowning he called out my name and reached out his arms to me. I did the same but that made him drift even further away. I could barely see him now.

  My mother told me, “They’re coming for you both. Run to him, Natty, or you’ll both lose everything.” Panicking, I ran towards him yelling his name. I couldn’t run in my heels so I took them off, threw them into the crowd, and started running as fast as I could. With only a few feet away from his waiting arms, I told him, “I love you.” He smiled and mouthed the same to me. From my peripheral, I saw two blurry white spots race past me before circling around Bradley a few times. He watched as they circled him repeatedly before looking back at me with fear in his eyes. In all our time together, I had never seen him so afraid. Before coming into focus, the blurry figures violently shove him to the ground knocking the wind out of him. I yelled for Dave and Jesse but they weren’t there, no one was. Only four of us remained by our bridge.

  Anthony grabbed Bradley’s arms restraining him as Andrew beat him unmercifully. I tried using my magic to get them off him but nothing happened. Andrew turned towards me laughing, “You can’t save him. It’s you, and your fear that’s preventing you from using your magic.”

  Scared and helpless, I looked at Bradley. Regretfully he said, “I’m sorry, Natalia.” Then Andrew grabbed his head, twisted it all the way around. Bradley screamed in agony right before Andrew tore his head off as Anthony ripped his arms from his shou
lders. I screamed for them to stop but they continued to tear him into little pieces. I couldn’t move. Andrew threw his head at my feet and they laughed. I just stood there crying looking into the eyes of my beloved.

  I looked up at Andrew asking, “Why, he was your son?”

  “He was in my way.” I shook my head confused. “He stood between the two of us. With him gone I have you all to myself, Natalia. You’re mine.” He reached out his hands to grab me but I turned and ran screaming, “No, somebody help us…”

  I woke up alone covered in sweat, sobbing uncontrollably. Frantically I ran through the house calling for Bradley but all I found was a note telling me that he and Seager ran to the market.

  I sat down on the couch, scared and shaking, and awaited his return. It was the worst nightmare I had ever had. It felt so real. Terrified, I tried to push it from my mind. Instead, to make things worse, I started to analyze it to determine whether it was a glimpse of what was coming or just a horrible dream…

  About the Author

  Macy Farmer

  Born and raised in southeastern Pennsylvania, the youngest of three, Macy started telling stories at an early age. As a young adult, she began writing poems and short stories.

  Today, Macy, a romantic with a creative imagination, spends most of her free time writing. If she’s not writing or reading, she enjoys riding ATVs with her husband on the trails of upper Pennsylvania’s State Forests.

  Her love for writing romance, reading and life, led her to fulfill her childhood dreams of becoming a Paranormal Romance Writer.

  Table of Contents

  Dreamlike State

  Dedicated to my big sister, Lynn. You have taught me that any goal can be met as long as I reach for ...

  Special thanks to:


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  About the AuthorMacy Farmer




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