Schmoozing With Terrorists: From Hollywood to the Holy Land, Jihadists Reveal Their Global Plans-To a Jew!
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"You want to rattle sabers toward Iran now?" asked Penn in the speech. "Let me tell you something about Iran, because I've been there and you haven't. Iran is a great country. A great country. Does it have its haters? You bet. Just like the United States has its haters. Just like the United States has a corrupt regime. Does it want a nuclear weapon? Maybe. Do we have one? You bet," stated Penn.
The terrorists absolutely loved Penn's speech.
"We feel deep respect for Penn and people like him that prove that America is not only the country that sponsors the Israeli terrorists and all evil forces in the world, but also a country of brave people who want a different policy based on justice and peace," said Senakreh.
North Gaza Brigades commander Abu Hamed called on Penn and Fonda to officially represent his terrorist organization to the world media: "I tell Penn and Fonda that we don't have the money that the Zionists have, therefore we don't own and we don't have access to your media, and we hope you would be those who will represent our pain and our cause," said Hamed.
Continued the enamored terrorist: "The Zionists and their allies in the U.S. did not hesitate to kill thousands of American civilians in the September 11 attacks just to justify their occupation in Afghanistan and in Iraq and their support to the Israelis. They rob these countries' economic resources and they are robbing our right for freedom. You Americans will pay the price and we hope these actors' messages will be understood by the American public."
Even though bin Laden personally took credit for 9/11, even though al-Qaida has openly boasted about their mega terror attack, September 11th is the one attack Palestinian terror leaders distance themselves from because they don't want to incur the wrath of the U.S. in such a big way.
Adassi explained Penn "understands very well that the Americans are drowning in the Iraqi mess. Bush scared the Americans with the weapons of mass destruction that Saddam Hussein supposedly had, and Penn understood that this lie was only an excuse in order to get rid of a leader that threatened Israel.
"I think Penn's words express dignity, express a deep humanitarian sense and this doegn t surprise me when it comes from an actor who has had to develop the sense of feeling. We hope Penn is somebody who can design a different public opinion. Penn must continue in his battle, which is very important because it is rare to see important people who criticize Bush, who is planning now to throw the American soldiers in the Iranian hell."
Adassi compelled all Americans to "[immediately] listen to Penn. Bush is leading you toward a bigger, much bigger disaster." While the terrorists didn't know much about most American movies, I wasn't very surprised when they told me they had heard of Steven Spielberg's 2005 Academy Award winning drama Munich, which depicts the Israeli government's secret retaliation for the 1972 Munich massacre of Israeli Olympic athletes by Arafat's Black September gunmen. The terrorists said although they hadn't seen the movie they were familiar with it since it deals with Palestinian "resistance" organizations and since the filmmakers, including writers Tony Kushner and Eric Roth, sought out and interviewed some Munich terrorists.
Until I came along, the terrorists assumed since Spielberg and Kushner are Jewish, the movie was one big Israeli propaganda piece, demonizing Black September and depicting the Israelis as victims.
But they were quite glad to hear Munich focused almost entirely on the Israeli response to Black September's operation-on Israel's assassinations of Black September members-and not on the massacre itself. I told them Spielberg and company boasted their movie was "balanced," presenting both sides as moral equivalents. I read to the terrorists a quote from Spielberg regarding the depiction of Black September terrorists as "militants," even though they murdered eleven Israelis in cold blood in an act of terror that stunned the world.
"I think the thing I'm very proud of is that [screenwriter] Tony Kushner and I and the actors did not demonize anyone in the film. We don't demonize our targets. They're individuals. They have families. Although what happened in Munich, I condemn," said Spielberg in an interview with Time Magazine.
The terrorists responded to Spielberg's statements, but they wanted me to clarify they didn't see the movie and based their conclusions on the depiction of Munich as I described it.
"We think Spielberg understands that the key is in the Israeli occupation and that no retaliation can stop the Palestinian resistance," said Senakreh. "I did not see the film and I do not need to in order to understand that all the coming generation will fight the occupation."
Adassi commented, "The Israelis don't understand what Spielberg understood, that we do not kill because we like too. We fight because we want to live and the Israeli retaliation and crimes only give us more reason to fight. It seems like Spielberg wanted to say that Israelis are breaking the international law and are pushing the Palestinians to more attacks."
During my chat with the terrorists about Hollywood, I happened to mention actor Mel Gibson, whose film, The Passion of the Christ, was criticized for alleged anti-Semitic imagery and overtones. The terrorists were offended by the very making of a movie depicting Jesus as a Christian leader when they say he foreshadowed Islam. But then I told the terrorists about Gibson 's drunken tirade against Jews, and it seems they were willing to forgive the actor for his Christianity.
On July 28, 2006, Gibson was arrested in California for speeding and for suspicion of drunk driving. According to a police report leaked to the Internet, Gibson was abusive toward the arresting officers and remarked "F*cking Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world," asking one of them, "Are you a Jew?"
Gibson later issued two apologies through his publicist for the incident, denying being an anti-Semite.
I read to the terrorists Gibson 's drunken remarks. They said they suspect Gibson's apology was to "endear himself" to the "Jews who control Hollywood."
The terrorists agreed with every word of Gibson 's anti-Jewish tirade and urged the actor/director to make movies against the Jews.
"Do you really think what Gibson said is not true?" asked Adassi, speaking to a few. "Give me one honest and sincere person who doesn't think that this is the case. Gibson must make more films in order to explain to the Americans that not only Jews control you, they are accelerating your collapse. I tell Gibson, thank you for being conscious and honest in presenting things like they really are, but you must mobilize your audience, your people against the Jews because they are the base of all the bad and injustices in the world. Mr. Gibson, you should be strengthened to speak the truth about the Jews even when you're not drunk.
"It is not enough that Gibson says what he says, he must act in order to save your country and the whole world from the Zionist Jews. I don't mean all Jews, I don't mean you, but I'm referring to the Zionist controllers," said Senakreh.
"For the security and stability of the world, put an end to this Zionist control," Senakreh said.
During my conversations with the terror leaders, it became clear a lot seemed to be generally aware how powerful American talk radio is in the U.S.
Talk radio has become one of the most important disseminators of crucial news stories Americans need to know but which wouldn't see the light of day if it were up to the mainstream media. Dinosaurs in the news world such as the NY Times and some top network news anchors are becoming more and more irrelevant as audiences explode on the Internet and talk radio, which have formed a nexus to bypass the mainstream media and present Americans with an alternate source of opinions and information.
Arab news media have in the past credited some U.S. policies in the Middle East to the "American conservative establishment" and talk radio, such as support for the war in Iraq and even specific measures like American pressure applied to the Israeli government to cancel the construction of a mosque in Nazareth that was going to be built in front of the Church of the Annunciation, where Christians believe Mary, the mother of Jesus, as a virgin, was visited by the Archangel Gabriel and told that she had been selected to be the mother of Jesus.
> Palestinian terrorists, though, see talk radio in an entirely different, off the charts wacko way. They think American talk radio hosts are Zionist collaborators paid off to work up the masses into doing Israel's dirty work. The terrorists see my role on American radio more as informative so they are willing to talk with me. They didn't know the names of any specific American radio hosts, aside from one or two I previously mentioned to them, including one that they met.
I tried to correct the terrorists' views of talk radio and described to them very accurately the positions of some top radio hosts, including Sean Hannity, Michael Savage, Rush Limbaugh, G. Gordon Liddy, Rusty Humphries, Michael Reagan, Laura Ingraham, and Tammy Bruce, among others.
I read to the terrorists some of the hosts' on-the-air statements such as Hannity urging support for the war in Iraq, calling terrorist archenemy George Bush a "man of principle, a man of faith. ...he's got a backbone of steel and he's a real, genuine, big-time leader," and slamming Syria as a "state-sponsor of terror.. .it foments terror, supports terror, supports these terror organizations, and even the funding of the insurgency that is out there killing American troops."
I read quotes of Rush Limbaugh labeling anti-Iraq war protesters "Anti-American, Anti-Capitalist Marxists and Communists," and referring to the Iraq Study Group as the "Iraq Surrender Group." The group, led by former Secretary of State James Baker, recommended dialogue with Iraqi insurgents, Iran, Syria, and Israeli withdrawals from the strategic West Bank and Golan Heights.
Limbaugh stated he "wanted to puke" while listening to ISG members discussing their recommendations, asserting the "Iraq Surrender Group" members are "doing everything they can to unite the American people" in "defeat" and "surrender."
I informed them of G. Gordon Liddy's asking whether moderate Muslims existed.
Hearing enough, the terrorists called Hannity, Limbaugh, Liddy and crew "crazy racist Nazis."
Brigades chief Ala Senakreh said the hosts are "opportunistic Nazi fellows whom I am sure don't have children fighting in Iraq, who are enjoying life far from the war and from the pain the families who have children in Iraq are feeling. These are fanatic people who do not like peace. Anti-Islam racists that must be tossed in the garbage can."
Hamid accused the hosts of "serving Israel and not America. They must understand America's prosperity is because of its alliance with Muslim countries and this policy will turn Saudi Ara bia, Pakistan, and other countries into enemies of America. The war the radio bastards are calling against Islam will become a harder war against your own country."
Terrorist Adassi said the radio hosts "have psychological problems," explaining the top hosts likely suffered from traumatic childhoods.
"Although you are telling me these people are successful hosts, I think they suffer from psychological complexes related to failures they had in their miserable past, maybe problems in their childhood, but they will do everything, even if it will cost the lives of millions of Americans, in order to prevent one more new failure in Iraq, because it reminds them of their failures," diagnosed Adassi.
Continued the psychoanalytical terrorist: "At the end I think these people are well paid by the Zionists; therefore, they call for more wars and feed the war against Islam. I tell them you are losing in Iraq, your allies lost in Lebanon and Gaza. Islam, the religion of Allah, will not be defeated, especially not when it has pathetic enemies like you. You damned hosts are responsible for your American soldiers who are killed daily in Iraq."
"I tell these people what is your goal? I am asking these crazy people what do you want to achieve? I ask them don't you have eyes? Don't you see your country humiliated and defeated in Iraq?" asked Adassi.
For my job as a Mideast-based reporter for the popular news site, I routinely talk to terror leaders about various news events related to our neck of the woods. I garner their quotes, which usually include vicious anti-American and antiIsraeli propaganda and all kinds of wacky conspiracies. I was amazed when several times I would obtain quotes from terrorists about the day's news and then see posted on WorldNetDaily quotes on the same topic from television personality Rosie O'Donnell, who during the period I penned most of this book was serving as a host of ABC's The View. Incredibly, O'Donnell many times made almost the exact same statements as the terror ists regarding the day's news, sharing the same views as some of America's enemies on some very important topics.
One of many examples was in March 2007, when transcripts were released in which captured alleged 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed confessed to the mega-terror attacks and thirty-one other plots and attacks.
"I was responsible for the 9/11 operation from A to Z," Mohammed said in a statement. He also took credit for personally beheading Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl and for planning multiple other attacks since the early 1990s.
Immediately after Mohammed's confessions were released, I called the terror leaders, who unanimously explained the confessions were false and were manipulated and forced from Mohammed by a desperate Bush administration.
Abu Jihad, a West Bank leader of the Islamic Jihad terror organization, said Bush "is under a lot of pressure for victories, so I am sure as part of changing the American public opinion [Bush] needed to orchestrate this confession so he can say he is succeeding even though he is a failure."
"I am sure the Americans tortured Mohammed and forced him to say these untrue things. Isn't it strange it took three years since his arrest for the supposed confession? Intelligence agencies are known to make people say they are guilty even though they know it's not the case," Abu Jihad said.
Continued the Islamic Jihad terror leader: "With all the respect we have for al-Qaida, the story of 9/11 remains open. There are many questions about the role of Israel and the Zionists in the affair. America just wants to lie to everybody so they can put people at ease by claiming they caught the culprit."
Abu Jihad's sentiments were parroted by multiple other terrorists I interviewed on the Mohammed subject that day.
Then I read a transcript of Rosie's statements on the Mohammed affair from the day's edition of The View, in which the talk host suggested our government elicited a false confession from the alleged terror mastermind.
Pointing out Mohammed was arrested in March 2003, O'Donnell asked, "Why hasn't he admitted it until now?"
"They didn't allow reporters there and he hasn't had a lawyer," Rosie stated on air, insinuating Mohammed's confession was coerced with no accountability.
"I think the man has been under custody in secret CIA torture prisons and Guantanamo Bay where torture is accepted and allowed-and he finally is the guy who admits to doing everything," O'Donnell said. "They finally found the guy, it's not that guy bin Laden, it's this guy they've had since March 2003."
Suggesting the U.S. is looking for a scapegoat, O'Donnell said of Mohammed, "for whatever he did or didn't do, he is not the be all, end all of terrorism in America. And our government has not found the answer in this one man."
Another time, in March 2007, when Iran seized fifteen British sailors accused of violating Iranian waters, the terrorists spewed crazed theories that the affair really was orchestrated by a warhungry Bush administration, seeking an excuse to go to war with Iran.
Lo' and behold, later in the day, I read a transcript from The View in which O'Donnell implied the Iranian seizure was a hoax to provide President Bush with an excuse to go to war with Tehran.
"Yes, but it's very interesting too that, you know, these guys, they went into the water by mistake right at a time when British and American, you know, they're two, they're pretty much our biggest ally and we're considering whether or not we should go into war with Iran," said good of Rosie.
The terrorists had never heard of O'Donnell, but I detailed her views for them very accurately. They immediately noticed how many times her statements and theories jibed almost word for word with their own stated views.
I read to the terror leaders multiple Rosie gems, like
the time she argued jailed terrorists are people too and asserted the U.S. "robs them of their humanity."
"They've been treating them like animals ...they have hoods over their heads, they torture them on a daily basis," she said.
On one episode of The View, O'Donnell said Americans shouldn t fear so-called terrorists, calling them mothers and fathers.
"Faith or fear, that's your choice," she said. "You can walk through life believing in the goodness of the world, or walk through life afraid of anyone who thinks different than you and trying to convert them to your way of thinking."
"Don't fear the terrorists. They're mothers and fathers," said O'Donnell.
The terrorists were absolutely ecstatic. At first they thought I was making up the Rosie quotes. Even after hearing unpatriotic statements from Penn and Fonda, they still couldn't believe an American would say the kinds of things Rosie uttered. It took me some time to convince the terrorists the great Rosie O'Donnell really does exist.
The one Rosie statement that won all the terrorists over beyond the others was when I told them O'Donnell raised questions on her online blog about the 9/11 attacks, implying the buildings were brought down in part to destroy documents incriminating oil giant Enron and other major corporations.
After pointing out conspiracy "factoids" regarding the World Trade Center's Building No. 7, which collapsed after the two larger "twin towers" fell, O'Donnell writes building 7 "contained offices of the FBI, Department of Defense, IRS (which contained prodigious amounts of corporate tax fraud, including Enron 's), U.S. Secret Service, Securities & Exchange Commission (with more stock fraud records), and Citibank's Salomon Smith Barney, the Mayor's Office of Emergency Management and many other financial institutions consists of a listing of various records supposedly destroyed in the collapse of WTC7."
The terrorists were in love with Rosie.
"I agree with everything this O'Donnell said," boasted Adassi. "Regarding September 11, there is no way the American intelligence and administration was not aware of what was going to happen that day. How come the Jews and Israelis disappeared from the buildings? Was it by miracle? They knew that an attack would take place. This meant that Zionist elements and the leading elements of the administration who are aligned with economic companies and interests, like Bush and Cheney's compa- vies of oil, were very interested that the attack would succeed in order to start their campaign for the oil of Iran and Afghanistan."