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Falling For Him 1 (Rachel and Peter in Love)

Page 5

by Gray, Jessica

“You know what Michael, do us both a favor, and don’t call here again. You have Karen’s cell phone, use it from now on.” I hung up on him, not waiting for a reply. The only bright spot to his call – I wasn’t actually thinking about Peter. I was thinking of ways to harm Michael. The man just didn’t get it! Perhaps when Karen returned she would give him a speech – I wasn’t going to waste my breath!

  I was still fuming when the phone rang again. Not looking at the caller ID I grabbed the phone and growled, “You just don’t get it, do you?”

  There was a slight pause on the other end and then a voice replied, “I don’t know. Would you explain it to me please?”

  I recognized Peter’s voice and started smiling, “Sorry.” I hurried to cover up my mistake, “I thought you were someone else. Hi.”

  “Hi yourself. You sure everything’s alright?”

  “Yeah. It’s great now!” I didn’t continue, not sure what to say.

  “Rachel, I know I said that we should move on with our lives since I was going away for a while, but I can’t stop thinking about you.”

  I did a little happy dance around my phone. He missed me, he missed me! Yes! I tried to sound as cool as possible, “Same here.”

  Was it just my imagination or did I hear as sigh of relief over the phone? “Would you go to dinner with me tonight? I know it’s short notice, but I would love to meet you.”

  I nodded my head, grinning like a fool and then realized he couldn’t see me through the phone, “Yes! I’d love to!”

  “Great!” he said the relief now evident in his voice. “I’ll pick you up around 6:30 if that’s okay?”

  “That’s perfect.” I started to hang up only to hear him call me back to the phone. “Yes?”

  “Wear something nice that shows off those gorgeous legs of yours, okay?”

  I blushed but agreed. After hanging up the phone, I did another little happy dance and then rushed to my closet. Peter would be there in seven hours and I had to find something to wear. Something that would knock his socks off!

  I went through my closet first, trying on dress after dress and ended up with a pile of maybes. Then I went through Karen’s closet; I loved having a roommate who wore the same size clothing and shoes as myself.

  After several hours, I had narrowed down my choices to three dresses. I nibbled on some crackers and cheese as I tried the dresses on one more time. I was too nervous to eat, but I also didn’t want my stomach talking to me when Peter arrived.

  What would be the one dress that made him drool over? My grandmother always said, “You have to impress the guys. Make them come back begging for more.” And this was exactly what I intended to achieve. If I could only decide which dress to wear!

  This was nerve racking. My choices were a little black dress than ended several inches above my knees and hugged my figure like a glove. It had a sweetheart neckline and an opened back. It screamed sexuality and as I looked at it with a critical eye, I discarded it thinking it made me look too much like an over-priced hooker. That was not the appearance was going for!

  The next dress was in a neutral pattern with a full skirt that ended just above my knees and a form fitting strapless top. It did a good job of showing off my neck and shoulders, but the coloring seemed to be too bland for my purpose. I tried it on with different jewelry options, hoping to jazz it up just a bit, but nothing seemed to work. I discarded that one as well.

  I looked at my last choice and grinned. The emerald green coloring contrasted spectacular against my honey skin tone, it brought out the blonde highlights in my hair and the fit was perfect. The silky material clung in all the right places, but the gathered fabric was draped in such a way that it still left the observer wondering if their eyes were seeing the real me. The dress draped over one shoulder and then the material fell in a soft wave down the back. As I turned to watch the effect in the mirror, I knew this was the perfect dress to impress. He wasn’t going to concentrate on his dinner, that’s for sure!

  Gleeful that I had found an outfit, I screamed when I noticed that it was already 4 o’clock. I hurried through a shower and painted my toes and nails a deep purple color. I curled my hair and swept up the sides, leaving the rest to fall in gentle waves down my back.

  When the doorbell rang, I had just finished putting on the diamond stud earrings my parents had given me for my high school graduation. I grabbed the small clutch I had placed the essentials in and hurried to answer the door in my most sexy black three-inch killer heels. Peter was 6’4” tall to my 5’7” and I loved the fact that I could wear whatever shoes I wanted to and he would still be taller than I was.

  When I opened the door, my mouth dropped open. Peter stood on the other side, holding a handful of daisies and looking good enough to eat. His crisp white shirt, layered with a black suit and green silk tie, made him look like he had just stepped off the pages of a fashion magazine.

  I let my eyes travel down and then back up to his eyes, which were doing their own appraisal. When he whistled low under his breath, I blushed and stepped back to let him enter the apartment.

  Peter shook his head, “You are gorgeous, but I think we should avoid the temptation your apartment is offering and head to dinner.” His rueful smile indicated that he would rather stay in.

  I loved the self-control he was exhibiting and quickly nodded my head, stepping outside the apartment and closing the door. He placed his hand on my lower back, just above where the material ended as he guided me to his vehicle.

  I stopped and gawked at the sleek Porsche 911 sports car waiting for us. I had always considered cars a means of transport, not more. But the sight and sound of a real Porsche was different. The sheer elegance of the epitome of German cars impressed even someone like me and made my knees tremble.

  The silver vehicle spoke of wealth, power and success. I briefly thought that I should have done some research on Peter; but then he opened the door for me and I decided I didn’t care who he was. He had invited me to dinner and this was just the beginning.

  The restaurant he took me to was one I would never have chosen for myself. It was very high-end and as the valet assisted me from the car, I swallowed nervously. I wanted to make a good impression and show Peter that I could fit into his lifestyle.

  Peter noticed I was nervous and leaned down to whisper in my ear, “Relax, or I’ll be forced to do something to help you out.”

  When I raised my eyebrow in question, he elaborated on what exactly was on his mind. As he pulled his head away, I my face burnt and my breathing hitched. His suggestion, although scandalous, would definitely help me relax, I just wasn’t sure what he had suggested was legal in a public place.

  I was caught up in those thoughts as the maître de led us to a secluded table near a window. I barely noticed the other diners, but Peter was very aware of the calculating looks he and I received as we made our way through the restaurant.

  Peter was considered a great catch amongst the up-and-coming population of Silicon Valley. His past relationship with Lara Bishop, daughter of Stephen Bishop - bank president, city council member, and politician, had helped considerably. Lara attended all the important society events and loved to have her picture taken. That meant that her escorts made the tabloids and papers on a routine basis as well.

  Peter helped me into my seat and took the chair closest to me, even though the waiter was standing at the opposite seat. “I’ll just sit here,” he told the man who nodded his head and quickly moved the place setting.

  I smiled at Peter, “This place is nice.”

  “I’m glad you approve. Do you want some wine?”

  When remembering the outcome the last time I drank alcohol in Peter’s presence, I replied, “No. I guess I better shouldn’t.”

  Peter also remembered the outcome and chuckled, “Sure? I promise to make you stop at one glass.”

  Before I could reply, as a shadow fell over our table and then stopped. A stunning woman with perfectly coifed red hair and an expensive
designer dress that would do a supermodel justice stood on Peter’s opposite side.

  “I’ll have a glass,” she told the waiter, preparing to take the seat next to Peter.

  I looked at Peter in confusion and was alarmed to see the fury in his eyes as he looked at the newcomer. “Lara. What in the hell are you doing?”

  “Joining you for dinner, silly. I know I told you I might not make it, but,” she raised her shoulders and gave him a coquettish smile, “here I am.“ Not waiting for a proper introduction, she reached across the slight expanse of table, “I’m Lara Bishop. I’m sorry, Peter seems to have lost his tongue. You are?”

  I couldn’t believe what was happening. Peter had made it sound like he and Lara were finished; yet here she was acting like she belonged. I was furious. I ignored her hand, saying tightly, “I’m just leaving.”

  Peter spoke up, “Don’t. Lara is leaving. Now!” He stood up and taking her arm, pulled her to her feet.

  “Now Peter, we don’t have to hurry off. I’m sure we could sit with your guest until she’s had some dinner.” Lara lowered her voice seductively, “I’m not going anywhere tonight.”

  “Knock it off, Lara.” Peter turned to me assured, “I’ll be right back.” He escorted Lara towards a private alcove. I watched as he talked to her and she ran her hands down his chest, caring not in the least that they were the focus of most of the diners in the restaurant.

  Peter shook his head vehemently and pointed back to me several times before rubbing his hand over his jaw in frustration. I stood up, almost knocking my chair over, noticing several other diners were observing my part in this scene with much interest. Fine! Let them look!

  Walking over, I addressed Peter, quietly telling him, “And you were upset that I might have a boyfriend? I’ll see myself home.”

  “Leaving so soon? But I was hoping to get to know you. It’s not often I get to meet Peter’s little charity cases.” Lara was vile, but the smile she directed at me was sugary sweet and gloating.

  “Shut up, Lara!” Peter said tightly. Turning towards me, he began, “Rachel, I don’t know why she’s here, but…”

  “Save it! I don’t want to hear your excuses.”

  Peter was frustrated, but so was I. “Look, let me walk her outside and then we can enjoy the rest of our dinner. I’ll be right back.” Peter grabbed Lara’s wrist and literally pulled her towards the restaurants exit.

  I quickly made up my mind, watching them leave together. Whatever was going on, I wasn’t waiting around to be part of the ending. I made my way to the front of the restaurant, avoiding both Lara and Peter. While holding the tears of frustration and disappointment at bay until I was seated in the back of the cab. Once the tears started flowing, I couldn’t seem to stop them.

  At home, I paid the driver and let myself into my apartment where I scrambled out of the dress, leaving it lying in a heap on the floor. I crawled in bed and cried myself to sleep, cursing Michael, Peter, and men in general.

  Chapter 9

  At 9 o’clock the next morning my phone rang. Glancing at the caller ID I grimaced and just let it ring. I had no interest in talking to Peter, now or ever!

  When he started to leave a message, I turned on the kitchen faucet to drown out his voice.

  I went about my day, ignoring several more of his calls and messages. At 4 o’clock, he called for the sixth time and I couldn’t take it anymore. Grabbing my keys, I decided a walk in the park was in order. I meandered through the neighborhood park, trying to find some sense of happiness with my life.

  I was embarking on a new adventure, having almost graduated from college, and I didn’t need the complications of a relationship right now. I gave myself a mental lecture as I walked, and by the time I headed home, I was resolved to complete my internship and find a job. After I got settled, then I could look for a relationship. One that wasn’t toxic and didn’t involve guys who cheated on their girlfriends!

  This resolution made me feel much better. With the newly acquired strength I decided that the next time Peter called, I would answer and tell him straight up to quit calling me. He was leaving in a week for Spain and part of me hoped he would just give up. We had a definite chemistry, I wouldn’t even try to deny that, but honesty and trust were tantamount to a lasting relationship. We didn’t appear to have either.

  As I walked up the stairwell, I went through the fridge in my mind, planning dinner for myself. I was so lost in contemplation that I didn’t see Peter standing in the shadows until I heard his voice, “Rachel?”

  I looked up in shock, almost toppling backwards down the stairs. He jumped forward to stop me from falling, grabbing me by the upper arms and hauling me onto the landing as I scrambled to find my footing.

  Once I was sure I wasn’t going to fall, I looked him straight in the eyes and lost my nerve. He really was gorgeous and even after the fiasco the night before, my body yearned for his. Oh well, so much for my resolve!

  “What are you doing here?”

  “Rachel, you haven’t answered my calls, so I came here to talk to you in person. I need to explain about last night.”

  I shook my head as I opened the door to my apartment, “I don’t think I want to hear it.”

  Peter remained silent and when I turned around, he still stood outside my door, waiting for my permission to enter. Seeing the plea in his eyes, I shrugged my shoulders and tossed over my shoulder, “Come on in.”

  “Thanks.” Peter entered and closed the door. “Rachel, I can’t blame you for being furious. But can we talk for a few minutes, please? . If, after I explain things, you still want me to leave – I will. No questions asked. I just need for you to hear me out.”

  “Fine. Have a seat.” I sat in the armchair, not wanting to sit on the couch in case he chose to sit there as well. The way my body was humming along, I didn’t trust myself to not jump on him with all my passion.

  “Lara and I have a pretty sketchy past. When we first started dating, it was a casual thing – at least on my part. The problem is, Lara doesn’t do casual. She’s very possessive and frankly a little neurotic in my opinion.”

  I nodded, not commenting, but agreeing with his assessment of her personality. Psycho would have been my word of choice, but neurotic worked just as well.

  “Anyway, when I first tried to break things off with her, it got intense. She made some statements and created some issues that I didn’t want to deal with at the time. It was easier to go along with her idea of us being in a relationship for the time being. Especially because her father is one of my firm’s largest clients and I was in dire need to finish some contractual negotiations with him. I was afraid breaking up with her could ruin my company and career.”

  Peter got up, unable to sit still, “I did break it off with her about six months ago after she tried to trap me into marrying her. We were at a party in her parents’ house, and out of nowhere she started showing off this ring. I’d never seen it before, and when her friends started asking if it was an engagement ring, she said ‘Yes’.”

  I gasped, “She really did that?”

  Peter nodded, “The worst part was when she showed it to her parents. I pulled her father aside and explained that the ring wasn’t mine and I didn’t know what she was up to. Her father jokingly said that she sometimes was a bit straight forward and insinuated that she had wanted a more formal relationship for quite a while now. Seeing my shocked face he promised to take care of the matter himself. He made sure anyone willing to listen knew that he had purchased the ring for his daughter as a gift.

  The next morning, I told her I didn’t want to date her anymore and that we were through. She laughed at me and informed me we weren’t through until she decided we were.”

  I felt sorry for him, this woman was harassing him, and he was trying to be nice to her on account of doing business with her father.

  “She’s been following me around town, showing up at the same places I am and hanging on me every chance she gets. I haven’
t dated anyone since I broke up with her because I was afraid something like last night would happen.”

  “So what happened after I left last night? Did you go home with her?” I hated to ask, but I needed to know.

  Peter looked at me sadly, “Do you believe I would do that?”

  I shook my head, “No. Sorry. That was unfair of me.”

  Peter looked slightly mollified and replied, “Thanks. To answer your question, I put her in a cab, called her father, and told him I was sending her home.”

  “It sounds like she needs some professional help. I hope she gets it.”

  “I don’t care. What I do care about is that she destroyed our evening and I was so much looking forward to spending the evening with you.”

  Peter walked over to where I was sitting and squatted down next to my chair, taking my hands in his, “I want to find out where a relationship between us can go.”

  “Peter, you leave next week. How is that supposed to work?” I asked, wanting to explore our relationship, but afraid of being hurt.

  Peter grinned at me, “That’s what I wanted to tell you last night. The company I’m going over to train in Spain isn’t ready. I don’t leave for almost a month.”

  I smiled at him, “Really?” I bit my lip as I looked into his eyes, already sensing myself give in.

  “Yes.” Peter rubbed his thumbs against the back of my hands and then gently pulled me out of the chair so I was straddling his lap as he sat on the floor. He reached up, ran his hands beneath my hair and behind my neck before leaning in and nuzzling behind my ear.

  I moaned in delight as he found a trigger spot and shivers raced up and down my spine. My arms tightly wrapped around him, I pressed myself closer to him, inhaling his unique scent and wanting more.

  “So are you willing to give us a chance?” he asked, placing little nipping kisses along my jawline.

  I nodded my head before capturing his mouth with my own. He was playing a game and I was ready for more. “Kiss me,” I told him when he didn’t seem inclined to take over the kiss.


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