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Protecting My Forever (Blackthorne Security Book 1)

Page 19

by Nicole Vidal

  I’m speechless. Connor pays attention not only as my security but as my man. My. I really like the sound of that. The three of us gorge on tacos from the best place in Boston. Then I sit beside Connor and watch the latest Marvel universe release while Christoph keeps watch.

  After the movie, we exit the same way we entered and return to the hotel. I’m vibrating with words and the need to strip off Connor’s clothes. I dutifully change back into Carys after we get into the car. I lean forward and thank Christoph profusely before we step out.

  Back in our room, I pin Connor to the barely closed door, which isn’t an easy feat for me to do. I thank him repeatedly between kisses. Not only did he keep my tradition, but I went out in the city I’m performing in.

  “No one has ever done anything like that for me before. Thank you.”

  “I meant what I said. I’ll do anything for you.”

  “You don’t have to do anything but be you.”

  His genuine melt-my-heart smile graces his face. “I could say the same for you.”

  I take a step back and reach for his hand. After verifying the locks again, he follows me into the bedroom where we tangle up my sheets longer than we should the night before a performance.

  Despite all the obstacles with the set, the shows goes well in Boston. The only thing I notice is Mr. Bergin isn’t there. His granddaughter’s memory is powerful enough for him to keep showing up city after city. He’s more than a fan, and I’m honestly worried something happened to him.

  Chapter Thirty Four


  Her shows in Boston went well after the set issue. I even pulled off a surprise date, which wasn’t a simple task. I haven’t asked why she doesn’t go out when she’s in the different cities for her tour. I could chalk it up to no one to go with or fear of tall buildings, but it’s most likely inadequate security, which she has now.

  We arrive in Charlotte midmorning on Monday. She doesn’t need to report to the arena until tomorrow. Her laptop is set up by the window of our room. Stripped away is the Carys costume. Only Calliope remains in comfy clothes and fuzzy slippers. She’s scheduled a conference call with Olivia to handle corporate business and one later with Madeleine about the other proposals. Every single facet of her intrigues me. The closer she gets to never pulling on her colorful wig to become Carys, the freer she becomes not only with me but with other people. I don’t expect her to stand in Times Square and shout that she’s a member of a club that no one strives to be part of. I hope that when we have children of our own, especially the adopted ones, her experience will help them understand success is possible even if your childhood was traumatic.

  “Do you need anything?” I ask before moving into the sitting room.

  A smile graces her face. She beckons me with her index finger. “A kiss.”

  “That’s all?”

  She nods. “It’s all we have time for.”

  I lean down to kiss her. My intention is for the kiss to be short and quick. Calliope has other ideas. I’m not opposed to proper kisses. However, Olivia clearing her throat when she joins their meeting is unexpected. I didn’t even look over at the screen. I press a kiss to Calliope’s forehead and leave the room.

  I overhear Olivia as I leave. “Holy crap, Callie! Where did you find him? Where can I get one?”

  Callie laughs but doesn’t answer her. The interviews for the new team members are set to coincide with her meetings. I settle on the couch facing her door. If we don’t hire any of these candidates, I don’t want them to see Calliope until she’s ready to go public.

  Jake starts the video conference call. “Hey, Jake.”

  “Hi, C. How’s it going there?”

  I shake my head. “Fine. Any updates I need to be aware of?”

  “I got an update from Blaine. Mr. Bergin passed away almost two weeks ago. It’s why he wasn’t in Boston.”

  “Thanks. Can you get me the information for his daughter? I’m sure Callie will want to send flowers or something to his remaining family.”

  “I sent the report to you. The upgrades to her property will be complete by the end of the week. I retrieved the item you asked for. Is the coast clear?”

  “Yeah, why?”

  “It’s broken.”

  “I know. I’m going to fix it.” At a minimum, I’m going to create a replica for her. “Can you send me the information for Sabre’s breeder?”

  “Yes. One or two?”

  “I’m thinking two, even though it will be more training. Also, can we use two stalls in the barn for Calliope’s horses when we move?”

  “Sure. Trix and Lucky would appreciate more company. The general contractor was here on Saturday. He mentioned the footprint of the house is larger than ours. Something you want to share?”

  “No. We want a large family, so we’re building for the future. It will be too large for us initially,” I answer honestly. “I could ask you the same thing. When are you going to give me some nephews or nieces to dote on?”

  A guilty look crosses his features.

  “Really?” I’m so excited for them.

  “Not yet, but we’re working on it.”

  “Sweet. Let’s discuss New York before the interviews?”

  “I went over the setup for the performance in New York again. Has she decided if she’s singing as herself or as Carys?”

  “Calliope asked Madeleine to get a nondisclosure signed and request permission for Calliope to sign as herself. Despite her disagreement with it, Madeleine agreed to inquire. She hasn’t received a response as far as I know. I don’t believe Calliope has made her final decision yet. Does it truly matter?”

  “Not for security purposes. I will join you, along with Christoph, Maia, Finn, and possibly Alejandra if she accepts our offer today. The rehearsal is set for Thursday morning. Her private appointment is scheduled for the same day at one. The performance is set for Friday morning.”

  “That works. We’ll meet in the city at her hotel on Wednesday.”

  “Sure. What about the intervening days?”

  I hadn’t really thought about it. She’ll have three days without anything on her schedule. It may have been purposeful like she didn’t schedule a tour stop around that date. “I’ll talk to her when we’re finished and let you know. At a minimum, I’ll give Christoph a few days off.”

  “That works. We have a few minutes before our first interview. Do you plan on having the others shadow a current team member for an assignment before sending them off on their own?”

  “Yes, but only because it isn’t you or Christoph. We had prior history. I need confirmation that these new hires meet our standards. They’ll be on probation for sixty days. I’m going to eliminate housing at the bunkhouse from their contracts. There are plenty of nearby options. If you’re willing to sublet to them, that’s fine.”

  “I would prefer to offer the condo to Christoph, Maia, and Nolan than our new hires. Simply because I don’t know them well.”

  “Makes sense. We can discuss that with them at the team meeting after the interviews.”

  “Agreed. Let’s do this.”

  Jake laughs and invites the first of our four interviewees into the call. Over the next two plus hours, we interview each of them. Nothing gives me pause about the candidates. Jake’s initial concerns about the Whitmans seem to have dissipated during the time we spoke with them. Gemma will forward offer packets to them in the next few hours. They each have a few days to decide if the contract terms are acceptable.

  With that complete, I admit Christoph into the suite and move to check on Calliope. I knock softly, but she doesn’t answer. Slightly worried, I open the door. She has her AirPods in her ears and didn’t hear me. I set my hand on her shoulder. Her pen, which is furiously scribbling in her notebook, stops moving. I kiss her head and retreat from the room.

  Christoph takes a seat beside me while Jake adds Maia and Nolan to the call. Finn and Callen weren’t offered space in the bunkhouse, so they don’t nee
d to be on this call. It would be fine if no one lives there at all in my opinion, but it’s not my decision to make.

  Once the pleasantries are dispensed. We explain the status of the hiring process. I offer my condo to Christoph, Maia, and Nolan. There are three bedrooms. They indicate they will discuss amongst themselves and get back to me. We assure them they can stay in the bunkhouse, but my condo is another option.

  After signing off, Christoph asks about the schedule for tomorrow.

  “She wants to be at the arena by nine.”

  “No problem. I’ll meet you hear before that. Are you taking her out tomorrow?”

  “No, thank you though. I appreciate you giving up your evening last week.”

  “I’m happy for you. She’s great, and you’re happy. Isn’t that what we all want?”

  “Still no change with the mystery woman, huh?”

  “I’m not sure how to change her opinion of my place in her life. I’m quite certain she doesn’t see me as more than a friend who happens to be a guy.”

  “You know the answer. You need to ask her on a date. That way she knows where you stand. Her answer will tell you. Whoever she is, she would be lucky to have you.”

  “Thanks, bro,” Christoph says.

  I can see the look of contemplation on his face. Apparently being happy in a relationship is a feeling most people seek. “You’re welcome. I’ll see you in the morning.”

  After Christoph leaves, I scan the information about Mr. Bergin as well as the personnel plan that Jake sent for next week. The only outstanding issues are Mr. Kellerman and Mr. Kincaid. They’re both from New York. Arguably they will be somewhere in the city while Calliope is there, although the performer list for the ceremony hasn’t been released yet. Calliope is the one holding that up.

  I knock again and reenter the bedroom. She’s mumbling some words and making notes on both the sheet music and in her notebook. Leaning against the wall, I listen. She keeps switching between words and a soft melody. Her voice wakes my soul. I knew she was special when she was singing in my kitchen. That isn’t true. Everything about Calliope is more than I ever dreamed. I knew the moment her hand slid into mine and the sparks went straight to my heart.

  She turns her gorgeous gaze my way while removing her AirPods. “Everything okay?”

  I approach her and kiss her softly. “Yeah. I’m set. What do you want to eat?”

  “Is it that late already?”

  I nod.

  “I’m sorry. I got caught up.”

  “Don’t apologize. Take as much time as you need. I’ll order some food, and then we should talk about a few things for next week.”

  She nods. “I’ll be out in a little bit.”

  About an hour later, she joins me in the sitting room. “Why do I get the feeling you have bad news?”

  I open my arms to her. She steps into them with her hands beneath my shirt, flat on my back. “It isn’t great news. Mr. Bergin passed away two weeks ago.”

  “Oh. That’s too bad. Can you get me the information to send something to his daughter?”

  “Jake sent it over earlier. Please have Olivia handle whatever you want through the corporation, okay?”

  She nods. “What else?”

  I retrieve our food and set it up before answering her. “Everything is set for next week. Jake, Maia, Finn, and possibly Alejandra will join us in New York.”

  “Who’s Alejandra?”

  “A new team member. Jake’s plan calls for four team members. This will give her the opportunity to learn how we do things, but you’ll be adequately protected at the same time.”

  “I’m not worried, merely curious.”

  “The schedule hasn’t changed. However, what are your plans for the three days you have nothing scheduled after your show on Saturday?”

  She looks up from her food. “Initially, I scheduled myself to stay here longer and then go to Atlanta earlier.”

  “We can keep that schedule if you want, but we’ll be stuck in your suite for that time.”

  A fierce blush climbs across her skin. “I’m not opposed to that at all.”

  I smile. “Neither am I, but is that what you want to do?”

  She taps her finger on her lower lip. I’m confident she has no idea what that does to me. “Can I go home?”

  “Sure, have Bruce schedule a flight to Virginia for Saturday after your show.”

  She shakes her head. “I mean your home. That way Christoph can have a few days off and you will relax a bit too.”

  Home to her is where I am. “Is that what you want?”


  “Then that is what you shall have.”

  “Thank you. I’ll call Bruce and set it up.”

  Chapter Thirty Five


  Charlotte rocked! Everything went well. There were no problems with the set, my team, or the venue. The only issue was my meeting with Bruce and Madeleine. While Madeleine is fine with me performing at the memorial, she wants me to do it as Carys. I see her point concerning breaking down the wall between Carys and Callie Sutton at this event. The problem is I don’t see it that way.

  Calliope Sutton was affected by the tragic terror attacks, not Carys. Her adamance that I wait to shatter my carefully constructed persona is actually pushing me to do it rather than refrain. Early morning on Sunday, we enter Connor’s condo. After the faint tones of the alarm reengage, we fall into bed for some sleep.

  When I chose to come here, I surprised Connor. Not only have I fallen for him but his family too. Every single one of the large group offers a glimpse into how a family should be. Joyce makes me feel like she understands. Deep down, she knows I didn’t share everything with her and the other women. Maybe someday I’ll be able to share my entire story with her.

  Connor makes me believe that Calliope is enough, and that’s mostly why I’m going to sing as myself. I don’t care if I never take the stage as Carys again or if the well-constructed wall crumbles into pieces. I need to be me. It took falling for Connor for me to realize that, even with all my issues, I’m worthy of love and a family too, especially his welcoming me and the one I hope to build with him.

  I have been learning the lyrics to “Rise Up” by Andra Day in my free time, although we haven’t really had much. After sleeping in on Sunday, we went for a long, leisurely motorcycle ride in the afternoon. I trained with Maia and Norah on Monday while the guys picked apart and tested their plans for my performance in New York. I never truly considered the sheer amount of work that goes into securing everything around me.

  Today is our final full day in Crescent Bay for a few weeks. I’m looking forward to returning at the end of my tour.

  Connor strolls into the kitchen. My man looks like a god regardless of the time of day or his attire. I’ll admit, “first thing in the morning Connor” is my favorite so far. That may change when I see him dressed for something formal. Shirtless with mussed hair, glasses, and low-slung sweats, he’s absurdly hot. “Morning, gorgeous.”

  “Me? Please. You should see yourself.”

  He shakes his head and steals a sip of my coffee before replying, “You first thing in the morning is my favorite.”

  “We have that in common.” I kiss him and attempt to hip check him out of my way to make fresh coffee for both of us. “Ow.” I rub my hip to ease the pain.

  He laughs and slides to the side. “What do you want to do today?”

  “I haven’t really thought about it. What are my options?” I set a fresh cup of coffee in front of him.

  “Pretty much anything you want. We can borrow Lucky and Trix again, we can stay here, or we can go into town and get more chocolates.”

  “Can we go for a ride this morning and then relax upstairs afterward?”

  “Sure, let me ask Norah.” He grabs his phone from the island and sends our request. The phones buzzes almost immediately with a response. “We’re set to go.”

  We’re saddling the horses within the hour. Th
e other times we rode Lucky and Trix was in the afternoon. A ride in late summer is simply glorious. We race out to the point and then slowly walk back toward our building lot. We tie the horses to a tree and walk closer to the actual lot. I’m floored to see how much progress has been made in the last week. The foundation is already poured and the frame of the first floor looks complete.

  “Wow, you move fast.”

  He smiles.

  “We should talk about how to pay for the house.”

  “There isn’t anything to talk about. I’m paying for our home.”

  I shake my head. “Excuse me?”

  “I asked you to build a home with me, not pay for one.”

  “What happened to you don’t care what my conditions are that you would give them to me?”

  “Is paying for the house truly one of them?”

  I take a few steps closer to him. “No, but… I’m not used to this.”

  He reaches for my hands and draws me even closer. “What?”

  “I have been completely on my own for over a decade. Every choice, every decision was mine to make.”

  “I’m not trying to take over. I’m trying and apparently failing at taking care of you.”

  “You’re not. Not at all. This is all on me. I didn’t expect you. I’m not making any sense, am I?” I exhale sharply. “There are two distinct parts of you. When you’re with me as my bodyguard, you’re completely focused on your job. Although by your own admission, you take more care of me than other clients. At my house, you were working but not as focused on your job. It’s probably because you weren’t ever there before and feel I need more security. When we’re in Crescent Bay, when you’re simply Connor… you’re everything I ever dreamed for myself. I’m terrified of how fast I fell for you.”


  I press my finger to his lips. “My experience is limited by choice, but I’ve never felt cherished, cared for, and loved before you. I can’t pinpoint the exact moment, and it doesn’t matter. I love you.”


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