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INVESTED (Dunning Trilogy Book 1)

Page 16

by Iris Bolling

  "Yes, I would." Daisy finally put the frying pan back on the rack. "Never had a doubt about his ability to take over right where his daddy left off."

  "The only sad thing about the turn of events is that Myles’ accomplishment today will put more money in Jr.'s pocket."

  Winnie huffed. "He keeps coming after my children and I will have his financial support cut off completely." She continued talking as she was walking out the door. "The nerve of him to threaten me and mine. Jerome..."she called out. "Take me to see my husband. I need to feel his presence to calm me down."

  The door closed.

  AnnieMarie stood in the office doorway with the cell phone to her ear, staring at Daisy who was still in the kitchen. "I wonder if Uncle Walker knows he just walked into the eye of a storm?"

  "Hell, girl, she's going to be a full-fledged hurricane by the time she finishes with him."

  Chapter Twenty

  "She gave the controlling shares to Myles. Is that something you forgot to mention?"

  "Only the proxy." Elaine attempted to control the raging Walker. "She can rescind it at any time. Tell me you did not lose your cool with her."

  Walker huffed. "The very thought of one of Hep's privileged ass kids dictating my shares pissed me off."

  "Big picture here, Walker. You have to keep the bigger picture in mind," Elaine gritted. "This is not just about a few million. This is about controlling the financial purse strings of Dunning. If we do this right every Dunning will have to come to you to get permission to breathe. Keep your temper in check or I will have no choice but to remove you from the final equation." She waited a moment. "Whatever you did, go back and undo it, now."

  Walker sat in the car seething. It was not and never has been in his nature to bow to anyone. Particularly, his little brother or his wife. He did not care how smart she was, Winnieford Pitchfork was beneath their family.

  When Hep first brought her home he thought of her as a nice piece of ass to keep his little brother occupied. Then the fool married her. What the hell? Walker thought at the time. Hep would get his share of the income from the bank and they will live their life. No sweat off his back. Until the day his father called the emergency meeting to declare upon his retirement the control of Dunning Bank & Trust would go to Hep. Walker could not, and to this day, over 20 years later, he still could not, accept the decision.

  So what he bet the contents of one of the local bank vaults and lost. It was just one. It's not like he bet every vault at every branch. Hell they paid the debt and still had plenty left over. That was no reason to deem him unworthy of his birthright. And now to think it was in the control of Myles. That boy was just like his father. He would have had an easier chance with Grace taking over. They left no other choice than to align himself with people outside the bank to get what was rightfully his. There is no way in hell he was going to allow Winnie or her litter of bastards to control his fortune.

  "Walker," Elaine called out. "Walker," she called out again.

  "I'm here."

  "Answer my question. Did you say something to upset Winnie?"

  Walker closed his eyes. He did not need to hear a lecture at this moment. "I spoke my mind, that's all."

  "At a time like this, Walker? The woman just buried her husband and we have a plan in play. This is not the time."

  "She buried him a month ago; a month ago. What am I supposed to do, wait until she has disbursed my fortune to her children?"

  "It is not your fortune, Walker. The bank does not and never did belong to any one family member. This is why you were removed as the next in line to control Dunning. You think of it as your personal ATM. Well it's not. Your family looks at Dunning as a part of history, as they should. Until you understand what they feel you will never gain control unless we see this plan through."

  "I want what's mine."

  "I want you to have what is rightfully yours as well. But right now, you sound like a spoiled child. You are old enough to understand what is at stake." Elaine sighed. "You get over 50 million dollars a year for doing nothing but sitting on your ass. If you stopped gambling you could have a pretty decent life."

  "That's nothing compared to what Hep and his family take in."

  "They work for a living, Walker. Every one of them come into this bank every day and work. You don't."

  "You don't understand, Elaine. You didn't have your heritage stripped right from under you."

  "Neither did you. You gambled your inheritance away. What did you think would happen when Hep died? Did you think that Winnie would just turn over the shares for you to lose them too?"

  "It's not her place to make that decision. Hep was not supposed to control the bank. That was my birthright," he yelled into the phone.

  "It was your father's right, and your grandfather’s before him. They gave that right to Hep to prevent you from ruining the bank. Making you CEO would have amounted to giving a crack head the key to the room where the meth was being cooked." She took a deep breath. "Look, with the plans we have in place you can take over the bank in less than six days, Walker. That's it. Myles will be out, you will be in and I'll be gone. All you have to do is deliver at the right time. You get me, Walker? Everything is in place. Now chill the hell out and follow the plan." The call was disconnected.

  Walker sat in his car sick to high heaven of dealing with bossy women and being broke. The plan would not be possible if it wasn't for his information. She talked to him as if this was all her brainchild. To be fair Walker could not take all the credit. It was William who had dropped the information in his lap. Now he knew what to do with it.

  Timing could not have been better in Walker's assessment. Hep's death put the bank in turmoil. Everyone's guard was down while dealing with the loss. For him, he knew once Homeland Security got the anonymous tip, they would launch an investigation into Dunning. With the information that was planted, the authorities were sure to demand a new CEO be named. That was when he would step in. Elaine's job was to get William Mitchell out of the running. In return she would receive the BIT account to take to any competitor in exchange for an executive position with their organization. That would give him complete control of Dunning.

  Walker grinned as he started the engine to pull out of the security gate of Hep's house. Six days, that was all he needed, he thought as a black SUV pulled in front of him blocking his progression. A low groan escaped as he recognized the driver. Interference was the last thing he needed today.

  "Mr. Walker." The sightly accented voice of the man standing a good six-three came through the window. "Mr. Pavel would like a moment of your time."

  Stephan Pavel, the son in Pavel & Sons Real Estate firm and the owner of several Gentlemen’s clubs, is not the type of man you say no to. It would be considered an insult, which was usually met with physical trauma, if not death.

  Walker looked at the man with the muscle bound arms filled with tattoos. This man was appearing in his life way too many times lately. He would never say much, only 'Mr. Pavel would like a moment of your time.' Never any variation, just those exact words. As nerve wrecking as that was, Stephan Pavel being there in person was frightening.

  Slipping into the backseat of the SUV, Walker looked around. The muscle man was now in the driver seat, another man dressed in a suit was in the passenger seat and Pavel was in the back sending messages on his phone.

  "Mr. Dunning." A Russian accent more pronounced than Mr. Muscles', filled the air. "It seems your debt is increasing at a rate you can no longer afford. How do you intend on compensating me?"

  Walker eyed each of the men sitting in the front, then looked back at Pavel. His steely blue eyes were now directly on him.

  "I'm working on that."

  "Am I to take your word for that?"

  The men in the front seat chuckled.

  "I have a substantial net worth," Walker grumbled.

  "Yet, you could not meet your obligations when you came into my establishment. Perhaps you should have remained in t
he common area instead of insisting on entering the whalers’ private poker game." Pavel smirked, then returned his attention to his phone.

  The man in the passenger seat turned to Walker.

  "You boasted of being one of the owners of Dunning Bank & Trust. It is for that reason you were extended the credit line of ten million dollars to participate in the whalers' poker game. At a rate of ten percent a day, your debt is now twenty million dollars. The terms were five days to pay the debt in full. Fifteen million dollars was not received by eleven-fifty-nine pm. At 12:01 am, on day six, you are notified of the delinquency and advised if twenty million dollars was not received in full by 12:01 am this morning an alternative repayment plan will be put in place."

  "If your alternative plan is to kill me, you will never receive payment," the smug Walker hissed.

  The men looked at each other and laughed.

  Before Walker could understand the dangerous situation he was in, a knife slid across his throat. It missed major arteries, but the blood spatter and the pain was enough to shock a little reality into Walker.

  Eyes bulging, with his hand attempting to hold the blood in, Walker cried out, "You cut me. I'm bleeding here. Get me to a hospital."

  "Why would we do that?" Pavel taunted. "We are the ones who cut you." He looked at Walker as if he was crazy for thinking such a thing. "Men have lost their lives for speaking to me in a disrespectful manner. Do you think you can hold your tongue now?"

  Walker nodded as he frantically attempted to stop the bleeding.

  "Good. Fortunately for you, I am in need of your service."

  Blood from Walker's neck dripped onto Pavel's hand. Muscles pulled a wet one from the mid console of the car and gave it to Pavel.

  "Get him a towel will you," he said as he wiped his hand.

  Muscle got out, grabbed a towel from the back of the SUV, threw it to Walker then returned to his seat.

  Walker fumbled with the towel wrapping it around the front of his neck.

  "Do I have your attention now, Mr. Dunning?" Pavel asked as Walker whimpered.

  Walker nodded.

  "Don't do that again," Pavel said. "You'll only lose more blood. Now, here is what you are going to do. You are going to work at your family's bank."

  "Work?" Walker looked shocked.

  "This is a time for you to listen, not speak," Pavel said then continued. "You will get a position as director of international affairs. You will hire my nephew Ivan as your assistant. Once this is done, you will receive further instructions."

  "I can't do that," Walker choked out.

  "You have thirty days to accomplish this."

  "Did you not hear me? I can't do that."

  "Very well." Pavel looked at Muscle man. "Finish the job."

  Muscle man turned to Walker.

  "Wait, wait." Walker scrambled to the edge of seat by the door. "I will pay you the money."

  "We no longer wish to have your money. We want your services."

  "For how long?" Walker asked.

  "For as long as I desire them." Pavel glanced up with a nod. Muscle man stepped out then opened the back door.

  Walker looked at the man, then back to Pavel. "Why?"

  Pavel's attention was now back on his phone. "The cost to replace my suit and vehicle will be added to your debt. Make no mistake, Mr. Dunning, if you die before the debt is repaid" -he shrugged- "I will simply collect from your family. Good day, Mr. Dunning."

  Walker stepped out of the vehicle and stood on the side of the road watching as the vehicle disappeared. He quickly got into his car and drove non-stop to the hospital.


  The cut wasn't deep at all. It happened to be in a place where it bled like hell. While the resident at the emergency room worked on him, the provision made by the Russians began to take root in his mind. Letting the Russians into the bank may not be a bad move. In fact, it may expedite his plans. He began formalizing a new way to not only gain control of Dunning but to eliminate the Russians as well. He would have laughed at the genius of the plan if his neck didn't hurt like hell. Now all he had to do was figure out how he could convince Myles to let him work at the bank. His credibility with the family was shot. He had to get an intermediary to help and he knew just the person to use.

  The emergency room resident had stopped the bleeding and bandaged the superficial wound by the time his sister, Vivian Dunning-Grey walked into the room. The stunningly dressed, middle-age woman with concern etched on her face, stood in the doorway assessing the situation. It was clear he had been injured in some way, however, she had fallen for his antics before. The warning received from her husband of twenty-two years, not to be taken in by her brother again echoed in her mind. This time, she decided to speak with the resident who treated him first, then she would see what Walker had to say.

  Vivian stepped back from the doorway to find a nurse.

  "Is there someone who can give me the status of Walker Dunning Jr.?"

  The nurse pulled up the name from the computer. "Are you a relative?"

  "Yes, I'm his sister."

  "Do you have his code?"

  "Code?" Vivian looked inquisitive.

  "Yes. Each patient has a code that is given to relatives. That gives us permission to speak with them on the patient's condition."

  "Oh, well no. I don't have that."

  The nurse frowned. "I'm afraid I cannot speak with you without that code or Mr. Dunning's permission."

  "Let's step inside his room. I'm certain he will give you permission to speak with me." Vivian stepped aside when her cell phone chimed. "Excuse me for a moment," she said to the nurse, then answered the call. "Hello."

  "Hi, Aunt Viv. You called?" Grace asked.

  "Yes, dear. It's your Uncle Walker. He's been hurt."

  "Did my mother do it?"

  Vivian was taken aback. "Your mother," she laughed. "Heaven's no. Why would you think that?"

  "I got a call from AnnieMarie. She said he was at the house earlier giving Mother a hard time about Daddy's will. Things got a little heated and Mother said she would cut off his balls. Does he still have his balls, Aunt Viv?"

  Laughter erupted before she could stop it. Vivian looked around at the people staring back at her. She stepped around the corner. "Well, I will check that when I see him."

  "Yes, let me know. If she did not handle it, I'll see what I can do when I get home." Grace laughed. "What happened to him?"

  "I'm trying to find out. It looks like he has a bandage around his throat."

  "Maybe someone tried to choke some sense into him."

  "Grace, that's your uncle you're talking about."

  "I know, Aunt Viv. I'm sorry. I'm in New York, but if you need me to come home let me know."

  "I'll try to get more information from the nurse. I'll call you back when I know more."

  "Okay, Aunt Viv. Don't let Uncle Walker take you in again. Try to get the truth from him this time. In fact, there is a recording app on your phone. Push the button before you go into the room. Then send the recording to me."

  "Is all of that necessary?"

  "Yes, Aunt Viv. Remember what happened before. I love you, but I will not sit by and allow Uncle Walker to drain your bank accounts again. You have your husband and children to think about."

  "You're right. I'll turn the recorder on now."

  "Thank you. Call me when you leave his room."

  Vivian disconnected the call, then found the recording application. She opened the app, hit record and placed the phone inside her purse.

  She walked into the room to find the nurse adjusting the pillows behind Walker's head.

  "Viv, oh, Viv," Walker cried out in a whispered voice. "I knew you would come. You are the only one who cares." He reached out for her hand.

  "Of course I came, Walker. You're my brother. What happened?"

  Walker closed his eyes squeezing them tight as if in pain. "Some thugs tried to rob me."

  "Oh no." She squeezed his hand. "Walker
, where did they hurt you?"

  He swallowed then frowned from the pain. "They slit my throat, Viv," he cried. "They tried to kill me." He leaned on her shoulder and cried.

  Viv hugged her brother. Okay, he was hurt. That part was true and she felt a little guilty for doubting him. "Where did this happen?"


  The way he asked the question put her back on alert. "Yes, Walker. Where did it happen? What did the police say? Were they able to catch them?"

  He lay back on the bed as if trying to catch his breath but held on to her hand. "I didn't call them."

  "Well, how did you get to the hospital?"

  "I drove myself, Viv. I had to get out of there before they came back."

  Viv took a step back. "They cut your throat but you were able to drive to the hospital?"

  "The people here patched me up. Look at this." He touched the bandage on his neck.

  Vivian released his hand then sat on the side of the bed. "Tell me what happened."

  "It was all my fault, Viv. I was upset."

  "About what?"

  He waved her off, shaking his head. "I should have known better."

  He didn't say anything more. She knew this ploy. Walker would pull this on her and Hep all the time when they were younger. He wanted them to hang onto his every word.

  "Known better about what?"

  He sighed then looked directly in Vivian’s eyes and lied. "I went to Hep's house to talk to Winnie about a job at the bank." He closed his eyes. "Of course, she turned me down. Now that Hep is gone Winnie is acting like she is the queen of the family."

  "You...asked Winnie for a job?" Vivian was so close to laughter she was certain he had to hear the restraint in her voice.

  "You don't believe me?" Walker said turning away from her.

  "Well, Walker, it’s just that..." She hesitated. "You haven't worked in a very long time. In fact I don't remember you ever working. Even when we were young and all three of us had jobs at the bank, you only showed up. You never worked. So, why would you ask her for a job now?"

  "Because I'm broke and I need a job," he retorted angrily, then grabbed his throat in pain. "Is that what everyone see me begging for a job?"


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