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Satyr's Myst

Page 5

by Marie Harte

  And thank God for that, because Lilah didn’t have a steady bone in her body after that kiss. Worse, she could feel his arousal prodding her belly, and an answering heat pulsed between her legs, her sex welcoming even the thought of penetration.

  “You do it to me, Lilah. Make me want.”

  “I can’t,” she breathed. “I’m not… I don’t have sex with people I’ve just met.” Her face heated, and she knew she was beet red. “I had sex with Rick a few hours ago, and I’m still not sure how that happened.” Hell, Trevor already knew what she’d done. Why lie about it?

  “I know how it happened,” Trevor whispered, as he rocked into her and groaned. “Rick Hastings has power, honey. He can make you want him, gets into your mind and body until you don’t know what you’re doing ’til it’s done.” He kissed her again, harder this time, as if he was punishing himself. Yet his mouth didn’t hurt, and she sensed as much frustration as confusion in his touch.

  Satyr’s Myst


  Understanding all too well, Lilah accepted him, thrilled and yet not thrilled that she felt as much attraction for Trevor as she had for Rick. Talk about going from a dry spell into drowning in men.

  Trevor pulled her ass tighter, rubbing her over him as he groaned her name. “That’s it, Lilah. Damn, you’ve got me so hard, honey. If you’re worried I’m going to think less of you if we fuck, don’t be. Just don’t think less of me.”

  She could barely think, and then his mouth trailed down her neck, and he left a stinging, incredibly arousing love bite where her neck met her shoulder. “Less…of you?”

  “Because I want to be deep inside a woman I just met. Because Rick had me hard and aching too. And I don’t swing that way…normally. I’m selective, or at least, I used to be.” He sighed and moaned again when she grazed her hands over his shoulders and neck, caressing his sensitive nape. “You might not believe me, but I feel drawn to you, big time. Like a major chemical combustion. You make me hard, honey. So fucking hard.”

  He thrust against her again, and she clearly recalled how large he’d been in her hand.

  Her panties were more than damp, her breasts tingled from his hot, hard chest rubbing against her clothes, and Lilah wanted nothing more than to feel him filling her up. So why the hell not?

  “Please, Lilah,” he begged. “I have to have you.” But his begging sounded like a growling bear, and the burning gaze that met hers showed little supplication and more demand.

  The power in this man, soon to be her lover, she decided, thrilled her to the quick.

  “Yes,” she sighed, and in seconds he had them both naked, her back to the thick glass tabletop as Trevor leaned over her. Her thoughts clouded with desire, she nevertheless remembered they weren’t alone out here. “Trevor, Rick might --”

  “Fuck Rick. This is about you and me, right now. And I don’t care who sees us.” He clamped his mouth to her breast, leaning over her so that she felt his cock licking at the

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  entrance of her sex. Arching into his mouth, she caught his groan and gave a hefty one of her own as he pushed deep inside her.

  Slowly, he slid inch by inch toward her womb while he sucked and nipped her nipples, pushing her into a sensual frenzy.

  She clutched his head with firm hands, lost in his touch. “Trevor, more,” she panted, writhing under him. “I need you harder in me.”

  But the stubborn man didn’t move as he pleasured her breasts with his skilled mouth and hands. His massive cock took root in her pussy, and she deliberately pulled him deeper with her inner walls, trying to make him move with everything she had.

  He lifted his head and stared at her, his hands now on either side of her as he pressed forward. He pulled out slowly, then rammed into her with a wicked, powerful thrust that made her see stars. “Fuck, Lilah, you’re going to make me come before I’m ready.”

  “Again,” she demanded, rubbing against him. She felt so incredibly full as he crammed into her, his thick cock stretching and pushing while his pelvis brushed her clit with agonizing pressure.

  “Like it a little rough, eh?” he rasped as he finally began fucking her. “Good. Because I want to give it to you, baby. All of my cock until I’m shooting deep inside your hot little pussy.”

  His words, the deep gravelly tone of his voice, turned her on as much as his body did.

  So hot, so incredibly sensitive, the contact of her hard nipples against his muscular chest sent jolts of pleasure through her body straight to her groin. And then he pounded her harder, breaking the dam holding back her bliss.

  “Trevor. I’m coming.”

  “Come, Lilah. All over me.” He groaned and thrust again, sweat covering his chest and face. “Oh, baby, so good.”

  Satyr’s Myst


  She clamped down on his cock as she came, the ecstasy of the moment taking her out of her mind and body into a place she never wanted to leave again. Frozen in climax, she dimly heard him shout his release as he emptied in her. She finally came back to herself to find him kissing her lips with a tenderness mirrored in his gaze.

  “Lilah? You okay, honey?”

  “More than okay,” she breathed and sighed. She rubbed his cheek, falling into the depths of his stare. “You are so hot.”

  “Sorry,” he said gruffly and leaned up from her.

  “No!” She yanked him back to her chest and kissed him, seeking his tongue with hers.

  When he responded and deepened the kiss, she was astonished to find herself wanting him all over again. She broke from his mouth, panting. “I meant you’re so incredibly hot, as in attractive. I can’t believe you’re here with me.”

  She hadn’t meant to voice her insecurity, but he’d frazzled her brain. Between Rick and Trevor, she didn’t know if she’d be able to walk straight when she left the island.

  Trevor, however, merely smiled and kissed her nose. “Baby, you’re as hot as anyone I’ve ever seen. You have the most smokin’ body I’ve ever been with. And that’s no lie.”

  Lilah accepted the compliment, knowing that because she worked out, what he said had a ring of truth to it. But still…best to let it go as a pleasurable interlude and no more.

  Reading into the emotion in his stare would be a mistake. Hell, they’d had sex only this once.

  She’d just met the man. She shifted and heard a glass fall to the floor and break, and reality returned in a rush.

  “Oh, my God! We’re on the table? What was I thinking?”

  “You weren’t,” Trevor answered with satisfaction. “You were too busy being filled with me.” He rotated his hips, and she felt his cock hardening again. “And I’m not done.”

  “But Rick --”

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  “Doesn’t want to miss round two,” came his smooth voice from over their shoulders.

  “Not as long as I’m in charge and participating.”

  Trevor stilled, and his gaze darkened with lust. Lilah felt him lengthen inside her, and then she noticed Rick’s hand on Trevor’s shoulder. To her shock, she saw Rick stood completely nude and obviously aroused.

  “Now let’s take this into my bedroom, where I’ve made some room for us to play.” Rick grinned, a feral expression that turned Lilah on even more. She should have been embarrassed to be caught having sex with another man by the one she’d been with just a few hours ago. But Rick’s carnal stare had the opposite effect. She wanted him again, him and Trevor, together. And from his words and the look on his face as he stared at them, he wanted the same.

  “Shit,” Trevor murmured. He closed his eyes as he flexed inside her and pulled out, only to thrust deeper again.

  “That’s it. You can ride her, while I ride you.” Rick chuckled, a husky laugh that sent sensual chills down Lilah’s spine. “Remember the bet, Trevor.”

  Lilah’s curiosity caught. “Bet?”

  Rick smiled and surprised her by leaning down to kiss the breath out of her. His face brushed Trevo
r’s before Trevor could lean back enough without severing his connection with Lilah. “The bet I made involved which one of us would take you first. I won. Therefore, I get not only you as my lovely prize, but Trevor in any way I want as well.”

  “You bet on me.” But Lilah didn’t have it in her to be upset, as much as she wanted to be. Because Trevor, strong, solid Trevor, was trembling over her, his fear and desire almost palpable. Interestingly enough, he didn’t speak. And the fact that Trevor and Rick clearly wanted her, Lilah Tanner, was heady indeed. “But I didn’t get a chance to win, or to place a bet of my own.”

  Satyr’s Myst


  Rick’s breathing grew choppy as he stared at them. He slowly stood and backed away from the table, his arousal impossible to miss. “So what do you want, Lilah? What fantasies are brewing in that sexy head of yours that I can fulfill?”

  Lilah stared from Rick to Trevor, her mind buzzing at the possibilities. As if the last puzzle piece had been found, she realized there was more to the attraction she had for them than something merely physical. That two men who looked as they did could be so flawed intrigued her, and she found herself wanting to know more. More about Rick with his prosperity but broken heart, and Trevor with his secret needs that made him both wary and vulnerable. Suddenly her job, Elise, her reasons for even being there faded from her mind.

  And the potential joy promised to be endless.

  “I know what I want. But I’ll save my fantasy until you’ve indulged yours. Do whatever you like with me.” She paused and licked her lips, aware Trevor focused on them like a lifeline. The big guy wanted her, she knew. But he wanted Rick too, and he seemed afraid to let himself go. The healer in Lilah kicked in, and she smiled. “With me…and Trevor.”

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  Chapter Four

  Rick had been waiting to hear those words for what felt like forever. After spending the better part of the day debating the wisdom in taking what he wanted, namely Lilah and Trevor, Rick had finally decided to stop being such a dickless wonder and take a risk. Being inside Lilah, touching Trevor, watching Trevor take Lilah. All of it felt so real and connected -- to him. Though he’d just met them both, he felt them share more than just their bodies when they made love.

  Trevor’s relation to Ethan certainly made Rick feel as if he’d known Trevor for a while.

  Like his brother, Trevor was big and strong, and his heart needed saving. The bursts of desire that flared in Trevor’s gaze when he looked at Rick told Rick that Trevor needed him. The man needed someone to open that door locking his desires inside. Sex was meant to be shared, explored, and enjoyed. Not treated as something dirty or wicked because society at large didn’t accept it as the norm.

  He mentally shook his head, aware of how often he’d fought that good fight. Hell, he was now being stalked because some bastard didn’t like the idea of his wife exploring her own fantasies on the island. The fanatic’s latest notes threatened much more than the small bomb Rick had experienced.

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  Yet Rick had his own protection. He studied his personal guard and licked his lips. His focus shifted to Trevor’s cock, which bobbed with frustrated arousal. Trevor stood in the middle of Rick’s room, his gaze narrowed on the large bed and the silk ties knotted on the iron rods of the head and footboard.

  Lilah stood behind him, hugging him tight. Her lovely backside presented a temptation that warred with Rick’s desire to fuck Trevor into submission, and he rubbed himself as he pondered how best to proceed. Lilah would help this go easier, and Rick found he eagerly awaited her assistance. The sensuality in the minx had been awakened. It was there in her large gray eyes and in the quick breaths passing through her full, parted lips. An unbidden image of her on her knees, sucking him, came to the fore, and he took his hand away from his cock lest he spill too soon.

  “Lilah, Trevor, why don’t we get more comfortable?”

  Lilah released Trevor, and Rick curbed a smile of satisfaction when Trevor frowned and curled his hand, as if reluctantly letting her go.

  “Come here.” Rick waited for her. As soon as she neared him, he stopped her and passed his gaze over her once more. “She tastes like rich cream, Trevor.” Rick ran a hand over her neck, breasts, and belly, and lower to the apex of her thighs. “Did you taste her cum? Did you feel her slick heat before you fucked her? Or did you just use it to slide that cock through her pussy instead?”

  Trevor’s breathing deepened, and Rick turned Lilah to face Trevor, her back to his front. She moaned low in her throat when he cupped his hands around her breasts and toyed with them, engaging Trevor’s arousal again.

  “She’s so sweet, and all the sweeter because she doesn’t know how sexy she really is.”

  Rick nipped at her shoulder and startled a shiver out of her. “Now come here, Trevor, and take her nipple in your mouth. You want to; I can see it in that ruddy cock.”

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  Trevor wasted no time and joined them where they stood in the center of the room. He paused a moment, however. “We didn’t really bet anything, Rick.” His hands crept to Lilah’s breasts. “I’m here with Lilah because I want to be.” He lowered his head and took her nipple in his mouth, and Lilah sighed her pleasure.

  And here with me because you can’t help yourself. Rick waited and watched, aroused to see Trevor’s firm lips close around Lilah’s soft pink flesh. So erotic, so tantalizingly his to command, here and now. He whispered low, not caring whether Trevor heard him or not.

  “Lilah, love, keep him busy.”

  Seemingly lost in the moment, she barely nodded as she clutched Trevor’s hair, and Rick didn’t think his words had much to do with her agreement.

  Smiling, Rick left her back to put himself behind Trevor. Tension lit Trevor’s body, and Rick knew Trevor was aware of every movement he made. But the large man kept his focus on Lilah, and he groaned when Lilah’s clever hand wrapped around his cock.

  Good girl. Rick stared at the broad base of Trevor’s back, at the sculpted delts, narrow waist, and tight, muscular ass begging to be bitten. Rick leaned in to temptation and kissed Trevor in the middle of his back.

  Trevor stilled, and then Lilah murmured something to him, and he gave her his attention once more.

  “That’s good, isn’t it?” Lilah said as she pumped him in her hand. “You’re getting harder, and you’re wet.” She worked Trevor like a pro, and Rick planned to look deeper into her background. She could have made a fortune in the private sector, sexually teasing, maybe dominating her men. But the almost innocent arousal in her face told him she was as new to such open passion as Trevor. And that innocence pleased Rick to no end.

  He increased the pressure of his touch on Trevor’s back as he familiarized himself, and Trevor, with each other. And as he accustomed Trevor to the feel of his hand, he found his

  Satyr’s Myst


  thoughts drifting to the difference between this threesome and the muted, unsatisfying sex he’d had in the past.

  Being with both Trevor and Lilah felt pure, and Rick realized he’d become jaded after Elise. Having once tasted the deep passion of love made other lesser, carnal feelings unsettling. And after so many years at the resort, he’d finally had his fill of wanting sex for sex’s sake. With Trevor and Lilah, he wanted more. And it was more than the challenge of bringing both of them to something new and exciting. Rick wanted to be Trevor’s first, to open Lilah to the passion dwelling within her buried sensuality. But what surprised him most was that he didn’t want their sojourn to end here.

  Stepping closer to Trevor, he allowed his body to press fully against Trevor’s, and the delightful feel of his cock brushing Trevor’s ass made him groan with lust.

  “I’ll be right back,” he whispered as he kissed Trevor’s neck. Unable to resist, he reached around and took Lilah’s hand -- the one wrapped around Trevor’s dick -- in his.

  “Fuck,” Trevor groane
d and pushed harder through their fingers. “That feels good.”

  Lilah stared into Rick’s eyes, and her passion-clouded gaze fueled his needs anew.

  “Right back,” he promised, planting a swift kiss on Lilah’s full lips.

  In seconds he returned from the bathroom, a warm, wet washcloth in hand. Trevor was now kissing Lilah’s mouth in earnest, his arms around her as he surrounded her entirely.

  Rick wanted to be a part of that bond and dimly recalled how much he’d once felt for Elise. But curiously, as he studied the pair before him, he understood that Elise would never have been enough for him. And he wondered if that’s why she’d denied them, because she’d felt the same.

  Physically Lilah was perfect. He didn’t care so much that she was less the ideal of true beauty than that she had so much joy in her body. And Trevor, repressed as he was, showed the potential for so much more. A core of strength wrapped around human doubts and vulnerabilities. The combination was mouthwateringly appealing.

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  Kneeling behind Trevor, Rick prepared Trevor to receive something new. “Spread your legs wider,” he ordered.

  Trevor ceased kissing and looked over his shoulder with a small frown. “Why?”

  “Do it.” Rick stared up at him and felt that strange heat that normally accompanied his demands. He could no better explain his ability to seduce than he could his interest in both sexes. It was what it was, and he chalked up his sexual success to base instinct. In the world of sexuality, Rick was a definite hunter.

  Though Trevor didn’t look convinced, he widened his stance, and Rick took advantage to fondle the plump sac between his thighs.

  “Oh, shit.” Trevor groaned and turned back to Lilah, lowering his forehead to hers.

  “That is so sexy,” Lilah said. “I just knew you two would look good together.”


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