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Satyr's Myst

Page 6

by Marie Harte

  “You mean the three of us, sweet,” Rick corrected. “Trevor needs a bit more help than you do, but then he and I will both see to you.”

  He could hear the grin in Lilah’s voice. “I’m looking forward to it.”

  Rick chuckled and played with Trevor’s balls, sliding his hand over Trevor’s cock.

  Pleased at his hardness, Rick released him and brought the cloth into play. “Now I’m going to wash you.”

  “Wash me?” Trevor repeated, then sucked in his breath as Rick spread his ass cheeks apart.

  Rick licked his lips, more than eager to rim Trevor’s hole. With slow, soft swipes, he cleaned Trevor thoroughly, teasing his anus with small thrusts of his thumb through the cloth. Trevor’s tight entrance promised a narrow passage, and Rick knew that if Trevor had indeed experimented with toys before today, they hadn’t been large.

  “What are you doing to him?” Lilah wanted to know, her voice breathless. “Every time I try to see, Trevor kisses me or touches my breasts, and I lose focus.”

  Satyr’s Myst


  “Not my fault,” Trevor said hoarsely, backing into Rick’s touch. “Your tits are so suckable, almost as much as that honeyed pussy of yours.” He groaned and tensed. “Rick, I’m going to come if you keep doing that.”

  “I’m preparing Trevor, Lilah.” Ignoring Trevor’s words, Rick finished with the cloth and tossed it aside. Then he leaned closer and breathed over Trevor’s hole. “For a pretty little kiss.”

  Trevor nearly lost his mind when Rick’s hot breath hit his anus. And then he felt Rick’s tongue pressing him there, pushing inside. Lilah fastened a mouth to his nipple, and Rick cupped his balls.

  Barraged by sensation, Trevor was reduced to groans and grunts, his orgasm perilously close. As if Rick could sense it, he’d back off just as Trevor felt that surge gather in his balls.

  Lilah, bless her, kept sucking his nipples, and her small bites and smooth licks turned him into one huge mass of feeling.

  “Take him in your mouth, Lilah,” Rick said in a low voice. “Let him come down your throat.”

  “Oh, yeah.” Trevor had to agree, aware he could never have imagined a fantasy this good. Sex had always been pleasurable…and forgettable not five minutes later. None of his relationships lasted, always compared to what he really wanted and found lacking. But this…

  This experience clearly showed him what he’d been missing his entire life. And he worried it had more to do with Lilah and Rick than from having his fantasies finally fulfilled.

  Lilah didn’t waste any time and took him deep in her mouth. He couldn’t help thrusting forward, seeking her heat and the pleasure of her tongue. By damn, but she knew just where to touch him to set him off. And then Rick returned to tonguing him.

  That such a small touch could light him up shocked Trevor. He’d contemplated toys, something to stimulate him anally, but he’d never quite found the courage to try. He’d

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  worried that if he liked it, he might seek out a warm body to try it with. But now, with Rick shoving that tongue -- and oh, Christ, was that a finger? -- up his ass, he knew it wouldn’t have felt right with anyone else indulging him.

  “Trevor.” Rick’s impassioned voice turned him on even more. “You’re so tight.”

  “Mmm,” Lilah murmured around his cock, and he wanted to warn her he was on the edge, but he couldn’t manage the words.

  “Come for us, Trevor.” Rick shoved that finger in deeper, and the pain prodded pleasure in its wake. Lilah swirled her tongue over his cockhead, and Trevor spiraled into ecstasy.

  He shouted as he came, spewing down Lilah’s throat with a force that made him see black for a moment. Rick thrust his finger in and out, encouraging his release, and the slight push on his balls pushed his orgasm to last even longer.

  When Trevor came to his senses, he pulled out of Lilah’s mouth, but he had no time to thank Rick, because Rick had taken Lilah to the floor. He flipped her to her hands and knees and thrust hard, throwing his head back as he groaned.

  “Trevor, get your ass over here,” Rick rasped. “Bask in it later. Right now you need to give Lilah what she just gave you.”

  “With pleasure,” Trevor managed, feeling oddly unstable on his feet. As if drugged, he shakily joined them on the rug and scooted under Lilah as Rick pounded her from behind.

  He found himself in a sixty-nine position that he’d never been in, because as he positioned himself between Lilah’s legs, he stared up into an eyeful of Rick’s heavy sac and cock heaving into Lilah’s pussy. Up close and personal, his inner self taunted, and he smiled as he used his strength to lean up into Lilah’s damp cleft.

  With easy precision he sucked the nub between his lips and ate her as Rick continued riding her. Curious, Trevor ran his hands up Rick’s thighs and heard the blond man groan.

  Satyr’s Myst


  The constant press of Rick’s balls against his head was enough to stir Trevor again, and Trevor wanted to cross another line.

  Letting go of Lilah, he leaned back and sucked on Rick’s balls. Rick cursed and rammed particularly hard, and stayed there. And Trevor knew he’d just come. Needing to finish Lilah, he returned to her sex and took one more swipe of his tongue before biting gently down on her clit.

  She screamed and convulsed, coming around Rick’s cock. Trevor eased on his touch and eventually let her go. To his astonishment, he grew hard again, and he scooted out from under both of them so that he might get a look at what he’d just participated in.

  Rick knelt behind Lilah, his face a study in tortured pleasure. Lilah remained kneeling on her hands and knees, her head hanging low, her long, light brown hair obscuring her face. The position looked submissively decadent, and more fantasies built in Trevor’s heated mind.

  Rick exhaled deeply and opened his eyes. “That was incredible.” He leaned forward to hug Lilah, then pulled out of her and tugged her to the floor with him.

  They both looked up at Trevor and smiled sleepily.

  “How was it for you?” Lilah asked him. “Because it’s obvious how it was for me.”

  Trevor gripped his cock, the carnality around them making him feel nothing but desire as he stared at them. No embarrassment, no regret, just the need for more pleasure with these two special people. “It was incredible, and a lot more I wasn’t prepared for.”

  Rick eyed him knowingly, a satisfied smile curling those sensual lips. “That’s okay, Trev. The next time we play, I’ll use oil. And a few toys.” Lilah chuckled, and he squeezed her tight. “And on you too. So don’t get cocky.”

  “A little late for that, hmm?” She stared at Trevor’s groin, and he grinned at her cheek.

  “Honey, don’t listen to Rick. Anytime you want to get cocky, you come to me.” A sudden yawn took him by surprise. “But maybe we could continue this later? I have to

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  recheck the security feeds and take another walk-through. And I hate to admit it, but I think you two wore me out.”

  Rick nodded. “Me too. But after you check the feeds, I want you back here. In my bed.”

  He stood, and to Lilah’s obvious surprise, lifted her easily into his arms.

  “Wow. You’re stronger than you look.” She blinked between Rick and Trevor.

  “Thanks,” Rick said dryly.

  Lilah blushed. “I meant that I’m no lightweight. But you’re not even breathing hard.”

  “Lilah, you’re not that heavy. And though I’m not built quite as thick as Trevor” -- he paused, though his gaze strayed to Trevor’s arousal -- “I do keep myself in shape.”

  “I see that.” Her sexy murmur had Trevor wondering if he had it in him for another round. His dick said yes, but his mind felt sluggish.

  “I’ll be back in a few.” He left Rick and Lilah and was halfway through the door when he turned back to see Rick staring thoughtfully after him. Lilah, to his amusement, was already in the bed, he
r eyes shut, a dreamy smile on her face. “Rick?” he said quietly.

  Rick raised a brow, waiting.


  As Trevor turned and left, Rick quietly exhaled the breath he’d been holding. The somber acknowledgment in Trevor’s gaze shook him, and Rick feared he’d truly gone over the edge. The passion in Lilah’s gaze, the intensity in Trevor’s stare, the one that spoke of more than simple appreciation…both scared him more than they should.

  Dammit. I’m over Elise. Just because she didn’t love me doesn’t mean no one else eve r

  will. Yet it wasn’t so easy to dismiss his worries. Opening his heart up to a woman he’d known for more than five years had been difficult. But at least with Elise he’d known what he was getting. Or thought he had.

  Satyr’s Myst


  What did he really know about Trevor and Lilah? Rick knew Trevor’s brother very well. He’d hired Ethan several years ago to fix a security problem at the resort. And Ethan had not only fixed the problem, but he’d saved Rick’s life in the process. Ethan was a dominant, stand-up guy whose loyalty would never be in question. Trevor appeared to be cut from the same cloth. But whereas Ethan was decidedly straight, Trevor straddled the same fence Rick did, attracted to both men and women. Watching him with Lilah had been incredibly erotic and teased Rick’s appetite for more. He couldn’t wait to initiate Trevor into the more intimate aspects of anal sex. Rick heated as he stared down at Lilah sleeping peacefully beside him. Yes, he couldn’t wait to take Trevor’s virgin ass…as long as Lilah was there when he did it. And the notion that he needed Lilah to watch surprised him.

  Rick had been in relationships with both men and women, but never steady ones with both sexes at the same time. When he’d fallen hard for Elise, he’d felt something missing and had chalked it up to his uneasiness about commitment. And when she’d left, he’d felt his fears justified.

  Elise had known what he did and who he was, had entered into a relationship with him fully aware. But she couldn’t take his lifestyle, and he honestly had never considered giving it up for her, not that she’d given him the chance to make such an offer. For Lilah and Trevor, however, he actually thought about trying something new. Satyr’s Myst was his and would always be in his blood. But how much longer could he remain happy watching others indulge in fantasies while his stayed just out of reach?

  Rick sighed and stroked Lilah’s soft hair. She looked prettier every time he saw her, and he knew emotion clouded his objectivity. Hell, staring at Lilah, he had a hard time recalling Elise’s face. Instead, Lilah’s soft gray eyes winked in his mind’s eye, her sweet breath caressed his face, and her body lay supplicant under his. Femininity personified. As he stared at her, he wondered what it would be like to be loved so deeply by a woman that she would want to bear his children. To be in a steady, loyal relationship with a woman who

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  gave as much as she took, and who could accept not just Rick, but another man in her life as well. Another man…like Trevor.

  And what the hell is wrong with me that I’m thinking about forever with people I’ve just met? He shook his head and moved away from Lilah, as if she’d put such thoughts in his head. Trevor took that moment to return to the room, and he quirked a brow, as if sensing Rick’s agitation.

  The blasted man had put on a pair of shorts, hiding parts of that glorious body that deserved to be shown off. Displeased, Rick scowled. “I have a few things to catch up on myself.” Trevor opened his mouth to object, no doubt, but Rick stayed him with an upheld hand. “Now that I know why you’re really here, I promise not to leave.” He narrowed his stare when Trevor crossed his arms and blocked his way out. Damn, but the muscles rippling on his huge frame had Rick half hard again.

  Rick took two strides forward and glared at Trevor. “And if you think what we just shared is the end of it, think again.” Without warning, he yanked Trevor’s head down and kissed him hard on the mouth, groaning at the feel of Trevor’s rising erection against his needy cock. “We’re just getting started. Because I’m going to make you beg before I take your ass.”

  “In your dreams.” But Trevor’s breathing was harsh, his eyes glazed with lust.

  “And in yours.” Rick nodded to the bed, a hard smile on his face. “Keep Lilah warm for me, and I promise not to be too long. I’ll be in my study.”

  Trevor studied him a moment, then stepped aside. Rick brushed his hand along Trevor’s crotch, pleased that his lover was hard already.

  “And make sure to save some of that for when I get back.”

  Trevor called him an arrogant prick, and Rick grinned. He watched as Trevor sighed and turned to the bed, then got in beside Lilah. The pair of them looked right together, and Rick forced himself to leave, closing the door behind him as he tried to decipher the

  Satyr’s Myst


  meaning of Trevor and Lilah in his life. He puzzled over the pair all the way to his study across the house. Comfortable in his nudity, he nevertheless grabbed a pair of clean shorts from the laundry room before sitting at his desk. As if the clothing would provide his heart any protection.


  Mentally castigating himself, Rick finally pushed his new lovers to the back of his mind and managed to catch up on some e-mails, make a few phone calls, and check on his to-do list. Though he wasn’t in attendance at Satyr’s Myst, his staff ran the place smoothly, thanks in no small part to Tyrone. Tyrone -- the same man who Trevor had claimed knew all about Rick’s “kidnapping.”

  Punching in Tyrone’s number, Rick waited. After several rings, his friend finally picked up.

  “Hello?” Tyrone asked hesitantly.

  “Sorry to disappoint, but it’s Rick, not Trevor.”

  “Shit. Um, hi, boss.” Boss. He only ever called Rick that when there was trouble.

  “What’s up?”

  “Spill it, Tyrone. Who the hell planned this scenario? You?” He paused. “Ethan?” Rick wouldn’t put it past Ethan to do what he thought necessary to keep Rick safe, regardless of Rick’s opinion.

  “Ethan was in on it, yes,” Tyrone admitted, his deep voice even deeper with guilt. “But dammit, Rick. You won’t listen to reason. This isn’t some pimply kid calling you out for a knockdown. First you’re nearly mugged on the island. Then some asshole blew up your yacht a few weeks ago!”

  Rick had tried to forget that, and he knew Tyrone had a point. “Okay. So I should have taken the threat a little more seriously. But did it really merit a stranger kidnapping me and holding me -- tied up, I might add -- in my own house under lock and key?”

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  “Lock can’t be too damned tight if you’re calling me.”

  “True.” Rick grinned. Tyrone sounded pissy. “Look, I want to know details about this whole thing. Then maybe I’ll forgive you.”

  Tyrone chuckled. “You know, I’m just shaking, scared you’ll be mad forever.”


  “Condescending ass.”

  “Tyrone. I’m still waiting.” But Rick smiled, pleased to find Tyrone in good humor and not at all intimidated. Many of Rick’s acquaintances bowed to his every whim, captivated by his money and power. What few good friends Rick had didn’t give two shits about his wealth. Which was why he was holed up here today. Because people who cared about him wanted him safe.

  Rick sighed. “Okay. I’m sorry I didn’t take the threat more seriously. Now will you tell me what you know?”

  “Glad you’ve finally come to your senses. I do have some good news to share. I was going to tell Trevor, but since you’re here… Our guys found the person responsible for the attacks. Believe it or not, it was Congressmen Shreeveson who hired a few baddies to shake you down. Apparently, the congressman isn’t at all pleased that Lydia, his lovely wife, had such a good time here a few weeks ago. Or that she’s booked to come again in a few months.”

  Rick frowned. “Afraid his constituents might find out?�

  “Probably. But from what I remember, Lydia said he was a dickhead to begin with.”

  “Yes, you and Lydia were pretty close, weren’t you?” Rick remembered Tyrone fucking the woman on the courtyard dais for all to see. An entertaining and sensual show that had erupted into an all-out audience orgy.

  “Very.” Tyrone cleared his throat. “So bottom line is we’ve identified Shreeveson, and Ethan is making a special trip out to ‘talk’ to him.”

  Satyr’s Myst


  “Good old Ethan.” Rick stared at the blank pad of paper before him, focused on answers. “But I’m more concerned with the fact that my security didn’t handle an internal problem. And exactly how did Ethan know I was having any trouble? We keep in close touch, and you know I consider him a personal friend, but I don’t remember telling him about my security problems.”

  “Security here didn’t have the resources to deal with the problem. We put all our efforts into watching over you after the bomb threat. Well, you and the guests. So I called one of the owners of H&R Securities, your good buddy Ethan.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “I tried to talk to you about security, but you’ve been too busy moping around the resort to care much what happens to you. Well, hell, Rick. I care. Nothing’s going to hurt you while I’m here. And I mean it.”

  “Tyrone --”

  “And not only have we identified Shreeveson, but we also ID’d the two guys on the island who set up the bomb and the sloppy hack jobs into our computer system.”

  “You have them both?” Instead of the relief he should have felt, Rick panicked. With the culprits identified and jailed, Trevor and Lilah would have no further need to stay. And Rick hadn’t had nearly enough time with either of them to see where this relationship might lead.

  “No. Just the one. We’re closing in on the other one, though. Trevor helped us narrow the perp’s -- his word, not mine -- whereabouts. Must have been one helluva cop. Yeah, those Reapers know security, I’ll say that for them.


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