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Satyr's Myst

Page 8

by Marie Harte

  “N-no.” That had come out of left field, or so it seemed. But the gleam of satisfaction on Rick’s face told her he had something planned.

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  “Good.” He stepped closer to Trevor and angled his body so that his cock brushed by Trevor’s head. “Stop, Trevor.”

  Panting, Trevor pulled away from Lilah, and she could see how much he wanted to continue. As did she. Her body screamed for him to make her come. But Rick, obviously, had taken charge. And she was curious enough to see where this would lead. Rick had yet to disappoint when it came to the bedroom.

  Trevor didn’t move, holding unnaturally still as Rick taunted him by sliding his dick beside Trevor’s cheek. Rick stroked against Trevor’s face several times, until Trevor visibly trembled.

  Lilah stared, wide-eyed, wondering if Rick meant to actually take Trevor and not her.

  She sensed this coupling to be as much an exploration as it was Trevor’spunishment for leaving her and Rick without a word. But that made her think…

  “I understand Trevor not doing the right thing. He’s as new at this as I am,” she said to Rick, trying not to appear weak on her rubbery knees. “But why have you avoided me for two days, Rick? I didn’t do anything wrong.”

  “No, love, you didn’t. He did.” Rick pulled back, breaking contact with Trevor. “You, however, are so damned sexy I can’t think when I’m around you. And our re-la-tion-ship,”

  he drew out, “such as it is, is going to revolve around the three of us from now on. I don’t fuck you without him there, and you and he don’t fuck without me there. Understood?”

  “Oh.” Lilah cleared her throat, nervous and needy and out of sorts. “Right.”

  “Good.” Rick leaned forward and captured her lips in a kiss that scorched her down to her toes. “Now you and I are going to show Trevor how to communicate properly. Get on the middle of the bed on your hands and knees.”

  Lilah responded to the command in his voice without thinking. She quickly moved to do as bid, her arousal growing at Rick’s mastery. She hadn’t been kidding when she’d first seen him in cuffs. While I’m not exactly lily white, I’ve never been into the bondage scene,

  Satyr’s Myst


  she’d said. Yet her body loved Rick’s commands. She was so wet, she wondered if she’d soon be dripping as she knelt on the bed.

  “Trevor, come here.” Rick joined her by the bed and motioned for Trevor to join them.

  He had one hand behind his back, and a drawer in the armoire by the bed sat slightly open.

  Trevor approached, unusually solemn, his entire mien submissive. Rick’s nostrils flared, and his jaw clenched, and Lilah saw his cock bob as the two men took each other’s measure.

  “Get on your knees and put your hands behind your back.”

  Trevor’s gaze shot to Rick’s. “What?”

  “You heard me. Get the fuck down, now.”

  Trevor’s breathing quickened as he knelt on the floor, and his rasps quickly turned into a moan as Rick stepped behind him and clicked what sounded like a pair of cuffs on him. The ex-cop knelt on the hard floor facing Lilah, his cock stiffly at attention and wet with desire.

  His face was flushed, his eyes hazy with lust. And Lilah had never been more turned on.

  “Now you’re going to watch while Lilah shows you how to properly behave.”

  Rick returned to his armoire and came back to Lilah with a tube of gel and what looked like a miniature dildo in hand. The small clear toy looked no wider than her finger with a flat base at its end, and she knew where he meant to put it.

  “This is for you, sweet,” Rick said, holding the plug up for Trevor’s benefit. “It’s a butt plug, and it’ll help stretch you, Lilah. I don’t want your first time to be painful.”

  Trevor, Lilah noted, was fixated on the plug, and he swallowed hard while Rick played with it. Holding it in his large hand, Rick gripped it like a cock. He squeezed out a bit of lube and spread it over the toy.

  “Do you think it’s wet enough, Trevor?”

  “Yes.” Trevor’s voice sounded rough as gravel, and his nipples stood like hard buds against his bronzed chest.

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  “I don’t know. Maybe Lilah’s not ready for this.” Rick turned his attention to her. “Are you ready, sweet? Do you want this?”

  Lilah nodded, anything to get Rick’s hands on her again. She was so wet she swore moisture dripped down her leg. And she felt empty, despite the attention. She needed Rick with her, in her.

  “Watch, Trevor, as Lilah takes what I give her without complaint.” But instead of using the plug, Rick knelt with Lilah on the bed and turned her so Trevor got a glimpse of them both in profile. “We don’t want him to miss anything,” Rick murmured in her ear. Then he knelt before her, his cock level with her mouth.

  She automatically opened and took him when he pushed inside.

  “That’s it, baby. Suck me. Make me as wet as the plug.” He held the toy in one hand, the lube discarded somewhere. Lilah’s focus was on his dick, and she couldn’t stop from moaning around it. She’d never much been into giving oral sex, but tasting Rick amped up her drive. She sucked him deep, wanting him inside her all the way.

  “Christ, that’s good,” he breathed and thrust lightly into her mouth. For several seconds all that could be heard were Rick’s and Trevor’s heavy breathing and Lilah’s moans. His balls brushed her chin, and she let his shaft fall free to suck the taut globes underneath. Rick’s harsh intake of breath made her smile, and she gave his sac as much attention as his shaft.

  “No more, not yet,” he said quietly and pulled away.

  They both glanced at Trevor and saw him straining. His cock was wet, his chest slick with perspiration. Need blazed in his gaze.

  “Rick, let me --”

  “No, Trevor. Good behavior takes time. If I’m to fuck Lilah’s ass, she needs to be ready.

  And this will help her.” He held the toy up for both of them to see. “Watch while Lilah takes it inside.”

  Satyr’s Myst


  Lilah shivered, completely in Rick’s thrall. She turned her head and kept her gaze on Trevor while Rick circled behind her. He nudged her knees wider and then slipped the plug over her clit.

  She sucked in a breath. God, that felt good.

  “Just giving it some more lube.” Rick chuckled, and Lilah forced herself to keep her eyes on Trevor, so she’d know before Rick moved. Trevor’s stare followed Rick’s movements, and his lust flared with his erratic breathing, his panting mirroring Rick’s playing with the plug.

  Lilah sucked in a breath and looked away from Trevor, her head bowed as Rick put the plug at the opening of her anus.

  “I’m going to push it inside you,” he explained, the only part of him touching her the knuckles on his hand holding the plug. “When I push it in, you push out. It’ll help you take it. Understand?” He kissed her in the center of her back, and she nodded, her hair swaying toward the bed.

  He pushed, and the small intrusion hurt. He didn’t relent, despite her moan, and she tried to push out, as he’d said. The discomfort increased until the plug slid past her sphincter, making her feel full, stretched, and uncomfortable as the foreign presence lodged in her ass.

  “It’s all the way in,” Rick announced in a thick voice. “Did you see that, Trevor? How Lilah took it like a good girl? How does it feel, honey?”

  “It hurts.” She wriggled her hips, but the thickness inside her remained. “It’s weird. I don’t know.”

  “I know what will help.”

  She felt Rick between her legs, and his hands came down on her back. He stroked her, the heat of his palms bringing her some ease as she focused on something other than her stinging ass. And then he gripped the plug and pulled it out a tiny fraction.

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  The movement stilled her, and then he pushed it back in. To her surprise, the discomfort turned into something else.
Something she couldn’t yet grasp.

  Rick pulled the plug out again, farther this time, and paused before shoving it back in.

  “Oh.” A spark of heat filtered through her sex.

  “Good, hmm? I’ll make it better.”

  Lilah was caught in his spell, and as Rick played with the plug, thrusting it gently in and out of her ass, she grew wetter, wanting more.

  He shoved the plug all the way in again, hard, and let go, his hands resting on her ass.

  “Now I’ll fill the rest of you.”

  Did he mean what she thought he --


  “Oh, yeah,” Trevor said with a grunt. “Take it.”

  Rick pushed his cock into her slick heat, the dual penetration of the plug in her ass and his cock in her pussy making it hard to focus on anything but the sensation of fullness. He groaned as he stopped, fully seated within her.

  “You okay?”

  “Yes. That feels so good,” she moaned, crying out when he withdrew, only to slam back inside her.

  No longer gentle, Rick began fucking her in earnest, as if pushed past his own endurance.

  “You see, Trevor? This is what a good girl does, how she behaves when she wants a man. She doesn’t hide, doesn’t run away.”

  He gripped her ass hard and pushed her steadily toward orgasm. “She takes a cock deep inside her, welcomes it with her cream.” Rick reached under her to touch her clit, and the press of his fingers against her sensitive flesh shot her over the edge.

  Satyr’s Myst


  Lilah cried out and came, and Rick rubbed her good and hard until she could barely breathe through the pleasure. Then, to her shock, he withdrew the plug and replaced it with something bigger.

  The stretching hurt, but the joy still zinging through her body confused her enough to allow his presence, to even, after a few moments, welcome it.

  “Fuck, Lilah,” Rick panted. “You’re so tight. Take it, baby. All of it.” He groaned as he fucked her in the ass. It took him just a few more thrusts before he shouted and froze, jetting inside her with helpless groans that shook her entire foundation.

  Never would Lilah have imagined she'd enjoy anal sex. And especially not her first time. Though now that the pleasure faded, she felt the ache in her anus, the stretched flesh pulsing, well used around his cock.

  Rick pushed down on her ass with the flats of his palms and slowly withdrew, the sensation burning.

  “Oh,” she moaned, and he soothed her with whispered words of praise.

  “That was so…” Trevor began in a guttural tone.

  Surprised she’d forgotten Trevor watched, Lilah glanced over and saw his cock shiny with cream. His body was shaking, his face red with unfulfilled need. Lilah dripped with Rick’s cum, and she saw Trevor staring at her thighs.

  “Now, Trevor,” Rick began, his raspy voice filled with warning. “Come here.”

  Trevor moved to stand, and Rick stopped him.

  “No. Walk to me on your knees and crawl onto the bed.”

  Trevor frowned but didn’t disobey, and Lilah turned her head to catch the satisfaction on Rick’s face. When she would have made room for him, Rick shook his head. “No, honey.

  Stay right there. Trevor, lie down next to her.”

  Trevor awkwardly lay on his back beside her.

  “Now spread your legs.”

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  Lilah stared at Trevor’s dripping cock, wanting a taste. And a glance at Rick showed him equally enthralled.

  “Since you have trouble accepting a man’s touch, Lilah will show you how to behave.”

  She stared up at Rick in surprise.

  “Lilah, take the cum in your ass and on your thighs and push it into Trevor’s hole.”

  Trevor’s eyes grew wide, his lips slack, but he didn’t protest. He widened his legs instead.

  “Good.” Rick voiced his approval.

  Lilah’s stupor disappeared, and she quickly gathered Rick’s cum in her fingers and knelt between Trevor’s legs. Rick left then and returned to the bed with a slightly larger, clear blue plug.

  “Lube him up good, honey. We don’t want to hurt him…much.”

  Rick’s grin made her shiver and Trevor groan.

  Lilah actually enjoyed the sensual torture, and by the time she was done playing with Trevor’s ass and accidentally grazing his cock, she wanted nothing more than to watch Trevor spew.

  “Now, Lilah,” Rick said with a smile in his voice. “Push it inside him, just the way I did it to you.”

  Lilah made sure to be gentle, pretty sure Trevor had never experienced this kind of play, if the look on his face was any indication. The grunts and groans turned her on again, and she wasn’t surprised to see Rick’s cock stiff and sure as he knelt on the bed next to her, watching their interaction with intense eyes.

  “All the way in,” Rick murmured, fisting his own cock. “Is that good, Trevor?”

  “Fuck, Rick. Let me come. Touch me, please.” Trevor sounded desperate, and the precum gathering over his cock was testament to his need.

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  Rick shook his head. “Maybe Lilah can help…after I’m done.”

  Trevor groaned, and they all watched as Rick masturbated while ordering Lilah, step-by-step, to fuck Trevor’s ass with the plug.

  In desperate need, Trevor writhed and pumped his hips, his cock weeping for satisfaction. Rick finally grunted and shot over Trevor’s belly, and Lilah couldn’t look away from Trevor’s agonized stare.

  “Is that what you want?” Rick growled.

  “Yes,” Trevor said on a curse. “Fuck, yes.”

  “Give it to him, Lilah.” Rick wiped his hand on Trevor’s belly, then swiped a finger through his cum and held it to Trevor’s lips.

  Trevor, bless him, sucked Rick’s finger hard, and Lilah had had enough. She shoved the plug up Trevor’s ass, let it go, and straddled him.

  Then, under Rick’s careful watch, she gave both Trevor and herself the bliss they both needed.

  Much later, when she could finally move again, gentle hands took her from Trevor and placed her next to him. She saw Rick release Trevor from the cuffs, then lay down beside her, keeping her between them. But as much as she relished this closeness between them, she didn’t know where Rick and Trevor now stood.

  Trevor groaned and closed his eyes, asleep in minutes. Rick chuckled in her ear. “He’s mine now. He just doesn’t know it yet.”

  And me, what about me? She pondered the question in sated confusion.

  As if Rick had heard her thoughts, he hugged her close and rubbed her belly with gentle strokes. “And you, sweet, can take me any time, any way you please. Now close your eyes and rest,” he murmured and kissed her neck. “You'll need your strength, because this is only the beginning.”

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  Chapter Six

  “Lilah, I can’t believe how much better my arm feels.” Rick rotated his left shoulder and grinned up at her, and Lilah’s heart dropped even lower toward her feet. Oh, hell, who was she kidding? For the past week she’d been in seventh heaven. And much as she tried to deny what she felt, the word “love” continued to float above her men, as she now thought of them.

  Rick Hastings and Trevor Reaper. Two men who should have been way out of her league but who acted as if they’d never seen a woman more beautiful. And damned if their attitude wasn’t wearing off on her.

  Out here, in the middle of nowhere with no competition in sight, Lilah felt beautiful.

  She dressed in skimpy clothes, if she dressed at all. Her confidence was at an all-time high, and her sexuality seemed to have blossomed overnight. Just a look from Trevor or Rick and she’d grow wet and willing.

  She’d been taken in just about every position possible by them both. Just remembering how tenderly Rick had taken her ass again the other night made her flush, and she focused on his arm, not meeting his gaze. She was still sore, but God, she wanted
another go with him. And more, she wanted to see him take Trevor.

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  A glance across the pool showed Trevor’s arms behind his head as he lay on a lounger clad in sunglasses, short trunks, and a layer of sunscreen while he baked under the tropical sun. They all remained poolside, the perfection of the day impossible to ignore.

  The air was cooling, the water warm and inviting, and the clear sky reflected the natural beauty of Rick’s incredibly blue eyes.

  “-- Lilah, have you heard a word I’ve said?” He grinned, and she leaned down to kiss him.

  Breathless, she broke the kiss and sat next to him in the lounge chair. “No.”

  He laughed and faced her, taking her hand in his. “I asked about your life at home.

  We’ve talked briefly about the world beyond Satyr’s Myst, but I’m very curious. Why did you become a physical therapist in the first place?”

  Lilah stared down at their joined hands, bemused by the familiar heat of Rick’s large palm. She’d never known anyone like him. There was something so incredibly sensual about everything he did. He seduced by merely breathing. “I like helping people, always have. I didn’t have the patience to go through med school, though my parents still tell me I have the brains for it. I like a hands-on approach better.”

  “Me too,” Trevor added in a gravelly voice. Apparently, the big lug wasn’t asleep behind those shades after all. He shifted, and his biceps flexed.

  She sighed.

  “He makes for some interesting eye candy, doesn’t he, especially when we know he’s still got that plug up his ass?” Rick murmured before raising her hand to kiss her palm. After that first time, Rick had insisted Lilah continue to prepare Trevor for the anal penetration he planned, one day, to give him. Or so he’d whispered to Lilah. She didn’t think Trevor knew Rick planned to take his ass, just that Rick liked for Lilah to sexually torture him, making him walk around during the day with a plug in his ass.


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