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Brock: A Bad Boy Romance

Page 13

by Amy Kyle

“I think that I’m going to do a few sprints around the field to get my blood pumping a little bit.” He took off on a fly, making sure to make these grand gestures to show the lady in question in the bleachers that he had the stamina that could go all night long. He paced himself like a marathon runner, not over exerting and taking his time to really reach his maximum potential. He knew how to push his body, but he also knew how to back down when he felt that urge to exceed his own expectations.

  His father had informed him this morning that an up and coming journalist major was coming to see him. Apparently, the professor was a good friend of his father’s. They were always playing the one upmanship card. They had a healthy competition and would do each other favors like good friends often do. He was a little taken aback that his father would use him in this way. He finally understood that it was nothing more than a friendship and did not benefit him in the very least. It was a selfless thing to do and gave this journalism student a chance to see the real world and not just what it was behind the classroom doors.

  He remembered the taste of that woman’s skin the other night. That slick trail that he followed down to her most treasured of areas. He was fortunate enough to learn the road map of the female anatomy from an older cougar that had taken a liking to him a couple of years ago. His virginity was still intact, until he was 16 and that year he had used his coach’s advice to grow substantially. He filled out in all the right areas and that boy next door quality had turned into something of an irresistible force.

  He saw the redhead almost salivating at the chance to dive down below the equator. His pants were filling out nicely and he liked that he could almost call upon it like a soldier ready for war. He was at that age that even a brief breeze would cause him to harden to the kind of monument that would have every woman staring at his crotch with the desire to slip their lips over top of it. He was not very particular, except for those that he would fuck into an almost unconscious state. Those that he didn’t feel particularly attracted to would get to service him with their mouth. He always believed that any love was with the glove. He had not gone against his principles and had no desire to get sidled with a kid and a woman that was digging her claws in.

  The coach watched Judson perform for the young lady. There was no doubt in his mind that his desire would outweigh any kind of team work. He could spout all sorts of different things that might make sense at the time, but behind the screen of his eyes was a duplicitous man. He was going to say one thing and do something else entirely. On the field, he was a bit of a hog when it came to the football. He liked to showboat and he had the talents that could back up his actions, which made him even that much more conceited.

  Samantha had arrived and was sitting quietly at the edge of the field watching Judson act in a way that he was purposely getting a certain young ladies attention. She was actually looking forward to throwing cold water on his parade. Getting his attention was another matter altogether, but not one that she was ill equipped to deal with. Taking a sigh of resignation, she tossed her hair in the sun and moved her fingers over her ears in a subtle seductive way. Her smile lit up a room and she was willing to play that card to her advantage. “I’m not one to use my sexuality, but I don’t see any reason why I can’t play the part. He can think whatever he wants, but there’s no way that he’s going to get past the crossing of my legs. I’m only here for one purpose and it has nothing to do with his prowess in the bedroom.”

  Judson was putting himself through the paces, going through the obstacle course. He didn’t have to, but he wanted to show that red headed vixen that there was a reason why they considered him one of the best. He may have been young, but he knew his worth and how easily he could make a woman drop their panties in his wake.

  He moved down the field, climbing over the barricade when he spied a young woman with her hand playing over her ear. It actually made him stop and then trip over the tire that he had currently put his foot into. That had never happened before and when he landed face first on those tires, he felt a little foolish. He was always able to perform on the field and also give the girls a little bit of a thrill in the stands. This was the girl that he wanted to get to know more intimately. He had forgotten all about the redhead and had zeroed in on this meek little flower that needed him to come along to make her bloom.

  Out of all the girls in the stadium watching him put his best foot forward, this one had caught his eye. He couldn’t help, but to stare at her with his mouth open. There was something about her that made him turn into a child. He turned away from her eager eyes and actually found himself blushing at the prospect of speaking to her in person. Her platinum blond hair was woven from spun gold and her green eyes were like emeralds that flashed like the sun.

  The coach helped him up onto his feet and led him by his elbow over to the young lady in question. At first Judson thought that he was playing his wing man and that had never happened before. It wasn’t, until they made introductions that he finally came to realize that this woman was playing her own game. She was here for the interview and even though he didn’t say anything, he was aware of what he was saying about her.

  … I will leave you two to get better acquainted. Do make sure to tell your father that I’m looking forward to our rematch on the golf course this weekend. I don’t think I’ve seen you since you were knee high to a grasshopper. When you were adopted at the age of five, I don’t think that your parents could’ve been any happier. They’ve been trying for a long time and then this beautiful blond girl came into their lives and turned it upside down. They were strict, but then they realized that you were this independent child that wanted to do things on her own. You’ve never been one have anybody tell you what to do. You’ve always had your own mind. I’m sorry that I haven’t had more time to come around to visit lately. You can attribute that to two divorces. I guess I just don’t know any better.” The coach was talking, but he could also see that Samantha and Judson were looking at each other like they were the Sunday special. He could feel the heat, but he was hoping that it was just the Florida sun beating down on them from above.

  He was barely noticed and they didn’t even care that he had left them to stay standing there without speaking for a good minute. Neither one of them really had much to say. Each one was taking the time to survey their surroundings. There were the mutual appraising glances and a slight flush on their cheeks. That indicated that they were embarrassed by their behavior.

  “I’m doing this out protest. I don’t do interviews, unless my agent approves. I don’t have an agent yet, but I will in the very near future. I try to steer away from interviews, as they always take everything that you say out of context. I’m only doing this, as a favor to the coach and apparently he’s only doing it, as a favor for your father. It must be nice to have friends in high places.” He didn’t mean to be condescending, but he didn’t really go into that kind of nepotism.

  “They may have set this up, but this was not my idea by any means. I’ve never been into football and I find the sport to be barbaric. People screaming and yelling to see grown men tackle each other to the ground makes me sick to my stomach. The only thing that I find the least bit entertaining is basketball. They don’t take it to the extreme and they certainly don’t hurt players in the intention of driving them into the ground. No wonder there are many serious injuries in the sport. You can’t tell me otherwise. I’ve done my research and let’s just say that I’m a little appalled by how easily retirement can happen in the blink of an eye.” I do believe that I have found the subject of my story. Unnecessary violence in sports is going to be my angle. I just hope that this charismatic young man is up to fielding my questions.”

  “You can be my shadow for the rest of the day. I have to go exercise and then I’ll take you out to dinner, so that you can ask your inane questions.” He turned towards where the young redhead was, but saw that her interests had turned from him to one of his teammates. He should have felt sorry for himself, but he coul
dn’t do that in the presence of somebody like Samantha. She certainly wasn’t like any other girl that he had slipped between the sheets with. Her intellect was more than just the casual bimbo that would bounce up and down in front of him. Those flotation devices on their chests were something else. On further inspection, he could see that young Samantha was not lacking in that department.

  Chapter 3

  Judson listened to her prattle on about violence in sports, especially in football and he really wasn’t interested. He made small talk and spoke about how the sport had been around for a very long time. They had fans that clambered for blood every Sunday. Anything he said seemed to go in one ear and out the other. She was very passionate on the subject and there were times that she had actually made a good point. There really was no reason to hit people that hard, but it was part of the sport and not something that was going to change overnight.

  They were in the gym and he had purposely taken off his shirt to show her the product of what a man should look like after putting themselves through hell in the weight room. His muscles were straining and bulging obscenely, not to mention the one that was currently pressed inside his pants. He watched her from time to time and noticed that her eyes did stray in that general direction.

  “You can’t say that injuries like the ones that are inflicted on your teammates and rivals are necessary. This may not be the only sport and I classify hockey, as being one of the violent ones. Football is that close second. I think that you need to look in on yourself and see the truth.” Every time that he bench pressed, she felt her throat constrict and her eyes grow bigger. She had seen men with muscles, but not without their shirt on. He was glistening with a sexual perspiration that was making her very uncomfortable.

  “We could debate this issue all night long, but I think that we can find something better to do with our time. Football will always have an element of violence, but you also have to admit that we’ve come a long way from when we first started. Back then, helmets were made of leather and now we wear all of this protective gear to keep our bodies healthy. Injuries do happen, but you can easily slip in the bathtub in the morning and break your hip or crack your head against the porcelain. Life is all about risks and maybe you don’t know that, because you don’t take any.” He had decided to throw it back in her face. The look of shock was exactly what he was looking for.

  “I know all about acceptable risks, but football takes that to the extreme and you know it.” She did not even give him the satisfaction of answering his assumption of her. She could see that he was waiting for the necessary response, but wasn’t going to get any. It almost gave her a giddy little thrill to know that she was ignoring his way of trying to get some kind of reaction. “It’s a good thing that you can run fast, because those players on the field really do mean business. I watched a few clips of some of the more violent acts on the field and let’s just say that I was shocked.” “He’s fucking well put together and the only problem that I see is that he knows it. He’s doing it on purpose. He’s even flexing of his cock inside his pants. I know that it’s meant to make me fall on my knees. I’m tempted to do that. My hand wanted to reach out and grab it to see if it’s real.”

  “I think that secretly you like seeing the men on the field in their tight little pants. You get one look at us and you feel this urge to reach out and touch us in a more profound way. You really don’t want to admit it to yourself and I’m sure that there are girls just like you that I’ve had the pleasure of teaching one lesson or another. You give me 3 hours of your time and I will change your mind about football players. I’m sure that you think that we are full of ourselves and for the most part I’m sure that we have that element mixed into our DNA. What you don’t know is that we can be compassionate lovers and even though we have this hard edge on the field, we show a feminine softness in the bedroom.” He had used this spiel several times before. Nine times out of 10, it worked to make the woman think that he was on the level.

  “I don’t know who he’s trying to kid. I can see right through him, but for some reason I feel this need to do more than just give him lip service. I know that my mouth is dry and that my hands are shaking with these impulses. I’m doing my best to resist them, but it’s becoming an effort in futility.” “I don’t know where you get off on speaking to me like I am one of your mindless one night stands. It’s a common fact that you like to sleep with a certain type of woman. I don’t even know why you’re giving me the time of day. I’m certainly not your type, but maybe the unattainable is exactly what drives you to try to seduce me with your eyes. They are very beautiful piercing blue eyes that seem to follow me everywhere I go.”

  Samantha was swaying on her feet and then she felt his lips touch hers. She opened her eyes wide and that was when she saw that this man was hell bent on putting her into a submissive position. She really did think that she was immune to the charms of any man, but Judson was different in so many ways.

  Kissing her was stirring up his libido and his cock was now rampant and looking for any kind of pleasure that he could find with her. He peeled his lips away from her, nonchalantly scraping his teeth along her tongue and making her legs tremble. He sat back down on the bench and then he grabbed her and pushed her into a pressing formation.

  Samantha found herself giggling, despite the fact that she really didn’t like this cocksure young man that thought that he was god’s gift to women. Every time that he lowered her, he would nip at her blouse with his teeth. She should have told him to stop, but the feel of his teeth grazing her nipple was enough to make her fall dreamily into his arms.

  “I don’t know what this exercise is supposed to…accomplish.” She lost her voice for a second. She could feel that bit of wetness at her entrance. She’d never felt like she was falling into an abyss with no way out. She’d never felt the need to strip naked and grab him and pull him into a sexual embrace that would curl both of their toes. This was what she was feeling with Judson. She wasn’t sure how she was going to react to any more of his advancements. “You can…put me down…anytime.” She was trying to remain cordial, but underneath she was falling apart and turning into creature that she didn’t recognize. She noticed that lying beside him on another one of the benches was a medley of different letters. She had no doubt that he had his own fan base of females that were willing to give him their bodies without, so much as any kind of hesitation.

  “I think that you like this a little bit too much, Miss Maxwell.” He liked calling her by her last name and it brought to mind how he had given his innocence to an older woman. She was a widow at the time and hadn’t had the company of a man for at least six months after her husband’s demise. He was turning the tables and making Samantha into that very cougar, except that he was a little older than she was.

  “I don’t know what…gave you the idea…ahhh…that I like this.” The wet spot on her blouse had turned into something of a wet T shirt contest. Every time that his lips made contact with that particular nipple, she would shiver down to her very core. His hands on her thighs and the way that she was feeling were getting dangerously close to losing it all together. She could feel his fingers digging into her flesh.

  “I know it to be true, Miss Maxwell. Your nipple is hard and if that isn’t enough to prove to me that you are excited, then I don’t know what will. Perhaps, I should lift up your skirt and see how your panties are faring. I have a very interesting way of working out with a woman. Every man should have the benefit of a very shapely young lady in the weight room. It gives us the incentive to push ourselves beyond our own endurance. It’s exactly like the way that we feel that we have to perform in the bedroom. We know that you girls need somebody to impress you and I think that I can accomplish that very easily.” They had gotten away from the interview, but their raised voices showed that they were willing to throw down with the best of them.

  “I think that you are a bit of a callous prick and maybe a bit too full of himself. I have no expectations
of anything sexual between us. This is a professional arrangement and maybe you should treat it with a bit more respect than that.” She was putting her foot down, but what she really wanted was for him to kiss her all over again. It lingered on her lips and made her wish that they could find someplace private to entertain the idea of making their bodies into their own personal playground. “Put me down, or I will scream.” “I don’t want him to put me down, unless he’s going to slide me down that huge pole that has become quite evident by the outline in his pants. I want to feel him filling me up and making me scream in a different way. I wish that I could say that I didn’t want that, but I think he knows from looking at me that I’m practically ready to tear my clothes off.”

  “Miss Maxwell, I believe that you are protesting a little bit too much, but never let it be said that I don’t listen to a woman’s needs.” He turned her in such a way that she was hovering over top of him. He brought her down to his masculine chest and could feel his fingers digging into a certain soft part of her anatomy. His body was pushed up against her nipples and he could feel the presence of those hard pebbles like they were made of stone. “Are you sure that there isn’t anything that I can do for you? You have this stress in your shoulders and I believe that I have exactly the right exercise to help you relieve yourself of that.” She was straddling him and he could feel the heat of her loins giving him the idea that she wanted more than just a professional arrangement.

  “I don’t want… I don’t want… I can’t believe that is all you. You’ve gotta be the only guy that I know that can probably scare little old ladies on a bus. I’ve never been with somebody of your… impressive size. Maybe, if I just get one brief peek it will satisfy my curiosity and we can get back to the business at hand.” She was rubbing up and down on top of him. She reached into the opening of his pants. She released it by getting him to lift his legs. He was naked with no shame.


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