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Eden (Night in Eden Book 1)

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by Amanda K. Dudley-Penn

  "There is no reason to be upset," he assured, smiling at her and then, patting her shoulder, "The sheriffs have been ordered not to touch your family. That includes you."

  She smiled, her relief evident, "They can't hurt us?" She asked blinking, "Why?"

  Thane smiled, "Because your sister is being viewed tomorrow," he said, raising his brows, "The King has ordered that none of the girls being viewed or their families can face the gallows so they will be at their best tomorrow."

  She sighed, "Thank you," she whispered as a tear of relief slid down her cheek. She glanced at Serafina, her eyes wide with hope that she would confirm everything he said.

  Serafina nodded and moved to the kitchen where her father and mother seemed to be arguing in whispers. Her mother's eyes flashed as her father continued.

  "We won't have to worry about food," he said, frowning as he peered into his wife’s face, "Or the gallows."

  Serafina crossed her arms over her chest as she realized they were arguing about her, "I'm glad my life boils down to dinner on the table, Father," she seethed, shaking her head.

  "That is not what I meant," he gritted out, stepping toward her so that Thane wouldn't hear.

  "That's what you said," she whispered before pressing her lips together as her father narrowed his eyes.

  "Did you forget what happened to your grandmother?" He inquired. His eyes widened, "If you are chosen, you take that possibility away."

  "It is very clear in my memory, what happened to grandmother," she said and then, shook her head, "But it is also in my memory how easily and happily you have wished to demolish my happiness. You don't even hide it but don't worry, father, if I am chosen I won't run away. However, you need to remember I am the one who is sacrificing her life and it's not a happy moment for me."

  She turned and walked out of the kitchen and went to her room to lay on her cot as anger and sadness pumped through her veins. She stared at the ceiling of the room that would no longer be hers the next day and tried to say goodbye to the only life she had ever known.

  Chapter Six

  Serafina stood in front of the mirror twisting her hands in front of her. Her heart thumped hard in her chest as she took in her reflection. The emerald green dress clung to her curves in a way that made her blush. Her eyes seemed almost silver in the grey light from the room but her skin glowed from the scrubbing and the make-up applied earlier taking the pallid color from her cheeks. Her fiery hair was piled upon her head with loose curls surrounding her face.

  "You are beautiful," Her mother whispered from the doorway, her voice wistful. Serafina turned to face her mother, her eyes wide. She took a step into the room and tilted her head.

  "That may not be a good thing," Serafina lamented, twisting her hands in front of her, "Well...Maybe for father."

  "I'm so sorry he's being this way," she said, stepping forward and cupping her cheek. She took a shaky breath as she stared into her eyes.

  "It's not your fault, Momma," she replied releasing a heavy sigh, "You don't view me as a means to a prize. You only see me as your daughter."

  "Things mean nothing when it will result in your heartache. I want you to be happy," she whispered as Serafina's twelve year old sister, Cade came into the room followed by Stella. Cade's green eyes widened as she took in Serafina's transformation. She brushed a strand of her brown hair behind her ear with a shaking hand.

  "Are you all right, Cade?" She asked taking in her sister's face. Cade's eyes moistened.

  "I'm worried about you," she said in a shaky voice. Her bottom lip trembled and she reached up to touch it.

  Serafina smiled hoping to calm her worry, "Maybe I won’t be chosen but if I am I will choose what is right for our family," she said with a nod, "But regardless of what that is, we will be all right. I promise."

  "But I don't want to live in the castle," Stella whispered as she stepped further into the room to stand beside Cade. A tremble worked through her.

  Serafina moved forward and touched Stella's cheek, "If I am chosen, you will no longer face the gallows. As the sister of the princess, you will never fear them again," she said, "You won't have to worry about death every day. So even if I am chosen, there is good that comes with it."

  Stella nodded but her mother's darkening gaze told her there would be much more evil than good that came with being the princess.


  Serafina stood outside awaiting the carriage that would take her to the castle with Thane beside her standing stiffly in the uniform which marked him as one of the King's Army. His eyes moved to her face studying her for a moment before facing forward again. A muscle in his cheek jumped as his face became as solid as stone.

  "Are you nervous?" He asked, raising his brow as she glanced at him, "I mean...More nervous than yesterday?"

  "Of course," she stated with a heavy sigh as she glanced around the neighborhood she grew up in, trying to come to terms with the fact that she would no longer be welcome there after that day, "There are a million reasons to be nervous. Can you tell me a reason not to be?

  He scoffed but then, shook his head, "No, I can't," he said, frowning.

  "Can you tell me something that will make me feel better?" She inquired, shifting nervously, "For example, give me a reason why I am not getting myself killed."

  "Because you won't be doing the deed, Serafina," he whispered, frowning, "However, I must give you a warning right away."

  "Which is?" She asked standing straighter.

  "Don't trust any of the servants unless I tell you differently," he said as the carriage turned onto her street, "That includes carriage drivers, the maids and especially the headmistress of the house. Her name is Mrs. Sherman. She will appear nice at first but she is the reason for many punishments within the castle."

  Serafina nodded as she committed the woman's name to memory, "Thank you."

  "Smile, Serafina," he said, raising his chin and facing forward once more, "You must not disappoint the King."

  Serafina's smile spread across her face as the carriage stopped in front of them. The driver helped her into her seat and Thane joined her. With a jolt, the carriage moved taking her toward the castle and her fate.


  The carriage ride seemed longer than it was as they made their way down the King's street toward the castle. Other carriages joined them now filled with drivers, members of the King's Army and terrified girls all aged eighteen. People stopped to stare at these girls with pity in their gazes and false smiles on their faces. Some of the young girls who stared appeared fearful and relieved that their age did not require them to join.

  The clop of the horse’s hooves sounded like nails in her coffin as Serafina's carriage moved toward the castle. Thane reached for her hand and squeezed it, giving her the only comfort he could before pulling away. They reached the castle gates. The wrought iron twisted and turned creating vines than no one got close enough to study unless it was because they feared it would be one of the last things they would see. A member of the King's Army stood on each side stiff as boards as they passed.

  They moved through the gates. Oak trees lined the drive up to the castle stretching high above the road. They moved past these trees before stopping in front of the castle. The castle was larger than she had previously thought. The main part of the castle that welcomed guests was two stories high while the turrets towered above it at six stories. Red brick bridges connected all wings of the castle, allowing access from the outside.

  "It's so big," One of the girls whispered and Serafina turned to her. It was a friend of hers from school, Arynne Corwin. Her dark hair was piled on her head in a similar manner as Serafina's. Her hazel eyes stared upward at a turret before moving to stare at Serafina with a mixture of pity and fear in her eyes. She gave her a genuine but sad smile as the crowd moved forward toward the doors. For a moment, Serafina wondered why Arynne hadn't been chosen by Prince Riann but then, she remembered the lashings Arynne had received three times in h
er life. Even above her gown Serafina could see the scars left behind. Though brave, Arynne was rather forward. Her temper sometimes got the better of her. With one flash of rebellion, she could ruin the plans to overthrow the King.

  The girls moved through the doors into the entryway on the arms of their escorts. The entryway where they were received was made of dark polished wood. Two staircases moved upward to the second floor. Though the doors to the left and right were closed, Serafina was sure they were as opulent as the entryway. Electric lighting lit the chandelier above them. Double wood doors beneath the stairway stood open with a guard on either side. Rugs with beautiful designs covered the dark wood floor. A petite woman with greying brown hair and blue eyes assessed them from this doorway.

  "Welcome, Ladies," she chirped with a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes, "I am Mrs. Sherman."

  Serafina scrutinized the woman's face realizing why her smile didn't reach her eyes. This was the same Mrs. Sherman who Thane had told her not to trust. She was the one who caused punishments within the castle. She gripped Thane's arm hoping for some sign of confirmation. He glanced at her and gave her a small nod, confirming that this lady was not to be trusted no matter how nice she appeared.

  She moved with that same false smile to a table which held a clipboard. She glanced down at it with a raised brow before lifting her eyes.

  "Claire Rodgers, Minnie Loren, Farrah Morris, Natalie O'Bryan, Sherry Oxford and Arynne Corwin please follow me," She called out. The girls followed her. Within thirty minutes all but Arynne exited. Mrs. Sherman reappeared and called five more names. A few minutes passed before all of these girls rushed past Serafina with relief on their faces. This continued until there were only five in the entryway. Serafina was among them. Mrs. Sherman came out the doors once more and raised her brows. She picked up her clipboard.

  "Mary Finn, Nicole Mitchell, Tina Hill, Rachel Brestow and Serafina Malloy, follow me," she said with that same false smile.

  Serafina rose with Thane and he offered her his arm. She looped her hand through it, gripping his bicep in her hand, needing the comfort as she was led through the doors. They were led through two opulent halls to the throne room. A red carpet led to a podium. The walls were painted white and gold. The King sat on his throne in the middle. His sons Prince Eamon and Prince Riann sat to his left. The Queen and the princesses, Iris and Andressa sat to his right. Prince Riann rose and walked around the girls. He stopped in front of Mary.

  "You may leave," he declared though he softened his words with a smile, Serafina flinched. Mary dropped into a curtsy before moving beside Mrs. Sherman.

  He studied Tina before nodding his head, "You may also leave," he said. This time his words appeared kinder, "Thank you for coming."

  "Thank you for viewing me, Your Majesty," she said as she dropped into a curtsy and then, joined Mrs. Sherman. He studied Rachel and Nicole before dismissing them. Serafina stood in front of the prince. He scrutinized her face and then, smiled.

  "What is your name?" He inquired raising his brow.

  "Serafina Malloy, Your Majesty," She answered trying not to shift away from him.

  "I would be honored if you would stay, Serafina," he stated, tilting his head.

  "It would be my pleasure, Your Highness," she said, though the words tasted sour in her mouth.

  The girls who had been dismissed scurried out of the door after Mrs. Sherman. The four girls, including Arynne, who had not been dismissed before Serafina was viewed entered from another room. All were clearly terrified beneath their smiles.

  The prince took his place on the throne before turning back to them, "One of you will be my new princess," he said, raising his brows before turning to his father, "This is a hard decision and I ask council of my father, The King."

  The King smiled as he turned to peer at the girls. His eyes landed on Serafina and his grin widened, "Though I think all are beautiful, I believe Miss Malloy shall be the one to prove worth to the crown."

  The Prince nodded as he rose again. He moved in front of Serafina, "I would be honored if you would be my new princess."

  As always, the choice was hers...The choice of becoming a princess or banishment. She closed her eyes wishing that she could speak any words than what she did.

  "I will be honored to be your princess," she spoke the words sealing her fate.

  Chapter Seven

  Riann's smile was bright as he took Serafina's hand and led her to her carriage. He helped her into the seat with a smile. His dark eyes sparkled in the sunlight. Thane sat in the front of the carriage with the driver speaking with him in a way that appeared as if he were giving him orders.

  Prince Riann turned to Serafina, studying her face, "Thank you for accepting my proposal."

  Serafina glanced at Thane, "You should thank him," she whispered with a smile, "I was nervous to meet you but he vouched for your character."

  It wasn't a lie but it seemed to be the only safe thing to say. Prince Riann nodded. His dark hair blew in the breeze, "Thane is a wonderful friend," he said, glancing at him with affection, "I understand that your lives were intertwined before this."

  She blinked surprised Thane had told him of their time in the gallows, "Yes," she replied but her voice wavered and she stiffened. Would he use their punishment against them?

  "Don't be ashamed," he comforted, his dark eyes taking in her face, "Your bravery is one of the reasons why you were chosen. I need a brave princess."

  "You do?" She inquired, frowning as she tilted her head. There was something in his words that seemed as if he were trying to relay a message.

  "You will understand that more as we get to know each other," he said with a nod as a suspicion unfurled in her mind. Could he be part of the rebellion against the King? Her lips pursed as she stared at him and he patted her hand, "I'm sure you have many questions for me but for now, while we are in the mixed company of others, I would prefer my questions be answered first."

  She glanced at the driver as Thane's warning whispered through her mind. She narrowed her eyes at him, "Of course," she said turning back to the prince with her eyebrows raised, "Whatever pleases you, Your Majesty."

  He nodded in approval as his smile stretched across his face, "I need to know about your family," he said, his voice soft, "I need to know how to announce them. Let's start with your parents...Our new Earl and Countess."

  "My father is named Kress and my mother's name is Damari," she said, shifting, "They are both field workers as is the rest of my family."

  "And your siblings?" he said, frowning, "I heard there are many. Let's start with your brothers. Tell me their names and ages."

  "There is Jacob who is seventeen. Mark is sixteen. William is fifteen and Wren is thirteen."

  "Four brothers?" He inquired. He nodded, “My father will be sad to lose future members of his army.”

  "Yes...There are four," She said, relieved that her brothers would not be forced into the army of the King.

  "Do you have sisters?" He inquired, tilting his head.

  "Yes," she said, licking her lips.

  "Tell me the new Duchess’s names and ages," he said.

  "Deandra is fourteen, Cade is twelve. Stella is eleven. Bijou is six and Desdemona is one," she said, frowning, "My mother is due to have another child any day."

  The Prince nodded and then turned to the driver who was still talking to Thane, "Did you get all of that, Franklin?" He asked.

  "Yes, I did, Your Majesty," he stated before returning to his conversation with Thane.

  The Prince turned back to Serafina as the real reason for his questions were revealed. He was warning her that even when the servants did not appear to be listening, they were. Her eyes widened as she studied his face waiting for a sign that she was reading him correctly. He stared deep into her eyes before he straightened. Slowly, his head dipped into a nod. Serafina realized that Thane was right. She had more help than she realized and the help would come from surprising sources. As she stared a
t Prince Riann, she wondered if he was one of those sources. He certainly seemed to be.


  The citizens of Eden came out of their houses as they passed. Most of them had expressions of pity masked with a simple smile. The girls who were not chosen also had relief covering their features. When they stopped in front of her home, her eyes slid over the simple structure as her heart dropped. She would never step through these doors again. It would be given to someone else.

  The Prince squeezed her hand, "It's always sad to let go," he whispered, giving her a reason to grieve without punishment.

  "Yes," she breathed, her eyes shining with gratitude, "Thank you for understanding, Your Majesty."

  "Please, call me Riann while alone," he stated with a sad smile, "You only call me Your Majesty or Prince in front of the citizens of Eden. If ever in doubt you may call me My Prince."

  She nodded as her eyes lifted to his, "Thank you, Prince Riann."

  "I promise, Serafina," he said, staring deep into her eyes, "You need not worry about being harmed by me."

  She realized he did not say that she wouldn't be harmed by the King but she realized he couldn’t promise that, "That calms me," she whispered with a smile.

  A murmur reached her ears and the Prince turned toward it. She turned slowly, finding the citizens of Eden gathered around her home. The carriage driver moved from his perch and helped her down. She stood beside him as Prince Riann joined her.

  The guard stepped inside her home. A moment later, his booming voice reached her, "You are being honored by the presence of Prince Riann crowned Prince of Eden and Second in line for the throne and his future wife, Serafina Malloy, future Princess of Eden."

  The crowd which had gathered behind them was silent but Serafina felt as if each word sounded like a bell which tolled right before a funeral.


  Serafina entered her house. Her mother's face was red and blotchy as if she had been crying. Her eyes widened as she saw the Prince. She sniffled and managed to stand to curtsey. Her sisters curtsied also and her brothers and father bowed. Stella and Cade appeared near the point of tears but to their credit none fell down their cheeks.


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