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Angel's Uprising

Page 22

by Campbell, Jamie

  With one flick of Lucifer’s hand, every door in the meeting room slammed shut – trapping everyone that hadn’t managed to find their way out.

  His laughs of joy filled the room, lingering almost as thick as the smoke. With all the doors shut, the wisps of grey smoke had nowhere to go, it started settling like a thick blanket.

  Leila coughed as she crouched down to try to get some fresh air. She only let go of Jerome for a minute but it was a minute too long. Using the smoke to cloak his location, Lucifer swooped down and scooped her up. He dragged her along, kicking and screaming.

  “Jerome! He’s got me! Help!”

  The angel searched around frantically, trying to follow the sound of her voice. The smoke filled his lungs and made his eyes water, making the tasks even more difficult. “Leila!” He called out.

  In the haze, Jerome caught a glimpse of the swiftly moving bodies. He watched as Lucifer opened the door, shoved Leila through and slammed it shut again. They were gone, he had allowed his human to be harmed and now he had no idea where she was being taken.

  “We have to get to Leila,” Jerome said as Alexander followed him towards the door. The group stayed close as he led them up the tiers. He lost track of how many times he banged his shins into the seats, it was nearly impossible to see more than an arm’s length in front.

  They finally reached the door. Jerome tried the handle, it was locked. He hadn’t expected anything less. “It’s locked, we need to break it down,” he said through coughing fits. He used his shoulder to run at the door. He slammed into it with full force but it didn’t even budge.

  “Let me help,” Alexander offered. He nodded and the two of them ran at the door. They bounced off it, the door standing vigilantly without moving. “It’s not going to work.”

  “It has to, he has Leila.” Jerome wasn’t going to listen, he couldn’t let anything stop him from getting to her. Alexander nodded, understanding his friend’s stubbornness. If he was going to keep going, then he would be right at his side. They ran at it again. The door held steadfast, far too strong for them.

  “Come on, we need to get out of here,” Raphael said, standing with them. Lucia and Gabriella joined the group. “One, two, three.”

  The five of them ran at the door, collectively throwing their weight together. The door rattled but didn’t open as they all had hoped. The smoke was getting thicker, making it impossible to take a full breath.

  “One more time,” Jerome vowed, getting ready to run again. It wasn’t just about Leila now, he needed to get them all to safety otherwise the council would be non-existent again.

  They lined up as Jerome counted them down. His sole intent was to get through that door, he was so focused on it he couldn’t see anything else.

  They ran, hitting the door with a thud. The lock couldn’t hold, it sprung apart, sending them streaming through the opening. The smoke billowed out, coursing down the long corridor.

  Jerome turned to the others. “Is everyone alright?” They nodded, rubbing shoulders and legs as they recovered.

  “Go, Jerome, we’re fine,” Alexander panted. Jerome squeezed his arm in a silent thank you before taking off as fast as his legs could take him. There was no room for his wings in the hallway, otherwise he would have taken flight right then and there.

  He bound along, trying to work out where Lucifer would have taken Leila. He doubted her kidnapping was about anything else but retribution. He was trying to punish Jerome and he knew exactly how to go about it. There was no easier way to get to an angel than by harming their human. The pain of not being able to protect them would last a lifetime.

  He turned left and ran, knowing the other way only held ruins. His feet pounded on the stone floor, the rhythm matching the beating of his heart.

  Jerome soon realized he wasn’t alone. Footsteps bounded behind him. Glancing over his shoulder, he saw Alexander and Gabriella keeping up with him.

  Without slowing or turning, he said: “What are you doing? This is too dangerous, go back.”

  “We’re not leaving you to face Lucifer alone,” Gabriella replied resolutely.

  “You can’t get rid of us, buddy, we’ve got your back,” Alexander added.

  Jerome knew it would do no good to argue, he also knew he would need their help. Lucifer was a force to be reckoned with, his steely determination might not be enough to guarantee a defeat.

  They burst through the doors and found themselves outside. Leila was standing by herself in the open field. Jerome ran to her, so happy to see her safe.

  “No! Jerome, it’s a trap, don’t come here,” Leila called out in a panic. She put up her arms, trying to wave them back. “You have to go back, he’s going to kill you.”

  The trio stopped just short of her, heeding her warning. Their eyes searched for the devil, expecting him to be anywhere and everywhere.

  “Looking for me?” Lucifer asked happily. He stood next to the building, swaggering over to them without a care in the word.

  Now he allowed his true face to show, Jerome could see how his every move bespoke of the demon he was. He didn’t walk, he strutted. When he spoke, it never sounded like a question. And when he looked at you, it was like he burned with the intensity of a thousand suns. Jerome wondered how he had managed to hold it secret for so long. If angels weren’t permanently ingrained to believe everyone and never question another’s intentions, he might not have.

  “What do you want with us, Lucifer?” Jerome demanded right back at him.

  “I want you all to die a slow and painful death.”

  “Well that’s not going to happen so you may as well scurry back to the depths of hell where you belong.”

  Lucifer wagged his finger at them as he started circling. “Now that’s not very nice. Especially considering I actually belong here. I’ve been an angel since the beginning of time, it wasn’t my fault the higher being didn’t see things my way and cast me out. His loss,” he shrugged.

  Jerome, Alexander, and Gabriella had to keep turning around to watch him as he walked. It was disconcerting to say the least. “You’re lying, you were never an angel.”

  “I was an angel and I never lie! I don’t have to, I have no fear of telling people the truth. Even when they can’t handle it.”

  Jerome didn’t know what he could say to convince him to leave them unharmed. He was prepared for a fight if necessary, but it wasn’t his first choice. Three angels against one demon still weren’t good odds. He tried to humor him, unsure whether he was telling the truth or not. “If you’re an angel, why commit such an atrocity against Michael? I know you stripped him of his wings and hid him down on Earth. Why do it?”

  “Michael should have agreed with me when I told him the village needed destroying. I trusted him to help me.”

  “Why would he help you?”

  “Because he’s my brother, he owed me.” Lucifer stomped his foot, standing in place for the first time. “Family should come first.”

  “Okay, so Michael, I get. But why are you so intent on destroying us all? What could you possibly gain from sitting on the angel council?” Jerome asked, trying to at least understand while he bought more time to figure out what to do.

  “Because the best way to destroy something is from the inside. Haven’t the humans taught you anything?”

  “You’re the one who caused the explosion in the council building. You killed Heraldo and Daniel,” Jerome accused him, knowing it was true without needing confirmation.

  Lucifer started laughing, holding his belly with the effort. “Now that bang was loud! I didn’t expect to have such an impact. It was quite a show. Now tell me something, how did you escape from the cell? Did someone help you?”

  Jerome grinned, apparently he didn’t know everything. “Ambrosia sprung me from the place. I told you I couldn’t be banished.”

  “Ah, Ambrosia, I should have known. He’s such a loose cannon, that one. I tried to get him kicked off the council so many times and he kept coming bac
k. I called him the boomerang councilor,” he laughed to himself. “Do you like that one?”

  He wasn’t in the mood for the jokes as the realization of Lucifer being on the council really started to sink in. He thought back to the memo he had read, how the council hadn’t instigated security measures after the first demon attack. It was all starting to make sense. It wasn’t just any councilor that had let innocent angels die, it was Lucifer.

  “You helped get the demons into the village,” Jerome spat the words at him like they tasted awful on his tongue. “Two years ago you started the downfall of the angels, you prevented the tightening of security to stop them getting in.”

  Lucifer didn’t say a word, he just bowed as if taking an encore for his performance. It was sickening to watch the way he reveled in his evil deeds.

  “Do you not agree my plan was brilliant?” Lucifer asked, his grin as wide as his ego.

  “I think it was evil.” Jerome could barely stand there a moment longer. To know he was facing the demon that had ultimately caused the death of hundreds of thousands of humans and angels alike was like all the air being sucked from his lungs.

  “Which is why you and the rest of the angels all have to die. I tried to warn you that you were in over your head, I left you a message. I hope you enjoyed your moment in the spotlight because you won’t be around much longer.”

  “I’m going to be around a lot longer than you. Good always triumphs over evil.”

  Lucifer shook his head slowly. “Jerome, you just don’t get it. I am good, I just don’t conform to your impossibly high standards. So, without further ado, I’m going to kill your human – and you’re going to watch – and then I’m going to tear you limb from limb. Which will be the appetizer for when I open the gates of hell and invite my demons back in to finish off the rest of you. Sound like a plan?”

  “Over my dead body,” Jerome vowed. He rushed at the demon, never taking his eyes off him for even a moment. Alexander and Gabriella followed, not backing down.

  Lucifer was ready for them, immediately fighting back. He lunged forward, not even waiting for them to reach him. Jerome and Lucifer collided mid-air, causing them both to tumble to the ground. They struggled against each other, their strength almost equal.

  Alexander and Gabriella each tried to grab an arm to control the devil. But they couldn’t get a good grip on the writhing body. Suddenly, Lucifer flipped Jerome over onto his back, sending shockwaves through his body. His wings were awkwardly bent underneath him, sending pain shooting into his shoulders.

  He cried out with the pain, using all his energy to push at the demon. Alexander had never heard such a miserable yelp come from his friend. He took a run up and charged at Lucifer, throwing himself into his side to cause him to crash to the ground.

  Jerome seized the opportunity and struggled to his feet. He quickly glanced over at Leila, she was still standing where Lucifer had put her, her face twisted with anguish. He wished she didn’t have to watch.

  Lucifer twisted and punched Alexander in the ribs, knocking the breath out of him. He shrank to his feet, kneeling on the ground where he tried to suck in air. Gabriella rushed at him next, waving her arms about before she finally made contact with Lucifer’s head. His neck snapped back with the blow but he rebounded just as quickly. With one swift movement, he hit her behind her knees – hard. She lost her balance and tumbled to the ground.

  Jerome stood, watching as Lucifer got to his feet. They stood in the middle of the field, just the two of them. Jerome had never hated anyone before but he knew he hated Lucifer. All the pain, all the anguish, all the loss they could have avoided. And what was it all for anyway? Because he was cast out of heaven by the higher being? Because he wasn’t an angel anymore? It was small and petty and childish. And it was all for nothing.

  “You’re never going to win,” Lucifer bantered. He had blood dripping from his nose, it gave the angel a small sense of justice. “You can die now or later, it’s your choice. Or perhaps I should start with the human?”

  There were no other words that could inflame his ire more. Jerome clenched his fists, roaring as he charged. “Her name is Leila!”

  He moved too fast for Lucifer to act, Jerome threw him to the ground. Every inch of his body wanted to kill the devil for all the pain he had caused. He started pummeling him, not allowing Lucifer to get the upper hand. Not this time, not again.

  Lucifer laughed between blows, his evil cackle filtering through the field. His struggles became less, weakening as he started to realize he was on the losing end of the battle. Jerome was covered in cuts and bruises, his energy waning.

  Jerome stopped, seeing the bloodied mess he had created of the devil. He couldn’t finish him off, he just couldn’t take his life. He existed for safety and protection, not harming another being. Even if that being was the leader of hell.

  He stood up, Alexander rushing to his side to help. Gabriella took the other side, getting him to his feet. They all looked down at Lucifer, with sorrow rather than hatred now. He didn’t deserve their hatred, it only fed into his ego and took their own light away. They didn’t need that kind of darkness in their lives.

  “Get up and go, don’t come back,” Jerome ordered. The trio didn’t move, making it clear they wouldn’t until he obeyed.

  Lucifer propped himself up on his elbows, his head lolling to one side. He grinned, wanting to say something but ultimately deciding against it.

  Very slowly, Lucifer got to his feet. He staggered across the field until a black portal swallowed him up. In that moment, a wave of relief flooded over them. They instantly felt lighter, like there was only joy back in their world. All the darkness had gone with Lucifer, they could feel it in the air.


  Three days had passed yet they seemed to flash by in only a few moments. They were easily the most challenging days of Jerome’s life, but he couldn’t have been happier to carry out his official duties as leader of the council.

  He hastily set about declaring the elections for all the council positions. They were starting from scratch, hiring everyone anew based on voting. The only ones guaranteed their positions were Alexander, Raphael and Gabriella. They were popular anyway, they would easily have won their seats fairly.

  Jerome had a good reason for rushing through the formalities, he needed to ensure everything would be okay when it was time. And it was that morning he decided his time was up.

  The only one who knew his plan was Alexander. While it was a difficult decision to make, ultimately he didn’t really have a choice. Jerome knew what he wanted and he knew what he would have to sacrifice to get it. It was a good trade off, he considered.

  All those important to him gathered around in the hostel. Alexander, Leila, Gabriella, Lucia, Raphael, and Ambrosia stood with him.

  “Are you sure this is what you want?” Alexander asked for the hundredth time. He was beginning to sound like a broken record. But instead of it being annoying, Jerome could only love him more for it.

  “I am certain, don’t worry about me, I know what I’m doing.”

  “You do? Could have fooled me,” he teased.

  Jerome gave it right back. “And when are you finally going to tell a certain female that you love her?”

  Alexander was silenced, he shrugged instead and stole a shy glance at Gabriella. Only after a long talk about the future did Jerome finally get his friend to confess his feelings about the girl. It had only taken eighteen years for him to finally come around to the realization. If he had listened to Jerome, they could have gotten together years ago.

  “Well?” Jerome prompted again, not letting him out of it.

  “Soon, soon.”

  “Good.” He gave him a hug, he was going to miss their ribbing. “And look after the council for me, I don’t want to have to do this all over again.”

  Alexander stood straighter as he remembered he was taking his place as head of the council. He had to get used to the responsibility but there was
no-one better equipped to lead them. Jerome knew they were in safe hands, even if he didn’t say as much – Alexander knew he felt it.

  He finally let him off the hook. He addressed Lucia. “Have you ensured Michael’s wings have been restored?”

  “They are back, better and fluffier than ever. He was so angry when I told him he missed everything at the council. He only took one knock to the head and he was out for hours. He really wanted to be the one to send Benecio back to hell.”

  “I bet he had a few choice words to say.”

  She nodded. “Nothing I can repeat. But he’s very happy to be back. He won’t be running in the elections. He said he wanted to live a quieter life in his advanced age,” Lucia added, happy to report some good news for once.

  “Well done, thank you for looking after that for me. What about Thomas and Rosie? Have they been found?” Jerome asked, he desperately needed to know everything was okay. He couldn’t continue without everything lining up.

  “We know of their location in the wastelands and they will be picked up today. I will personally make sure they are united before sundown.” Lucia patted him on the arm tenderly. “We’ve got this, Jerome, you don’t have to worry.”

  Jerome covered her hand with his own, making sure she understood exactly what her words meant to him. He turned his attention to Leila next. “Are you ready?”

  She slipped her hand into his. “I am.”

  “Ambrosia, we should get this show on the road,” he said, looking pointedly at the councilor. He was only a temporary council member, but the word was he would retain his seat in the election. Despite Ambrosia’s ego, he knew the ins and outs of the council better than anyone.

  “Certainly,” Ambrosia nodded. He took a step forward and looked into Leila’s eyes. With a click of his fingers in the silence, he restored her memories – each and every one of them.

  She gripped her head with the sudden onslaught, it was like being hit in the brain by a heavy book. Lights, words, and images flashed through her mind. Finding Jerome in the street injured, him protecting her from a building explosion, begging him not to leave her, flying through the cave in Hallows Gallows as water threatened them from behind, their forbidden kiss in the forest, their argument about who could save them, the fight with Septuses, and finally the horrible decision she had to make. It all flooded back in perfect order, the whole thing playing like a movie in her head.


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