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Eden (Night in Eden Book 1)

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by Amanda K. Dudley-Penn

  She nodded, "Yes," she said as her frown deepened. Her eyes widened wondering if he knew that the prince favored her, "But I'm not the only girl and I don't see any of them here."

  "You might as well be," he stated as his gaze slid over her before returning to her face. His brows drew together, "You are the only one he'll see."

  She crossed her arms over her chest and tried to appear calm, "You think he's going to pick me?"

  "I know he is," he informed her and then, ran his hand through his hair. He turned his gaze back to her, his eyes serious, "He's told me."

  Serafina's heart picked up speed, "You've spoken to him?" She inquired. Her voice quivered as she took in his face.

  "Yes," he replied and then, winced, "We're friends."

  Serafina's mouth dropped open as she blinked, "Your friends with one of them?" She spat out angry that he could be close with the prince after living under the rule of his father, "You carry scars because of one of their laws."

  "I do," he breathed, stepping close to her with his hands out, "But Prince Riann isn't like his father. He's kind."

  "I'm sure he's a peach," she sneered, curling her lip. Her nostrils flared. Her anger heated her breath, "He must pray for us after we've been whipped. Did he pray for Maggie? What about my grandmother? Did he pray for her?"

  Serafina turned to walk away but he moved in front of her, "Please...I need to explain," she shook her head but he continued, "I carry scars from protecting you. I am trying to do that again. I really am."

  She narrowed her eyes, "For years you didn't speak to me," she fumed, shaking her head, "Now, you have decided I exist and you want to protect me? Forgive me if that sounds strange."

  "I'm sorry," he pleaded, his eyes wide, "My parents made me stay away. I wanted to talk to you. I have always wanted to talk to you."

  Her eyes roamed over his face as it darkened at the mention of his parents, "Why did you save me?" She demanded, shaking her head, "I have never understood why you took my place."

  "There are too many reasons to talk about now," he said, shifting.

  "Give me one," she said, raising her chin, "If you do that, I'll stay and talk to you."

  His eyes roamed over her face and then, he nodded, "I wasn't taken care of by my parents," he whispered as darkness flooded his eyes, "My grandmother took care of me and my siblings. She was old and a week before your grandmother was taken, they took mine. She made it through the lashes. I don't know how but she did. However, she didn't make it through the night. The pain was too great. I was with her as she cried and screamed for relief."

  Tears filled Serafina's eyes as she covered her mouth with her hands. She gazed up at him. Her anger and confusion fading, "I'm so sorry."

  He shook his head, "I wanted to face them but I was too afraid. Then, a week later as I'm walking to school, you did what I was too afraid to do. You were brave and all I could think was that I couldn't let them touch you. I couldn't let them scar you like they did my grandmother. I didn't want them to take away your spirit."

  A tear fell down her cheek, "I wasn't brave," she said, shaking her head, "You faced the gallows. You took ten lashes because I was stupid."

  "I took nine," he said, raising his brow, "You carry the scar from the tenth."

  She shivered with the memory. Her anger was gone and suddenly, she didn't want to know anything further of that day. She simply wanted to know why he had brought her here, "What is it that you wanted to talk to me about?" She asked, staring at him with tear-filled eyes.

  "Tomorrow, you will be viewed," he said, studying her face, "With as brave as you are, I was afraid you would choose banishment. I want you to choose to become the princess."

  "Why?" She asked, blinking as her eyes widened.

  "Because if you do, you can change all of this," he said, taking a step closer to her, "You will have allies that you would not have thought of...You will save us all and I will help."

  Thane's words blended with her grandmother's and Maggie's in her mind. She glanced behind her realizing they all believed the same thing...That she was the one who would bring back freedom but she wasn't so sure.

  "Why does everyone think that I will be the one to save them?" She asked, her eyes brimming with tears.

  Thane stared into her eyes, "Because they see something in you that no one has here," he said, frowning, "They see something that has not faded in you."

  "What's that?" She asked on a strangled cry.

  "Hope," he said, swallowing, "And because of that, you will fight to keep it."

  She nodded, "And you want me to sacrifice to keep it and save you...Save Eden?" She asked remembering Maggie's words.

  He took a deep breath, "I'm begging you to," he said, "And if you do, I will protect you with everything in me."

  She took a deep breath. She spoke in almost a whisper, "Okay, Thane," She said, closing her eyes. When she opened them, she straightened, "I'll do it. I'll be your Princess."

  He bowed his head to her and gave his own vow, "And I will protect you with my life."

  Chapter Four

  Thane walked in silence beside Serafina to meet Deandra. When she glanced at him, she found a frown marking his brow and his jaw was clenched as he stared forward as if deep in thought. For a moment, she believed he would say something else to her but as soon as they were in Deandra's presence, Thane left. She stared after him. She still didn’t understand his worry for her or his constant protection.

  Once he was out of earshot, Deandra touched her shoulder gaining her attention. Her eyes flashed as she took in Serafina's face.

  "What was that about?" She demanded, frowning. Her eyes roamed over her sister, searching for any sign that she had been hurt.

  "The viewing tomorrow," Serafina whispered deciding not to tell Deandra everything. To do that would put her in danger, "He was warning me."

  "Warning you about what?" She asked, her eyes darkening. The suspicion in them was clear as she continued to stare at her.

  Serafina swallowed over the lump in her throat, "He believes as Maggie did," she admitted as a tremble shook through her, "The Prince will choose me."

  Deandra shook her head, "Maybe they are wrong," she said, tucking in her bottom lip and then, straightened her back.

  "I don't think so," Serafina whispered as her shoulders drooped forward. She glanced over her shoulder as the bell sounded behind them, summoning them to the church. She raised her brows at Deandra and turned and walked toward the bell. Deandra followed her before moving to her side. Her eyes roamed over her face.

  "What are you going to do?" She asked, her face pale as they moved within the crowd.

  "I told you...If I'm chosen, I will become the princess," she reminded her, frowning, "I won't have our family banished."

  Deandra pressed her lips together, "It's not fair," she said as they moved past the square. Her face pinched into a frown.

  Serafina didn't answer her but she was right...It wasn't fair that she would be married into the cruel family of the Prince. Nor was it fair that she would never marry for love or that she would be hated by everyone she grew up with. None of it was fair but neither was a child working in the fields or people with bellies that growled wanting to be fed. What happened to her grandmother, Thane's grandmother and Maggie wasn't fair. It wasn’t fair that those they left behind lived in fear of the same thing happening to them. No. It wasn't fair. None of it was.

  She raised her chin pushing the thoughts away as they reached the church. She wouldn't face the King and Princes looking anything less than proud of who she was. She wouldn't let them take that away from her. Thane reappeared beside her and Deandra narrowed her eyes at him as if the Prince's decision to choose her was his fault. For a moment, she felt sorry for Thane. After all, no one should be angry with him. He was simply the messenger.

  "The King wants the girls who are to be viewed tomorrow to have an escort," he informed her, giving her a strained smile, "I have been assigned to you."

sp; Serafina nodded, "I would rather it be you than any of the others in The King's Army," she said shifting on her feet.

  He nodded, "If I am your escort today, I will be chosen to be your guard while you are the princess," he whispered, "If chosen I will protect you with my life."

  The image of him strapped to the gallows made her wince, "I don't want anyone to lay their lives down for me," she said, her eyes wide.

  "Regardless," he said with a shrug, "You have my loyalty," Then, frowned before he added, "Whether you want it or not."

  She opened her mouth to speak but the door to the church opened and the preacher emerged.

  "Would the girls who will be viewed tomorrow, present themselves first?" He asked. His face was bright red and sweat poured down his forehead.

  Thane offered her his arm and she looped hers through it. She realized the other girls who would be joining her at the viewing had a member of The King's army accompanying them as they moved forward. Her eyes widened.

  "When you said escort, you didn't mean just for this meeting," she whispered narrowing her gaze on the door to the church.

  "No," he said, glancing at her and confirming her suspicions that she would be with him until the viewing the next day.

  "Is this to keep us from running?" She inquired, frowning.

  "Of course," he stated, tilting his head, "But I don't know where he thinks that you would run to. The whole town is surrounded by a wall. I doubt you could climb it."

  She raised a brow, "Never doubt me," she said. His eyes widened and she sighed, "But don't worry. I won't run."

  He nodded as they reached the door. The preacher shook their hands before they moved inside. On the podium, high backed chairs had been placed. Within them sat The King, The Queen and the King's second son, Prince Riann, the man who had called for the viewing. Prince Riann's eyes swept over the crowd and then, landed on her. She trembled as his dark eyes bore into her. She swallowed as she moved her gaze to the Queen who sat rigid in her seat. A soft smile touched her lips as she met each of the girls. When it was time for Serafina to address The King and his family, Thane stepped forward.

  "I would like to introduce you to Serafina Malloy," he announced and then, moved aside. Serafina stepped forward and curtsied. The King's eyes swept over her and nodded as his eyes moved from her head to her feet before moving toward her face once again.

  "You are very beautiful, Serafina," The King said, his dark eyes scrutinized her face.

  "Thank you, Your Majesty," She said, giving him a bright smile though she felt far from happy.

  "You have a beautiful name to go with your beautiful face," The Queen said, her voice was soft and pleasant but her eyes were full of fear.

  "Thank you, Your Majesty," she replied, studying the woman who had whispered her apologies as she passed. Her heart ached for the woman.

  "Are you looking forward to the viewing tomorrow?" Prince Riann asked and she turned her attention to him. Up close, he was handsome with eyes as dark as his father's and black hair. His skin was sun kissed and he possessed both height and lean muscle.

  "I am, Your Majesty," She lied but all three royals nodded their heads as if they approved of her answer.

  "What do you think being a princess means?" The King asked. Again, his eyes roamed over her.

  "It's serving the people but ultimately serving you," she said, hoping the answer was enough to keep her from the gallows.

  The King smiled and nodded his head, "That's a very good answer," he said, raising his brow. His voice was as sweet as syrup, "But are you only saying it to appease me?"

  "No," she replied, meeting his gaze, "I believe that to make the kingdom great, bending to the King's wishes are essential."

  The King's smile widened as he glanced at his wife, "My Queen," he snapped, causing her to turn to him with wide, frightened eyes.

  "Yes, Your Majesty?" She asked, but her lip trembled belying her fear.

  "Do you agree with Serafina?" he asked, raising his brows as he peered into her eyes.

  "Yes, My King," she said, keeping her gaze on his.

  The King turned back to Serafina and studied her face. His smile widened appearing to take up half of his face, "It will be a pleasure to see you at the viewing tomorrow," he said and then, clapped his hands together, "I want to see what you look like in the castle."

  Serafina wanted to wince but forced her smile to brighten instead, "I am looking forward to it, Your Majesty."

  "Lieutenant Fortier," The King said, turning to Thane, "She is dismissed until tomorrow. Make sure she gets home."

  "Yes, Your Majesty," he answered, offering Serafina his arm and moving away from the podium toward the door. Once they were outside, they moved around the crowd to the street. Serafina's heart trembled in her chest.

  "Did I do something wrong?" She inquired, frowning as she glanced over her shoulder toward the church.

  Thane grinned as her gaze returned to him, "No, Serafina," he said, "You did everything perfect. He likes you. That means he will approve of Riann's choice."

  Serafina frowned. The last thing she wanted was to be approved by the King for marriage to his son.

  Chapter Five

  Serafina sat on the porch as the rest of her family and most of Eden was subjected to sitting through one of The King's addresses. She marveled at how quiet the town was when no one walked the streets. Birds sang in the trees unafraid while humans were not there to muffle their sounds. The wind rustled the leaves causing some to fall from the branches. Light shined through the clouds bathing her home in light causing the dullness to fade.

  "Are you all right, Serafina?" Thane asked gazing into her face. She opened her mouth to answer honestly but then, glanced at the camera perched on the pole in front of her home. He followed her gaze as he sat down beside her, "It doesn't work."

  She turned to stare at him with wide eyes, blinking as she studied him, "How do you know?" She inquired tilting her head.

  "There are more people on your side than you think," he confided, raising his brows, "Some of them run those cameras."

  "Don't you think disabling the camera in front of my home would make The King suspicious?" She wondered frowning.

  "Maybe...If an act of God did not help it along a few months ago," he reassured her with a shrug, "Remember the storm that damaged some of the poles on this street?"

  She nodded, "Yes," she said, remembering it well. Her six year old sister, Bijou had wailed all night, terrified that the storm was going to hurt her. Its booming thunder had shaken the whole house and the lightning had struck just outside.

  "Well...The King thought their presence was enough to keep his people in line," he said with a laugh, "They were never fixed."

  "So, none of them work?" She asked glancing up at the camera, finding that though they moved, the red lights did not blink on top of them. She wondered how she had not noticed.

  "Not on this side of town," he said with a shrug, "The other side of town isn't as lucky."

  "I'll pray that a lightning storm hits their cameras," she said, causing Thane to laugh. She blinked as she took in the deep, resonance of it. She had no memory of his laughter and she was sure it was the first time she had heard it. She sighed. The truth was she had only heard anyone's laughter within Eden at odd, rare moments. Each time she did, it offered her a shock.

  "Are you worried about tomorrow?" He inquired, studying her.

  "Wouldn't you be?" She asked and then, laughed, "Perhaps a princess will want a husband soon."

  He winced, "I should hope not," he said, glancing up at the blue sky, "But you won't have it so bad. Riann really is a good person. You will see."

  She narrowed her eyes, angry that he was ready to marry her off. Some part of her wanted him bothered. She pushed the anger away and shook her head.

  "And you want me to fight this nice Prince's father?" She said, trying to understand her role and what Thane wanted her to do.

  "The Prince is nice but his father is
cruel...Even to him," he said before meeting her gaze again. Darkness clouded his eyes and she wondered what he had witnessed while at the castle.

  She blinked finally as she took in this new information, "What do you mean?" She asked, tilting her head.

  "That is one of the things you will learn tomorrow," he whispered, his voice hoarse, "The truth is, I went into that castle hating the royals as much as you do but now my hatred is for the King only. Within a day, yours will be too."

  "You are so sure of that," she said, pressing her lips together.

  "I am positive of it," he said. He gritted his teeth causing his jaw to flex, "You are blind to what goes on in that castle but you will see. You will understand your role more and more as each second passes behind its walls. You'll understand why you were chosen because we need someone who still has fire in them."

  "I still don't understand why you think that's me simply because of one very stupid action," she said, raising her brows.

  "Your very name means fire, Serafina," he said, reaching forward and tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. The darkness faded from his eyes as he peered at her. When he spoke his voice was tender, "You will find out that you were born for this."

  "I hope so," she said, rising to go to the door.

  "Serafina," he said and she turned back to him finding him still sitting on the steps, "You'll also realize that you were never stupid...You were simply brave."

  She shook her head, saying nothing as she went inside her home. She glanced toward the kitchen as the memory of her grandmother sparked to life and she remembered the very reason she had been so stupidly brave.


  Her parents arrived home an hour later with her siblings in tow. They were both surprised and fearful to find Thane sitting in the living room with her and even more so when they realized he would stay the night. Her six year old sister, Bijou was the first to warm to him when he gave her a pack of cards with numbers and shapes and kings, queens and someone called a jack on them but who appeared to be a prince. Stella was the second who fell under his charm. Her eyes were red-rimmed and worried and he seemed to realize she was worried about her interaction with the King.


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