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Fate (Soulmates Book 2)

Page 10

by Dykes, Nicole

  I rubbed my jaw. I didn't think I wanted to talk about it, but as soon as he asked me everything came pouring out.

  He listened as I told him about Maddy from age six all the way up to her engagement. It was the short version, but still took a while.

  After I was done venting he rubbed his dirty hair, "Well it sounds like you're supposed to be with this girl. What the hell are you doing up here?"

  I shook my head, "How do you get that we are supposed to be together from all of that? It has never worked for us. She has never wanted me for more than just a good time."

  He rolled his eyes at me, "The only thing missing from the equation is a set of balls. You've just been too scared to actually talk to the girl and tell her how you feel. That's what messed it up every time. You let her marry this guy without telling her you want her and you will regret it for the rest of your life."

  With that he stood up and went to take a shower.

  I knew he was right, but if Maddy wanted to marry Mark it wasn't my place to interfere. I tried to just move on.

  In June, Paul called me and told me that he finally proposed to Shelley and that they were going to get married the following May. I was really happy for them and not at all surprised. Now that was a couple that was meant to be.

  He asked me to be his best man and I told him I would be honored. I asked him what he wanted to do for his bachelor party and he told me they weren't having bachelor and bachelorette parties. He asked, "I was wondering if we could have the reception at the lake house and then after most of the guests leave we could have a party."

  I smiled, "That sounds awesome. I bet Andy is pissed you don't want a bachelor party though."

  He laughed, "Yep. So you coming home for the Fourth?"

  I wasn't ready to see Maddy, happily engaged. "No, we are really swamped here. I'll be home as soon as I can though."

  He sounded a little disappointed, “Alright. Well you better be here for the wedding."

  I grinned, "I wouldn't miss it."

  Chapter 13

  For my twenty first birthday the guys took me to the one and only bar in town. I got completely trashed and woke up the next morning in a strange bed. Naked.

  I looked around and then an attractive woman who was probably in her mid-thirties walked in and handed me a cup of coffee, "Well good morning.”

  I sat up slowly and took a drink. "Good morning.” I had no idea what her name was and tried to recall what happened the night before. I remembered drinking a lot of tequila. A foggy memory of her serving us all drinks came into my head. She must have been the waitress at the bar.

  She sat next to me, "I had a lot of fun last night."

  I smiled politely. I was sure I did too so I said, "Me too."

  I sat the coffee down on the table next to the bed and looked around for my clothes. I spotted my jeans on the other side of the room and quickly got up and put them on. "I'm sorry, but I better get going." I looked at the clock. "Yeah, I'm two hours late for work."

  She stood up and handed me my shirt. I put it on and she kissed me on the cheek and I left.

  When I got to work Fred looked pissed, "Where were you?" Tom grinned at me knowingly and I looked directly at Fred. "I'm sorry it won't happen again." He just grunted at me and left.

  Billy walked over to me, "You have a good time last night?"

  I shook my head at him, "I don't remember.”

  He laughed at me and I dragged ass the rest of the day.

  I talked to Paul a couple of times about the wedding. I flew in a month before and met Andy and Paul in Kansas City to get fitted for my tux. I told him I probably wouldn't make rehearsal, but that I would make it for the wedding.

  I made it to the church an hour before the wedding started. I changed quickly and greeted Paul who didn't look nervous at all.

  We all lined up, and I was standing next to Jackie, who was the Maid of Honor. Maddy and Andy were in line behind us. She looked beautiful with her hair styled up in a tight bun and in her light blue dress. I smiled at her and she smiled back.

  After the ceremony we all posed for what seemed like hours for the official wedding pictures. Then we all headed out to the lake for the reception.

  It was really classy, and the catered food was really good. I was standing talking to Andy, drinking champagne when Maddy walked up with who had to be her fiancé. "Jake this is Mark.” She gestured toward the guy and then back at me and said, “Mark this is my good friend Jake."

  He held out his hand and I shook it. I wondered if he knew just how good of friend I was to Maddy. "Hi Mark, nice to meet you." He was my exact opposite. He was really well groomed and proper. He had on an expensive suit. And he reminded me of someone running for public office.

  I excused myself and went into the house to change. I hung out inside for a while and eventually the reception was over and everyone else came in to change.

  Apparently Mark wasn't staying the night. He had to wake up early to go golfing. Yeah. We were nothing alike. He told us all goodbye and shook my hand again. He said it was nice to meet me and I just nodded.

  Maddy walked him outside and Andy stood next to me, "Fucking tool right?"

  I laughed, "He only calls her Madison. What the fuck does she see in him?"

  He shook his head, "I don't know. I guess he's just different from everything she knows. She's moving to Kansas City with him right after they get married. We'll probably never see her again."

  I folded my arms in front of me. "Probably not."

  Maddy walked back inside, and I kept my distance. A while later, Paul and Shelley told us all goodbye and walked out to their car to drive to their honeymoon suite. We were all in the living room, and I saw Maddy watching then out of the window. I walked up behind her and watched her watching them in their marital bliss. I whispered softly in her ear, "You really ready for that?"

  She turned around and haughtily said, "Of course I am."

  I didn't believe her for a second. She was a terrible liar. I walked toward the kitchen and said, "Yeah right."

  That pissed her off. She followed me. "Are you kidding me? I haven't seen you for almost two years and you think you know that I'm not ready to get married."

  I stopped right outside of the kitchen and faced her. I said firmly, "I don't think I know. I know you. I mean seriously, Maddy, that guy?"

  She put one hand on her hip, "What’s wrong with Mark?"

  I laughed smugly, "Nothing. There is absolutely nothing wrong with him. He's perfect."

  She knew I meant perfect in a bad way. "There's nothing wrong with someone having it all together and being courteous."

  I rolled my eyes at her. She was delusional. "It’s boring Maddy. You know it and I know it. There is no way he turns you on."

  She let out a breath, trying to calm down. "Our sex life is none of your business. And if he didn't, I wouldn't be with him."

  I laughed at her again and she looked like she wanted to murder me. I went on. "Please. I don’t believe you. You have fun with that Maddy. Go be the boring suburban housewife."

  She clenched her hands into fists. "You are the most infuriating human being I have ever met. I can't believe you!"

  I walked really close to her and said quietly, “And it really turns you on."

  She looked furiously at me, "There are things more important in life than being turned on, Jake. I hope you grow up someday." She turned to leave and looked back over her shoulder at me, "Don't bother coming to the wedding."

  I laughed. There was no way in hell I would ever go to that wedding. "Don’t worry."

  Maddy told everyone else goodbye and left. I waited for a little while and then did the same thing.

  I didn't sleep at all. I replayed my argument with Maddy in my head. I couldn't believe in less than a month she would be married.

  I got out of bed really early the next morning, told my mom goodbye and went back up to Alaska.

  I told Tom about the wedding, and he told me time was
running out. Like I didn't know that already.

  Living in Alaska was really starting to wear on me and the always knowing exactly what was going to happen was starting to drive me crazy.

  Structure was nice for a while, but I loved the mysteries of life and always had. I thought about quitting and talked to Tom about it a week after I got back.

  He patted me on the shoulder, "You have to do what's right for you. We'll miss ya, but we will get by.”

  I laughed and the next week I put in my two weeks’ notice with Fred. I didn't tell any of my friends back home and had decided just to surprise them.

  A few days before I left to go home I got a text from Andy.

  Andy: She called it off.

  I stared at my phone. She's not getting married. I felt a pang of guilt. I didn't want her to get married, but I had actually hoped it wasn't solely because of what I had said at the wedding.

  A few days after that, I said my goodbyes and headed back home. Andy was practically living at the lake house. So that's where I went first. I walked in the front door and saw Andy and Jackie making out on the couch. They popped up. They both looked really startled.

  Andy saw it was me and walked over without his shirt on, but everything else was on. "Hey man! What are you doing here?"

  Jackie was fully clothed, but her hair was a mess. She sat on the couch trying to fix her hair and waved over at me. I smiled and looked back at Andy, "Hey. I'm back."

  He looked excited, "Really? That's fucking awesome!"

  Jackie stood up and walked over. She gave me a hug, “That’s great! Did you hear about Maddy? Is that why you are back?"

  I shook my head and walked over to the couch. "No, I put in my notice before I heard. So what happened?"

  She plopped back down on the couch and I sat down next her. Andy sat down on the chair and Jackie told me she had no idea. She said that Maddy seemed uneasy about the wedding last time she saw her.

  We talked and I learned that Maddy took a job after graduation in a town that was about thirty miles away. They also told me Michelle was throwing her a surprise party for her birthday and both encouraged me to go. I told them I would think about it, but I planned on going. I asked them not to tell anyone I was back yet.

  Things don't just happen. I had decided to move back before I even knew Maddy wasn't getting married. She had moved closer to home not even knowing I was back.

  We were meant to be together. I knew it. The next week I went over to Maddy's apartment and helped everyone set up for her birthday party. We all hid in the living room when it was time for Maddy to come home from work. My heart felt like it was going to explode when I heard Maddy unlock her door.

  She walked in and turned on the lights. We all popped out and screamed, "Surprise!"

  She looked stunned. Michelle walked over and talked to her and then went to join everyone else. I walked over to her, "Happy birthday Maddy."

  She looked a little conflicted and said, "You took off work for this?"

  I shook my head and told her that I had moved back to town.

  She looked surprised and I couldn't believe Andy and Jackie kept it a secret. She looked at me, "You quit your job?"

  I nodded. "Yep. I saved up plenty of money and wanted to be closer to home."

  She looked shyly at the floor, “So you know I'm not getting married then?"

  She looked back up at me and I nodded. “Yeah, Andy told me. It wasn't because of what I said was it? I know I was an asshole. That seems to be my thing."

  She laughed quietly, “No it wasn't because of you. Not really anyway. I knew it wasn't right. It didn't feel right from the beginning of the engagement."

  "Well I can't say I'm sad that you aren't getting married."

  She grinned up at me. She always looked beautiful, but when she smiled she was somehow even more gorgeous. "No? Why not?"

  I grinned right back at her and then took a deep breath. Time to grow a pair as Tom would say. "Because I love you Maddy. Hell, I've always loved you. Even when I wanted to hate you. Seeing you marry someone else would have killed me."

  She looked into my eyes, "Really?"

  I closed the gap between us, "Really. We were meant for each other. I mean it will be messy and definitely won't be perfect, but I'm willing to try."

  She wrapped her arms around my neck, "You're saying you want to be in an exclusive relationship?”

  I looked at her pretty blue eyes, "I'm saying I want to spend the rest of my life with my best friend."

  She kissed me and then pulled back and playfully said, “Please tell me that isn't a proposal.”

  I laughed and kissed the tip of her nose. I had missed her. "No, let's see if we can date without killing each other first."

  She smiled and said, "Sounds good to me." I leaned down and kissed her again. For the first time in my life I felt content. Most of the memories in my life have included Maddy and I never want that to change.

  The End

  Letter from the Author:

  Thank you so much for reading the second book of the Soulmates series! I really hope that you enjoyed it.

  Please remember to leave your feedback on Amazon and on my Goodreads Page:

  You can also email me any time at

  I would love to hear from you!

  I am currently working on the third book in the series. It is Ryan’s story. It will have Ryan’s perspective of his relationship with Maddy, but mostly will show how he moves on from Maddy. It won’t be easy! See the sneak peak of Rebound (Soulmates, #3) on the next page!

  Take Care,


  Sneak Peak


  By Nicole Dykes

  Chapter 1

  Your first love is someone you never forget. It is really rare that your first love is also your last, but when I met Madison Wright I truly thought I was one of the lucky ones.

  It all started when my cousin, Josh, called and asked me to go to a party with him. Josh went to high school at my town's rival school so I was a little hesitant. He assured me it would be fine because it was their homecoming and as long as they won everyone would be in a great mood.

  I reluctantly agreed and met Josh at his house after the game. They won by a landslide so we headed out to the party. I was standing outside talking to my cousin and a couple of his friends when I saw her.

  She was sitting with two other girls and was gorgeous. She had long light brown hair and had a sweet innocence to her. She caught me looking at her and I gave her my best smile.

  She smiled back at me and then got up and went inside. I had to talk to her so i followed her inside to the kitchen.

  She was getting a refill and I walked up to her, "Hi, I'm Ryan."

  She smiled sweetly at me and said, "I'm Madison."

  I filled my cup and told her it was nice to meet her. Seeing her up close and in the light of the kitchen, she was even prettier than I had thought. She had big beautiful blue eyes that sparkled when she smiled.

  She took a drink out of her newly full cup and pointed at my letterman jacket. "That's kinda gutsy. Don't you know we're enemies?"

  I chuckled, the truth is I didn't even think about it when I left my house. I always had my letterman jacket on. It was my prized possession at the time. "My cousin goes to your school. He said I'd be welcome. I'm not worried."

  She laughed and said, "Well these parties can get pretty rowdy, but I'll protect you."

  I was surprised at how easy it was to talk to her. We had never met before, but it seemed like we had known each other for years. We headed into the living room and started talking some more.

  I learned that she was in the class below me and that her favorite color was purple. I told her I played football and basketball at my high school and that favorite season was summer, which was hers too.

  We didn't get into anything too deep, but before I knew it, it was midnight. When I
saw the time I told her I had to get going. Before I got up to leave and looked at her, "I had a lot of fun talking tonight. Maybe we could go out on a date sometime?"

  Something held her back at first, but then she finally said, "Yes, I'd like that."

  I stood up, relieved that she said yes. "Awesome. How about Friday at seven? I'll pick ya up."

  She agreed and we got each other's numbers and I went to find Josh. He wasn't happy about leaving, but I finally got him to the car. I drove his car to his parent’s house, with him drunkenly telling me I was driving too slow the entire way. When we got there I hopped in my car and drove thirty minutes to my house.

  I was so late. My curfew was midnight and it was already past one. I lived with my mom and grandma in a small three bedroom house.

  I never met my dad. I was conceived at a house party when my mom was in college and apparently he wanted nothing to do with her or me.

  When my mom had me, she moved back in with my grandma, who helped to raise me, while my mom worked and finished college. My mom graduated and started work as a social worker. Since she was still a single mom and wasn't making very much money, we just stayed at my grandma's. My mom's father died in an accident when she was really young so my grandma knew how tough it was to raise a child alone.

  They were both the hardest working women I had ever met and both raised me to respect women at all costs.

  I stood outside my front door and then took a deep breath. I walked in and my mom and grandma who were sitting on the couch jumped up and walked over to me.

  My mom folded her arms across her chest, "Ryan, where were you? You had us worried sick!"

  Before I could open my mouth to answer my grandma started in, "You have a cell phone for a reason! We thought you were dead in a ditch."

  I tried to talk in a calm voice, "I'm so sorry. I completely lost track of time and I had to find Josh..."

  My mom interrupted, "You lost him?"

  I shook my head, she looked exhausted and I felt really bad for making her and my grandma worry. "I met a girl at the party and we talked for a long time. When I finally realized what time it was I went and found Josh outside and we left. I'm sorry you guys were worried. It won't happen again."


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