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Afraid of the Dark

Page 45

by Chris Hechtl


  “We get anywhere with the flash bangs?” Shane asked coming into the armory. He'd hoped that they would have picked some up at the base armory but apparently it had been blown when the aliens had gotten in. The only flash bangs they had were from the police kits or fire crackers. They were also about gone.

  Kyle didn't look up; his hands were delicately probing a device. His entire focus, his entire being screamed go away I'm busy. Torres however did look up and pause what she was doing. “No more than what I brought along. Kyle and Ross are trying to figure something out now.”

  “I could come up with something,” Gabriel said coming into the room. They looked at him. Torres snorted in amused disapproval. “What? Seriously, I can do it. couple of strobe lights, a cage, Make it the size of a baseball or hell, basketball even! Speakers, I might even make it remote controlled with a camera and shit!” the man said.

  “You can do that?” Kyle asked looking up.

  “For real man? You ain't just pulling my leg?” Torres asked giving him the evil eye. Gabriel gulped a little and then nodded.

  “Yeah, sure. Neo can get me the parts. Strobe lights from Radio Shack or um... Spencers. Or one of the restaurants or clubs nearby. We can wire them with a battery and remote trigger or stick them on a car.”

  “I like both ideas,” Shane said nodding and looking at Kyle and Torres. Torres nodded. Kyle looked a little put out but grudgingly nodded after a moment.

  “It would make things a little simpler.”

  “And they could be reusable,” Torres said glancing at the armorer. “If the aliens didn't break them. Or the gun crews. No playing with explosives.”

  “Take all the fun out of it why don't you,” Kyle growled and then chuckled sitting back. “He's right. She's right. The trick is going to be a case that can stand up to repeated abuse,” he said.

  “Foam won’t work,” Gabriel said shaking his head. “Claws right?” they nodded. “Ummm...

  “What about a wire cage like you mentioned? Electrify it?” Torres said smiling a wicked smile as her eyes gleamed.

  “Give them a hot foot if they touch it?” Gabriel said snapping his fingers and grinning at her. “I like your style lady,” he said.

  She seemed to preen a little. “Give me a new toy and you can treat me to dinner,” she said sounding almost coy. Coming from Torres it was quite a shock for the guys to hear. He looked a little stunned. Shane gave Kyle an amused glance. Kyle's eyebrows were somewhere skyward.

  “Close your mouth daddy, you look like a dork,” Jolie said coming in. She set a cup of coffee down near his right hand. He closed his mouth with a clop and took the coffee absently. “And what do you say?” she teased. He glanced at her. She tisked tisked. “Manners old man,” she said over her own cup.

  “Thanks,” he said. “Thanks for reminding me I didn't beat your ass often enough,” he muttered taking a sip.

  “What was that?” she mock growled, setting her cup down.

  “Nothin', nothin' at all,” he said innocently. Gabriel rubbed the back of his head, determined not to get into the middle of that. Shane snorted.

  “Someone's in a crabby mood,” Jolie said giving him the evil eye.

  “Oh, he just found out the past two days have been wasted,” Torres said shaking her head.

  “Why? Did we find a stock of flash bangs?” Jolie asked.

  “No Gabe here is planning on making us some out of lights and sound FX generators,” Torres said. She smiled sweetly at Gabe. “Right?”

  He gulped. “You got it ma'am. I've wanted to make a remote ground vehicle too. Something like bomb disposal used. I bet we could rig it with all sorts of toys. Guns, bombs,” he shrugged.

  “Just rigging it to spray napalm inside would be nice,” Kyle said suddenly smiling again. His daughter nodded. He relaxed a bit.

  “I'm wondering if we can use those small remote control helicopters. The one's that have cameras.”


  “I think... I think I read somewhere in one of my dad's old electronics magazines about a circuit that could broadcast a video signal. Using analog channels.”

  “Most televisions are digital now Gabe,” Shane said gently.

  “Yeah, you're right,” he sighed. “I don't have the circuit anyway. Its in my house,” he said shrugging.

  “Crap,” Torres said shaking her head. “Where is that?” she asked.

  “Perris. I was at a LAN party nearby when this mess went down,” Gabe said at her inquiring look.

  “Ouch,” Jolie said wincing. “Still, we could get to it right? Maybe?” she asked.

  “Eventually. If it’s still there,” Gabe said grimacing. “I've got a lot... had a lot of electronics in the house. An entire server farm in one room. That throws a lot of heat. I left the AC on, but the... well...”

  “If the power went out...”

  “It would cut the AC but not my backup generator for the farm. That would kick on and well...” he shrugged helplessly. “I checked the remote feed. It's not there. It died the first night.” He was pretty sure the aliens had torn it to shreds.

  “Ouch,” Shane said patting the guy's shoulder in sympathy. “Sorry about that,” he said.

  “No, it's not a big thing. A butt load of work, but if it distracted the aliens from killing my neighbors, maybe losing it wasn't such a bad thing,” Gabe said. He didn't notice Torres look at him. Her eyes were soft. She patted his arm in sympathy.

  “Well, get on the strobe light idea. Take both ideas and get me a plan for each by tomorrow,” Shane said. Gabe looked at him. “Oh, it doesn't have to be perfect, just a plan of action. Get with Jayne to recruit people with electronics engineering experience to help in the assembly line,” he said.

  “Assembly line?” Gabe asked confused. Kyle snorted.

  “What man you thought we'd just make one?” Kyle asked shaking his head as Gabe looked at him. “Prototype yeah, but once it works we'll put as many into production as we can. Gabe's party poppers or something. Put it on the web for everyone to use.”

  “What's left of the web,” Gabe said brightening. “But that's a cool idea,” he said smiling a little and then rubbing his hands together. “I'll get Leon and Neo in on this. They can do the gopher work since they've got longer legs than I do.”

  “Get to work,” Torres said giving him a push. “We'll check in later,” she said nodding to Shane who nodded back. Gabe grinned at her and then nodded.

  “Nice guy,” Jolie said smiling a little to Torres.

  “He's all right,” Kyle said. Jolie poked him. Her father grunted and then went back to leaning over their latest project. “If you don't mind take your commentary elsewhere people. I'm going to finish this beauty anyway. Just for kicks,” he said.

  Jolie rolled her eyes at the others and jerked her thumb out. They heard a sizzle and pop as they left. Torres looked back to see Kyle grimacing. “Damn it, I know it needs more Magnesium but what else?” Kyle muttered.

  “We've got to find him another project or this is going to drive him cuckoo,” Jolie said.

  “You mean it hasn't already?” Shane asked amused as Jolie closed the door and they walked away.

  “What was your first clue?” Torres joked.

  “I heard that!” Kyle growled loudly. Both of them winced and smirked in amusement.


  Jolie smirked at Torres as they ate lunch in the main hall. “What?” Torres asked taking a bite of her sandwich. “I miss something?” she demanded, checking her face. It was just a penini, not even a good one at that. The bread was a bit stale. Nice cheese though, Provolone and Swiss.

  “No, just the thought of you flirting with Gabe,” Jolie said snickering a little.

  “Quit it girl, he's okay,” Torres said shaking her head and wiping her mouth with a cloth napkin. “Friends. Smart guy,” she said.

  “Real smart. Too smart for his own good. Loner. Hermit,” Jolie said. “Needs a woman
's touch to get his fat ass away from his computer from time to time. Bet he's got gigs of porn on them,” she teased.

  “So?” Torres growled, eyes flashing. “What's it to you?” she demanded. She hadn't gotten laid since the damn invasion. All the shoot and scoot shit had her horny sometimes. She couldn't involve a team member. She kind of liked the big fluffy guy anyway.

  Jolie held up her free hand in supplication. “Nothing, nothing at all. Just trying to get a clear picture. Are you leading him onto bigger and better things or just leading him onto motivate him?” Jolie asked.

  “No idea. I'll see where it goes,” Torres said, smiling as she took another bite. After a moment of chewing she swallowed. “You getting the end of the world lines?” she asked.

  “Oh, you mean the dorks with the hey baby its the end of the world and we need to repopulate the human race you know what I mean? Wink wink nudge nudge?” Jolie responded, deepening her voice into a mocking imitation of a male.

  Torres gave an uncharacteristic girlish giggle covering her mouth. She wiped at it with the back of her hand and shook her head. “I take it than you have?” she asked choking out the words as Jolie smirked a little.

  “Who in this place hasn't by now? Just about every single guy has tried that line I bet,” she said. “They hear who I am, and who my dad is and they retreat. Fast,” she said tapping the 1911 strapped to her hip.

  “Yeah, having an over protective dad with an arsenal of weapons and a complete lack of remorse for shooting someone for stepping over a certain line does make for a chaste life,” Torres said wistfully.

  “Don't rub it in,” Jolie growled.

  Torres gave her a mocking look. “Just be glad your dad hasn't decided to get Walt or Jessie or someone to lock you up in a chastity belt,” she teased.

  “Oh lord, don't give him any more ideas. Pllllease,” the teen said shaking her head, hand going to her forehead. “He's bad enough as it is you know,” she grimaced.

  “He's only got your best interests at heart lady,” Torres said in mock sympathy. Jolie glared at her. She took an innocent sip of her drink. “Well, he does,” she said.

  “Funny,” Jolie growled. “What about Gabe? Does he have your interest?” she asked.

  “Apples and oranges kid. Besides, I'm a tad older than you are,” Torres said with a snort. “No gun totting dad running around here,” she said looking a little sad. Her parents were most likely dead. She knew it, had to accept it.

  “Well, the good thing is there isn't any competition for him,” Jolie said taking a sip of her drink. Torres snorted. “Most of the single guys are living it up. Those that are still alive I mean,” she said shaking her head. “Most of the guys with guns have been staked out. Women want security, someone who can defend them,” she said amused. “Unfortunately since they are trying to prove themselves they are always getting hurt or killed,” she finished.

  “Men do take more chances,” Torres said airily.

  Jolie gave her an amused look and shook her head. “Say's the Amazon warrior woman from SWAT?” she teased. Torres felt her cheeks color a little. She and the teenage Jolie had hit it off pretty well over the past couple of weeks. The girl was the only one she tolerated teasing her on that subject.

  “This from the woman who played with Gi Joe's instead of barbies growing up? Who got a gun when she was what five?” Torres riposted.

  “Six. Quit changing the subject,” Jolie said poking her.

  “You started it,” Torres said sitting back and drinking her water. Flavored drinks had been sucked down in the first few weeks. Now just about everyone was on water. Sports drinks and the like were a rarity. She spotted Kyle wheeling around the corner. She stretched a bit, getting a wicked thought.

  “I think Gabe is a good guy. Good heart. He can always hide behind you if the shit hits the fan,” Jolie teased.

  “Funny, real funny Jolie,” Torres said setting her drink down. “So, get anywhere with Wes?” she asked just as Kyle wheeled by them.

  The older man slowed down, eyes flashing at Jolie. Jolie kept sipping her drink with her best innocent expression. Her father snorted and kept wheeling on.

  “You are so dead you hear me?” Jolie hissed at Torres, eyes flashing. The deputy sheriff just grinned at her. Jolie glanced at her dad's slowly retreating back and then back to the deputy sheriff. “You set me up didn't you? Didn't you? Timed that. I bet you were hoping I'd spray water all over the place,” she said.

  “The thought did occur to me,” Torres admitted, smiling a coy smile. “So? Get anywhere? Anywhere at all?”

  Jolie rolled her eyes and then looked around. “I wish. He shacked up with some woman twice his age,” she said.

  “Seriously?” Torres said, eyebrows going up as she stared at the girl. “Talk about cougar robbing the cradle!”

  “Well, she's not that old, old I mean, probably twenty- five or so. That's way over the hill though,” Jolie said, eyes dancing with mischief.

  The sheriff's eyes flashed as that dig hit home. “Twenty... oh you little witch...” Torres swatted her on the arm.

  “I told you I'd get you back,” Jolie said laughing.

  “You did, that you did,” Torres said getting up and bussing her tray. “I've got to check on my team. I want to train again but we need those damn flash bangs,” she said. “No way are we doing a hot entry without them. Gremlins are scary buggers. Hell, those hounds and cats are terrors. I'd rather not meet one in a dark room.”

  “Yeah,” Jolie said shivering a little as she got up and bussed her own tray. “I agree. Its one thing to run into a charging cat the size of a bull, but the Gremlins are just damn freaky,” she said as she set the tray down on the rack.

  “Tell me about it,” Torres said sighing. “Little buggers like to pop out of nowhere. In false ceilings, cabinets, everywhere.”

  “Remind me not to do what you're doing then,” Jolie said shaking her head.

  “Gee thanks,” Torres said as they walked down the main drag. “I'll keep that in mind,” she said.

  Chapter 32

  A few days later Shane looked up at a characteristic sound of artificial thunder. “Got to be...” he said looking around.

  “There!” a kid said standing and pointing. Everyone turned to look, some shielding their eyes. They could hear the crack of thunder as the aircraft made a turn.

  “That's what I think it is right?”

  “F-16 I bet,” Shane said. He keyed his mike. “Sparks get a signal out on the GUARD channel to that F-16.”

  “Roger boss,” the voice answered. After a minute the radio woman came back. “You're on boss, live mike,” she said.

  “Pilot of F-16 over Moreno Valley-Riverside this is Moreno Valley Mall Six calling.”

  He repeated the call and waited. After a moment there was a click and squelch of static.

  “This is Firebrand Alpha to Six. Say status.”

  “Status is seventeen thousand including two hundred military plus dependents. That's seventeen k. Perimeter secure. We're low on toys though so if you know a Santa in the area that can deliver please pass that on.”

  “Roger that Six,” the pilot said. He turned and started a run on a giant turtle. The big six legged lumbering thing had come up from Riverside over the hill munching every tree and shrub it found. It had taken days to get to this point. From the look of it the thing was its own biome, it had lichens and mosses and other plants growing all over the top of its massive shell. Animals sheltered under it, moving when it moved. Fortunately for them it didn't move very far or very fast. It was stunning to see an animal that large. The aliens could grow fast, but he hadn't thought that fast! Or that large! The future boded ill for mankind if the predators got that big.

  The pilot lined up and then let loose. His Vulcan cannons opened up after a moment. Dirt fountained upward and then the rounds started to hit the mark. The animal let off a low bellow, turning and looking at the plane as it passed overhead. Animals that had been shelterin
g under it squawked and ran about in terror. Blue blood was dripping from the alien's middle left leg. It turned its horned head to look at the wound then went back to foraging.

  “Firebrand this is Six, save your ammo, you'll need it. Fliers will be inbound by nightfall and that big lummox is a turtle. Plant eater. Minimum threat.”

  “Roger. We've got orders to kill any we see.”

  “Roger that,” Shane said and then sighed and looked away. After a moment he keyed his mike. “Firebrand you'll find prey more to your liking along the lakes. If you've got napalm I suggest you use it there, they deserve the heat,” he said.

  “Roger that. I'll pass it on.”

  “Good. Pass this on as well,” Shane said and cleared his throat. “Your uniforms, the BDUs have IFF night vision markings. The enemy can see them and track their movement.”

  “Really? I didn't know that,” the pilot said.

  “Its true; some eggheads pointed it out earlier this week.” Jen poked him in the ribs. He ooffed softly.

  “What was that last?”

  “Nothing. The aliens see heat. Repeat, they see heat. IR band. That's why they are nocturnal. The sun blinds them.”

  “Ah... you say so Six.”

  “I don't; smarter minds than I do. Pass it up the chain of command please; the grunts need to know they aren't as invisible as they thought.”

  “Roger that Six.”

  He looked over to Hernandez. “Private, anything to add?”

  “No sir. They know we're here?”

  “Some. I let them know the head count. I told Drummans and that other General the same thing though.”

  “Okay,” Hernandez bobbed a nod. They could hear booms as the jet dropped something on the other side of the ridge line. Perris lake.

  “You weren't kidding six, I was nearly lunch!” the pilot said a moment later. They could see a cloud of smoke rising. A few people were cheering wildly.

  “Roger that Firebrand. The base is over run so you'd better find gas somewhere else son. All hell is going to break loose soon.”

  “Roger that.”


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