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Two Serve And Protect_A Reverse Harem Romance

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by Valerie O'Day

  Lisa paid the sitter and went up to check on her sleeping boys. She kissed their heads and drew in the scent of their freshly scrubbed hair. Their innocence was a sharp contrast to her lascivious thoughts.

  She laid the dress over the back of a chair and stood in front of her mirror in only a pair of red panties. She surveyed her body to see if it would pass judgment from the two policemen if things went that far, as the model had suggested they might. Her breasts were high, full, and firm. She tweaked a nipple and it rose to attention. She lifted each one and tested their weight. The would be a solid handful for either man. Her hands slid down to her narrow waist. Her belly was flat, with no sign of having given birth to two children. Her legs were shapely and muscular. She shyly stared at the apex of her thighs. The thong was damp from her excitement and flirting. Lisa concluded that she should get a waxing, just in case. Embarrassment overcame her. She buried herself under the covers of her bed. Exhausted, she fell to sleep.

  Chapter Five

  Lisa gave up on the idea of serving the perfect breakfast to her sons. They never paused long enough to eat it anyway. Instead, she used the time for herself. The change was noticeable, even drawing comments from the boys.

  “Hey, Mom, you're dressed. Where's the ratty robe? Are you going somewhere important today? OMG, did you get a job? Who's going to pick us up from school and take us to our activities if you're working?”

  Lisa laughed at the endless questions. The boys were reacting to her attire. She was wearing slim leather pants and a green silk blouse. One side of her hair was pulled behind her ear and held there by a shiny clip. Her soft makeup gave her a glow. Her new lease on life was off to a running start.

  “Ease up, guys. The ratty robe is in the trash. I'll pick you up as usual. I haven't gotten a job, but it might be on the agenda in the future,” she explained.

  “We have hockey practice today and a game on Wednesday. Don't forget to cancel our math tutor for then.”

  “I've already rescheduled the tutoring for Tuesday. I'm more organized than I appear. Eat your granola bars and drink your juice. You're the ones running late today!” Lisa replied.

  Lisa's day was filled with the day-to-day chores of a housewife and mother. She ran to the grocery store to refill the refrigerator with the boys' favorite foods, picked up the dry cleaning, bought some new jeans for Jack and Sean since their old ones had holes in the knees, and baked cookies for the PTA bake sale.

  The school dance had been a hoot. She had danced with not only the widower, but many single fathers. The boys had danced with some giggling girls, blushing bright red the entire time. She had headed up the contests and they were a hit. No one sat on the sidelines, which was what usually occurred at these gatherings.

  Flirting had simply become part of her personality these days. The words slid off her tongue without a thought. She was smiling at everyone. The single dads flocked around and invited her to have coffee. The bolder ones suggested drinks and sleepovers. Lisa accepted a couple of the coffee dates, but kindly turned down the sleepovers. Her final stop of the day was to buy a Christmas tree. She should have had one up already, but she had been extra busy and the artificial, pre-lit one she normally used didn't appeal to her this year. She was going to treat her family to the real deal. After hockey practice, she and the boys would decorate it, make homemade pizzas, and watch a movie.

  Lisa wandered through the mass of trees, looking for the perfect one. She found it in the center of a group of scraggly ones that no one could possibly want. It was a hidden treasure and she was in a hurry to claim it before someone else made the same discovery.

  She spun around to find an attendant and slammed into a hard body.

  “Oops, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to plow into you. I was looking for the attendant. I want this tree. Have you seen him?” she chattered.

  “I kind of like that tree myself,” said a familiar voice. “Do you want to wrestle me for it?”

  Lisa raised her head and looked directly into the piercing, blue eyes of Harlow Mont; one of the policemen she had bought at the auction. Grinning, she placed her hands on her hips and stood her ground.

  “I found it first, but I'm willing to fight it out if you are. Do you want to drop to the ground and wrestle right here? We might draw quite a crowd,” she declared.

  “I was talking about arm-wrestling; however, the other option is an intriguing idea. I was just joking with you. This tree is too big for my apartment. I'll make you a deal. I'll stand here and guard it from predators while you find the attendant. Then, I'll help load it on your car, if you help me find a small one for my place. You seem to have a knack for discovering the best ones,” Harlow proclaimed.

  “It's a deal,” Lisa agreed. She held up a hand for a high five, and he obliged. She skipped off happily to pay for her purchase. It was an amazing surprise to see the gorgeous policeman in a more common setting. In jeans and a leather jacket, he was even sexier than in his uniform. She caught herself glancing between the trees for his partner, which was silly. They weren't attached at the hip. They had their own lives. It just seemed appropriate for them to be together when she was around.

  Lisa returned to Harlow with a receipt in her hand and the attendant behind her. He frowned when he caught the attendant watching the sway of her backside. He felt a little possessive of her, and it freaked him out.

  “Your search is over,” Lisa stated. “I ran into an excellent tree for an apartment on the way back. We hung a ticket on it, so we could find it again after we strap mine to the roof of the car. You can pass judgment on it. If it's not the one, we'll keep looking.”

  “I trust you. Let's get them both loaded. I have to be at the precinct in two hours, and I want to get the tree home and into some water before I go.”

  With Lisa's tree firmly tied to her SUV and Harlow's in his truck, it was time to say goodbye.

  “I'd take you out for hot chocolate or something, but I really do have to go to work. I'm looking forward to Friday. Leonard is too.” He leaned down and gave her a brief kiss on the cheek, then climbed into his truck and sped away.

  Lisa's mundane errands had been propelled into a blissful chore. The simple thank-you kiss had made her day special. It carried her through dragging the tree into her house alone and struggling to stand it up in the corner. The smile remained on her face all through hockey practice, drawing the answering smiles of other parents. Lisa realized that you got back what you gave. It was an epiphany of sorts. Smiles beget smiles, and frowns brought out depression. Her sons clamored up the ladder to the attic and carried the decorations down carefully. They sat them down by the tree while Lisa mixed the pizza dough. She had the radio tuned to Christmas music and was singing along.

  “Come put your toppings on and we can decorate while they're in the oven,” she sang out to the tune of “Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer.”

  “Wow, you're in a great mood! You're smiling a lot, too. We like it, but it's different. Mac says you must have a boyfriend. Do you?” her oldest son asked.

  “No, I don't, and who is Mac?” she questioned.

  “Mac is the assistant to the hockey coach. He's a senior and knows these things. He saw you smiling and said it was something new, so you must have a boyfriend.”

  “Well, Mac doesn't know everything. I'm smiling because I'm happy. My boys are doing well,” she said as she gave them hugs. “I had fun at your dance. Christmas is coming, and I have some plans for Friday night. There are lots of good things to smile about. Spending time with you guys is one of the best. Give me your pizzas and let's start decorating. What movie did you decide on?”

  “We want Home Alone. It's a tradition, remember? Will you let us make the hot chocolate with the marshmallows this time? We won't make a mess,” her youngest promised.

  “You mean, I get to be pampered for a change? That sounds wonderful. But, if you make a mess, you better clean it up or I get to put the topper on the tree,” Lisa teased.

  They wrappe
d the tree with lights and carefully hung the ornaments, each one a memory from their short lives. She surprised them with a box containing two special ornaments. They were hockey players with the boys’ names engraved on them. As the boys added them to the tree, she opened a box of her own. Inside was a clear ornament containing an intricate snowflake. It was lit by LED lights and represented Lisa's bright future. She thought of Harlow and Leonard as she put it on the tree, because they too represented her new beginning.

  Chapter Six

  Tonight was the big night. Lisa was nervous and excited all at once. Her sons were going directly to a friend's home after school, so she had ample time to prepare for her date. She had no idea what to wear. She wanted to look classy and sexy all at once, if such a thing was possible. She called her mother for advice and to Lisa's astonishment, she promised to come over and help her get ready.

  In the meantime, Lisa prepared her body to be ravished. She didn't truly expect it to happen, but she couldn't help the desire. First came the painful part: waxing. Her legs, underarms, and privates were pink and stinging by the time she was finished. To soothe the sting, she filled the bathtub with warm water and a solution for silky skin. She was still soaking when her mother arrived and barged into the bathroom.

  “Your bath smells scrumptious! I hope you have the lotion and perfume to match. Layering the fragrance will keep it going all night. I stopped by Victoria's Secret and got some choices in underclothes. They're guaranteed to make you feel sexy.” Marsha held up a scrap of silver lace attached to a string. “I prefer this pair.”

  Wrapping herself in a brand-new robe of blue satin, Lisa joined Marsha in her walk-in closet. The hunt was on for the appropriate outfit. The floor was soon littered with dresses, skirts, and pants in a rainbow of colors. They settled on a winter-white dress that delicately flowed over Lisa's curves. The silver belt accentuated her waist, and the slit up the left side from her knee to halfway up her leg was a subtle, sexy element. Underneath she wore the silver lace and its matching, barely-there bra. her hair was pinned up, baring her long neck, and held in place with a silver and rhinestone clip. A dusting of glitter-infused powder on her forehead and cheeks gave her an otherworldly appearance, sensuous and angelic all at once. Both men were tall enough for her to wear spiked heels.

  Three hours of work had paid off. The woman Lisa saw reflected in the mirror was spectacular and unrecognizable. She was everything Lisa had ever dreamed of being.

  This was the prom night she had missed at seventeen, mixed with the anticipation of the honeymoon she hadn't experienced. Her breath caught when the doorbell rang.

  “Dear, I think you should answer it,” her mother said. “You'll have them struck dumb when you open the door. It will be priceless. Go on — you are breathtaking.”

  Lisa peeked through the window before she went downstairs. The men were clearly visible under the porch light. They were dressed in black suits that fit their muscular builds perfectly. Harlow's shirt was a deep blue and Leonard's was bronze. Their shoes were polished to a shine, and they each had a bouquet of roses, one red and the other pure white. A wave of lust tingled from her heart to the tips of her toes, briefly pausing at the apex of her thighs.

  The insistent sound of the doorbell got her feet moving. She gracefully swept down the stairs and swung the door open. The men's jaws dropped at the vision before them.

  Their eyes darkened with desire. Lisa thought she heard a low growl coming from Leonard. It sent chills up her spine.

  “These are for you,” he said and handed her the white roses. “I guess I chose correctly. They seem to match your dress. May I say you look stunning?”

  “She looks like sex on a stick, if I may be so blunt,” Harlow corrected. “My flowers match her luscious lips.” He handed over the red roses.

  Laughter bubbled from Marsha's mouth, and she stepped forward to take the flowers from Lisa.

  “I'll just put these in water, then disappear. Have fun, everyone. Don't do anything I wouldn't do,” she quipped and practically ran from the room.

  Lisa allowed Harlow to help her into her coat. A sleek, black Cadillac sat at the curb. Leonard opened the passenger side, and she slid in, the dress's slit exposing a length of thigh that made the men groan. Leonard claimed the driver's seat and took them to the city. The swanky restaurant he pulled up to was notorious for being booked months in advance. They must have used their clout as police officers to get a reservation. Lisa was impressed.

  She handed over her coat at the entrance. She drew admiring gazes as she glided over the floor with a man on each arm. Her pride and courage grew with each step.

  Champagne corks popped, and toasts were made to the Policeman's Charity Ball and its thoughtful creators. Without them, the trio wouldn't be here to celebrate. Over dinner, they got better acquainted. Lisa relaxed and told them of her misspent youth and the accidental pregnancy that changed her life. She made them laugh with the description of her inept tries at caring for an infant.

  Leonard told stories of his first days as an officer. He had honestly believed that if he arrested a criminal, they would remain locked up, and had been outraged the first time one had been sprung from jail before he had finished the paperwork.

  “I was ranting and raving in the hallway. My superior came close to arresting me for public intoxication. He made me take a breathalyzer test. It was humiliating,” he declared.

  Harlow's stories were a little bawdier in nature. He had once raided a house of ill repute.

  “I was a rookie, and my partner at the time thought it would be funny to send me in without backup. By the time he came to rescue me, the ladies had me trapped. My pants were at my knees, and I was locked to a staircase with my own handcuffs. He took a picture! It was years before I lived that one down.”

  Lisa hadn't laughed this much since she was a child. She could feel the envy from the other patrons. She soon discovered she was attracted to both officers. They were quite different in personality, but something in each was compelling. So, when they invited her to take a walk along the street to admire the Christmas lights, she accepted. The sky was clear, and the night was chilly, but snuggled between two warm bodies, she was untouched by the cold. She was fully aware of the sizzle coming off the men.

  She willingly allowed them to lead her into a local bar. It was dim, smoky, and crowded. They found space at the bar and ordered drinks. Lisa was crammed against their muscular chests. If she switched positions, her breasts rubbed enticingly across one or the other's shirt front. The thin dress and bra were no protection, and her nipples popped up in response. They begged to be touched. Glancing down, she realized they were noticeable.

  She needed to get her hormones under control.

  “Excuse me for a few minutes, please. I need to freshen up. A lady wants to look her best if she's with two hot guys. I'll be right back,” Lisa announced.

  In the ladies' room, she took inventory of her situation. Her dress still clung to all the right places, and nothing was spilled on it, but her nipples were visible. She blotted her shiny nose and touched up her lipstick. She dampened a paper meant for drying her hands and held it on the back of her neck. These were good men, not gigolos. She had paid for a night on the town, and they had provided it. They weren't responsible for her rampant libido. She would finish her drink and ask to go home. It was the proper thing to do.

  Leonard was standing outside the bathroom when she exited. She assumed he had been in the men's room across the hall. She was wrong.

  “I came to get you. We snagged a table in the corner and knew you wouldn't be able to see us. We want to discuss something with you. Promise you'll listen before you speak,” Leonard requested.

  Confused, cautious, and slightly curious, Lisa followed him through the throng of people. He pulled out her chair like a gentleman, then took his own seat.

  “You ask her,” Harlow said to Leonard. “I'm too brash, and it gets worse when I talk about something important.”
  “Fine,” Leonard declared. “Lisa, tonight we realized how much we both like you. If things were different, and we had met you separately, we would probably be fighting over who got to ask you out. That's not how it happened, and we're torn.”

  “I understand. Just take me home. I had an awesome time. You guys are great. I don't want to be the cause of dissension between partners. You have to work together on a daily basis. I'm the interloper.”

  “That's not what I meant. We don't want you to go home. We're loving every minute of our time with you. We want more of it,” Leonard explained.

  “Okay. Did you want to stay here for a while or go dancing? We could go out another time as a group if you wish. I like you both. We could be the three musketeers,” she joked.

  “She's not getting it,” Harlow replied. “You're being too obtuse. Let me give it a go.

  “What Leonard's trying, so diplomatically, to say is that we would like you to join us for the night. We want to take you to a hotel and make love to you. You know, have a threesome. You can say no, we won't get mad, but please consider it.”

  Lisa was shocked to the tip of her toes. It was as if they had heard her thoughts and turned them into reality. She was lost and confused. Her body was screaming yes. However, her brain was reacting quite differently. It was listing all the reasons this was a bad idea.

  Chapter Seven

  “I've never done that sort of thing before. I admit it's tempting. Honestly, I've thought about it. I might be out of my league. Have you done this a lot? Is it a regular thing with you guys?” Lisa asked.

  Leonard replied, “Trust me. It goes against my religious upbringing, but I can't deny my desire for you. We'll try this together. If you get uncomfortable, we'll stop.”

  “My hands are shaking, I want to touch you so badly. I've never had such a strong physical reaction to a woman. We'll go slow and make it good for you,” Harlow added.


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