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Brock: A Bad Boy Romance

Page 12

by Amy Kyle

  Instead she felt the slow buildup as her body enjoyed his cock inside of her. Judith moaned out loudly as she could feel the climax start inside of her. She raked her hands down his back as her body shook under him.

  Judith felt him continue to thrust and her body got back into rhythm. She looked up at him and smiled her vision still cloudy from the pleasure she had just felt.

  The orgasm she had earlier compared nothing to this one. Her mind was reeling as she felt another climax working its way through her body.

  Colin felt her wetness wrapped around his dick that was buried inside of her. His mind was working hard to control his orgasm. He wanted nothing more than to thrust into her as hard as he could.

  But there was part of him that wanted to make sure she was pleased first. He could feel her body as she started to orgasm and he loved the moisture that soaked his hardness.

  He kissed her deeply, fighting with her tongue for dominance. Colin moaned as he felt her body clasp around his cock and felt more juices spill.

  She murmured something in his ear that he could hear. He knew she had a few climaxes so he decided he could let himself go.

  As he thrust into her quicker and harder, he felt his body let go and he moaned. As his sperm was soaking her pussy, he felt her nails dig into him once more and felt her climax around his cock.

  “Ohhhhhhh.” He yelled out as another orgasm followed his first one. His eyes felt like they would roll to the back of his head. He could feel her pussy clamping down on his dick and milking out every last ounce of sperm.

  Colin rolled over to her side. He looked over at her. She had a looked like she was still enjoying her climax. He kissed her cheek. “That was the most amazing thing I’ve ever experienced.” He admitted.

  He saw her smile. She then looked at him and said, “Yea it was amazing wasn’t it!” She shook her head as she said it.

  “I have a confession to make to you.” He said.

  “What is it?” She asked looking at him.

  “I’ve been thinking of doing that since the first time I met you.” He stated.

  She looked at him shocked. “The first time you saw me I don’t think I had 2 hours a sleep in 48 hours. I was a mess.”

  “Yeah but you were one sexy mess!” He growled at her.

  He watched as she turned bright red. “Oh come on, I’m not sexy.” She laughed.

  “You don’t know the half of what you have!” He commented.

  “Will you marry me?” Colin got down on his knees about two weeks after their first supper.

  “You barely know me!” Judith commented.

  “But I love you and you know that.” Colin stated.

  Judith smiled and said. “Yes I know and I love you so yes I will marry you!”

  He hugged her and looked over at Little John. “You hear that big boy, she said yes!” Colin smiled and kissed Judith. Getting up he grabbed Little John and gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

  Once he had made love to her that first night, he knew it was no use fighting how he felt. He had been able to hold out telling her those words but only for a bit.

  The first time he had told her she didn’t believe him right away. Swearing he didn’t know her. He had told her then, “I know you well enough to know I love you. For me that’s all I need to know!” Colin had told her.



  Book 1

  Chapter 1

  “We’ve been in this classroom for too long, as it is. It’s time that some of you get some basic experience about what it’s like to be a journalist. I have been testing all of you from the moment you came in those doors five months ago. I have picked a few suitable candidates to take on various roles. This will be primarily a freelance opportunity, but could have your article being read in many magazines and newspapers. It all depends on what kind of subject matter that you end up having at the end of the assignment.” Professor Nicholas Williams had always had an affinity for teaching students in a different way. There was a place for academia in the classroom, but his main focus was getting them to see the real world.

  Samantha a young blonde temptress had the boys clamoring to sit beside her, except she really didn’t give them the time of day. Knowing what her mother went through and how quickly she got pregnant at such an early age was not something that she wanted to repeat in history. She had no interest in having babies, at least not until she had her career on the right track. Unfortunately, this made her look like she was standoffish, but underneath the cool exterior was a hot blooded woman ready to pounce on anything that had two legs.

  Samantha was an only child and that afforded her the opportunity to have the love of both of her parents. She had never considered herself to be a party girl and her idea of a good time was watching a silly movie on a Saturday night. She found truth within words and that was what led her to the profession of being a journalist. She was learning a lot, but she had this need that superseded all others. There was something in her life that was missing and that excitement from a first kiss or story that was about to be broken was yet to be received.

  “… Samantha Maxwell.” At the sound of her name, Samantha looked up with her nondescript glasses hanging from the edge of her nose. “… I have a very special assignment just for you. I want you to stop by my office before the end of the day and then I will go over the details with you. I think that you’ll find this assignment to be rewarding, challenging and above all something that will take you outside of your comfort zone. I think out of the three that I have chosen to take on these assignments, I believe that this moment will benefit you greatly in life and in your personal pursuits.” Professor Nicholas Williams had seen how Samantha had acted during the last couple of months

  “I was hoping that this was going to happen. A small part of me wants to run the other way, but there’s that bigger part that wants to stretch my wings creatively. I know that my professor would never steer me wrong. He has been looking out for me and I don’t think that this time is going to be a different. He wants me to be the best at what I do. He’s giving me the tools to make sure that I get a leg up on the competition. I don’t think that I could ask of anything else from a professor. I’m glad that I didn’t fall into the trap of finding myself with a crush. I consider him a good friend and a confidant, but that is, as far as it will ever go.” She was the only one that had thought of him, as only a teacher, where most of the other female students wanted more than anything to find out if his gift with the word translated into the bedroom.

  Not wasting any time, Samantha went directly to his office and stood there at his doorway. She watched him hen pecking at his computer and biting his bottom lip at the same time. “I know that this might seem a little anxious, but I’m very curious to know what you have in mind for me, professor.” She was wearing a peasant blue blouse that was open at the neck to show the medallion of Ying and Yang around her neck. Her long blond hair was almost platinum in the right light. She stood at 5’4, 120 pounds with the kind of hourglass figure that made her the object of many fantasies on campus.

  “I hate these computers. I know that I should get on board with technology, but I just can’t find it in me to want to write my memoirs on a computer. I feel that I need to go back to the old school of typing. I think that you’ve come to realize that there are times that you have to dust off some old favorites. I find it a testament to my teaching technique that you’re carrying that note book.” He didn’t believe in the tablet and he had no interest in teaching his students how to take shortcuts. “I don’t want to burden you with this assignment, but I think that it will give you a new perspective. You’ve always wanted to move past your limitations and this assignment will do that.”

  Samantha looked at the professor with his tweed jacket and the elbow patches to indicate that his day in the sun was slowly coming to an end. Retirement was close in his future and his tenure would be over within a couple of years. He had a full mane of white hair that was
pulled back into a hippie kind of ponytail. His glasses were that of the bifocal era. He had a wisdom that went beyond those that he taught and he had no problem showing them the error of their ways.

  “I have to admit that you have my curiosity piqued. You know that I’m not very comfortable with public speaking. You’ve probably been shaking your head throughout these months that I would even consider going into a profession that would have me in the spotlight. I guess I’ve always been drawn to finding out the truth. Maybe it all stems from the fact that I was adopted. Don’t get me wrong, my parents are the greatest in the world and being part of their family was something that I will always cherish. They were the ones that taught me the difference between right and wrong. I can’t fault them for that. They never considered me anything, but their daughter and I never considered them anything more than my parents.” “They are and always will be my way of grounding myself. I will never forget where I came from, no matter if I become famous or not. That hometown quality has been ingrained into my psyche. There’s no way that I could possibly lose that.”

  “I’m hoping that this will either push you to reach for the stars, or will finally make you realize that this profession is not for everyone. I’ve done this experiment every year and only one has come back at the end of the assignment. I’m hoping that it’s going to be you, but there’s really no way to tell. I have a friend that can get you in to interview with the next up and coming football star. He is right now being courted by several NFL teams, but his parents are adamant that he stick with college, until the end of the term. He’s known to be brash and confident. His name is Judson Nielsen. You probably don’t know him, but you’re about to get intimately acquainted.”

  “Um… I don’t know if this is the right assignment for me. I’ve never had aspirations to interview sports stars. To be honest, I never really found any enjoyment in any kind of sports growing up.” “I don’t know why I’m arguing. He’s never going to change his mind. He wants me to do this, so that I can work through some of my shy tendencies. He thinks by throwing a cocky football player at me that I will find out what I’m made of.” “I’m going to have to do my research on him. I’ve come to believe that being forewarned is better than being blindsided. I need to know what I’m coming up against.” As if an answer to her prayers, he passed a file over his desk.

  “This should tell you everything that you need to know about Judson. It has anything that you need to know more, I’m sure that you can find more on the Internet. I would implore you not to do that, but I’m not ultimately going to be holding your hands 24 hours a day and seven days a week. This is going to be up to you. Between you and me, I believe that you’re up for the task. Prove to me that my faith in you has not been in vain. I expect to have something on my desk in the next few days, but it doesn’t have to be the finished product. A draft of what you had in mind for the story will do nicely.” He went back to hen pecking on the computer, cursing every couple of minutes.

  Knowing that she was dismissed, she walked out into the hall with the many boys all ogling her frame and the tight way that that skirt hung off of her body, so delicately. There were many that were undressing her with their eyes and she had no idea. She was like a man and that way she was oblivious to those that found her interesting enough to stare at her. She was too engrossed in the file, as she casually moved from one page to the next. It was wonder that she didn’t bump into anyone, but somehow she was able to read and walk down the hall at the same time.

  “I really don’t want to do this, but I don’t want to disappoint my professor. He has been there every step of the way and I feel that I owe him a debt of gratitude. I will do this job and I will make the most of it, even if it kills me. I don’t want to admit it to anyone including myself, but this guy is a piece of work. According to all reports, he is going to be something of a rising star. The only stumbling block that I see is that he is a bit of a womanizer. He has never had a long term relationship, although that is something that we have in common. It’s possible that I can use that to peel back the layers of who Judson Nielsen really is.” It was the end of the day and instead of waiting around to be invited, she decided to stop by the stadium on her way home. She lived in a two bedroom apartment that her father and mother had supplemented with a sizable stipend of their own to keep her in the type of lifestyle that she was accustomed to. She didn’t ask for much. She would’ve been happy to take an apartment on the other side of town, but her parents were known to be worried that they wanted her to be someplace safe. They did their due diligence to find the exact neighborhood that would not keep them up tossing and turning at night.

  Samantha worked at a barista after school, but she had the day off and that gave her the opening that she needed to begin the process of getting to know her subject. She had no interest in being one of his conquests. His idea of a relationship was a notch on his bedpost. A one night stand was not in her future. She didn’t even like to drink, so losing her inhibitions with some liquid encouragement was out of the question. He would see her, as a challenge and there was no way around that. She had this hidden sexuality that was waiting for someone to unleash it. She felt it every day and when she couldn’t take it any more, she used her own fingers to do the walking.

  “I can’t believe that he gave you that assignment. I didn’t mean to overhear your conversation, but you did leave the door open. I’m the one that should be interviewing him. I would love to call him on the carpet for how he treats women like nothing more than a sexual object for his amusement.” Nina Owens was the only friend that Samantha had in college. She probably wouldn’t even have her, except Nina wouldn’t take no for an answer. She was very pushy and before long they had this friendship that was built on trust and honesty. “Now that I think about it, I do have to admit that you might be the perfect person to call him on his actions. I don’t know what happened to him during his childhood, but he has never had any more interest in a woman than her body.”

  Nina was a little older at 25 and this was her idea of starting from scratch all over again. She had a young son at home that was being taken care of by her mother, while she decided to force herself to walk down a path of education and learning. For some reason, she felt like her and Samantha had this connection. There was nothing sexual about it, but they both seemed to have a very strong opinion on different subjects. It meant for heated debates, which they could easily have by living in the same apartment together. She could chastise Judson for his behavior, but hers was that of a woman that could bat her eyelashes at any man and have them come to her. It was a bit of a stereotype and one that she was willing to look past.

  “Nina, I’m not exactly sure what my story is going to be about. What I do know is that Judson Nielsen has no idea what he is about to come up against.”

  Chapter 2

  Judson Nielsen ran down the field with his hands outstretched and ready to receive the football. It was a good thing that he could multitask, or that football was going to sail right by him without him even realizing it was happening. He had just had one of the best sexual experiences of his life, except there was something missing at the end. The way that she moved underneath him and stretched her limbs to accommodate his manly steed was amazing. She was a groupie that had cornered him after practice the other day.

  “Judson, you have to get your head out of the clouds. I know that you don’t think that you need to practice, but trust me everybody does. You’re no different than anybody else on this field. I don’t want you to get a swelled head over the fact that NFL teams are vying for your affection. Just remember that it’s not all about the glitz and glamour. You don’t want to be swayed by false promises and pretty packages that are wrapped up in big bows. We talked about this and I hope that you haven’t changed your mind about going to St. Louis. I know that it’s not one of the big name players in the industry, but you can really learn a lot underneath their tutelage.” Coach Ramirez was a bit biased and he had once had a one yea
r contract with St. Louis.

  Judson was a strapping young man with short black hair, 6’3 with 250 pounds of muscles that were built in the gym every day after school. He had started football in high school when he was only 140 pounds soaking wet. His coach at the time had seen promise and had cultivated him into the specimen that people could see today. He liked the accolades and the feeling of worship that came from any woman that was in his gravity.

  “I’m still fielding the offers, coach. I know that we discussed St. Louis, but I’m just not sure if that’s the right choice for me.” Judson knew that he was hedging his bets and waiting for that big money offer to land on his doorstep. Living in poverty all of his life had now opened up a doorway to knowing what it was like to live in absolute luxury. He wanted the golden age and he also wanted that trophy wife on his arm that would have every man envious of his position. “Don’t worry; I do know that I have to practice. I don’t have to do it, as much as some people, but I do know the value of teamwork.” He was only telling him what he wanted to hear. He had his eye on a certain redhead. The twinkle in his eye and that come hither stare was more than enough to have that lady sitting on the edge of her seat during practice.

  “I hope that you make the right decision. It’s not every day that you have five NFL teams speaking with you and your parents privately. I’ve done my best to talk you up and you are the one that is going to make it past the rest of them. You just need to remember where you came from and that should give you a starting point to finding the life that you deserve.” The coach had taught him values, but what he didn’t teach him was that women were not to be used and thrown away like yesterday’s newspaper. He didn’t think that it was his place to play the father figure, when it was obvious that he had a father that cared enough about him that he would show up at any big game.


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