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Falling For Him 1 (Rachel and Peter in Love)

Page 6

by Gray, Jessica

  “With pleasure. Mind if we take this somewhere a little more comfortable. No offense, but your floor isn’t very accommodating.”

  I chuckled and scrambled off his lap, pulling him to his feet in the process. “Follow me,” I said as I led him down the hallway to my bedroom. He removed his clothes at the same time I removed mine. We both fell to the bed, rolling into each other’s arms, reveling in skin upon skin contact.

  Peter smoothed his hands up and down my body, fueling my desire and his to an inferno. When he finally leaned over me, I made room for him between my legs, wrapping my legs around his hips and arching to meet his touch. He carefully joined us together, having taken time to don protection before climbing onto the bed. I loved how he took care of the important things!

  When he found a ticklish spot on my side, I giggled and he smiled against my neck. Pushing his hand away, I let my hands roam across his shoulders and down his sides. He didn’t appear to be ticklish. I admired his muscled body and was in heaven. Everything about him made me feel safe and protected.

  After taking us both the heights of pleasure, we lay in each other’s arms for a long while. Peter told me about his childhood and his love for nature and I shared some things about myself. At some point, I got up and made some sandwiches, which we ate in bed.

  I enjoyed the easy camaraderie we settled into, and before long we were snuggled in each other’s arms again. Peter woke me twice more during the night and together we climbed the mountain of passion. I slept, encased in his strong arms and dreamt about a future together.

  Chapter 10

  We spent the next day together, shopping for food and then cooking dinner. Peter announced that he had to attend a big fundraising dinner the next evening and asked me to be his date. It was a black-tie affair, at $1,000 a plate. I had never been to such a lavish event, but promised Peter that I would come up with a suitable dress and be ready by 5 o’clock.

  Peter left early and I made a phone call to my friend Clara. Clara was an aspiring fashion designer and had contacts with all the premier clothing outlets in the area. I explained what I needed and she promised to help me out the next morning.

  I met her downtown and she took over. By the time I returned home, I had a new dress – borrowed, but it was gorgeous and I didn’t mind, new shoes and a can-do attitude. I had expressed my hesitation at fitting in with Clara and she had laughed at me. She reminded me that everyone who would be in attendance put his or her pants on one leg at a time, just like me.

  We had shared a laugh and I realized that she was right. The sole difference between the high-society people and myself was money and money couldn’t buy one a personality. I dressed and looked at myself in the mirror with a critical eye. I looked fabulous!

  Peter agreed when he arrived thirty minutes later to pick me up. His low whistle had me blushing and when he circled his finger, I did a little pirouette, pleased at the expression in his eyes. “The dress is lovely, but shall I tell you what I’m looking forward to most about this evening?”

  I nodded, “What?”

  “To get you out of that dress after the party,” he informed me with a leer and a waggle of his eyebrows.

  I giggled and he escorted me out to his Porsche.

  The fundraiser took place in the ballroom of the area’s most prestigious hotel. As we walked around, I was shocked to see how many famous people were in attendance. Many of whom acknowledged Peter by name! I was going to have to get used to this.

  When we took our seats for dinner, I was aghast to see that we were sitting at the table with the Bishops. “You didn’t tell me we were going to be eating with Lara’s parents,” I whispered nervously.

  Peter whispered back, “Sorry. I tried to get our seating arrangements changed, but her father’s the organizer of the event. It’ll be okay. He and his wife are very nice people. Lara doesn’t attend this particular event, because there are too many business-related speeches. Not enough excitement for her.”

  My tension started to ease until I looked up and saw Lara sauntering across the ballroom in a gorgeous black evening gown that hugged her figure. It contrasted perfectly with her red hair and the diamond earrings she was wearing. Her Louboutin high heels were also black with the signature red sole. Everything about her exuded style, elegance and richness. Every eye in the room tracked her progress, including Peter’s. Nudging him, I said, “I thought you said she didn’t come to this event?”

  “She doesn’t.”

  As Lara approached the table, I realized the only vacant chair at the table must be for her. She glared daggers at me, which melted away as she turned them on Peter. Giving her parents both air kisses, she then turned and did the same to Peter, completing ignoring me in the process.

  Peter grabbed my hand beneath the table and squeezed it in encouragement. “Stay strong. I’ll get us out of here as fast as I can after dinner.”

  I nodded and decided to enjoy the evening and pretend she wasn’t there. As dinner progressed, the conversation turned to the upcoming project in Spain, which was being done for the merger Lara’s father had negotiated. Another fact I was not aware of!

  It seemed there had been some problems, which was part of the reason for the delay. Everyone seemed to be okay with the changes until Lara spoke up, “Father, did you tell Peter the good news?”

  Her father smiled at her indulgently, “Why, no. I don’t believe I have a chance to.”

  Lara threw a triumphant view to Peter as she broadcast her news to one and all, “I’m going to Barcelona as well. Father wants someone from his company to oversee the merger and thought I would be the perfect fit since I speak the language so well.“

  Peter’s mouth dropped open but no sound came out. He didn’t know about this till right now! “Mr. Bishop, I assure you we can handle things just fine. There’s no reason for Lara to give up a month of her life here in the States to watch over things in Spain.”

  “A month?” she trilled, laughing and shaking her head. “It’s going to be at least three months before I’m satisfied that everything is working well. In fact, father and I discussed this and it could take closer to a year before everything is up and running smoothly.”

  Peter shook his head; “I can’t be in Spain for a year! We planned for three months and…”

  Lara lowered her voice to a vile whisper, “You will stay as long as I deem necessary. It’s in the contract. Check it out with your partner if you don’t believe me.”

  Peter looked shell shocked and excused himself from the table, pulling me with him. Once outside, he fumed, “That conniving little witch!”

  I tried to think of something to say, but nothing came to mind that would make the situation any better.

  “Rachel, I promise you I didn’t know this was happening.”

  “I believe you. It’s obvious that she wants you back and is willing to go to any length to make that happen.”

  “Look, let’s just get through this evening. I have to give a small speech and then we can leave, okay?”

  I nod and follow him back to the table where Lara is in full command of the conversation. She seems to enjoy the attention she gets and captivates everyone with her vivid narration of delightful society events.

  When Peter excuses himself to go prepare for his speech, I take the opportunity to slip away to the ladies room. After taking care of business, I leave the stall and am alarmed to see Lara waiting for me.

  “You know he’s never coming back from Spain without me wearing his ring on my finger,” she declares.

  I look at her in the mirror and reply, “So you say. I believe Peter has a choice in the matter.”

  “No he doesn’t. He wants me. I want him. End of story. You should just leave now. I’ll make your excuses to everyone.”

  I turned around, tossing the used paper in the waste receptacle, “Not on your life. Peter’s told me all about you. He doesn’t want you.”

  “Is that why he spent the night with me after you ran out
of the restaurant? Didn’t feel like he didn’t want me? He’s spectacular in bed, but you know that, don’t you? Don’t worry, I have nothing against his little escapades as long as he comes back to me.”

  I was trying not to believe her, but her poisoned arrows stuck. Had Peter lied to me about that night?

  I shook my head, “I need to get back. Peter’s about to give his speech and I want to hear it.” I left the ladies room, sensing her glaring at my back as she followed me to our table.

  She chose to sit in Peter’s seat and there was nothing I could do about it. I turned my back on her, determined to ignore her attempts to ruin the evening and pasted a smile upon my face. Peter began his speech, seeking out my eyes and smiling when I nodded at him in encouragement.

  He was about halfway through his speech when my shoulder suddenly got warm and I turned to see Lara holding a lighter to the ends of my hair. Horrified, I jerked away from her. She was an evil witch!

  The ends of my hair had already started to burn. She jumped up from her seat, grabbing the huge floral arrangement in the center of the table and dumped the entire thing on my head, “Oh dear! Please, somebody help her.”

  The commotion was instantaneous and I found myself surrounded by people wanting to know what had happened. Lara sat silently by, enjoying the commotion and I saw her tuck the lighter back in the bust of her dress.

  Peter reached me, his speech forgotten and I tried to tell him what had happened, but he just looked at me like I had gone crazy. That was enough for the evening! I excused myself on the pretense of cleaning up. Peter reluctantly watched me head towards the ladies room. Once out of his sight, I made a beeline for the front doors of the hotel and hailed a cab to take me home. So much for enjoying the evening! Since when had dating become hazardous to your health?!

  Chapter 11

  I entered my apartment, sobbing and not caring one bit. Lara Bishop should be locked away. I stripped out of the borrowed, and now soggy dress – leaving it lying in a heap on the floor. Clara would probably kill me tomorrow, but she couldn’t make me feel any worse than I already did. I collapsed on the bed, my eyes red and swollen from my tears and crying so loudly that I didn’t hear Karen until she touched my shoulder.

  “Rachel?” Karen asked, alarmed at finding me so distraught. “Honey, what’s wrong?”

  “Karen?” I tried to stop my tears, but they just kept on coming. “When did you get home?”

  “I took an earlier flight and Michael picked me up at the airport.”

  Upon hearing Michael’s name, I sneered, “That useless rat!”

  “What are you talking about?” she asked confused.

  “Didn’t Michael tell you about our trip to Yosemite?”

  Karen shook her head, “When did you and Michael go to Yosemite? Why didn’t he tell me about that?” She smiled knowingly, “Did Michael finally ask you out?”

  I looked at her aghast, “Not if he was the last man on earth!” I assured her.

  Karen looked even more confused, “Calm down and tell me everything from the beginning.” She handed me some tissues and I blew my nose, trying to gain control of my tears.

  “Okay. It all started…” I proceeded to tell Karen everything about the trip to Yosemite, Michael abandoning me, meeting Peter and then getting stuck at his uncle’s cabin. I was just launching into a by-play of tonight’s disaster when she stopped me.

  “Did you say Lara Bishop?” When I nodded, she continued, “What’s Peter’s last name?”

  “Shaw. Why?”

  Karen looked stunned, “You’ve been dating Peter Shaw? Girl, do you have any idea who he is?”

  I shook my head, once again reminded that I should have done some checking up on him. “Should I?”

  “Oh, you just wait right there.” Karen ran from the room, returning moments later with several tabloids upon which was Peter’s picture with a lovely Lara plastered against his side.

  I grabbed the magazines, looking at the dates, relieved to see that they were several months old. “That’s old news.”

  “Peter Shaw is one of the most eligible bachelors in Silicon Valley society. You honestly didn’t know who he was?”

  I shook my head, “It doesn’t matter anymore. I embarrassed him in front of said society.”

  Karen waved that away, “According to rumors, it won’t matter to him. He’s never been one for conforming to rules and has no problem making a scene if the need arises. I heard he was engaged to Lara…”

  “Peter explained that.” I proceeded to share with Karen everything he had told me about Lara Bishop and her eyes got wider and wider. “What a bitch!” she exclaimed.

  I went on about her having my hair set on fire and showed Karen the evidence. The ends of my hair were all shriveled up and melted together. Karen looked at the damage and left, coming back with her hair scissors and urging me to turn around so she could take care of it.

  My phone rang, and when I ignored it, Karen reached over and answered it. It was Peter checking to see if I had made it home all right. Karen assured him I was fine, just upset. He offered to come over and she suggested he give me some space and contact me tomorrow. Evidently that was acceptable to Peter and he promised to call me in the morning. Karen then resumed working on my hair.

  By the time she had finished, she had removed a full two inches of my hair and I was furious once again. How dare that woman try to set me on fire? What on earth was she thinking?

  “You need to go see Peter.” Scooping up the evidence of my burnt hair, she slipped it into a small plastic bag and handed it to me, “Show him the evidence.”

  “I don’t know, Karen. Maybe I should let it go and concentrate on finishing my internship. I have just a few weeks to go…”

  “You’ll always wonder ‘what might have been’ if you don’t talk to him. What can it hurt?”

  I finally agreed. What could it hurt? I would visit Peter tomorrow morning in the office and find out if there was anything left worth saving.

  Chapter 12

  The next morning, Karen made me breakfast and gave me a pep talk before sending me out the door. I was nervous and anxious about the outcome, and the longer it took me to drive to his office, the more my nervousness gave way to anger at his ex. By the time I had reached the office building I was ready to tackle the world and get revenge for Lara’s attack.

  After parking my car, I retrieved the bag of my singed hair and headed towards the building. A security guard asked me whom I was there to see and instructed me politely to wait in the chairs he indicated. While he spoke on the phone, I skirted around the security desk and helped myself to the elevator.

  Peter was going to cope with my anger, whether he wanted to or not. I needed a fight, and didn’t care one bit whom it was with. When I stepped off the elevator, another security guard showed up who wanted to escort me back downstairs, “Ma’am, please come back downstairs. When Mr. Shaw is available we’ll let you know.”

  “I’m not waiting! I need to talk to Peter now. Peter!” I shouted to the empty reception area with exasperation.

  The guard apparently wasn’t used to treating hysteric women and attempted to grab my arm to calm me down. This gesture made me only more furious and I pulled away with all my strength. My mind held only one thought: “Someone will pay for what she did to me yesterday! I want revenge!” I headed towards the only closed door. “Peter!”

  “Ma’am, Mr. Shaw is very busy right now. Please come back downstairs with me.”

  “I’m not going anywhere until I speak with Peter!” I reached for the door at the same time the security guard grabbed me. Thrusting the door open, we both stumbled into a conference room where Peter sat at a table with his business partner, Mr. Bishop and several other gentlemen. All eyes turned towards us with raised eyebrows.

  Mr. Bishop was the first to recover, “Aren’t you the young lady whose hair caught on fire last night? I’m so glad my daughter was able to offer her assistance.”

That comment was the straw that broke the proverbial camel’s back and I lost control. I started laughing uncontrollably as tears rolled down my cheeks. Turning, I exited the room shrugging off the hands of the security guard in the process. Muttering to no one in particular, “This is crazy.”

  I pushed the button for the elevator and wrapped my arms around myself, I was losing it.

  “Rachel?” Peter asked from behind me.

  I didn’t turn around, too embarrassed at my behavior to look at him. “It’s okay, go back to your meeting. I shouldn’t have come here.”

  “Rachel, look, I have to finish this meeting. I understand that you’re very upset and we need to talk about last night. I’ll be done in about an hour and I’ll come by your place then. Promise you’ll be there?”

  I shrug my shoulders, not willing to promise him anything at the moment.

  “Rachel?” he said, turning me around and looking at my distraught face, “Promise me. Go home and I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

  I stared at him and reluctantly nodded my agreement.

  “Good. I’ll see you soon.”

  The elevator door opened and I stepped inside with the security guard, staring at Peter as the doors closed. This had been a horrible idea!


  Later that afternoon, Peter arrived at the apartment and Karen let him in. After introducing herself, she stated she was going to run some errands and later stop by Michael’s for dinner. Neither of us offered a response as she left.

  I wandered over to the couch where Peter joined me. “Rachel, I was worried about you when you disappeared last night.”

  I looked at him, and noticed all the anger and frustration coming back. Finally, I spoke up, “Did you actually believe I would come back to the party? After what your ex did?”

  Peter looked so confused, “What did Lara do? She saved you.”

  I shook my head with vehemence, “No. She made it look like she did. I saw her holding a golden lighter to my hair, Peter. She’s the reason it caught on fire in the first place.”


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