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My Hunted Highlander

Page 25

by Badger, Nancy Lee

Gavin turned his horse and met them. “I see nothing amusing, dear brother. We have our best trackers scouting ahead for Lana’s cottage.”

  “Lana? The woman you both know?”

  Gavin and Niall grew quiet.

  “Is she going to help us find Keegan?” Blair asked.

  Gavin grunted, and rubbed his chin. “Aye. Our sire has threatened her life. She sent word to the castle about his plans.”

  “Niall said she was your cousin. Since she’s helped you, I will thank her, but don’t think I will allow either of you alone with her.”

  When Gavin’s brows rose, she added, “Jenny saved my life, and I will not let anyone steal her guy.”

  “Lana is no threat to Jenny, this I swear.” Gavin galloped away, while Niall pulled her back into his warm embrace. The sea breeze was bitterly cold, but she was warm and content in her lover’s arms. The poison was out of her system, and she looked forward to making love with Niall again. However, until they found Keegan, nothing would impede their search.

  At the smell of smoke, her attention snapped skyward. The dark gray curls of a cook fire rose from the tops of the trees in the distance. “Lana’s cottage?”

  “Aye,” Niall said.

  He didn’t sound happy. Servants talk, and she’d heard rumors about Niall’s relationship with Lana.

  Cousin, my foot.


  Lana met the search party at her cottage door. She was as beautiful as Niall remembered, with her midnight hair flowing down her back, and her amber eyes glaring in his direction. While she walked closer, Niall brushed his fingers along the scar she had given his cheek. Her heavy breasts nearly spilled from the bodice of her blood-red gown.

  “Voluptuous, petite, yet pretty sure of herself,” Blair whispered.

  Niall kissed the back of her head. “Doono’ forget vicious.”

  “Ye call me vicious, Highlander? ‘Tis ye who used me ill. I paid ye back the only way I could…without killing ye. Ye stole my heart, but a real man saved my heart from the ashes.”

  Blair released a breath. “Thank you for not killing Niall. I’m Blair MacIan, former captain of The Black Thistle.”

  The group gasped, but Blair seemed to ignore them. Lana’s face brightened, and she stepped closer, placing a delicate palm on Blair’s boot.

  Niall’s mount pranced away.

  “It’s okay, Niall. Let her speak.”

  “Do ye Know Bill? William Barney?”

  What would Blair tell her? Had she not seen the conjured dragon attack the ship? Bill was most likely dead. “Your man?”

  “Aye. He treats me with respect, unlike Sinclairs.”

  “Lass, I apologized and…”

  Lana waved her hand, and Blair captured it in hers, as if to comfort the witch. “He was my quartermaster, and a wonderful man. A friend, as well.”

  “Was?” Lana asked, her voice barely whispering.

  Niall broke into the conversation, wanting no chance that Lana blamed her sorrow and rage on Blair. “We doono’ know where the man be. The crew mutinied, then we heard they were attacked by Angus Sinclair, and his conjured beastie.’

  Lana’s beautiful face turned red with rage, and she stormed toward her cottage.

  “Wait! Can you help us?” Blair asked.

  Lana turned, smiling, but her smile was dark. “Aye, I have a spell and a potion to destroy his fire-breathing beastie, which I dinno’ help him conjure. He said he met the Sea Hag.”

  “The Sea Hag? He knows where she is? My husband knew her and now--”

  “Yer husband is dead. Aye, the Sea Hag has a habit of taking more than she gives. Doono’ fear. Angus killed her, most brutally. He bragged about it to me, while I tended his injured shoulder. As for that which ye seek--”

  “My son?”

  Lana’s eyes widened. “Ye mean, Niall’s brother? Ye are no’ his real mother, but ye love him, aye?”

  “With all my heart.”

  Lana disappeared inside her cottage. Niall squeezed Blair’s waist, and kissed her hair. She smelled like sunshine and lavender, and he wanted nothing more than to find the lad, get them both back to the castle, and lock Blair inside her bedchamber.

  As long as I be locked inside with her.

  Lana padded down the steps and returned to where Niall and Blair waited. “I can help ye. Ye shall find Angus Sinclair near a hidden cave, beside the gentle lapping waters of a secret cove. ‘Tis a treasure hold, and wealth is waiting. Take this.” She threw a red velvet pouch, which Blair caught. When Lana disappeared in a puff of smoke, the warriors’ mounts reared and whinnied in terror. Niall clasped Blair to his chest as they fell.

  Oof. Her head slammed into his chin, but he cushioned their fall.

  “Are you okay?” she asked, then rolled out of his arms.

  “More bruises.”

  “You’ll heal. Nothing can keep you down,” she whispered.

  Niall’s tortured body tightened, numbing him to the pain sweeping down his back. Rolling to his knees, he flattened his plaid, and rose to his feet, and straightened the borrowed sword and scabbard. He helped her up, and she mimicked him by sweeping twigs and snow from her gown. Was she laughing at him? Or, had she noticed his arousal?

  “So, are we gunning for Angus?”

  “Gunning?” Niall scratched his head, and came away with dry leaves. Blair’s words befuddled him. “Do ye know where he is?”

  “Lana’s words make sense. He’s hiding in our cave.” Her eyebrows wiggled. She turned, and grabbed his mount’s reins. “Coming?”

  Flustered for a moment, Niall mounted, then pulled her into his lap. “Hold tight, love.”

  “We need to hurry.”

  He turned to the crowd of concerned warriors. “We head for Gray Wolf Cove. Be wary. Angus Sinclair and his dragon could be waiting for us.”

  Amid grumbles, and concerned questions, Niall galloped toward the cave he and Gavin used to play in, as boys. It was also the place Blair MacIan’s pirates hid their valuables. The last time he and Blair were there, he had noticed sacks of food, and coffers filled with gold. They had left much of it behind. If his sire had taken refuge there, they would attack, then distribute the goods.

  “More tracks, my laird,” a warrior shouted. Niall and Blair rode to the head of the group.

  “The lad?”


  Blair gazed into the distance. “It looks like he’s heading for the cave. Keegan knows the location. He’s traveled through these woods plenty of times.”

  “Aye, Blair, and the last time, he nearly died.”

  “The boar. I remember. There’s a back way into the cave, the same door that Bill used to use to sneak away. I never cared where he went, until now. That reminds me.” She opened the velvet pouch and pulled out a potion bottle and a slip of parchment.”

  “The spell?”

  “Yep. We have a chance.”

  “Can you show us the way to the secret door?”

  They arrived at the location within no time, and Niall sent half his warriors ahead, toward the mouth of the cave. He did not want Angus to escape. They tethered their mounts and walked carefully down the snow-covered steps, cut into the mountain. The stench of something vile and inhuman washed over them. Once they reached the large rear section of the cave, light from torches, in the cave, led the way. Voices echoed near the front, where the goods were stored. Niall raised his fist, and his group stopped.

  “That sounds like Raven!”

  Was Blair really shocked that her former first mate was part of Angus’ plot? “Aye, and my sire.”

  “They’re working together?”

  He had doubts. If his sire had gone mad, as Gavin suspected, he would not bargain with pirates. Raven claimed the cave’s riches as his, so nothing good would come of their meeting. “This could work to our advantage.”

  “Right. Maybe they’ll kill each other,” Blair whispered. A roar echoed through the cavern, and dirt loosened from the ceiling. A scrapping noise grew l
ouder, as if talons and wings slid through the narrowing rear of the cave.

  “Lass, ye best prepare to speak that spell.” Inching along the wall, his fingers slid across the loose sandstone. The sudden flicker of two large shadows made him pause. He inhaled Blair’s sweet soothing fragrance, until the overpowering stench of death loomed closer. “Now, lass.”

  Blair set a hand on Niall’s back, and huddled with her back against the damp cave’s wall. When her hand stopped trembling, he listened as her breathing calmed.

  Teeth and scales bring fear and death,

  Love triumphs o’er all the rest,

  Undo the conjured beast, so mote it be.

  The dragon’s head loomed from the shadows, and its smelly bulk thundered toward them. Blair repeated the words, louder this time. The beast roared again and his head twisted, as if struck.

  “Throw the potion!”

  The tiny bottle hit the dragon on its snout, and he burst into flames. The magically conjured beast quickly disintegrated, leaving only small cinders.

  “Ye did it, love!”

  “Ye killed my beast? I shall kill ye all!” Angus screamed.

  Niall pushed Blair behind him, and unsheathed his sword. His sire’s face filled with a maniacal glower, as he raised a sword, and charged.

  “No’ so fast, Sinclair. Ye owe me for the damage to my ship.” Raven appeared behind Angus.

  Angus slid to a stop, and swung his sword from Niall to the pirate.

  Raven glanced at Niall, and sneered. “Well, well, Balfour. Have ye returned for yer next beating?”

  “You will not harm this man ever again, Raven.” Blair pushed past Niall, and glared at her former first mate. A dagger appeared in her hand.

  When Niall’s warriors flooded the cavern, from the rear and the front, Raven returned his sword to its scabbard. “I see I be outnumbered.”

  Angus smiled.

  “Don’t even think about it,” Blair said, swinging her hand toward Angus. When she pointed the dagger beneath his chin, his sword thudded to the ground.

  “Tie him up,” Niall said.

  One of Niall’s warriors stepped forward. “A battered ship lies anchored in Gray Wolf Cove, with barely a handful of crew. They surrendered on sight, after their quartermaster ordered them to. Said his name be Barnacle Bill.”

  Blair’s shoulders relaxed.

  Niall exhaled. “The war ‘tis at an end.”

  “Aye, Laird. ‘Tis a fine way to stop the slaughter, and keep yer people from starving.”

  Niall looked down at the gray-haired woman at his side. She puffed on a tiny pipe, and the smoke smelled like the herbs that filled her tent, back in New England. “Dorcas Swann? How did ye get here? Why are ye--”

  “So many questions. ‘Tis best that ye return yer sire to Mackenzie’s dungeon. Angus is no’ right in the head. The laird shall care for the man. The pirates want nothing more than to repair their ship. I suggest ye allow them to go on their way. A dragon, of all things, burned their sails.”

  “I doono’ have a quarrel with Raven Snoddy and his crew, but we claim two-thirds of the items stored in this cave.” Niall said, then turned to glare at the new captain of The Black Thistle.

  Raven bristled. “Why? Do ye need gold to keep Blair in yer bed?”

  Niall’s fist laid Raven out on his back, in the dirt. “One-third goes to the starving families at Tulac Castle. Another third will be payment to Castle Ruadh for their kind help in solving this problem with Angus Sinclair.”

  “And the pirates keep the rest?” Blair asked, tugging on his arm.

  “Aye. They have families that hunger, as well. We will be back with wagons. I leave several guards to help divide the spoils. Acceptable?”

  Raven struggled to his feet, and nodded. “Far be it from me to argue with…a laird.”

  “Mama, mama!”

  Blair turned in time to sweep young Keegan into her arms. She peppered the lad’s face and neck with motherly kisses, and he squealed in delight.

  “I hid from the bad men, though I nearly begged food from Raven. I be famished.”

  “That squirmy little cur was hiding down here? I bet his tracks led ye here, ye stupid bairn.”

  “Please doono’ be angry, Captain Raven.” Keegan’s stomach growled.

  Raven kicked a basket, and several apples rolled free. “Have an apple, ye mangy squirt.”

  “Nay!” echoed through the cave.


  Blair’s heart was pounding so hard, she worried she would cause Keegan to fall from their horse. Niall rode far ahead, ordering messengers to ride ahead to ready the castle for them. Several of Mackenzie’s warriors suffered injuries while subduing the pirates on shore, and Keegan’s little body was bruised and bloodied.

  “I ran a long way, mama, but I was careful no’ to let another boar chase me. The brambles hurt, and I was terribly worried, but I knew ye would find me.”

  Blair hugged him a little tighter. “You were wise to return to the cave, but the bad people might have found you. Next time, don’t play with potions and herbs in a witch’s tent, okay?”

  He nodded, and fell fast asleep in her arms.

  “Is the lad unharmed?” Niall asked.

  Blair jumped, but Keegan slept on. “You surprised me. Stop doing that!”

  Niall chuckled, leaned close, and feathered a kiss across her lips, until his horse cantered away. He was a flirt, and the most amazing lover, but she ought to keep her distance. He had obligations, and said he had things to discuss with Gavin and their people. She thought, however briefly, of returning to The Black Thistle, but Raven was its captain, now. He would see her only as a woman to warm his bed, and she wasn’t that kind of woman.

  Does Niall see me as that, as well?

  Inhaling a deep breath, she shivered. Snow had started to fall. Wrapping a borrowed length of plaid over her head, she gathered Keegan into her chest. A warm bath for the both of them was in order.

  Then what?


  Niall, Blair, and Keegan strode into the great room of the Mackenzie stronghold, and Jenny jumped from Gavin’s lap. Gavin’s cheeks flushed as pink as his woman’s did.

  “When be the wedding, brother?” Niall asked, grinning.

  Gavin stood and flattened his plaid with little success. “We were waiting for happier times. The news yer messenger shared, had us discussing that verra’ subject. ‘Tis true about our sire?”

  “Aye. He shall be a guest in the Mackenzie dungeon, until a healer is assured he be no longer bewitched.”

  “Bewitched?” Jenny stepped off the dais, crossed the room, and put an arm around Blair and Keegan.

  “Lana mentioned the Sea Hag, a nemesis of mine. Seems she helped my husband with a plot to rule the North Sea. It backfired, and my husband died. She disappeared, but Angus found the sea hag, and killed her. He claims he used her potions to bring Cinnie under his command.”

  “Makes sense. Too bad Cinnie and her father left.”

  Niall’s fingers clenched. He wanted to talk of more important things than brownies and their offspring. “Gavin, we need to talk about our clan, and Tulac Castle.”

  Gavin stepped off the dais and clasped his brother’s arm. “Ye will make a wonderful laird.”

  “Nay! ‘Tis no’ what I have come to claim!”

  “It makes sense,” Jenny added, “because I want to stay here for Fia’s delivery, and there are dogs who need flea baths, not to mention the herd of sheep--”

  “My betrothed cared for all beasties, in a former life. I follow her, but our people shall follow you, Niall. I hear that yer woman has shared her pirate bounty. Wagons were sent to Gray Wolf Cove to collect the cave’s food and gold, and will deliver it to Tulac Castle, and here. Our people will no’ starve, though the snow still falls.”

  “The storm abates, Highlanders. The sun shall shine, hastening the wagons to their destinations.” Dorcas Swann appeared between them, and the men gasped in unison.

sp; “Dorcas,” Blair said, “You were in the cave, then you weren’t. Now, you can predict the weather?”

  “That, and more. Wynda and Rae miss ye, lass, but ye shall visit them in later years. Verra’ soon, I see a double wedding, and many bairns to join young Keegan. The clans here, and on Sinclair lands, shall thrive, and Laird Niall Sinclair will rule, with a pirate by his side. Gavin and his woman will help people of the Highlands prosper by caring for their flocks, while producing their own bairns.” Dorcas sucked on her pipe, and disappeared in a puff of herb-scented smoke.

  Niall stared at Gavin, then turned to Blair.

  “Don’t look at me. I hardly know her.”

  “I know her, and what she says, usually comes true,” Jenny said, and turned to Niall. “Shall we plan a double wedding?”

  Shocked at the old crone’s predictions, and hopeful at the truth behind her words, Niall pulled Blair and Keegan into his embrace. Her eyes were wide, sparkling with unshed tears, and he silently prayed they were a joyful reaction. He realized, now, that his heart was hopelessly lost to her, yet hope was visible in the smiling expression in her beautiful face. He took a deep breath, and took a bigger chance. The one chance for a happier future.

  “Blair…” Niall paused. “I doono’ know yer surname, love.”

  She laughed, and kissed him while Keegan squirmed out of their embrace. Pulling back, she announced to the entire room, “Blair Swann MacIan.”

  A high-pitched laugh echoed through the hall. Everyone looked around, as Niall pulled her close. “Since Dorcas Swann approves, be my wife and make me happy for the rest of time?”

  Blair kissed him, then relaxed into his embrace. She was quiet, and her silence made him wary. Could she be happy here? With him?

  “Okay. I mean, yes. Aye! Holy Moses! I’ve had enough of pirates, and it’ll be fun assimilating with this culture.”

  “Assimil…what?” Niall asked.

  “Never mind. I realize I have nothing and no one waiting for me, back home. Everything I need and everyone I want is right in front of me.”

  Keegan squeaked with happiness, and ran to Gavin. “Brother, does this mean our family has gotten bigger?”


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