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Coming Home: (Contemporary Christian Romance Boxed Set): Three Stories of Love, Faith, Struggle & Hope

Page 75

by Debra Ullrick

  “It’s not your job to always protect me.”

  “No, it’s not my job. It’s my choice.” Chase pulled her close to him, tucked his finger under her chin, lifted her head, and looked into her eyes.

  “Don’t you understand?” she begged softly. “If anything happens to you, it will be my fault.” Icy fear and dread twisted in her heart.

  He rubbed her arms and gave her one of those million-dollar smiles. “Nothing’s going to happen to me. He’s a bully, and I’m not afraid of bullies. Salter’s all talk.”

  “You don’t know that.”

  “I’d like to have everyone’s attention, please.” Her father’s voice came through the sound system.

  When they looked in his direction, her dad stood on the flatbed trailer they’d set up for the PA system, Maggie was at his side.

  “I would like to thank each and every one of you for your participation in helping to make this year’s sale a success. It’s been the best we’ve ever had!”

  The crowd cheered.

  Her father smiled lovingly at Maggie and winked. “And as a way of saying thank you, I’d like to invite everyone back here next Saturday for a good old-fashioned Lawson’s Ranch Barbecue!”

  The crowd roared with excitement.

  “Once again, thank you and,” her father took off his hat and waved it in the air. “See you all next Saturday.” He wrapped his arm around Maggie and hugged her to him. She joined in and waved to the crowd, too.


  “Sounds like fun. Your father really knows how to stir up a crowd, doesn’t he?” Chase smiled down at Sami but was surprised to see sadness in her eyes. “What’s wrong?”

  She looked up at him and shook her head. “The last time this ranch had a barbecue was the year she left.” She stared at her parents who were still standing on the flatbed trailer talking with some of the town’s people. “I remember those barbecues. Every summer we had an all-day barbecue for the surrounding neighbors and town’s folk. It was the event of the year. Everybody loved them.”

  “So, your father stopped having them after Maggie left? Is that why you’re upset?” Chase took Sami’s hand and led her back toward the table.

  “The Lawson’s Ranch Barbecue was her idea. She started planning for those things months in advance. And having one now…” Sami kicked at a clod of dirt on the ground with the toe of her boot. “It’ll be like she never left.”

  “What would be so wrong with that, Sami?”

  She jerked her head around and gave him a cold, hard stare. “Should I make a list?”

  He knew he had struck a nerve, but he continued. “Look, I really believe Maggie is here to stay, and the more you fight it, the more you’re going to be the one who will suffer. I know you think she’s made an unforgivable mistake but, Sami, you’re going to have to forgive her. You don’t have to be best friends with her and you don’t even have to like her. But, you’re going to have to find a place in your heart to forgive her and let it go.”

  “I don’t know if I know how to do that.” She looked over at her parents, and then turned her head back to Chase. “And I don’t know if I want to.”


  Sunday morning Sami rolled over and looked at her clock on the nightstand. It was 2:40, and she was still awake. She crawled out of bed and tiptoed downstairs. After she poured herself a glass of milk, she sat down at the dining room table and slumped there over the milk.

  Sami heard a noise and glanced up just as her father walked into the dining room. “Whatcha doing up this late, girl?”

  “Couldn’t sleep. Why are you up?”

  “Scruff woke me up barking. Sometimes I think that dog barks at his own shadow.”

  Sami smiled and nodded.

  “Would you like some company?”

  “Nah, I’m okay. You can go back to bed. I’m fine.”

  “Well, I’m up now, and I think I could use a midnight snack. I think there’s some left over coconut cream pie in the fridge. You want a slice?”

  With a shrug, Sami nodded. “Sure, why not?”

  A couple of minutes later, he came back into the dining room carrying the pie, two saucers, and the gallon of milk. As he walked across the floor, Sami found it oddly comforting how loud the floor boards creaked under his weight.

  “So, what’s going on in that pretty little head of yours?” He sat down in the chair beside her.

  “Well, I don’t think we can cover it all before daylight, but there is one thing at the top of my list that I would like to talk to you about.”

  “What’s that?” He placed a slice of pie on a saucer and put it in front of her, along with a fork.

  “It’s about Kaylee.”

  “Kaylee? Chase’s niece?” He lifted a questioning brow as he poured himself a glass of milk and refilled hers.


  “Okay, let’s hear it.”

  “I really like her; she’s a great kid. Her birthday’s coming up in a few days and I want to do something really special for her.”

  “What do you have in mind?” Her dad took a bite of pie.

  “I’d like to give her the black pony we used in the pony rides yesterday. You should’ve seen her face when she rode that little gelding. She even asked if she could name him Blackie. She’s had so many bad things happen to her in her short life, she deserves something special for her birthday.” Sami waited patiently for her father to answer.

  He took another bite of pie and then nodded. “If that’s what you want to do, it’s fine with me. I think it’s a pretty good idea. Include the saddle and bridle too. The girl can’t ride the horse if she doesn’t have a saddle.”

  Sami beamed. “Thanks, Dad.” She stood and wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed his cheek. “I want this to be a secret. I don’t even want Chase to know. I want it to be a complete surprise.”

  “When do you want to take it over to her?”

  “Later on this morning. When everyone’s at church, I can load Blackie up and trailer him over to their barn and hide him there until they come back home.”

  “Sounds like a plan.”

  Excitement soared through her. She couldn’t wait to see Kaylee’s face when she saw her pony. “I think I’m going to try to get some sleep now. Good night.”

  “Good night, Sami.”

  She stopped at the door. With her hand on the doorframe, she looked back at her father. “Dad, I know things haven’t been so good between you and me since Maggie came back, but I hope you know I love you. I may not agree with the decisions you’ve made, but that doesn’t change how I feel about you. I just wanted you to know that.” Without giving him a chance to respond, she pushed through the door.

  Later on that morning, Sami came down the stairs to find her dad all dressed up in his Sunday’s best. “Where are you going?” she asked in surprise.

  “I’ve finally given in to Maggie and Edna’s constant badgering about me going to church,” he said loudly with his head tilted toward the kitchen.

  “I heard that,” Maggie yelled from the dining room.

  Her dad walked over to Sami and kissed her forehead. “You didn’t give me a chance to say this last night, but I hope you know I love you, too.”

  Sami smiled up at him and nodded. “I do.”

  “Dad, can you drop me off at Haley’s house?” Brent asked, coming in from the dining room. “Her parents said I could ride to church with them this morning, and after church, I could spend the day at their house. They will bring me home after church tonight. I asked Mom, but she said to ask you.”

  Sami cringed every time she heard Brent call Maggie, mom.

  “I guess so, but you better mind your manners.”

  “I will, Dad. Thanks.”

  “Come on you two or we’re going to be late,” her dad yelled as he loosened his tie. “I hate these things.”

  “We’re coming, we’re coming,” Maggie said as she entered the living room with Edna right behind her. �
�Keep your boots on.” She looked at Sami and smiled. “Good morning, Sami.”

  “Morning.” Was all Sami said as she walked past all of them and into the kitchen.

  After everyone left for church, Sami headed out to the barn and loaded Blackie into the horse trailer. “You’re going to have a good home, boy. I think your new owner is a terrific kid.” She climbed into the cab of the truck and pulled out of the drive. It’d been a couple of years since she’d been to the old Miller’s place. So, she wondered what kind of shape the place was in now because the last time she’d seen it, it was badly run down.

  Twenty minutes later, she pulled into the long driveway leading up to Chase’s ranch. She climbed out of the truck and looked around. She was surprised to see just how much Chase had fixed the place up. “Wow. He’s done a nice job. Where did he find the time to do all of this work?”

  Blackie shifted noisily in the trailer. “Okay, boy.” She unlatched the trailer door, swung it open, and backed Blackie out. “You’re home.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  “Who’s that?” Kaylee asked and pointed at the truck parked in their front yard.

  “Yes, who is that, Chase?” Anna asked, too.

  “I think that’s one of the Lawson’s trucks.” He pulled down the drive and spotted Sami sitting on his front porch steps. His heart swelled in his chest as he watched her stand, shove her hands into her pockets of her jeans, and wait for them to park.

  “Hey! What are you doing here?” Chase climbed out of his pickup, and then reached in and helped Kaylee down to the ground.

  “I’ve come for a visit. I hope it’s okay that I dropped in without calling.”

  The look of uncertainty on her pretty face saddened him. Didn’t she know she was always welcome where he was? Well, he’d correct that right now. “You’re always welcome here,” Chase said.

  The uncertainty lifted and Sami gave Chase a cheeky grin before she looked down at Kaylee. “Hey, Kaylee, you sure do look beautiful this morning.”

  “Thanks, it’s my Sunday dress,” Kaylee said as she twirled around like a ballerina. “I like the little pink flowers.”

  “Good morning, Sami. It’s nice to see you,” Anna said as she came around the truck and hugged her.

  “Good morning, Anna.” She peered inside the empty pickup. “Where’s Emily?”

  “She’s made friends with a young lady at church named Nicole Harris. She invited Emily to her home for lunch.”

  “That’s nice. I really don’t know Nicole, but I know her family. They’re good people.”

  “Would you like to have lunch with us?” Anna asked.

  “We’d love to have you, and I won’t take no for an answer.” Chase walked up close to Sami and took hold of her elbow.

  “I’d love to, but first, I brought Kaylee something for her birthday.”

  “For me? What? Where is it?” Kaylee excitedly bobbed up and down, her eyes wide with delight.

  “It’s in the barn, but your Uncle Chase has to go with you.”

  “What are you up to?” Chase asked and gave her a questioning look.

  Sami grinned and shrugged. “I guess you’ll have to go with Kaylee to see.”

  Kaylee grabbed Chase’s hand and pulled him along. “Come on, Uncle Chase. Hurry!”

  Sami locked her arm in Anna’s as they strolled toward the barn together.

  Inside the barn, Kaylee let out a squeal that made Sami wonder if their neighbors heard the sound. And, their closest neighbors were at least six miles away.

  Chase came walking out of the barn with Kaylee sitting tall in the saddle. He leisurely walked over to Sami and kissed her cheek. “You’re something else, do you know that?”

  “Oh, Sami.” Anna covered her mouth and started to cry. “A pony? Thank you.”

  “Look, Nana, it’s my Blackie.” Kaylee patted the pony’s neck and grinned at Sami. “Is he really all mine?”

  “Yes. He really is. Happy birthday, Kaylee.”

  “This is the best birthday ever!” His niece held her arms out toward Sami. Sami stepped closer, and they hugged. “Thank you, Sami. I love you.”

  If Chase’s heart melted like an ice cube under a heat lamp, he could only imagine how Kaylee’s words affected Sami. He didn’t have to wonder long. When Sami stepped back, there was moisture in her eyes and love.

  For the next half of an hour Chase and Sami lead Blackie around in the yard with Kaylee sitting tall in the saddle while Anna slipped inside to start lunch. It was the very definition of the best day ever.

  A half hour later, Anna walked to the front door of Chase’s house and called, “Lunch is ready.”

  “Time to give Blackie a rest.” Chase lifted Kaylee out of the saddle, and the three of them headed inside. Just as Kaylee disappeared inside the house, Chase slid his arm around Sami’s waist and pulled her close. “You never cease to amaze me.”

  “It was nothing. I just wanted to give Kaylee something special. She deserves it.”

  Chase pulled her into his arm, ever so slowly bent his head, and kissed her. His pulse soared when she didn’t pull away, but instead, kissed him back.


  After lunch, Kaylee went back outside to play, and Anna refused to let Sami help with the dishes. “No. You’re our guest, so I can take care of this. Chase, why don’t you go ahead and take the dessert and coffee into the living room? I’ll be along shortly.”

  “I feel guilty not helping you clean up after you’ve prepared such a wonderful lunch.” Sami set her dishes on the counter near the sink.

  “It’s the least I could do after you gave Kaylee such a wonderful gift. Now get yourself in that living room and relax.” Anna turned Sami around and gave her a nudge toward the living room.

  Then Chase tugged on Sami’s arm. “You won’t win this argument. Let’s go have dessert.”

  She gave up and let him lead her to the living room.

  When they entered the room, the first thing that caught Sami’s attention was the three beautiful pieces of artwork hanging on the walls. She walked around and admired each one of them. “Where did you get these beautiful paintings?” She glanced over at Chase.

  “Emily painted them.”

  “What?” Sami lightly touched one of the paintings. “Chase, these are incredible.”

  “I may be a little biased, but I think Emily’s an amazing artist.” Pride drifted through his voice as he eased in close to her elbow.

  Sami had never seen paintings like these before. It was as if each one spoke to her with a story to tell. “Amazing. The word extraordinary comes to mind. She could open up her own business here in Homestead. These paintings are breathtaking. You should mention it to her. She could—” When Sami turned to look at Chase, she saw only sadness moving over his face.

  “No. Emily doesn’t paint anymore.”

  Sami heard the pain in his voice, and immediately she felt the urge to comfort him. She placed her hand on his arm and smiled up at him. “What? Why?”

  “She hasn’t touched a paint brush since Chris passed away. She was working on a family portrait she was going to surprise him with on his birthday. But, he died a week before it was finished. She packed up her paints and hasn’t touched them since.”

  Air whooshed out of Sami’s heart and lungs. “I understand why she doesn’t want to paint any longer. But, it’s sad to keep this kind of gift hidden away.” She ran her fingers along the outline of a snow-covered mountain in one of the paintings. It saddened Sami that such an amazing talent was going to waste. And her heart ached for the pain Emily must have gone through, was still going through.

  Anna joined them several minutes later.

  “Thank you, Anna. I appreciate your invitation to lunch. It was wonderful. But, it’s time for me to be heading home.”

  Anna smiled. “You’re welcome here anytime.” Chase’s mom was such a beautiful woman, inside and out. Sami wished she’d had a mother in her life like Chase’s mom. Was that so much to

  “I’ll walk you out.” When they stepped out onto the porch, Chase called to Kaylee. “Kaylee, are you going to come and tell Sami bye? She’s leaving.”

  Kaylee came running from the barn and hugged Sami around the waist. “Thank you for Blackie. I will take care of him forever and ever. I promise.”

  “I know you will.” She bent down and kissed the child’s soft cheek. “And, with your Uncle Chase’s help, you’ll be riding Blackie all by yourself in no time.”

  “I sure hope so.” Kaylee’s eyes brightened with anticipation.

  After Sami gave the little girl another quick hug, Kaylee skipped across the yard heading toward the barn.

  Chase walked with Sami to her truck. He opened the door and waited for her to climb in. After she was inside, he closed the door, reached through the window, and took hold of her hand. “Thank you again for what you did for Kaylee. This will be a birthday she’ll never forget.”

  “I’m glad she liked her gift. She’s such a sweet little girl, and I wanted to give her something I knew she really wanted. She looks happy, doesn’t she?”

  Chase looked around at Kaylee still skipping her way to the barn, and then back to her. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen her so happy.”

  “I’m glad. I remember when I received my first pony. I was so happy.”

  “What would make you happy now, Sami?” His touch sent electric charges through her entire body, and her body quivered. She took in a deep shaky breath. “I need to go.” She turned the key in the ignition, and the motor roared to life.

  He kissed the back of her hand. “You deserve to be happy, and I’m the man who’s going to see to it that you are. And, I promise to keep you happy for the rest of your life.” He let go of her hand and stepped away from the truck.

  She pulled the gearshift down into reverse, looked into Chase’s eyes, and whispered, “You already do.”

  Tuesday morning, the sound of rolling thunder woke Sami from restless sleep. She rolled over and looked at the alarm clock. The red digital numbers glowed 6:12. Surprised she had overslept, she tossed back the covers, and jumped out of bed. Usually by now she was up, dressed and sitting at the breakfast table.


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