Book Read Free

Sleep Keeper

Page 23

by Wilcox, April

  Ugh, okay Alexis, just do it! Just say it and get it over with.

  “Um, okay Mom, please don’t think I’m crazy…” I began.

  She stared blankly, waiting for me to finish.

  “Um, Uh…” I stuttered, unable to get the words to form. Twenty more seconds passed.

  “For heaven’s sake, just spit it out.”

  “I see him when I’m asleep.”

  There was an awkward pause of silence.

  “I… don’t… understand… you mean, you sneak out to see him?” she clarified in confusion, yet her eyes were wide and unfocused, as if horrified.

  “No. I visit him when I sleep… in my dreams,” I answered, as I bit my lip.

  Her look turned from horror to disgust. Her mouth quivered as she tried to speak.

  Great, here we go.

  “I know it’s hard to believe. It took me a long time to realize I wasn’t crazy too, but every night when I fall asleep, I enter this different world… and I fell in love.”

  “No…” she whispered.

  “I’m not crazy, Mom.”

  “I believe you,” she breathed.

  “You do?” I asked, in disbelief.

  That was too easy. I wouldn’t believe me.

  “There’s something I have never told anyone. A terrible secret I have kept all these years,” she spoke under her breath as she peered out the window.

  I sat quietly, intrigued by her forthcoming confession. She turned toward me with an ignominious face.

  “When I was a little girl, my mother told me bedtime stories about another world she entered while she slept. She said it was a magical place, free from pain and misery. She would speak of adventures with the people she met. She called them Sleep Keepers -- the guardians of her dreams. I wanted her to take me with her to visit their world. When I got older she said it was just make-believe.”

  Sleep Keepers… I liked that…

  “When I was twelve, I told my grandmother about the fairytales and how I wished I could visit the Sleep Keepers. She confessed that the women in our family bore a special connection to this parallel world. She said she would teach me how to get there, if I promised to keep the family secret. Of course, I eagerly agreed. That night she taught me how to clear my mind and channel the passage to another dimension.”

  She closed her eyes, “I can still picture the purple sky. And it was always the same scene in my dreams - I was standing alone in a forest, yet I felt surrounded by life … and love. I visited that place often, but never actually met any Sleep Keepers. It was just me and the forest. Whenever I felt scared or lost in this harsh world, I would go there and all my worries faded away. As the years went on, and my life filled with the trials of a teenager, I visited less and less, until…” she took a deep breath and shuttered.

  “When your father and I were newlyweds, he was offered a traveling job working for the railroad. One of his trips lasted a little over three weeks. I missed him terribly and counted down the days he would come home. It was near the end of his trip, when one night I fell asleep and entered the world I thought I had lost long ago. I was standing in the forest. It felt like I had never been away. My old childhood innocence came flooding back in. I began to run, carefree until…” she let out a deep painful sighed.

  “I came upon a tree that was unlike the rest. It was a sickly gray… covered in knots. The branches were low to the ground, tangled and bare. I’m not sure why, curiosity maybe, but I was drawn to it. I walked over and ran my hand along its rough skin. As my fingers traced the bark, a large opening appeared in the trunk. I was intrigued by its transformation and put just my head inside the dark hole. I heard the faint cry of someone calling for help. My gut was telling me to walk away, but I didn’t listen and placed one of my feet farther inside, for a better look.

  “Then, there was darkness. The air was damp and stale. I felt something brush the back of my neck. My stomach knotted. Goose bumps ran down my arms. I jumped back out of the opening - but there was only darkness behind me. The opening of the tree was gone. I was in some kind of enclosure, underground maybe. I had no idea how I got there. I called out into the darkness.

  “And then he appeared… he was wearing a hood, brown hair came out underneath. I couldn’t see his face except for those eyes… those pale-blue eyes. One look and I was paralyzed with fear. He smiled, but not at all friendly - like I was his prey. He reached for my hand and I pulled away, trying to take a few steps back. This seemed to please him. Without a word, he moved behind me and grabbed my arms, pushing me to the cold dirt. I tried to get up but his body was on top of mine. He tore off my clothes. I struggled but was pinned down. I screamed for him to stop... he just ignored my pleas. He forcing himself inside of me while I begged for it to end,” she swallowed and looked down at her shaking hands. Her eyes were welting with tears, as were mine.

  “Oh, Mom…” I cried, and held her hands tight.

  “I prayed I’d wake up from that nightmare and I finally got my wish. As soon as he peeled his sweaty body off of mine, I instantly awoke, trembling and covered in his sweat. I knew it was just in my head, but it felt so real. I could still smell him on me…” she shuttered.

  “I was sick with disgust. I jumped in the shower and scrubbed every inch of my body. The next morning, bruises surfaced on my arms and thighs. I covered them and tried to forget it ever happened. A few weeks later, I found out I was pregnant. The timing didn’t make sense. It couldn’t have been your father’s...”

  “Jeremy,” I gasped.

  She glowered in shame.

  “Did you tell Dad what happened?” I pried.

  “I was young and in love. What was I supposed to tell him? I wasn’t even sure if it was real myself. I thought I was going crazy. When I told your father I was pregnant he was thrilled.”

  I gave a single nod. I understood. I didn’t know what I would have said to Mitchell if he … were still here. At least I had made my choice with Orion. Mom didn’t have a choice. She was forced into keeping this horrid secret from her husband and burdened with carrying that monster’s spawn.

  “I’m sorry, Mom. What a terrible secret to have to bear all these years.”

  To see her suffering again made my heart ache.

  “No, Alexis, I’m the one who should be sorry. I should have found a way to warn you. After the… incident, I forced that place out of life, never returning again. I buried the truth - but now it has come back to haunt my daughter. Please forgive me!” she cried with deep regret.

  “I understand your fears, Mom, but you have it all wrong. Orion didn’t force me into anything. We’re in love,” I explained and flashed a soft smile.

  “Then he’s tricking you!” she shrieked and grabbed my shoulders hard. “Listen, I started having these… visions… of that place again for the past few months. At first they were just flashes of that forest and the beach… but then they came more frequently and started lasted longer. A while back I saw something… the panic attack… it must have been a premonition!” she exclaimed. Her eyes darted around the car wildly.

  Visions? “What are you talking about?” I asked.

  “I saw him. After all these years, I never forgot those eyes! I was in the kitchen when suddenly I was somewhere else - another house. He was standing behind you with his arm around your neck and a blade to your pregnant belly. You weren’t much bigger than you are now,” she claimed as she pointed to my abdomen.

  Her words made me shutter and I draped my arms over my stomach.

  “He was angry about something, but I couldn’t tell what he was saying. You tried to struggle free and then the blade pierced your stomach... oh God, the blood! Then suddenly I was back in the kitchen. I didn’t understand it at the time - I thought I was hallucinating,” she blurted. Tears rolled down her face and I felt a chill.

  “Erebus…” I whispered and squeezed tighter, as if that will somehow protect my baby.

  “What?” she stammered.

  I paused
, unsure how to explain.

  “Tell me what you know!” she snapped.

  “I think the man who attacked you is named… Erebus.”

  “You know him?!” she shouted. Her eyes were practically popping out of their sockets.

  “… I have heard of him before,” I answered cautiously.

  “You have to stay away from him Alexis! Oh no, I can’t believe this is happening…” she cried and began taking gasping breaths of air.

  “Mom, calm down! Everything will be fine, I promise. Orion will protect me when I’m there,” I tried to explain but was quickly interrupted.

  “Are you crazy, you can’t go back there, Alexis! Promise me you will never go back there!” she screamed erratically.

  “Okay, okay, I won’t go back there,” I lied.

  I didn’t have the heart to tell her that I didn’t have a choice. I couldn’t control my visits like she could… nor would I ever make the choice to stay away. It was my home now.

  “Do you promise?” she pled.

  “Yes, Mom, I promise…” I felt guilty for lying but the other option was for her to worry about something neither one of us had any control over.

  She threw her arms around my shoulders and hugged me tight. “Thank you,” she whispered.

  I hugged her back.

  “One other thing…” she said as she released me, “please don’t tell your brother.”

  “I won’t,” I promised, which was not a lie. That was one conversation I did not want to have with him. Although, thinking about Jeremy brings up some interesting coincidences.

  “Let’s go back home. I’m exhausted and I’m sure you are too,” she softly padded my belly, “I hope the McCain’s aren’t still there.”

  “I doubt it, but just in case, let’s go to your house for a little while,” I suggested.

  On the way to Mom’s place, I thought about Jeremy more. As the news sunk in, I realized I wasn’t that surprised. The dark connection with Jeremy and Erebus was certainly plausible. I always knew there was something wrong with that boy. Now, it was starting to make more sense. When we arrived at Mom’s house, I quickly spotted Jeremy’s car in the driveway.

  “What is he doing here?” I grunted.

  “I don’t know. He stops by on occasion just to say hi. I think he’s been having problems with Anna and needs to get out of his apartment sometimes,” she guessed.


  “Oh Alexis, I’m sure he’ll only be here for a minute. Remember what you promised,” she reminded nervously.

  “Yes Mom,” I sighed as I rolled my eyes.

  I got out of the car and we walked through the entrance. I spotted Jeremy, sitting leisurely on the overstuffed leather chair.

  “Jeremy, what a pleasant surprise,” Mom said warmly and leaned down for a hug.

  “Hi Mom,” he replied and embraced her in return.

  He glared up at me and crossed his brows in distaste. “Alexis…” he said with a bitter tone.

  “Jeremy…” I shot back facetiously.

  Mom didn’t seem to notice our animosity. I was even more surprise by her constant warmth and tenderness toward him, especially knowing that he is the son of her rapist.

  I sat on the other end of the couch, farthest from him.

  “How about I get us all some hot tea?” Mom offered.

  “That sounds great, Mom,” smiled Jeremy.

  I didn’t answer and Mom didn’t seem to notice that either, or else she didn’t care. She walked out of the room and the air quickly changed. It was uncomfortably silent.

  I glared over at Jeremy as he casually thumbed through a magazine, unaware of my stare. I never noticed before how similar his features were to Erebus. The small stature, the dark brown hair and same deep-set eyes, although Jeremy must have gotten Mom’s eye color, like I did. My dad had blue eyes as well, but more of a sapphire blue, not the haunting pale-blue of Erebus’.

  Jeremy glanced up and caught my staring. He gave a smirk and glared back. The weight of his fixated stare made me shutter. I broke contact and quickly moved toward the window on the other side of the room to avoid any conversation.

  He stood up and sauntered across the room in the opposite direction. From my peripheral I could see him pacing gingerly around with awkward steps before circling around and pausing near me. I could feel him hovering, invading my personal space. I reluctantly glanced over and he was staring with his head slightly cocked and a smug grin smeared across his face.

  “What?” I spat sharply.

  He glowered at me, “You always thought you were better than me, didn’t you? But look at me now…”

  “Am I supposed to be impressed by something?” I replied as I gave him a once-over glance.

  “You better watch your tone with me. You never know when you’ll be at my feet begging for mercy,” he taunted.

  “The only thing I will beg you for is to leave,” I shot back.

  “Oh, you will be eating those words. It won’t be only your world for long,” he sneered.

  His words made my stomach turn. “What did you just say?”

  He smiled a menacing grin as he walked out the front door. “Say hello to Orion for me.” He gave a wink and shut the door.


  Did my ears deceive me? A flood of panic rushed through my chest. How did he know about Orion and my world? Mom didn’t have a chance to tell him. Did Erebus get to him?

  I grabbed the knob and flung the door open. I ran outside as he was getting into his car.

  “Wait!” I shouted as I ran up to the car.

  Jeremy seemed pleased by my distress and rolled down the window half way. I grabbed a hold of the window’s ledge, as if I could stop him from driving away. “What do you know about Orion?” I interrogated.

  “Your little boy-toy won’t be much use to us soon enough.”


  “He will bring me over soon and then we’ll see what you and the rest of those tree huggers think of me then,” he continued.

  Oh God, it was true… Erebus must have gotten to him!

  I stood speechless in shock.

  “Not much to say now, little sister?” he hissed.

  “Jeremy, you’re making a huge mistake! This isn’t the path you should choose,” I pled.

  “It’s a little too late for that speech,” he chuckled.

  “It’s never too late to make the right choice,” I urged.

  “The right choice for who, Alexis?! Me… or you? He understands me… He doesn’t hold me down like Mom and Dad did… He loves me!” he shrieked. Rage flashed in his eyes.

  “No, Jeremy, he’s using you. He’s a monster… a murderer. Look what happened to Mitchell!” I hollered back.

  “Oh yes, Mitchell… I passed that test with flying colors. That’ll teach you to get in my way again,” he snickered.

  “But… you were in jail…” I stammered and shook my head. My vision blurred in shock. My clammy hands slid from the car.

  “After my failed attempt to get rid of you, Erebus taught me a few new tricks… to send you a message. Seems I'm the special sibling after all.”

  His face was beaming with pride. It felt like my chest was hit with a bat. My stomach tightened and I couldn’t breath.

  “No…” I whispered as my eyes welled up.

  My own family… my own blood…

  “Oh come on Alexis… I did you a favor. You don’t have to pretend to be grieving with me.”

  I stood with my mouth-hung open, not sure how to respond. I wanted to scream that he was wrong, but… looking back, I didn’t know what I thought. I grabbed my head with my hands. He threw the car in reverse and peeled away, without looking back. I felt sick and bent over in the sidewalk. So it was my fault. The stitched up hole in my heart was torn back open and guilt flooded back in.

  Oh Mitchell, I’m sorry!

  “Alexis? Are you okay?” Mom called from the doorway.

  I straightened back up and wiped away the tears with t
he back of my hand. I took several deep breaths to calm down.

  “Yes, Mom,” I hollered back in a shaky voice.

  When I turned around, Mom was right beside me.

  “Where’s Jeremy? Are you crying?” she pressed.

  “No, I’m fine. Jeremy left,” I answered and headed back in the house.

  “Oh Alexis, what happened? - Did you tell him!?” she gasped in a panic.

  “No, Mom, I didn’t say anything,” I huffed and bolted through the door. I grabbed my purse and headed back out before Mom made it through the threshold.

  “Where are you going?”

  “I need to go home,” I said as walked out the door toward my car.

  “Wait, what happened? Did you two get in a fight again?” she accused with a deep sigh.

  “I just need to be alone,” I answered and climbed into the car.

  “Alexis? But my car!”

  I heard her calling my name through the car door but I didn’t look over. I started the engine and drove away. Glancing in the rearview mirror as I drove down the street, I watched Mom walk back into her house, shaking her head in confusion.

  Chapter 16

  I sped home and sat on my bed, which was now my sanctuary. I guessed that Erebus had something to do with Mitchell’s murder but I never knew how, until today. My own brother. The thought of it made me sick. My head was screaming and I fell onto the bed, squeezing my temples with my palms. Flashbacks of Mitchell running across the parking lot in terror were etched into my memory. I felt his fear inside of me as the knife’s cut through him. I felt that pain again in my heart as I recalled Mitchell’s last terrifying moments. More guilt flooded in. I moaned and squeezed my eyes shut. Jeremy’s smug grin and beady eyes swam around.

  “Please stop,” I begged aloud and began to cry.

  I felt beaten and exhausted. I was tired of being afraid and drowning in anger and hate. I wished I could run away with Orion and my baby. I felt like a prisoner. Why couldn’t I just be free? I lay there in bed and cried myself to sleep.

  I woke in a flash and instantly felt lighter. The burden of my enemies suddenly didn’t feel so heavy on my shoulders. The sun was peeking through a break in the trees and shining against my face. A light breeze brushed against my skin and I could taste the fresh air. I was home.


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