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Satyr's Myst

Page 7

by Marie Harte

  “Rogers and Perrin, your bombers, used a private pilot to boat them onto the northern side of the island. We caught Rogers on land, but Perrin escaped. Looks like he’s hiding out in Bermuda. Don’t worry, we’ll get him soon.”

  That’s what I’m afraid of. Thinking quickly, Rick made a decision.

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  “Tyrone, let’s keep this between you and me. I don’t want Trevor distracted from his job here.”


  “Trevor doesn’t need to know what’s going on with Perrin or Rogers. He’s guarding me and doing a damn fine job with it.”

  “Oh, really?” Speculation filled Tyrone’s voice. “You don’t want him to know that the guys trying to kill you are under the gun. Why not?”

  “Because I need more time. Some things can’t be rushed,” Rick admitted between clenched teeth. Hell, did he have to spell it out?

  Tyrone laughed. “O-kay, gotcha.” More laughter. “Didn’t I tell you there was something about that man? I could see the instant connection between you two. And that had nothing to do with his reason for being here, and everything to do with how you looked at him. I haven’t seen you stare at anyone that way in a long time.” Tyrone sounded way too pleased.

  “If I didn’t know better, I’d think you staged this to set me up.”

  “Funny, you haven’t mentioned Lilah.” Tyrone’s hurried response told Rick he was on to something, but the genuine concern in Tyrone’s tone needed addressing.

  “What would you like me to say? That’s she’s a wonderful, caring, beautiful woman?

  Or that she tastes like honey and kisses like Venus in mortal flesh?”

  “Now I know you’re back to normal. When you make those Roman references, you’re the same Rick who used to run our ideal retreat. I’ve missed ya, buddy. And I can’t tell you how glad I am to see that you’re finally back in the race.”

  “The race?”

  “You know, into the love shoot. Seems to me like you have two people with you who suit you far better than Elise ever did. Face it, you just liked the idea of loving her.”

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  Rick had wondered about that for some time, but he knew the truth. “No, Tyrone.

  Much as you didn’t approve, I loved Elise. But not like…” He trailed off, not ready to put into words the intense feelings growing inside him for Trevor and Elise.

  “Not like?”

  “Just remember to keep contact with Trevor to a minimum. And warn Ethan of the same. I want Trevor and Lilah here for a little while longer.” Actually, a lot longer. But Rick didn’t want Tyrone thinking he’d done the right thing by involving himself in Rick’s love life.

  “Sure thing, boss.”

  The humor in Tyrone’s voice irritated. “And stop calling me ‘boss.’”

  Tyrone laughed outright, and Rick hung up the phone. Muttering to himself, he returned to Lilah and Trevor with all haste. Easing into bed with the pair, he tried to tell himself to go slow. People didn’t fall in love at first sight, or first screw, he thought sardonically.

  Yet as he snuggled close to Lilah and wrapped his arm around her, he settled his hand on Trevor’s warm flank and sighed. Reality had never been this right before. And if the pair of them equaled their sexual promise as true partners, Rick knew he was a goner.

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  Chapter Five

  Two frustratingly long days later, Lilah glared at Rick from under the bridge of her hand, trying to cope with her newborn sexual hungers starving for attention. Despite the cover shading them from the burning sunlight, bright rays cast a blinding light over the humid afternoon. The cloudless sky afforded a view for miles, though Trevor kept casting guarded looks through the open windows at the area around them some forty feet below. She wondered what he thought to see through the canopy of green beneath them.

  “I decided I wanted an ocean view even out here, so I had this tree house built when I first constructed my home away from home.” Rick sighed and leaned over the slender ledge of the window, earning a scowl from Trevor.

  “Move back out of sight. It’s not safe.”

  Rick rolled his eyes but returned to the safety of the room.

  What Rick called a tree house, she called a freakin’ condominium. Though the smaller space was supported some forty feet off the ground, braced by the trees around them and several tons of stone and concrete, Rick’s perch on top of the jungle was anything but primitive.

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  A small bathroom shielded by cedar walls took up the far corner, but otherwise the rest of the overlarge room remained spacious and open. Sturdy cork covered the floor, the wooden walls boasted origins from the jungle directly around them, according to Rick, and the comfortable furniture made Rick’s tree house look more like a sultan’s mini palace.

  Next to a rattan rocker sat a wicker table covered with books and magazines. A pair of plushly cushioned chairs faced one overlarge window to the south -- where they currently stood -- and opposite them under the other window lay a thick mattress covered in what looked like purple silk. Colorful pillows littered the bed, and Lilah could all too easily imagine Rick fully naked and kicked back while beautiful people tended to his every need.

  She sighed. Beautiful people, as in, anyone but her. Normally, her looks didn’t bother her so much. But then, normally, she wasn’t surrounded by a cagey ex-cop and a millionaire who owned a pleasure resort filled with nubile nymphos.

  “Look.” Rick interrupted her thoughts and took her by the hand, pulling her closer to the window. The detachable screen was currently up, allowing for an unfettered view of the flora around them. And the ceiling fan’s steady hum -- thank God -- provided just enough of a breeze to push the drifting ocean air their way.

  Still, sweat beaded on Lilah’s growing tan, visible around her bikini top and sarong, and she wiped absently at her naked belly, conscious of Trevor’s less-than-subtle fixation with her bared navel. The last time he’d stared at her that way, he’d kissed his way down her belly toward the part of her wanting his touch even now. Unfortunately, he hadn’t gifted her with his attentions lately. Which made her wonder, just what had he been doing away from Rick and her for the last two days? From what little Trevor shared, Rick’s security personnel had informed them that Congressman Shreeveson had written the nasty correspondence and hired men to hurt Rick. But they hadn’t yet caught the individuals responsible for actually setting the bomb on Rick’s yacht. In her opinion, Trevor should have constantly shadowed Rick. Wasn’t it his job as a personal bodyguard to protect Rick?

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  “So, Trevor, are you going to tell us what has you so busy lately or not?” She didn’t want to bother him, but dammit, her safety was as much at risk as Rick’s. Nice of Elise to avoid mentioning the potential of meeting Rick’s bomber face-to-face.

  “Yes, Trevor,” Rick added. “You’ve been pretty mysterious lately, and though I’m fond of puzzles, I don’t like to play with issues of security.” His glance at Lilah took her aback.

  Was Rick worried for her? Hell, she wasn’t the one with a target on her back.

  Trevor said nothing, his jaw clenched tight, and as much as Lilah wanted to yell at him for not sharing his thoughts and feelings, she also wanted to comfort him, the healer in her itching to make it all right.

  She started when Rick’s finger caressed her palm, and she shot him a sharp glance.

  “Look, there.” He nodded over his shoulder at the window, apparently willing to overlook Trevor’s silent stubbornness.

  “What? Trouble?” Trevor joined them, glancing out over the green jungle.

  Rick tugged Lilah closer to him and pointed through the open window. “You can see a glimmer of the ocean past the mahogany, cedar, and olivewoods.” He smiled, and Lilah wondered what he found so damned amusing. “In case you couldn’t tell, I’m a big nature lover.”

  Lilah couldn’t disput
e the words “big” and “lover” when it came to Rick. So why the hell hadn’t he touched her since Tuesday night? Was he already regretting their steamy ménage? She blushed just thinking about it. Having sex with two other people might be routine for him, but it had been her first time and an experience she’d never forget.

  Though not a prude, she hadn’t seen so much action since she’d shared a porno with her last dud of a boyfriend. And even that hadn’t done more than rush the selfish creep to finish in something like two minutes.

  “Well, Trevor?” Rick asked quietly, pulling Lilah from memories better left forgotten.

  “Want to tell us where you’ve been for the past two days?”

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  Trevor sighed and crossed his arms, a sight that never failed to enthrall Lilah. As a physical therapist, Lilah spent a lot of time around injured people. So she relished the sight of healthy joints, tissue, and skin. And Trevor’s bountiful health just radiated in those bulging biceps… Her gaze fell to his groin. Bulging biceps and, oh, yes, that thick, strong shaft that hadn’t seen much action lately, either, if his frustrated glare at Rick meant anything.

  “I’ve been hunting the prick that torched your yacht.”

  Lilah stared in surprise. “Are you serious?”

  “Very.” He turned to Rick. “Your security received a tip. Seems the perp doubled back from Bermuda. I wanted to be in on it. I have a lot of experience tracking criminals, and I wanted to make sure you two weren’t in any danger. At the very least, to get between him and you two.”

  “You might have told us where you were going instead of scribbling a hasty ‘I’ll be back soon and don’t step one foot outside the compound’ on a notepad,” Rick said quietly.

  Lilah moved back so she could watch the dynamics between them. To her surprise, she saw a wall of rage in Rick’s bright blue eyes, and she wondered how Trevor would react.

  Glued to the byplay and irked at him for not having the guts to say good-bye in person, she smirked at the flush that began to darken Trevor’s cheeks.

  “I wasn’t running out on you. Either of you.” He directed the last at Lilah, apparently noting her irritation with him as well. His voice held exasperation when he continued. “I wanted a jump on this guy. He tried to kill you, Rick. And I’ll be damned if he steps one foot near either you or Lilah.

  “The island police and your staff have him on the run and currently sequestered on the northern side of the island away from here. I’d have stayed with your security, but I wanted to get back…in case something happened, and he broke away. I thought it best to stay close.”

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  Lilah wondered. A few days ago, the intimacy the three of them had shared during the night devastated her the morning after. And it looked like the intensity scared Trevor as well. Yet he seemed as helpless as she was to stay away.

  Rick chuckled.

  “What’s so funny?” she asked, wondering at the sudden disappearance of his anger.

  “Trevor missed us, Lilah.” Rick sidled up to Trevor, as swiftly and silently as a large cat.

  “You don’t get to bail whenever it feels uncomfortable, Trevor.”

  “I wasn’t --”

  “At least have the balls to be honest with us.”

  Trevor scowled, ran a hand over his hair, and clutched at the dark strands. “I was…okay, dammit. It freaked me out. Is that what you want to hear?”

  Hell, yes. Lilah stared, captivated by the fractured glimpses of Trevor’s insecurities.

  “I can’t understand if you won’t talk to me.” Rick’s low voice tickled along Lilah’s nerves, rumbling like a predator about to strike. “I’m not a rapist, Trevor. If you don’t want to have sex with me, then don’t.”

  “That’s not it.” Trevor swore and stalked away from Rick. He planted his hands on his hips, facing away from them. Lilah shared a look with Rick and blinked at the wide grin on his face.

  Trevor continued. “The sex with you two was incredible, better than anything I’ve ever had. And I wanted to do it again. You have no idea how much. But this isn’t easy. I mean, it is with Lilah. But Rick… I’ve never even kissed a man until you.” Trevor turned around to face them, and to Lilah’s bemusement, Rick wiped his face clean of emotion.

  “The two of you are my fantasy made real. I guess I don’t want to fuck it up before I have a chance to enjoy it.”

  Lilah couldn’t help staring at his prominent erection. The thin shorts he and Rick wore more than showed their feelings, at least, in some respects. She empathized with Trevor, but

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  her mouth watered for another bout with both of them as well. Hell, she’d felt the same anxieties he did. Did he honestly believe she fucked around with two men at once all the time back at home in the States?

  She could see the headlines now: “PLAIN JANE LILAH TANNER GOING AT IT WITH HOT GUYS

  IN BETWEEN DEALING WITH PATIENTS, INSURANCE CLAIMS, AND ARROGANT DOCTORS.” She would never have thought to even approach Trevor back home, let alone Trevor and Rick for a threesome.

  “You, Trevor, have a problem,” Rick said as he slowly circled Trevor, studying him like a fascinating puzzle. “Your problem is that you have communication issues. But I think we can work on that.”

  Lilah raised a brow. “You think? Personally, I think an apology is in order. And if it’s a good one, maybe I’ll consider forgiving him.” After I take advantage of that gorgeous body before my own fantasy crumbles. The fact constantly loomed in the back of Lilah’s mind: sooner or later, Rick’s pressing troubles would disappear. And with them, so would Lilah.

  And Trevor. Their threesome.

  “I’m sorry, baby.” Trevor sounded sincere, and the deep appreciation glinting in those soulful eyes had her melting. He took a step toward her before Rick stopped him, blocking him with his body.

  “Try apologizing to me too.”

  Trevor frowned, but quickly smoothed the expression as he stared at Rick. Lilah wished she could see Rick’s face, but he had his back to her.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Yes, you are. But it’s not all your fault. You need help.” The husky tone in Rick’s voice awakened her body with renewed desire. “Don’t you, Trevor? Don’t you need my help?” The demand in Rick’s voice intrigued her and had a surprising effect on Trevor.

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  Lilah quivered, both shocked and aroused at the sight of Trevor’s sudden excitement.

  His lips parted, his eyes shuttered to half-mast, and he clenched his hands at his sides as Rick stepped closer. He’s aroused by it, by Rick’s dominance.

  “Tell me you want my help, Trevor, and I’ll show you exactly how you need to behave.”

  Trevor licked his lips and cast another glance at the open window of the tree house.

  “Don’t worry. The security sensor over in the corner is on, and I’ve set it to alert us if anyone comes within forty feet of the place.” Rick stepped back and turned, including Lilah in the discussion. To her delight, he sported an enormous erection. “Well, Trevor? We’re waiting.”

  We, not I. Lilah felt warm inside, pleased beyond measure to be included.

  “Yeah, ah, yes,” he corrected under Rick’s disapproval.

  “Yes, what?” Rick asked coolly.

  Trevor swallowed. “Yes, I want your help, Rick. Help me, please.”

  Rick nodded, though he didn’t smile again. And Lilah felt breathless with anticipation.

  When Rick removed his clothes and stood before them naked, her pulse raced with awareness.

  “You, Trevor, are about to get your first lesson in good behavior. And Lilah is going to show you how it’s done.”

  Lilah blinked. “I am?” The hard stare Rick fixed her with melted her, and she felt like Trevor must, totally aroused by the forcefulness in Rick Hastings, the suave, sophisticated playboy with so many facets. “Oh, right,” she breathed. “Tell me wha
t you want me to do.”

  Rick winked at her, then nodded at her clothes. “Take them off.”

  She untied her top and dropped her sarong and the bottom under it. Both men fixated on her, and Lilah’s body responded. Her nipples hardened, and her womb flooded her sex with wet desire.

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  “Come here.”

  Lilah walked to him and stopped before him.

  “Trevor, undress, then remain still.”

  They watched Trevor remove his shorts, and Lilah stared with fascination at his pearling cock. A creamy bead pooled in his slit, and she wanted to taste him, to capture his need on her tongue.

  “Now, Lilah, I want you to spread your feet apart, shoulder width.” She did so. “And Trevor, get on your knees. Take her clit in your mouth and suck.”

  Trevor grinned and took to his knees. He followed Rick’s instructions without hesitation, and the feel of his mouth over her made Lilah gasp with excitement.

  Rick stood behind Trevor, watching. His gaze traveled over Lilah with deliberate slowness, and Lilah felt a moment of embarrassment, to be watched while she took her pleasure. But knowing that Rick saw everything also heightened her enjoyment, and she stood helpless before him, at a loss as to how to feel.

  “Do you like me looking at you?” Rick asked. “Trevor, I didn’t tell you to stop.

  Continue.” Trevor grumbled an apology and returned to Lilah’s sex. “Well, Lilah? Should I turn away?”

  “No.” Oh, God, no. Trevor sucked hard, and she gripped his shoulders, her gaze glued to Rick’s.

  “Do you want to come?”

  “Yes,” she hissed, responding eagerly to Trevor’s skilled mouth.

  Rick nodded, his gaze intense. “Have you ever been fucked in the ass?”

  She and Trevor stilled for a minute before Trevor continued tonguing her.


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