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Fate (Soulmates Book 2)

Page 9

by Dykes, Nicole

  When we arrived in Alaska, Fred took me to where I was going to stay. It was a little shack, and I was rooming with three other guys. It had one bedroom, a kitchen, a bathroom and a really small living room. It was tiny and smelled like dirt and men. I didn't care though. I really didn't need much.

  The guys weren't home yet. I went into the bedroom and sat my stuff on the ground. There were two bunk beds. The bottom bunk to the right didn't have any bedding and had a piece of paper that had "New Guy" scribbled on it.

  Fred took me out to dinner and then to buy some bedding and dropped me off.

  I walked in and three dirty guys were sitting around the small television in the living room. They all turned and looked at me. "Hey, I'm Jake."

  The oldest man, who looked around forty, stood up and shook my hand, "I'm Tom." He pointed to an extremely buff looking dude with a shaved head, who looked late twenties and said, "That's Luke." And then he pointed to the last guy. He looked around my age and looked tiny compared to the other guys. "And that's Billy."

  They each nodded when he said their names and I nodded back. Tom went back over to the couch. "Welcome. We all clean up after ourselves around here. I'm not your fucking maid so don't leave your shit everywhere. You learn that and we'll get along fine."

  I nodded and sat in the vacant chair. "Sounds good to me."

  They all went back to watching TV. They were a gruff group, but really not that different from the guys out on the rig in Kansas.

  The next few days I learned the job and got adjusted. It didn't take that long and I really enjoyed it right away. It was the kind of hard work I lived for and beat the hell out of a classroom.

  A few weeks after I got there I went home to the little shack and Tom was lying on the couch. He looked up, "Oh hey Dorothy." The guys called me Dorothy because I was from Kansas. I expected some hazing and didn't let it bother me.

  I plopped down in the chair. "Hey."

  He sat up, "So why are you up here?"

  I thought it was an odd question. He hasn't cared in the past three weeks, I wasn't sure why he was interested now, "Money. Something to do. What brings you here?"

  He smiled, "Same thing. My wife left me and we didn't have any kids. So I thought what the hell, I'll go make some money."

  This was more than we talked the whole time I had been here. "Why the sudden interest?"

  He slowly got up from the couch and stretched. "Trial period is over. You aren’t just some punk kid that thought it would be fun. You seem to love it."

  I was surprised, "I do. It is fun though."

  He laughed. "Yeah you fit in around here Dorothy."

  I was pleased with that and didn't say anything after that.

  Things changed a little bit after that. They still called me Dorothy, but seemed to see me as an equal and actually formed sentences around me instead of just grunts and head nods.

  They even showed me the gym they all worked out at. It was run down, but it was efficient and when I wasn't working or sleeping I was usually there.

  Every day I when I first woke up two thoughts came to my mind: Chris and how badly I missed him. He would be pissed that I moved to Alaska, and maybe I wouldn't have if he were still alive. And Maddy. I wondered what she was up to. I was sure she was having fun in college, she liked school.

  On Chris's birthday I went and bought a couple bottles of whiskey and got shit faced with Billy and Luke. Tom called us morons and went to sleep early. I hadn't been drunk for a long time, and it hit me hard.

  The next morning I woke up feeling like I was going to die. I could barely move, but I knew I was in my bed and I was alone. Two pluses.

  I slowly looked around the room and saw Billy lying naked on the floor clutching a whiskey bottle.

  I looked up at the top bunk where Luke was hanging over the edge, still passed out. I had no fucking clue what happened the night before, but it looked like we had fun.

  I very slowly got up and almost threw up but kept it together. I moved at a glacier’s pace toward the bathroom. When I got there I threw up and then splashed some water on my face.

  I stood up straight and examined my blood shot eyes and then my eyes wandered down to my right pec. It had white gauze taped over it.

  "Fuck." I groaned. I had no idea what was under the gauze. I prayed it wasn't an embarrassing tattoo. Those assholes could have talked me into anything last night.

  I slowly peeled the gauze off and smiled. In small cursive letters I saw Chris’s initials. It also had his birthday and the date he died underneath it.

  I went back to my bed and passed out again.

  I talked to Paul once and Andy a handful of times since I had moved. I was kind of in my own little world and was enjoying my new environment, but when Andy called and told me I needed to get my ass back home for the Fourth of July, I gave in. I hadn't been home since December. I asked Fred, and he said it was fine with him, but that I could only have the Fourth and the fifth off. He needed me back early in the morning on the sixth.

  It didn't give me much time, but I took it.

  I booked my flight for six in the morning on the fourth. That flight took me to Kansas City. I rented a car and drove the four and a half hours to my hometown. The whole time I was thinking I had to be crazy, but I was excited to see my friends.

  I pulled up to the lake house at nine that night. There weren't a ton of cars, but more than I had expected. I walked in the front door and surveyed the room. I saw Maddy talking with Andy and Jackie who were definitely not trying to hide their relationship anymore; they were all over each other.

  I walked over to them, "This is fucking weird."

  Maddy laughed and Jackie gave me a quick hug and told me to shut up. I shook Andy's hand. Then I grabbed Maddy and gave her a big hug. "Hey Maddy."

  She hugged me tightly and we both pulled back to get a good look at each other. "Hi Jake."

  Her eyes roamed over me, I didn't have time to shave before my flight so I had a lot more stubble than she was used to.

  I looked her over. She hadn't changed. Maybe her hair was a little longer, but nothing else. She was just as perfect as I remembered. "You didn't gain the freshman fifteen huh?"

  She laughed. Man I missed that laugh. "Nope, didn't have the time."

  I looked around the room, "Where's Michelle?”

  Maddy looked around and then waved her over to us. She strode over and gave me a brief hug. "So how long are you gracing us with your presence, asshole?"

  I laughed, "Just tonight."

  I saw Maddy's disappointed face out of the corner of my eye and clapped my hands, "So let's make it count. How about we go swimming? "

  Everyone agreed and we walked out to the lake. Everyone had their bathing suits on underneath their clothes. Just like old times.

  I took my shirt off and could feel Maddy's gaze on my chest. I had gained a lot of muscle since I moved. I looked at her and she tried to look away, "Not a lot to do in Alaska so I spend a lot of time working out."

  She nodded and then looked back at my chest. She walked closer and had zoned in on my tattoo. "That's new."

  I still didn't remember that night. I didn't regret the tattoo, but I didn't want to talk about Chris. It was too painful still. "Yeah."

  Maddy must have picked up on that and asked, "Do you think the water's cold?"

  I laughed and scooped her up in my arms. "Only one way to find out."

  I tossed her into the water and she squealed. I jumped in right after her and everyone else joined us. The water was actually really warm and felt amazing.

  We swam with the group for a little while and then swam out further. Maddy wrapped her arms and legs around me. The water was almost to my shoulders so I knew she couldn't reach the bottom of the lake. She told me she had missed me.

  I kissed her and her body curved into mine. I stopped and looked at her, "You are single right?"

  She nodded, "Yep. You?"

  I nodded and started kissing her again. I
moved my hands down her back and then to her bathing suit bottoms. I slowly pushed them to the side and slid one finger into her. She moaned softly in my ear and looked around nervously.

  She must have been satisfied that no one was looking because she intensified our kiss and I slid another finger into her. I moved slowly in and out of her until I felt her whole body shudder and felt her bite my shoulder to stifle herself.

  I kissed her deeply and then we swam together for a little bit longer before we went back over to the rest of the group. I was horny as hell and just wanted to be alone with Maddy, but I did miss my other friends too. So we swam with them for another hour.

  I knew my time was limited though. So a few minutes after we all were back in the house I grabbed Maddy's hand and led her to a bedroom. We undressed quickly and were in bed as soon as we got in the room.

  Afterward, I had my arm wrapped around her and held her hand in mine, "So there was no one special at school this year?"

  She raised her eyes to mine, "Well, there was one guy, but he lives in K.C. so we just parted as friends."

  I thought about when we "parted as friends" and smirked at her, "So did you tell him goodbye the same way you told me goodbye?"

  She just smiled at me, "No Jake, yours is the only window I've ever climbed in."

  I laughed, relieved. "Well good."

  She was thinking about something, “Why were you home that night? I saw you go upstairs with a girl, and it was your party."

  I thought about that night and then honestly said, "I don't know. I just wasn't into her and was in a bad mood. So I just drove home."

  She looked pleased with my answer and moved her finger along my jawline, "So what about you? Anyone special in Alaska?"

  I chuckled at that. I spent all my time with big burly men. "Not a lot of women up there."

  She laughed and then exhaustion hit me. I gave in and fell asleep with Maddy in my arms.

  The next morning I walked Maddy out to her car. I didn't know when I would be home again and I really wanted Maddy to be happy, "That guy at school." I took a deep breath, "If you really like him and he's a good guy that will treat you right, don't let distance get in the way."

  She didn't say anything and just hugged me. We said goodbye. As I watched her car leave it felt like I was letting her go for good.

  Chapter 12

  I made it back to Alaska, just in time to get two hours of sleep before I had to start my shift. I woke up and stumbled in to the kitchen and poured a cup of coffee.

  Tom was standing in the kitchen, "Damn, Dorothy, you look like shit."

  I took a sip of the coffee, "Yeah, I know."

  He laughed, "Was she worth it?"

  I sat down at the small table, "I don't know what you are talking about."

  He sat down across from me, "A guy only takes a ten hour flight and drives for four and a half hours for a woman."

  I looked down at my cup, "Yeah, she was worth it."

  He looked at me closely, "So why do you look so miserable?"

  I looked up at him, "She's there and I'm here. And she's gonna end up with a better guy. A college guy."

  He stood up, "Ah, so college makes him better huh?"

  I shrugged. It was actually nice to talk to someone about it. Tom was a father figure to me. "Not just that. She needs someone who isn't a fuck up. I'm not boyfriend material."

  He looked slightly irritated, "Look, I'm divorced so I'm probably not the best one to hand out love advice, but everyone makes mistakes. And if you really care about this girl you should tell her before it is too late. Now go get dressed, we have to get going."

  I got up and went to the bedroom and got dressed. Then we all went to work.

  I wanted to tell Maddy that I loved her and wanted to be with her, but I decided my initial instinct was right. I needed to let her go.

  A few months later I talked to Andy on the phone. He was trying to convince me to go home for Thanksgiving, but I told him I had to work.

  He was a little disappointed, but said he understood. Then he told me that Maddy was dating some guy she met at college.

  My stomach clenched. More than likely it was the guy she told me about on the Fourth of July. We talked for a little bit longer and then hung up.

  Thanksgiving was nice. Billy and Luke prepared a traditional meal and we all ate and watched football after.

  I didn't go home for Christmas that year either. My mom actually called me on Christmas Day and tried to make me feel guilty for not coming home again. I just gave her an empty apology and ended the call as fast as I could.

  On New Year's Eve that year I convinced Tom to have a small party. He agreed and invited Fred and a couple of guys we worked with. It was a lot different from the parties I used to throw.

  There were no women at this party, and everyone was older than I was. It was still a lot of fun. When the clock struck Midnight I wondered if Maddy was ringing in the new year with her boyfriend.

  Time just flew by and before I knew it, it had been almost a full year since I had been home. Andy called and said he was throwing a Fourth of July party again and asked me to come.

  I asked Fred and he said the same thing as last year. I booked a flight for four in the morning and ended up back at the lake house that evening.

  Andy and Paul were the only ones there when I walked in. They were sitting on the couch.

  Andy walked over to me and gave me a pat on the shoulder, "It's good to see you."

  I smiled at him and we walked back over to the couch. I shook Paul's hand. "Where is your better half?"

  He told me she was at work and would be there later.

  I sat down on the couch and they joined me. I wondered if Maddy would be at the party and if she was still dating the college boy.

  I must have been transparent because Andy said, "Just ask already."

  I sighed, "Is Maddy still with that guy?"

  Paul answered. "Yeah. And his name is Mark."

  We sat around and caught up for a while and waited for everyone else to get there.

  A couple of hours later the house was packed and I kept a close eye on the door. Finally I saw Maddy walk in with Michelle and Jackie. They walked over to us and we all greeted each other.

  Eventually everyone else ended up at other places in the house, and it was just me and Maddy on the couch. I took a sip out of my beer. My flight was early the next morning so I couldn't drink much. "So how are things with the boyfriend?”

  She looked taken aback and I laughed, “Andy told me."

  She smiled, "Things are good. He's really sweet, you would like him."

  That was probably pushing it. I was glad she was happy, but that didn't mean I had to like the guy, "Yeah I bet."

  She just moved on to the next topic, "So you keep tabs on me huh?"

  I laughed. "Well of course." I looked at her seriously, “You're the most important person in my life, Maddy. I just want you to be happy."

  She smiled and I could see her mind was racing. I decided to lighten the mood, "What the hell are we supposed to do if we can't have sex?"

  She smacked me. "Very funny."

  We sat there a talked for a couple of hours. She told me how much she loved college. And talked a little bit about Mark, but didn't go into too much detail.

  I told her about Alaska and the guys. She had to leave earlier because she had to work early the next morning. She gave me a hug and left.

  I told everyone else goodbye and drove back to Kansas City and barely made it there in time for my flight.

  My life had become really predictable. I woke up, went and got coffee. Then rode to work with the guys I lived with. After work I went home, showered and then went to the gym. Then I went back home and showered and went to sleep.

  I actually really liked the structure. When my parents divorced, all structure and stability went right out of the window. So I enjoyed it.

  I did miss my friends, though, and there still wasn't a day that went by
that I didn't think about Chris first and then Maddy.

  I didn't go home for the holidays that year either, and on New Year's Eve Andy called me. I answered the phone and he said, "Hey man. How ya doing?"

  I smiled, "I'm doing good. How are you guys."

  He seemed hesitant, "We are all good. Look I have to tell you something, but I don't want you to freak out."

  This couldn't be good. I joked, "You knock Jackie up?"

  He scoffed, "Please. I'm no fool, I wrap my tool."

  I laughed. "Well then, what is it?"

  He sighed, "Shit. Okay. Maddy's engaged."

  That I didn't see that coming. I was pretty sure I stopped breathing for a minute. I leaned forward, slightly, trying to catch my breath. I heard Andy's voice on the phone, "Jake, are you there?"

  I willed myself to snap out of it, "She's getting married?"

  "Yeah, not this year, but apparently right after she graduates next year."

  I stood up and paced the small bedroom. "Well that's good. She really deserves to be happy."

  He sighed again, "Yeah, but I don't know why she's rushing it. There's plenty of time to get married."

  I nodded even though he couldn't see me, "Well I gotta get some sleep. Thanks for telling me."

  He told me I should come home soon and to take care. I told him to take care of himself too and then we hung up.

  I was in a shitty mood after that. I tried to tell myself that this was for the best, but every time I pictured Maddy marrying someone else I felt like I was going to die.

  Two weeks of barely talking and being in a terrible mood was enough for Tom to confront me. We walked in after a long day and I slipped my boots off and left them in the middle of the floor and sat down on the couch.

  He walked over to me, "What did I tell you the first night you moved in? I'm not your fucking maid. Pick your shit up."

  I groaned and got up and neatly put my boots by the door. Luke and Billy went to clean up and I sat on the couch again, waiting for my turn in the shower. Tom sat down in the chair, "What's going on?"


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