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INVESTED (Dunning Trilogy Book 1)

Page 15

by Iris Bolling

  One of the servers popped the cork on the champagne and began filling the glasses.

  Chrystina gave a glass to Myles, as others received theirs. Myles held it high. This was his first accomplishment as CEO and he owed it all to Chrystina's fast thinking.

  "To the union of Dunning Bank & Trust and Hershel Automotive. May our bond demonstrate the power of loyalty as we pave the way for a lucrative and progressive future." He smiled at Chrystina as he downed the contents of the glass.

  "Here, here," vibrated around the room with William's voice being heard over all others.

  "Shall we take this celebration to my office?" William held a bottle of champagne in one hand and a glass in the other.

  Myles shared a nod with Chrystina and Mrs. Vazquez.

  "The celebration has been setup in Mr. Dunning's office," Mrs. Vazquez stated then held her hand out. "Ladies and gentlemen, if you would follow me."

  As the people filed out of the conference room, Chrystina stepped in front of William, blocking his advancement.

  "Mr. Mitchell, Mr. Dunning has asked to have a private moment of your time."

  "We can talk after the celebration. Move out of my way." She took the glass from his hand, then reached for the bottle. William held it out of her reach.

  "Actually, sir, Mr. Dunning feels the celebration would not be taking place if your plan had been successful."

  "I have no idea what you are referring to."

  Chrystina sighed. "Mr. Dunning is requesting you to wait in your office until the celebration, and subsequent announcement is made."

  William held on to the bottle as he attempted to step around her. Two security guards appeared in the doorway.

  The look William sent Chrystina could have lit a fireplace it was so fierce.

  "What? We just landed a multi-billion-dollar contract. I have as much right to be included in this celebration as anyone else."

  "I'm afraid Mr. Dunning doesn't see it that way."

  "I do believe you are overstepping your bounds, Missy. I suggest you move out of my way before I speak to Myles about your insubordination," William demanded.

  "I don't think you want to do that, Mr. Mitchell. Believe me when I say I am trying to save your job and your neck."

  "Get out of my way." He attempted to push her aside.

  A guard stepped up. "Ms. Price?" The guard raised an eyebrow.

  "Ms. Price don't run things around here," William hissed. "I do."

  "My apology, Mr. Mitchell. Mr. Dunning has requested us to assist you to your office, physically if it becomes necessary," the guard replied.

  Chrystina took the champagne bottle from William. "Please escort Mr. Mitchell to his office. Remain with him. If he attempts to contact the outside world in any manner, stop him." She turned back to William. "A news conference is scheduled for three today. Please be sure to tune in, Mr. Mitchell." She walked towards the door. "I'm going to celebrate now." She smiled at the guards then left the room.

  "How dare you treat me this way. I am the Vice-President of this bank. You cannot disrespect me in this manner."

  Chrystina heard the man as she walked to the elevator.

  "He seems pretty upset," Serena commented as she held the elevator door open for Chrystina.

  "It does sound like he is having a bit of a fit," Holly added.

  "He is," Chrystina replied as she pushed the button to the eighth floor. "Know where he is having it? Back there." The door closed as the two assistants laughed.

  William stepped into his office to find Paulette, Nancy and two other employees he did not know there.

  "Mr. Mitchell, we have been held here for the last three hours." Nancy jumped up first. "What is going on?"

  "I don't even know why I'm here," the employee who handled facilities setup stated. "I only did what you asked me to do."

  "William." Paulette elbowed her way to stand directly in front of him. "Were you in the meeting all this time?"

  "Do we still have jobs?" Nancy shouted.

  "How much do they know?" Paulette continued, ignoring the woman having a hissy fit.

  William walked over to his bar and poured himself a drink as the questions flew at him. Paulette took the drink from him.

  "Now is not the time to muddle your mind. What is going on?"

  William looked around the room at the people staring back at him, took the glass back from Paulette and proceeded to drink his drink. "What does it look like? Our plans were discovered."

  "What does that mean?" Nancy asked. "What's going to happen to us?"

  "That is to be determined." William took a seat at his desk. "The good news is the meeting was successful."

  "Successful in what way?" Paulette asked. "You convinced them to support your bid to become President of the bank by holding off on committing? Or did Myles get them to sign on the dotted line without supporting you?"

  William took another drink without responding.

  "Dunning got the account," Paulette summarized. "Without our help." She huffed. "That demonstrates they don't need us, William."

  William stared at her knowing what she said was true. "It seems we played our hand a little too soon."

  Paulette closed her eyes and walked away.

  "What does that mean?" Nancy cried out.

  "It means we all should start filling out our resumes," Paulette said as she slumped down into a chair.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Walker Dunning Jr., with his tall, striking good looks, irresistible charm and the loyalty of a stray cat waited to be sure Myles had pulled out of the private road leading to the mansion. It was a good thing he was coming from the opposite direction or he would have had to hold a conversation with the man who had taken his place at the bank. "Don't get too comfortable, Myles. It won't be long now before I take over." He snickered then pulled into the driveway.

  He stepped out of the vehicle, looked at the grand mansion that his brother built for his family and wondered if he wanted to take that too. The goal was to claim everything Hep held near and dear. Walker Jr. adjusted his jacket as he strutted towards the door. Before he could ring the doorbell it swung open revealing Winnie on the other side smiling.

  "Hello, Jr.," her salutary voice rang out.

  Ahh, the wife. I might take her too, he thought, as he pulled her into an embrace.

  "Hello, Winnie." He held her at arms’ length. "You look tired. How have you been holding up?"

  Winnie stepped back. "Day by day, Jr. Day by day. Come on inside." She motioned with a tilt of her head.

  "Hi, Uncle Walker." AnnieMarie walked into his embrace.

  "AnnieMarie." He hugged her. "You look more and more like your mother every day. Hep was certainly a lucky man, surrounded with all this beauty."

  Winnie smiled. "It was us who were lucky."

  "That's true," Walker replied. She smiled at his remark, but he could tell she didn't like it. Good, he thought.

  "Let's sit in the family room and talk."

  The three turned and walked straight back to the open double French doors of the family room.

  "Would you like a cup of tea?" Winnie asked.

  Walker tilted his head to the side for a long minute as if in thought. "You know, I think I'll try a cup of coffee. Hep was always raving about Daisy's coffee."

  "A cup of coffee it is."

  "I'll get it, Mother." AnnieMarie nodded as she stepped out of the room.

  "There were many lively conversations held in this room, I must say." Walker sat back and looked around. "Watching games with the boys. Laughing after scaring the girls’ boyfriends half to death." He nodded. "Yes, this was a true family room in every sense of the word."

  "It still is. I thought it would be the appropriate place for us to have this conversation. It may remind us that we are family. We are family, aren't we, Jr.?"

  "Of course we are." Walker sat up. "Why would you question such a thing?"

  "Here you are, Uncle Walker." AnnieMarie walked back in sett
ing the coffee tray in front of him. "It could be Mother is questioning why the inquiries into Daddy's will," she said as she sat and crossed her legs. "After all, she did just lose her husband. I would think it would be a time for the family to rally around to console her." She glanced at her mother. "At least those are my thoughts. I could be wrong. Mother?"

  There was a flinch in Walker's eyes that he quickly concealed by bending to pick up the coffee cup.

  "We are family. With Hep gone that leaves me the head of the family. As such I feel it is my responsibility to ensure you stay on top of things. In times like these important details could be missed." He sipped his coffee. "Humph, that's umm...rather strong."

  "It's one of Daddy's favorites."

  "Was..." Walker let the word linger for a moment as he glared at AnnieMarie.

  "Well." Winnie patted AnnieMarie’s hand. "Hep had very capable attorneys to handle his affairs." She sat back. "As for the head of this family that now goes to Myles."

  "Let's not forget, Grace," AnnieMarie added. "She is handling everything with the attorneys. Would you like for me to give her a call? You can ask her where things stand."

  "Yes, Jr., I'm certain Grace would be able to handle any legal situation that may arise." Winnie smiled.

  Walker cleared his throat. He was still reeling from the last encounter with his spirited older niece over financial affairs.

  "No. Myles is a bit young to take on the responsibility of the family and the bank too. Of course that could change once the will is read. When will that be, by the way?"

  "I requested it be delayed."

  "Delayed? Why?" Walker asked.

  "I felt it was best to settle things at the bank before the reading."

  "What things?"

  "The appointment of the new CEO and President for one."

  Walker nodded. "What about the shares?"

  "What about them?" Winnie asked.

  "Hep mentioned he would return my share of the bank's stocks. That would give me a say in who takes over the bank. Did he talk with you about that?"


  "Not surprising." Walker smiled. "Hep always wanted to protect you from the day to day operations of the bank."

  "Really?" AnnieMarie glanced at her mother. "We spoke daily about the bank."

  "We did." Winnie smiled at AnnieMarie. "He kept me up on important matters."

  "I can't imagine anything more important than returning shares of the bank to its rightful owner. The future of Dunning is at stake here, Winnie."

  "Myles is the future of Dunning. As for the shares, it will be up to him to decide on how or if they are distributed."

  "Myles?" There was a spike in his voice.

  "You own 51% of the bank now that Hep is gone."

  "That's true, however, as I am certain you know, yesterday Myles was voted as CEO and President. At that time I passed my proxy to him. He is in total control of Dunning."

  "You did what?"

  It was in that moment if AnnieMarie wasn’t present, Walker would have grabbed Winnie.

  He rose from the sofa as if he was a grizzly about to attack.

  "Myles has no right to that control. I am the oldest son of my father. Hep should have never been next in line. The control should revert back to me. Not you and certainly not Myles."

  AnnieMarie stood. "Lower your voice, Uncle Walker," she warned. "After all, we are family, are we not?"

  Walker took a deep breath. Big picture, he thought, big picture.

  "You are right." He retook his seat. "Winnie, forgive my outburst. I meant no disrespect, but I feel your actions may have locked me out of what is rightfully mine."

  "I beg to differ with you, Uncle Walker. If I remember the story correctly, your father deemed you unfit to hold those shares. Due to your own actions he could not put the future of Dunning in your hands. My mother did not have anything to do with any of that."

  "That was then, this is now," he said in a low, lethal sounding voice.

  "What has changed, Jr.?" Winnie asked. "Have you stopped gambling? Or is the reason you are here because you owe a debt?"

  Walker stood to his full height as a means of intimidation. "Hep's death was your opportunity to right the wrongs of this family. Any decent...person would have done what was right. I can see you believe you have accomplished your goal from the beginning. It wasn't enough that you wooed Hep with your feminine wiles to get him under your thumb. But you never fooled me, Winnie. I always knew it was about his money." He smirked. "Now your greed has expanded to wanting to control the bank." He walked towards the chair where Winnie remained seated. AnnieMarie stepped in front of him. He glared at his niece, then back to her mother. "Listen well, Winnieford. Until you return my shares to me, you and your children should be diligent in your movements and your affairs."

  Winnie slowly stood, taking AnnieMarie’s arm and pushing her behind her. She stared up at him. "Be careful, Jr. Your words sound like a threat against my children," she said in a deadly voice. "While I may seem down and wounded to you, make no mistake. You come after any one of my children and I will cut off your balls and stuff them down your throat."


  Walker snickered. "Well, I see the hood in you is coming to life with Hep gone."

  "Uncle Walker!" AnnieMarie cried out as she stepped from behind her mother.

  Winnie pushed her back. "People from the hood, as you call it, can be dangerous. We know how to take your ass out when you least expect it. I suggest your back."


  "Is there a problem in here?" Daisy stood in the doorway with a long handle cast iron frying pan in her hand.

  Winnie shook her head. "No, Daisy. Everything is fine. Jr.... was just leaving."

  Walker held Winnie's glare for a long moment then turned to walk from the room. "I don't think you want to take this stance against me, Winnie. Remember, I'm a Dunning by blood, you're not."

  "Allow me to show you to the door." Daisy flipped the pan around in her hand.

  Walker let out a menacing laugh. "This is just the beginning, Winnieford," Walker said as he walked towards the door. "Just the beginning." He opened the door then yelled back, "The kid gloves are off now, Winnie. I will have what is mine."


  Daisy slammed the door behind him then stood in the foyer staring at Winnie and AnnieMarie. "Do you want me to call Myles?"

  "No," Winnie argued. "Don't call anyone. I will handle Walker."

  "Winnie, now I know you think you are ready for him, but Walker plays dirty, always has." Daisy walked back towards them.

  "I was married to Hep for thirty-eight years. I know how dirty Jr. can go."

  "Mother, let’s take a minute here." AnnieMarie exhaled. "Uncle Walker is just upset right now. He will come to his senses."

  "AnnieMarie, I know you love your uncle, and that is how it should be. However, to protect your father's, grandfathers' and all the Dunnings before legacy, I will fight Jr. to the death." The look she gave her daughter emphasized she meant every word she said. "And Daisy."

  Daisy looked up at Winnie with a ready to kill look. "Yes."

  "Thank you, my ride or die sister from another mother. Now put that frying pan back in the kitchen."

  "Right after I fry his ass up in it," she huffed, then walked away.

  Winnie and AnnieMarie laughed, then settled as the reality of what just happened hit them.

  "Uncle Walker was quite intense." AnnieMarie took her mother's hand and began walking towards the kitchen. "I am glad I stayed with you. Is he right, Mother? Was he wronged by Grandfather?"

  "In his mind he was. However, your grandfather did what he had to, in order to protect the bank. Unfortunately, Walker is still not prepared to handle the responsibility of millions of customers’ finances. Power is a dangerous entity in the wrong hands. Your grandfather and many generations of Dunning men knew that. Before he made the decision to strip Walker of any controlling interest in DBT he consulted with the fa
mily. They all agreed Walker's gambling was a threat to his life and the sovereignty of the bank."

  "Do you think Father reverted the shares back to uncle Walker in his will?"

  "We will all find out soon enough, but I doubt it. In fact it was the attorney who told me I now own 51% of the bank. They suggested I speak with Grace to determine my next step," Winnie advised. "It was on her advice that I held the board meeting to solidify the leadership of the bank. It was the best way to keep DBT out of Jr.'s hands."

  They walked into the kitchen holding hands.

  "How did Uncle Walker know about Myles' appointment to CEO and President of Dunning? We did not issue a press release. Was he at the board meeting?"

  Winnie stopped, turned and stared at her daughter. "I can’t say for certain," she replied. “Walker always seems to be in the know when it comes to DBT.”

  "Well, I'm certain Grace will handle the legal end of things. Now, tell me, was it my imagination or did Uncle Walker sort of threaten us back there?"

  "It wasn't your imagination and there was nothing sort of about it. He did threaten my children and for that he has declared war with me."

  AnnieMarie sighed. "Yes, I was afraid of that." She nodded. "I'm not ready, but I think we better go talk to Daddy now. Cooler heads need to intervene here. I've seen you protecting your cubs before."

  The cell phone in her pocket chimed. AnnieMarie pulled it out and saw the call was from Chrystina. "Hold on, Mother, it's the bank calling. Hello."

  AnnieMarie listened intently. "That's wonderful, Chrystina." She listened more then glanced at her watch. "It's too close for me to make it into the office in time. I'll set it up from here. What room are you going to make the announcement from?" She nodded her head. "Good choice. Good choice. I'll start making calls right now." She hung up the telephone.

  "What's going on?" Winnie looked on curiously as did Daisy.

  "Myles just signed Hershel Automotive with Dunning. They are going to make the announcement from Daddy's office. I have to get the media in place." She looked at her mother. "Rain check on visiting Daddy?"

  "Of course. Do what you have to do. I will be fine." Winnie watched as AnnieMarie ran off, then turned to Daisy. "That is quite a feat on his first day. Wouldn't you say so, Daisy?"


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