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Season's Meetings

Page 29

by Amy Dunne

  “I’m fed up of being in the flat by myself. God knows I love her, but Kimmy’s conversational repertoire leaves a lot to be desired.” Catherine fanned herself with a sheet of paper she found close at hand. “Ow!” She winced and held her stomach.

  “Ow? What’s wrong?” Eve asked, swarming around her and making a huge fuss.

  “Relax, it was a kick.” Catherine stroked her humongous belly protectively. She tried to peer down, but her boobs—which were now massive—got in the way.

  “What are you doing in here?” Holly asked, as she rushed up the stairs. “I nearly had a heart attack when I went home and you weren’t there.”

  “I told her,” Eve said. She crossed her arms and pursed her lips.

  “It’s cooler down here,” Catherine said in a whining tone. She sat up so Holly could kiss her.

  “You take being a workaholic to a whole other level.” Holly smiled and perched on the counter. Her chef whites were splattered with dried stains of varying colours. “What are we going to do with you?”

  “You could be the best wife in the whole wide world and go fetch me an icy glass of water.”

  “I’m due a break. I’ll bring one back,” Eve said. She wasted no time in leaving them alone.

  “How are you and our little boy doing?” Holly asked. She tenderly caressed the bump.

  “We’re hot and bothered,” Catherine said. She put the makeshift fan down. “I’m peeing every ten minutes and his rendition of Riverdance on my bladder isn’t helping.” Another kick confirmed her moaning was justified. Holly’s eyes lit up, same as they did every time she felt the baby kick.

  “Can I do anything?” Holly asked. She planted a kiss on Catherine’s sweaty forehead and then one on the bump.

  “Not unless you can magically induce my labour?”

  “I’m afraid that’s not my area of expertise, darling. He’ll come out when he’s ready.”

  “He’s stubborn.”

  “He takes after his mum.”

  Catherine playfully swiped at Holly, but she jumped out of the way.

  “I’d better head back. If you or our little boy need me, shout and I’ll come running.”

  Catherine looked into her eyes, and the love she saw there was almost overwhelming. Unable to speak for fear of bursting into tears, she gave a nod.

  “Hey, what’s up?” Holly asked, kissing her again. “Why are you crying?”

  Catherine swiped at a few stray tears and tried to get a handle on her hormones. Never in her wildest dreams did she ever believe she could be so happy. Each day the love she felt for Holly seemed to grow tenfold. It was a remarkable thing to feel truly content. Six months after moving in together, they celebrated their wedding day. It was supposed to be a quiet affair, but with Holly’s family that was never going to happen. She couldn’t complain; the Daniels clan had welcomed her with open arms.

  A few months later, she made a new proposal to Holly, only this time suggesting they become business partners, too. As well as extending the bakery, they knocked through, creating an adjoining tea room and book shop. The business was going from strength to strength.

  Her world revolved around Holly, Kimmy, and—as soon as he decided to make an appearance—their son. She couldn’t stop herself from obsessing about their future. In only six months they’d be celebrating their son’s first Christmas. When he grew old enough, they’d tell him the adventurous story of their first Christmas together: the accident, their rescue, the cabin, Kimmy’s love affair with the tinsel, the fortune cookie, and the miraculous festive transformation that changed her.

  “Please don’t cry, darling. I hate to see you upset.”

  “I’m not upset. I’m just so…happy,” Catherine said hoarsely, as more tears spilled down her cheeks.

  “So, these are happy tears, then?” Holly gently wiped the tears away.

  Catherine nodded vigorously.

  “I suppose happy tears are okay,” Holly said with a smile. “There’s only one happiness in this life…”

  Catherine snorted a laugh. Holly always knew how to make her feel better. The words from her fortune cookie had become their family motto, and had even been included in their vows.

  “You’ve got to join in,” Holly said with a mock pout. She caressed the bump fondly. “There’s only one happiness in this life…”

  “To love and be loved,” Catherine finished, her fingers interlocking with Holly’s and resting on her bump. “And I couldn’t love you,” she whispered to her bump, “or your mum and Kimmy, any more, even if I tried.”

  “Ditto,” Holly said with a smile.

  About the Author

  Amy was raised in Derbyshire, England. She attended Keele University and graduated in 2007 with a BSc in philosophy and psychology. Amy’s debut novel, Secret Lies, won a Golden Crown Literary Award in 2014 for the Young Adult category. She’s married to her best friend and lovely wife, Lou. They share a love of Dolly Parton and live with their two gorgeous cats and naughty dog.

  Amy loves to hear from readers and can be contacted at:




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