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Changer's Blood (Balancer's Soul cycle)

Page 21

by Lee Morgan

  Kara could feel that her dress was hanging at her midriff as someone pulled it back up and tied the shoulder straps together. Someone lightly jumped on the table and she knew Sarah was doing as Connor asked. If it were either Mark or her brother, their weight would destroy the table. Mark didn’t let his warm hands go of her still bound hands as she felt Sarah’s hands come under her sweat soaked back, slowly. Sarah gently lifted Kara up into a seating position and didn’t jostle her at all. She swiftly swung her legs behind Kara’s back and eased her down between her legs and pulled her head back, to rest it between Sarah’s breasts. “Is this comfortable? I can adjust you.” She asked in little more than a whisper.

  Kara’s voice cracked as she said “Fine…”

  The sink faucet kick on, making the sound of water drum against the basin till the sound of a glass began filling with warm water and then the watery sounds came to an end. Connor opened a cabinet and Kara heard him quickly walk up to her side. He spoke as softly as Sarah did. “Kara, I’m afraid I can’t let you drink quickly. You have strained your throat and I’m afraid that if you can’t swallow properly, you’ll aspirate. I don’t want you to drown while you drink. Let’s start with a straw full first.” He took a slow and deep breath. “You’re going to feel something weird being so close to me, but I need to make sure that you don’t drown from drinking.” He sighed. “Sarah, use Sonar with me and see if she’s able to swallow this properly.” Kara felt something plastic and circular press on her bottom lip. “Kara, take this and drink… slowly.”

  As Kara felt the few drops of warm water hit her tongue it felt absolutely wonderful. New, moist life healed the hours of torture. As she began to swallow the droplets, she felt every part of her body almost unnoticeably begin to vibrate. Kara knew this is what her brother was talking about ‘feeling weird.’ He began looking into her. It was difficult to swallow the droplets from all the strain, but she managed. From behind Sarah said in the same tone “Very good, Kara. Let’s take all this slowly. Tell us how your throat feels.”

  They did the straw drinking twelve more times before everyone felt satisfied. Mark asked after Kara finally felt her throat was somewhat damp “Do you need anything else?”

  She was finally able to nod. Her voice sounded slightly better and less strained. It remained difficult to even say “Yes, can you cut the ropes off my wrists and close the curtains because it is very bright.”

  A hooked claw sliced through the bindings as if it weren’t there. Mark said “It’s already dark out Kara, but we can turn off the kitchen lights.”

  Instantly she knew Connor flipped off the light switch because she felt Mark’s hands on hers as his claws began retracting. The bright orange of her eyelids finally went black.

  The lights were turned off.

  Even more carefully than before, she opened her eyes again. It was like the lights were still on, but she saw that they weren’t. Mark’s face was the first thing in her sights. His expression radiated pure joy and relief. He said softly “Is that better?” Kara nodded and saw by her hip that the clear plastic cup of water with a straw sat within reach.

  Her arm struggled with the dull pain to grab the blissful liquid. As her fingers touched the cup, big hands guided her hand around to grasp the container. Looking up she saw her brother holding her hand steadily on the glass. His tall and massive build was foreboding yet comforting right now. He guided her shaky hands and arm up to her mouth. As she put the end of the straw to her lips he warned to sip slowly. She pulled the water into her mouth. His eyes started glowing too bright and she quickly closed her eyes. She forced herself to swallow the water safely.

  When she managed to down it properly, the sensation he created went away and she reopened her eyes.

  Kara was able to lift her head up just enough to see Sarah looking down. She still looked worried and her eyes were still red. She had been crying until recently. Her tribulation must have been very traumatic for Sarah too. Kara said “I fulfilled my end of the agreement. Are we even?” and her throat felt better.

  She smiled softly. “You did, but you almost didn’t.”

  Kara’s voice began to slowly sound even stronger. “What do you mean? I fought the entire time.”

  Sarah shook her head slowly. “No, you didn’t, Kara. Your heart stopped beating a few hours after the infusion of Mark’s blood. You died on all of us. It was your brother who helped you keep your promise to me.”

  Kara turned her head to look at her brother. She noticed that he was breathing very slowly and deeply, like when he’s beyond tired and exhausted. “Brother, what happened? Tell me please?”

  Knowing that he was really tired after his shoulders slumped, Connor pulled a chair up and sat down, sighing. “I had to restart your heart. I used my ability’s to create an electrical current like that of a defibrillator. I used up well over seventy percent of my energy just to shock you twice.”

  “Is that a lot?” With Brother I bet it was.

  He nodded. “Remember when I fought Jack and Mark?” She nodded slowly. “Well during that day I might have used at most, ten percent. I seriously doubt I have enough within to do it again.” Kara saw that he glanced up at Sarah meaningfully.

  Mark squeezed Kara’s hand to regain her attention. “Tell me what you’re feeling right now and don’t leave out any details from me. I must know for I have been through it all.” She didn’t leave a thing out as she explained every sensation her body gave off. When she finished he nodded while saying “Ok, you’re not completely finished changing, but you’re at least out of danger now.”

  Mark tapped his head as he looked at Connor.

  Connor closed his eyes and then nodded weakly. Mark released his hold on her hands. Mark put his left arm under her unbound legs and slid his right arm around her upper back. Mark easily and effortlessly picked her up in his powerful arms and her heavy head landed on his collar bone. He walked her over slowly and easily laid her on the soft sofa in the living room.

  He knelt down on the ground, by her heavy head and sat on his heels. Mark’s expression stayed joyous and relieved as he looked at her silently. Out of the corner of Kara’s eye she saw movement in the kitchen.

  Sarah glided off the table, taking the pillows with her while stripping off the brown covers. She walked around and rubbed Connor’s back saying “I’ll cook something up for you real quick.” He didn’t look up as he nodded. She ran into the room faster than Kara thought possible. Kara then discovered that only a few hours ago she would have only seen a blur. Now she was able to see Sarah’s movements; somewhat. A bright light entered the room from the back of the cottage. “Kara, is that too bright for you? I need at least some light to cook. I’m not like your brother or Mark.”

  She was like the former Kara. She too had a hard time seeing in the dark.

  Kara said as loud as she could, but it came out at a conversational tone “Its fine.” Sarah quickly came back in and started whipping some food up.

  Thirty minutes later Connor started eating everything that Sarah made for him. While he ate, Sarah came over and checked if either of them were hungry, but both declined. Soon Kara could tell her brother felt and looked slightly better after all of the food disappeared.

  After Connor and Sarah did the dishes in the dark, he walked up to Kara. Her brother spoke softly. “We have all had a stressful day and I think it best that we should all try to get some rest before sunrise.”

  No one questioned his calm order. Both Sarah and Connor slipped back to their bedroom. When Kara heard their door close she whispered to her boyfriend “I beat the odds. Don’t you think I deserve a small reward?” He smiled as he caught her drift and kissed her ever so softly because her body remained very tender.

  Soon after he said “Good night.” She quickly went to sleep.

  In the comforts of her warm bed, Sarah awoke to a shriek.

  Instantly Connor flew out of the bed and she wasn’t far behind. He used too much force in opening the bedroom do
or and ripped it clean off the hinges. Sarah barely maneuvered around it to keep it from hitting her as it fell on the ground.

  Looking in the hallway both Mark and her mate stood side by side as they looked into the opened bathroom. The bathroom light was on. They were still wearing their shorts from last night and their rippling muscles formed a solid fortification as Sarah tried getting in to see what happened.

  Mark, alarmed, quickly asked “Kara, what is it?”

  Silence lasted for what seemed like hours, but only a few seconds passed.

  “It’s… It’s…” Sarah heard Kara say breathlessly a few seconds later. Worried for her, Sarah got her hands around each of their rippling arms, and using a little too much strength, she pried the men apart. Before they could register what she did to them Sarah stepped into the bathroom to see what happened.

  Kara stood in the pristine bathroom, in her ruined pink dress that she bought this past weekend. In the bathroom window Sarah saw that it was just becoming light again. Sweat and blood dried into her dress, dark stains made the fabric worthless now. The tops of her dress where Sarah tied the straps to her shoulders still held, but not by much. Her sandy blonde hair hung a mess from all the flailing and sleeping she did yesterday, but she wasn’t looking in their direction. She just stood there, looking shocked into the mirror.

  She turned from the mirror and said, almost crying “It’s my eyes!” Sarah focused and saw her eyes. Where they were once a chocolate brown, they looked like pure silver. The silver eyes are the mark of a Changer.

  Sarah looked down and saw the cut on her chest, where Mark mixed his blood, had completely healed. “Mark, what happened to my eyes!?” She demanded through the red eyed tears.

  Sarah turned to see the two men standing side by side in the doorway. Mark’s worried expression softened as he sighed. “Kara, don’t scare me like that.” He looked up at her again. “I might have forgotten to warn you about your eyes would look like mine once you crossed over.”

  Kara put her hands on her hips angrily. She yelled and mocked “You Think! Shouldn’t You Have Mentioned It At Least Once!?”

  “You’ll get used to them. Don’t forget your one of us now.” Mark said playfully. And she visibly begin to relax after hearing this. Her hands came off her womanly hips as he said “Kara, look at your chest in the mirror.”

  Looking confused for a moment she did as he said and looked at the mirror. She rubbed her regenerated chest. She said to herself in amusement at the reflection “That was quick.” She turned to them again. She walked up close to Sarah, grabbing her wrist. As she pulled Sarah inside Kara closed the door saying “Girl time! All boys go into the kitchen and cook us some breakfast.” She didn’t leave anything to say to them that could keep them here.

  Sarah looked back to see Connor smiling. He then turned to look down at Mark. “You heard your mate. Let’s start us some breakfast. We should have enough left in the pantry for a small meal.”

  As the door finally shut, Kara turned around and her face glowed bright red. Knowing that Connor wasn’t listening Sarah asked quietly “Kara, what are you blushing for?”

  Kara’s new silver eyes looked up at her. “Brother, just confirmed that we are now mates. It’s just…” Kara became quiet.

  “Is there something wrong with that?” Ha, I should know how embarrassing and thrilling it is to become a mate to someone you love; with all your heart.

  She shook her head. “No, but…”

  Sarah stepped up and pulled her into a comforting hug. She didn’t shy away. As Sarah stroked her back she said “I know exactly what you’re going through. I felt the same way when I found your brother.”

  She looked up at Sarah softly and had a hint of a smile on her lips. “Can I borrow some of your clothes?”

  “Why not? We practically wear the same size.”

  Sarah touched Kara’s nose with her right index finger. “While you were transforming, Connor asked me to sneak into your house and bring a change of clothes. Jenny never knew I showed up. Go ahead and take a shower. I’ll bring you a change.” She let go and allowed Sarah to step outside the bathroom.

  Hearing the door open, Mark peeked his head around the corner to look down the hallway. Sarah waved him off and he went back to the kitchen. She walked into her room, jumping over the fallen door. Connor can fix it later. She took off her large night shirt and put on her black panties, bra, black shorts and her sleeveless shirt. She found the bag that she made from Kara’s house and went back to the bathroom.

  The shower began warming up and Sarah knocked on the door, handing over fresh clothes. She then left her to do her thing as she walked into the front of the house. Walking around the corner Connor asked calmly “How is she?”

  Mark began washing the table from last night’s ordeal while Connor stood over the stove, cooking quickly. Sarah felt him using his control over Fire to cook the food slightly faster and more thorough. She sat down at the table and sighed. “She’s just a little nervous about everything. Everything is all so new to her. Kara’s new senses must be a little overwhelming.”

  She felt Connor requesting entry into her mind. “Was it because I said mate?”

  Sarah looked up at him as he tossed the fluffy eggs on a big dish. “Partly, but this is her first day in a whole new life. She’s just feeling everything is on a…new level.”

  He glanced at Sarah as he put three packages of frozen hotdogs into the boiling water. “Well we will be there to help her through the transition.” He broke contact with her and asked “Mark, I was wondering, when we are done eating can we get started on Kara’s training?”

  Mark put a few pieces of toast in the toaster. He turned saying “Only if she’s up to it. I won’t push her any longer for a little while. She has a lot to deal with right now and she won’t forget yesterday’s trial of pain.”

  With that settled, it remained relatively silent except for cooking food and the running shower.

  Twenty minutes later the shower cut off. “It’s about time…” Connor said. Sarah stood and walked to the bathroom door and knocked. “Kara, are you decent?” And Kara allowed entry for her only.

  She had on her pink t-shirt and blue jeans. Her hair was still wet as she tried brushing out the knots. Sarah walked behind her and took the brush from her left hand. As Sarah brushed the sandy blonde hair she only hit two large tangles. Kara continued staring at herself in the mirror as the knots were worked out. As Sarah finished brushing out her hair she finally spoke. “Now that I’m calmer, my eyes don’t look too bad. I think I look even sexier.” Sarah agreed and they stepped out of the bathroom soon after. Together they walked into the kitchen, smelling all kinds of different cooking aromas.

  Kara stepped through the hallway first saying “The newest Changer has finally arrived!” Her new silver eyes examined the room. Then she sniffed. She realized her sense of smell was stronger. She seemed to like it.

  First the silence was deafening, then laughter came from everyone in the kitchen. Kara, you certainly know how to change the atmosphere of the room.

  “That she does.” Connor smiled as he looked at his hyper sister.

  When the meal was finally cooked, they ate.

  Fifteen minutes later the table sat as clean as the pantry. Suddenly Kara stood up, lifted her shirt and stared at her stomach. It was bowed out slightly. “Wow, now I understand what you mean about not feeling full…” She rubbed her belly then started laughing. Kara looked at all of them and asked in a chirpy voice “So what is next on our list?”

  Connor gathered all of the dishes and put them in the sink as Mark said “First, we need to talk.”

  Connor brought two chairs and put them in front of the fireplace, but facing the couch. He and Sarah sat in the chairs while the other two took the sofa. Connor and Sarah paid quiet and close attention to Mark as he talked with his mate that actually had survived the transformation.

  Mark started the conversation. “First off I need you to tell me abo
ut what you’re physically feeling at this very moment.”

  She sighed while keeping her silver eyes glued to his. “I feel really well. Nothing is hurting or throbbing anymore and even my muscles don’t feel tired.”

  “That means the virus is almost finished with taking over your normal human cells. To expedite your transition I did pump in quite a bit of my blood through the wound in your chest. I didn’t want you to suffer long.” He scratched his chin. “Ok now I will tell you how your abilities work. You don’t have enough nutrients stored to do a full transformation yet, but you can do a few partial manipulations. You have yet to achieve your final weight and that helps with a full body transformation. You’ll need to eat a lot more, ok.” Kara’s eyes didn’t budge as she listened.

  Mark began guiding Kara in the use of her powers. “The first step in altering your body is to imagine every detail and aspect of your normal body, in your mind’s eye. Next you need to focus on a certain aspect of your body and change it. For instance when you need to grow out a tail, you mentally focus on your tailbone and imagine to add more vertebrae until you grow a proper tail. When you are finished altering the image, your body will automatically alter its structure to your desired modification.” He stood and stepped back a step. “Remember; focus on what you desire. Now give it a try.”

  Kara glanced at Sarah and then to Connor before returning her gaze to her love. Sarah watched Kara’s eyes take on a unique setting and knew she started concentrating because Connor gets the exact same look.

  Her black pupils began to glow softly at first and then Kara’s eyes started getting steadily brighter. She raised her left hand and Sarah could see her fingernails starting to grow, curve and hook slightly. They sharpened to a point and looked opaque. Her fingernails became full-fledged claws. They looked exactly like Mark’s while he’s in his wolf form.


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