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Angel's Uprising

Page 23

by Campbell, Jamie

  She took a few deep breaths as the memories settled back into place. For the first time in six months, she felt complete again. She was herself, she knew it.

  “Thank you,” she breathed. She looked up at Jerome, adoration in her eyes as she saw him with new eyes. Or perhaps it was with old eyes, she didn’t know. All she knew for sure was that the angel had made her fall in love with him, not once but twice. Her heart could never love another like that.

  “My pleasure,” Ambrosia replied. “And thank you for killing Septuses. I don’t think I got a chance to say that last time we met. You saved us all and we will be eternally grateful for that.”

  Leila smiled in response, it had been six months coming but she finally got her thanks from the council. “You’re welcome.”

  Jerome looked at Raphael, waving him forward. “I think it’s time we got moving.”

  “If you are sure?”

  “Absolutely,” Jerome grinned, holding Leila’s hand tight. He never wanted to let it slip away from his grasp again.

  Raphael placed his palm over Jerome’s forehead. He concentrated hard as he chanted softly to himself. Before their eyes, Jerome’s wings shrunk back into his shoulders. The skin smoothed over, leaving his back as smooth as a newborn. Raphael released him, his job done.

  “Congratulations, you’re now human.”

  Everyone cheered, even though they may not fully understand his desire to relinquish his angel life. Being human meant he was mortal, able to grow old and eventually leave this earth. But the thought didn’t scare him, he knew that once his human life was over, he would enter the higher realm and rest in peace forever.

  “Are you sure you want to keep your memory?” Alexander asked, knowing it was both a blessing and a curse.

  Jerome and Leila exchanged a look, grinning. “I want to remember everything. But don’t worry, my friend, I won’t regret my decision.”

  “I was more worried about you doing something stupid if you knew angels were protecting you. You know how silly humans can be.” Alexander playfully punched his arm. It hurt with all the bruises he was still wearing. Plus, he was human now, he wasn’t nearly as strong as he was only moments before.

  “I’ll try to be careful.”

  “I’ll look after him,” Leila chimed in. “I can stop him doing anything stupid.”

  “You better, he’s going to need all the help he can get,” Gabriella said as she gave him a final hug. Lucia was next, followed by Alexander. He shook hands with Ambrosia and Raphael.

  “Goodbye, my friends, and good luck. I know you’ll restore the village to the way it should be,” Jerome choked out, trying not to let the tears flow in.

  Ambrosia counted them out, three… two… one… click. In the flash of a white light, Jerome and Leila were gone. When they next opened their eyes, they were standing in the middle of Leila’s street. With their hands still clenched together, they looked into one another’s eyes.

  “Welcome home,” Leila giggled. She didn’t have to look up so far to see Jerome now. She took him in, examining every inch of him with her eyes. He looked perfect. The human version of Jerome was just as enchanting as the angel version – if not better.

  “It feels great to be here,” Jerome replied, truly meaning every part of it. His senses were alive but not in the same way anymore. Instead of feeling Leila’s emotions, he could smell her sweet perfume, hear her laughter, and see her beauty. They were no longer connected in the protective angel way, but in its place was something even better – true love.

  He wrapped his arms around her, still getting used to not having to make allowances for the weight of his wings at his back. He almost toppled over, but she stopped him, anchoring him in place. He guessed she was going to have to do that a lot as he learnt to use his new body. And he was going to have fun doing it.

  He lifted her off the ground in a bear hug, twirling her around and around. The sound of their laughter carried like a song through the deserted street.

  “I love you, Jerome,” Leila said, not caring that she couldn’t reach the ground.

  “I love you, Leila, I always have.” He grinned, believing the smile would never leave his face ever again. She leant down and planted her lips on his, the kiss both deep and passionate. They kissed like they were tortured lovers, like they would never be able to spend an eternity together. Except this time, they were able to spend a lifetime together.

  The kiss filled them with warmth, hope, and happiness. The feel of their bodies pressed against each other was heavenly, perfect in every way. They knew their love was pure and true. There was nothing to stand in their way anymore and never would they be lonely again. They were taking on the world, the two of them a team. They trusted in one another. And, above all, they had their faith.


  Jamie Campbell grew up in the New South Wales town of Port Macquarie as the youngest of six children. A qualified Chartered Accountant, she now resides on the Gold Coast in Queensland, Australia.

  Writing since she could hold a pencil, Jamie’s passion for storytelling and wild imagination were often a cause for concern with her school teachers. Now that imagination is used for good instead of mischief.

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