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Two Serve And Protect_A Reverse Harem Romance

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by Valerie O'Day

  Lisa stuck her head back into the novel. It was getting juicy. The fireman had rescued the heroine from the burning building, and his mouth to mouth resuscitation had turned into a sensuous kiss. Soon, she was peeling off his clothes and running her hands across his hard muscles. Lisa could feel the heat rising in her own body. She was panting along with the woman in the story. She let her hands roam over herself and ended her torture.

  Chapter Three

  Lisa climbed the tall, rickety ladder in the gym. She flung crepe paper over the thin nylon rope one of the PTA fathers had strung around the room. The gym smelled of sweat and old socks. All the decorations in the world wouldn't take away that odor. The floors were scuffed from years of use, but the stands had been upgraded. The wooden ones had been replaced with metal ones that retracted to give extra space when necessary.

  Lisa smiled as memories assailed her. She had once been a confident and popular girl. She had cheered in a gym just like this one. Short skirts and pompoms mixed with blond hair and blue eyes were a temptation no boy could resist. Her friends had laughed uproariously when she had fallen for the math geek instead of the hot quarterback.

  Thomas's quiet nature and his politeness had drawn her in. His red hair and hazel eyes gave him the cheerful look that had kept him from being the butt of geek jokes and bullying.

  Her memories of school were fond ones, and she was determined to give her sons some of their own. Her glory days were over.

  She stretched a little too far and the ladder gave a dangerous wobble. Someone steadied it from below. Glancing down, she recognized the dad of one of her son's classmates. He held the ladder as she descended.

  “Thank you so much,” Lisa said as she reached the floor. “I thought for a minute that I was going to splatter all over the gym floor. You saved me.”

  “I couldn't allow such beauty to be harmed. You should never climb that high without someone hanging on below. I'll gladly offer my assistance if you need to go back up. The view from down here is a nice one,” he flirted.

  Lisa blushed. She wasn't used to flirting and compliments. The man was handsome and had a bright smile. The slight creases beside his eyes proclaimed him to be older than her by several years. Then again, all the parents were. She was among the rare few who had given birth only a month after graduation.

  “Actually, that was the last of the crepe paper. The tables are coming in next. I'm sure the other dads would appreciate some help.”

  “I'd rather work with you,” he said. “The men hold no attraction for me.” His laughter echoed in the large room.

  “I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I'm all done. I have to go home and get cleaned up for tonight. I'm chaperoning,” Lisa replied.

  “Me too. I try to stay involved with my daughter's activities. She kind of needs the extra attention since her mother passed away. Save me a dance, okay?”

  “Sure, there should be plenty of open spaces. You're most likely the only one who would want to dance with me. See you tonight.” Lisa had forgotten about his wife's death. The boys had told her all about the tragic car accident. It had slipped her mind. She wasn't attracted to him at all, but she would dance with him and practice her flirting.

  Lisa's mother was waiting in the driveway when she got home. Marsha was dressed as the ideal sixty-year-old socialite. Her green designer suit matched her eyes perfectly. It was tailored to accentuate the curves she worked so hard to keep. Pearls hung from her ears and around her slim neck. Not a blond hair was out of place. Curious to discover what had brought her to the suburbs, Lisa ushered her into the house.

  “Come in and sit down. Would you like iced tea or a cup of coffee?” Lisa politely inquired. Manners were important to her mother. She had ingrained them in Lisa.

  “I'll take coffee, if you don't mind. I've been plied with enough green tea today to choke a horse. There were so many committee meetings, they began to blur together.”

  “What plans do you have for the holidays?” Marsha asked as she sipped the sweet coffee. “I hope the ball isn't the only party you are attending. You've hidden away long enough. It's time to start living again. You're young and have a rare chance to start over.

  “Don't waste it. I'm not trying to nag or be a pain. I love you, and I can see how lonely you are. Your father and I want more for you and the boys. Use that curvaceous body while you still can.”

  “I know you love me. I've been so wrapped up in making sure the boys were unscathed by the divorce, I forgot to do anything for myself. I'm coming out of the funk I was in, I promise. Tonight, I'm chaperoning a dance at the boys' school. While I was decorating the gym, one of the dads asked me to save him a dance. He's a widower. I agreed.”

  "A school dance isn't what I was hoping for, but it's a start," Marsha replied. "Is he handsome? Do you think this will lead to a date?"

  “One step at a time, please. I wasn't really attracted to him. It's more of a pity dance. It was fun to be flirted with again, though. It put some momentum in my recovery. I'm going to have fun tonight. Tomorrow, I'm shopping for a sexy dress for the Policeman's Charity Ball. You're right; it's time to start living again. Your pushing sometimes makes me angry, but it works,” Lisa admitted. “While you're here, I want to run something through your mother radar. I went Christmas shopping a few days ago and I felt like I was being followed. There was a prickling on my neck, and I kept checking behind me. No one was there. I've been nervous ever since, seeing shadows in the night, and double-checking the locks. Do you think I'm paranoid or should I be worried?”

  “Paranoia can be a good thing. Is there a reason for someone to follow you? Do you have enemies, or have you been threatened? I can't imagine why anyone would be watching you,” Marsha said.

  “I've never done anything to create an enemy, that I know of. I want to believe that it's loneliness causing the fear,” Lisa answered.

  “That's a possibility. I wouldn't count on it, though. People are strange. The slightest things can bring out horrible reactions. Stay vigilant. Lock the doors and set the alarm. Get a shopping buddy. Your father and I will volunteer when we can. Don't go out alone at night. Take the boys with you. Do you have a gun?” Marsha inquired.

  “No, I don't have a gun! Isn't that a little extreme? I don't want one in the house with my sons. Too many children are accidentally shooting themselves or their friends. Even locking up the gun and keeping ammunition separate doesn't seem to help. Besides, if someone attacks and the gun isn't loaded, what good is it?”

  “Fine, I won't argue,” Marsha agreed. “Be careful. That's all I ask.”


  Lisa sashayed into the Police Charity Ball. Her long blond hair fell in waves down to her round bottom. It swung with every swish of her hips, calling attention to her figure. The slinky red dress she wore hugged each dip and curve of her toned body. The low neckline displayed her ample cleavage and the hem stopped several inches above her knees. The silver heels she had added made her legs appear to go on forever. Silver and diamonds hung from her ears.

  Men's eyes followed her as she made her way to the seat her mother had reserved. Their wives slapped at them for ogling the beautiful, sexy woman. Lisa missed the exchanges, refusing to raise her eyes and focus on the crowd. She kept her head centered and focused on the table ahead. She claimed her seat and a handsome waiter instantly appeared at her side. His gaze stayed firmly on her breasts as she ordered a glass of wine.

  The blush caused by his attention only served to make her more attractive. Alone at the table, Lisa finally allowed her eyes to roam the room. Most of the tables were filled with laughing, confident women. Many of them had dates or husbands on hand. Their conversations were flowing easily as they teased one another about the upcoming auction. Lisa felt conspicuous by comparison. What had she been thinking?

  Coming here was a mistake. She would leave immediately after her glass of wine. The same waiter brought her order, winking as he sat it in front of her. He slid a small card ben
eath it and said, “If you need anything, just give me a call.”

  Lisa was shocked to see that the card held a name and phone number. Underneath them was the word “anytime.” She raised her glass to hide her open mouth and sipped at the drink. Liquid courage was what she required.

  Her table began to fill with other attendees. Two young women, barely old enough to drink, sat down and argued over who would get the hottest cop for a night on the town. A drop-dead-gorgeous man with an even more fabulous woman on his arm came to join the group. Lisa recognized them as models from a fragrance campaign. She was definitely out of her league here. The woman excused herself for a moment, and Lisa started to rise and leave.

  A large, manicured hand covered her arm to stop her. A deep, cultured voice proclaimed, “Don't run away. The fun hasn't begun yet. Keep me company. Do you have any idea who you're bidding on tonight? I have a list of the police officers that are up for auction. I know there is a pair, a male and a female, being sold together. If we get lucky, we could share them. Doesn't that sound like fun?”

  Lisa looked into the smiling amber eyes of the male model. His mischievous grin was irresistible. Her own smile sparkled in return as she took her seat once more.

  “What about your date?” Lisa teased. "Won't she be jealous if we leave her out?”

  “Not in the least,” he replied. “She wants a man all to herself. I'm just arm candy for her. I do believe she is actually out to find a husband. It's shameful to use our boys in blue that way, don't you think? They deserve a night of sex without complications.”

  “I really don't think their auctioning themselves off for sex. It's just dinner and maybe dancing, at least on the first date,” she said and laughed. Lisa tossed her hair back, making her earrings dance in the chandelier light. Her companion's eyes darkened with desire.

  “If that's the case, we could skip the auction altogether. I have a penthouse in the city. We could share a few drinks and get naked,” he replied.

  Chapter Four

  The proposition surprised Lisa. She was saved from replying by the female model's return. The woman wrapped her arms around the man and kissed his lips. He glanced at Lisa with regret and shrugged his shoulders.

  “How about a toast to finding the perfect pair of policemen?” Lisa raised her glass, quirked a flirtatious eyebrow at the model, and brought a cheer from the others.

  The houselights dimmed, and a spotlight was aimed at the stage. Marsha Howard stepped out to begin the auction. Her floor-length white dress complimented her statuesque body. The heavy diamond necklace she wore sent sparkles over the room. She nodded and smiled in Lisa's direction, acknowledging her presence. The group at her table eyed her with newfound curiosity.

  “Welcome to the Police Charity Ball. We fully intend to raise an enormous amount of money tonight, so get ready to bid until it hurts. The candidates are the cream of the crop. The hottest men and women the police force has to offer will be up for auction. You can get to know your choices on the dance floor after we have finished and make arrangements for your special night out. Are we ready to begin?”

  Shouts and cheers filled the ballroom. Lisa felt herself getting into the excitement. Another glass of wine appeared in front of her, seemingly from thin air. She took a big drink and sat back to enjoy the fun.

  “Our first pair of the night have been partners for ten years. They have been on the force for twenty-five years. My heart is beating like a drum already for these sexy men. Come on, ladies, let's bid.”

  Two handsome, older men took the stage. Their dark hair was sprinkled with gray. Their bodies remained muscular and their smiles bright. The bidding began at $200 and quickly escalated to $2000. The winner was a lovely woman of perhaps forty-five. She eagerly handed over her credit card.

  The two young women at Lisa's table pooled their money and came away as the winners of the next candidate, a rookie male who was the spitting image of Brad Pitt. The male model outbid a senator for the male/female pair he had spoken of. He raised his glass of whiskey to Lisa with a challenge in his eyes. She laughed out loud. It felt wonderful.

  When the hottest pair of the night came into the spotlight, Lisa impulsively made a bid. The first officer had wavy, brown hair and piercing blue eyes. He was over six feet tall. The second officer was a bit shorter, not quite six-foot. He had shiny, black hair and soulful, chocolate-brown eyes. Lisa was mesmerized by their hard-packed bodies and bulging biceps.

  Women were standing and shouting out outrageous numbers, fighting over the pair. Swept up by the energy in the room, Lisa shouted along with them. The bids mounted, and Lisa was dumbfounded as she became the winner. Applause of approval resounded as the policemen blew her a kiss from the stage.

  “Congratulations!” Marsha exclaimed. “That was the highest bid of the night. The winner is my own darling daughter. Do you think she'd be willing to share with me?” Her comment got the laugh she had intended.

  The auction continued, but Lisa was too stunned by her audacity to pay attention. She had never intended to bid, and had even considered leaving before the auction started. Yet, here she was looking forward to a night out with two of the city's finest. She picked at her dinner as she endured the teasing of the models. Her mother stopped by the table to express her happiness and offer unsolicited advice.

  Music began, and two shadows appeared from behind her. Since similar shadows were appearing behind each of the winners, Lisa assumed it was her dates. She took a deep breath and looked up. The dazzling men overhead were more intoxicating than the wine.

  “I'm Officer Harlow Mont,” the tall one with blue eyes said. “This is my partner, Officer Leonard Eldridge.” He pointed to the black-haired man at his side. “Would you care to dance?”

  “I'm Lisa Henderson. You probably already know that,” she stammered. “A dance would be nice.”

  “I get first dibs, because I'm the oldest,” replied Harlow. He gently took Lisa's hand and led her onto the floor. Holding her close for the slow dance, he added, "I'm so glad it was you that won. I was terrified the two old women in the back would outbid you. They scare me, even though I carry a gun.”

  “Oh, I think you could overpower them with these big muscles.” She brazenly squeezed his biceps. The wine had made her courageous.

  “I don't know,” he joked. “Their purses looked hefty enough to knock me out. Then again, your beautiful eyes could do the same. They're the bluest I've ever seen. Please, tell me they're real and I haven't fallen for contacts.”

  “They are definitely real. You, sir, are an incorrigible flirt.”

  “I haven't even gotten to the good stuff yet, and you've already found me out,” Harlow stated. He jumped as someone tapped him on the shoulder.

  “Quit hogging her for yourself,” declared Leonard. “We're supposed to share, unless she prefers me. If that's the case, go away and don't come back.”

  Lisa was enjoying their banter. No one had fought over her, or at least pretended to, since high school. The officers were outrageous, and she loved it. If this was a “getting to know you” session, she couldn't imagine what the real date would be like. She was destined to be one very lucky girl.

  “There's enough of me for both of you,” she blurted out. When their eyebrows quirked, she hastily added, “I mean, I can dance for hours if you can keep up.”

  “I don't know about the old man, but I certainly can,” Leonard stated. He swept her to the center of the room, leaving Harlow to await another turn. The music changed to a faster beat, and her partner swung her to arms length and back against his solid chest. A happy giggle escaped her lips. She would have to thank her mother profusely for this gift.

  The male model and female cop danced by, and he shouted, “How about we all get together and have an orgy?”

  “You're ridiculous!” Lisa answered. She would never look at his fragrance ads the same again. They would forever make her imagination run amok and cause her to laugh.

  "Should I be concer
ned?” Leonard asked.

  “Only about me,” came Harlow's voice from nearby. “I asked for a rock song, so we could dance as a group. It's only fair that Lisa get her money's worth of my time.”

  “Isn't there supposed to be more than tonight?” Lisa inquired.

  “Absolutely! This is just the appetizer. We have big plans for you. Name the night,” Harlow suggested.

  “Friday,” she said before she could talk herself out of it. “My sons will be spending the weekend with friends, so I'm free to stay out late.”

  “We have so much planned that late will turn into early, as in Saturday morning. Get some rest while you can. It's going to be a wild night,” Leonard admitted with a wink.

  “With or without handcuffs?” Lisa quipped.

  “Whichever pleases you most,” they replied together.

  For cops, they were delightfully wicked. Lisa danced until the wee hours of the morning, then reluctantly waved goodbye to her heroes in blue. She tugged off her heels and tossed them carelessly into the passenger seat. Her feet throbbed from the uncharacteristic night of revelry. Lisa decided it was worth the aches and pains she was feeling. For the first time in a very long while, she was disgustingly happy. She couldn't wipe the smile from her face as she drove through the dark streets of Boston. Her sass was back, and she knew she was sexy once more. Her marriage had been a bump in the road, giving her the gift of sons. But, she was over it now and adventure awaited her on the other side.


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