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Afraid of the Dark

Page 46

by Chris Hechtl

  “Save your ammo for the Hellcats and the raptors and Rex's. Especially the Rex's. They are the smart ones.”

  “Hellcats? Rex's?” the pilot asked.

  “Hellcats look like bulls. Four legs, big pair of crest spines down the back, tusks or fangs. Mean and nasty.”

  “Oh, grunts call them bulls,” the pilot answered. they saw the pilot turning. The radio signal was getting weaker. The pilot was probably pulling a couple of G's in that turn.

  “Right, they are the front line troops. Rex's are the brains. Tool users. Gremlins grow into them. Remember that.”

  “Roger. Good luck Six.”

  “Back at you Firebrand. Hope you come back soon.”

  The radio conversation ended and he turned. People were hugging and kissing.

  “I think he came out of Edwards.”

  “Most likely,” Shane said with a nod.

  “They haven't forgotten about us.”

  “Nope. Though it could be that they want to get the base back to do operations in this area,” Shane mused.

  Hernandez shot him a look then shrugged. “Either way man, I don't care as long as they scratch our backs from time to time.”

  “Yeah,” Shane said nodding and straightening. His face was closed through.

  “What man? You look like you saw a funeral,” Hernandez said. “Cheer up man!” He slapped him on the arm.

  He looked around. Jen was off with Jayne talking. He leaned in close to Hernandez. “I'm relieved.”


  “That plane could have easily of brought a nuke. Drop one and boom.”

  “Shit,” Hernandez said leaning back, pale. “You would bring that up,” he said.

  “I think that flag and our calling in helped. They know we're still in it to win it,” he said turning and nodding to the flag.

  Hernandez turned and stared at the flapping banner for a long moment. “Yeah man, that we are,” he said softly after a moment. “That we are.”

  “Damn straight,” Shane said patting him on the shoulder and walking off.


  “What are we doing this for?” the guy asked as he climbed out of the truck and looked around warily.

  “You mean why you Neanderthal,” Jake said, shaking his head. “And the why is that we need it,” he said pointedly not looking at his helper as he released the catch on the hose reel and started pulling out hose.


  “Everyone's got to eat. Cars need gas. Why let it go to waste?” Jake said as his helper came over with the key to unlock the cover plates.

  “Now watch it,” he said, pulling a glock from his waistband as he set the hose down. A security detail came over and set up warily.

  “What's the big deal?” the rookie asked, wrinkling his nose.

  “The big deal is this is a dark place. A place the aliens like to sneak into.”

  “Shit,” the rookie muttered, stepping away hastily.

  “Fumes too, so watch your fire. Last thing we need is to set off an FAE with us standing in the center of it.”


  The security head looked at the rookie. “Fuel Air Explosion. I hear that's one of the other reasons they want the gas. Or at least to keep it from going off.”


  “Lovely,” a rookie guard said.

  “Come on, we've got to hit every station in this area before nightfall. Clean them out and then move on,” Jake said, taking the key and turning it and then using it as a crowbar to open the cover a little. “No sign of scurrying, that's a good sign,” he said.

  “Could be worse,” the security head said as Jake and the rookies fed the hose into the opening.

  “Oh? Sitting at ground zero of a big boom waiting to happen?” Jake asked looking up.

  “Yeah, we could be sucking this out of every car and truck on the street. I heard about that detail. Talk about a bitch of a job.”

  “Oh yeah,” Jake said wiping his brow. “Gonna be a hot one, best get too it,” he said. He waved to the rookie who threw the pump. Their gas truck began to suck up the precious gas.

  The rookie guard turned to Jake. “We going to make napalm with this stuff too?” he asked, looking excited.

  “Who told you that?” Jake asked looking up. The rookie shrugged.

  “I heard that part too,” the security chief said with a nod. “I was on fire watch when it was passed around. Something about French cannons and stuff.”

  “Oh,” Jake said. “Well, to make it we need an additive. I dunno if we have any. If we do man I hope they don't get stupid and make a lot at once.”

  “Why not??” the rookie guard asked, sniffing. “Alien flambé!” he said eagerly.

  “'Cause that shit is slippery, slimy, and a bitch to handle. It also isn't fun to pump man, gums stuff up something wicked.”

  “And you know this how?” the chief asked, looking amused. Jake felt his cheeks blush a little as he smiled coyly. “Oh yeah?”

  “It was out in the desert. We had a ball.”

  “Fireball I bet.”

  “Something like that,” Jake said amused.

  “Right,” the chief drawled. He made a mental note to have Jake transferred to the napalm making team. “Okay,” he turned to the others. “Looking good here, Tanya, check the store, see what's there, you go with her,” he jerked a thumb to the rookie guard. “Treat it as a full entry and watch your corners people!” he said turning. They gave him a thumbs up. He turned to another group. His exec waved. “Perimeter secure?” the exec nodded. “Okay, take team two and start going through this place with a fine tooth comb. Secure it, and let the harvesters into pull what they can.”

  He looked around as people scrambled. This wasn't their first station job, just one among many. The vets had it down to a science, or at least a routine.

  “Anyone find me a chocolate bar earns a free day pass!” he yelled looking around.

  “Day pass?” Jake asked amused.

  “Don't knock it. We're trying to phase in some sort of system.”

  “Whatever man. I would have shot for a beer myself,” Jake said shaking his head.

  “Shit ain't worth spit in this heat. Fridges died out a while back. No man, chocolate.”

  “Oh? You want a melted piece of candy?”

  “Shit no, but my wife said she'd screw me blind if I found one. She's that desperate for her chocolate fix,” the chief said with a grin. Jake laughed, shaking his head and slapping the man on the shoulder hard.


  Jen smiled tiredly to him as he stretched. “Getting ready for bed?” she asked as he scratched.

  “Just about,” he said. He looked around the bay. The lower floor stores had been turned into barracks for people. It was hard for many to get used to living in such cramped quarters. The day in, day out grind was getting to some. Not to mention the nightmares.

  He'd really love to stick all the kids and adults who had them in one place with sound proofing. Unfortunately he and probably everyone else in the building would be a part of that group. It was something they all had to live with and work through.

  The watch rotation was slowly being worked out. Bill still had some issues, but it had got to the point where they didn't have to wake up and check the guard every two hours at night.

  He scratched again until he felt Jen's hands on his back. He groaned softly as she scratched and stroked his back. “Thanks,” he mumbled, arching his back.

  “You're like a dog. Men,” she teased softly, scratching.

  “Sweating all day,” he said.

  “Take a shower... no your skin is dry. You're not getting enough fluids.”

  “I know,” he sighed. He tried not to be defensive. Everyone was crabby. Three weeks, hell... tomorrow was October first. Nearly a month of this with no end in sight.

  “Gabe said to tell you they got the cell towers back online,” she murmured, moving from scratching to massaging his shoulders.

  “You trying to steal my job?” he grumbled.

  “You can do me next dear,” she said.

  “I'm looking forward to it,” he said with a smile. She poked him making him oof. “I am, honest.”

  “I know,” she said, going back to massaging. “I'm surprised you haven't pulled a muscle or broken anything yet.” She was careful to work around the bruise he had on his shoulder. Not to mention the nasty one on his hip.


  “You don't have to do this, I mean, you could hold off like everyone else.”

  “We've got a narrow window Jen, one that's closing every night. These things are growing. The more we kill now, the easier it is... and I don't even want to think about what they will be like when they start to breed.”

  “If they haven't already. Some obviously have. Now you're going to give me nightmares,” she sighed.

  “Yeah, that's one of my biggest fears,” he said softly.

  “Well, Gabe had one of Jesse and Walt's crews move the new tower to a new location. They've set it up with a gas generator, electric fence and motion activated lights. It will hopefully keep the aliens at bay for the night. That should broaden our coverage to a two mile limit.”


  “If it works they'll look at standardizing the design and converting all the other cell sites to that standard. Also anything else, like utilities outside the perimeter.”

  “Hopefully.” He sighed as she stroked lower. “My turn?”

  “Just about. The utilities crew reported that the gas has been shut down.”

  “Gas... Natural gas?”


  “Well, I was expecting it. Took them long enough.”

  “I'm not sure if it was someone shutting off the supply or it just running out, or something up stream going boom.”

  “Ouch,” he winced. Yeah, they'd heard a lot of stories of that happening. Fortunately they had some natural gas trapped and siphoned off. Most of it was stored in former RCA bus tanks.

  “I've got some ideas on making more but its going to take a while to get it working right,” she murmured.

  “Oh?” She'd mentioned it a while ago, come to think of it. He just couldn't remember right off the top of his head.


  “Really,” he said looking over his shoulder. She pursed her lips.

  “Let's just say I'm going to put you and Nicky's fart contests to good use.”

  “Funny,” he chuckled. “You know, we joked about that for years. Pass enough gas and you could power a car. Or the world. Now we're going to have to see if its even possible.”

  “I so don't want you to practice it, Especially right now. Please not right now,” she growled slapping his flank. He snorted softly.

  “Walt said he's got the first tank out the door. It rolled about a half mile before something broke.”

  “Wow, a whole half mile?” Shane sighed.

  “Give them a break. They are turning civilian gear into military gear with substandard equipment and supplies.”

  “I know. The fact that they got it going at all is an achievement in itself. What was the problem?”

  “Suspension. The armor is too heavy.”


  “He said it snapped the welds. They are doing repairs and adding gussets. Whatever they are,” she said wrinkling her nose. He nodded.

  “Guess I missed a lot at that meeting.”

  “Guess you did. Maybe you shouldn't have missed it. You know there are a lot of people who'd just love to take your seat.”

  “Are you suggesting I give it up?” he asked softly, turning to look into her eyes.

  “No.” She pursed her lips again and cocked her head. “I don't know of anyone who could do as good a job at keeping this hash up together like you're doing honey. Sometimes I wonder about your delegation and hands off approach though.”

  “I'm not into micromanaging. I learned that in the military. You teach your people to do that. I can't be everywhere every time.”

  “I know,” she said softly, hugging him from behind. “I know babe. I... a part of me wishes you'd stop playing Don Quixote and give up the field part. But I know you're being you.”

  “Lead from the front.”

  “I know.” He pulled her around into his lap and hugged her gently. “My turn,” he said and kissed her. “Then its bedtime.”

  “Tomorrow is another day,” she sighed.

  “It is indeed.”


  The next afternoon Shane was called back due to a rather ugly situation in the food court. He got there at the same time as Bill. He was surprised Bill was on site, he had half expected the guy to be there long before he could get across town and through the growing defenses.

  “What's going on?” he asked coming into the mall. Bill grimaced.

  “We've got a bit of a problem. A guy was caught stealing. He assaulted a couple for their ID card. Adrienne's dealing with a pack of something or other sniffing around the 60.”


  “Yeah, well, he made some rather nasty comments about you and it, well... spread.”

  Shane paused his stride and turned on Bill. “You're telling me that people are buying his cock and bullshit? Don't they realize its a deflection?”

  Bill spread his hands. “Apparently not. Some think we've over extended our authority, others think we don't have any balls.”

  “Lovely.” He shook his head.

  “Some people are buying his Robin Hood act. I don't know if he gave to charity, but he's making it out like he has. He's making it out like He's the good guy. Which is a problem.”

  Shane made a telling sour face. “Where is our intrepid Robin Hood?”

  “With his wife in security.”

  “Not the lock up?”

  “No. Holding was converted to one of the armories.”

  “Great. I think we may have to convert it back if we start having crime issues. What's Torres and Wayne's take on this?”

  “Both are in the field. You were the first I got a hold of.”

  “They are the cops, not me Bill. Technically this is their jurisdiction.”


  “Yeah. But I'll see what I can do here.”

  They made their way to the crowd and then gently pushed their way through. He was suddenly aware of some of the hostile expressions and was glad he'd got body armor on. The last thing he needed was someone throwing a punch, or worse, pulling a knife or a gun. All over some lazy SOB who was the real problem.

  He nodded to the guards who silently stepped aside so he could go into the office. Bill followed him.

  “Where were you by the way?” he asked over his shoulder, setting his helmet down on the desk.

  “Sleeping,” Bill said dryly.


  “Let’s get this over with. I've got a date with Morpheus and a nice big busty blond.”

  “Real or imagined?” Shane asked with a grin.

  “The girl from that G4 show, so...”

  “Imagined. Pity. I'm surprised the girls haven't been falling all over you by now.”

  “I've been a bit busy to check out the dating scene,” Bill said dryly again. They both snorted in unison.

  “And now that we've got that out of our system,” Shane turned to the two guards holding the guy. The frumpy woman nearby must have been his wife. “So, what's the problem?”

  “They are holding my husband for nothing!” the woman snarled.

  “Nothing?” a voice said from a nearby office. The door opened and a guy came out. He was battered, his shirt was ripped and he had a bloody lip and swelling eye. “You call this nothing bitch?”

  “Whoa... back off,” Bill said getting in between the two before she could react. “Now, let's just go in here so I can get your statement okay? Unfortunately our police officers are in the field so we might have to do this twice...” he pushed the guy into the office and
closed the door.

  “Were you a witness to this ma'am?” Shane asked, turning to the woman.

  “No,” she admitted.

  “So you don't know what happened, just what your partner said?”

  “I know my Justin!”


  “He's... He's not a thief!”

  “Okay. So what is he?” Shane asked. “Can I see your ID?” he asked. She immediately hunched her shoulders and looked away.

  “Don't you have an ID? Its required. Everyone is supposed to have an ID by now.”

  “I lost mine.”

  “Okay, well, if you're in our system they can easily make you another.”

  “My driver's license?” she asked.

  “No, our... so you aren't in our system at all. How long have you been with us ma'am?”

  “A week.”

  “Right. And where have you been working? How have you gotten food?” He asked. “I assume you've been eating. You don't look starved.”

  Her eyes narrowed like leveled missiles. “Are you calling me fat?” she asked dangerously.

  “No, I'm asking where you have been eating. And if you are working.”

  “I'm on the cleaning crew.”

  “Okay, which crew?”

  “I don't know,” she mumbled. He cocked his head. “Okay, I'm not on a crew. So what!” she said.

  “Okay. Fine. Let's just talk with your husband. I'm curious about how you two have gotten food if you haven't been working.” He passed the woman and heard her murmur shit softly. He snorted.

  The guy was belligerent and nasty. After five minutes of listening to the guy cuss and bitch then demand a lawyer he left.

  “This is interesting,” he said, looking at Bill as Bill came out of the office.

  “That it is. I've got a statement. Roberto here remembered to pull the video footage as well.”

  When he said that the wife's shoulders hunched even more and she bit her lip. Shane looked from her to Bill. “And?”

  “Clear cut. He did try to mug them with a knife. When Roberto passed on patrol he told them to play cool or he'd gut them. When he pocketed the knife the victim punched him. That's how the fight broke out.”


  “So, now what?” Bill asked. “Do we punish him?” The wife looked up in alarm.

  “I'm thinking about that.” He looked at her.


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