Book Read Free


Page 17

by Danielle Q. Lee


  There are no words to explain the excruciating waves of pain that assault the body when a child is readying itself to come into the world. Lying on the cave floor, the flame of a newborn fire crackling and undulating beside me, I had a new definition of pain.

  For the first hour, it was tolerable, only mild muscle cramps that made my stomach tighten and relax. The odd twinge in my back was easy enough to bear…then the marathon of torture reared its ugly head in my direction.

  To ease my pain, both physically and spiritually, I shared the pains and woes of the last few months of my life with grandmother and Tanaka. Their compassion comforted me in more ways than I could imagine.

  After a while, however, the labor silenced me.

  Rippling waves of throbbing pain crushed my abdomen. Sweat poured down the sides of my face as I pounded the rocky floor beneath me.

  I’d heard horrific stories of women enduring labor for hours and hours—even days! The mere thought of spending one more minute living with this agony was bad enough; I didn’t even want to consider the idea of suffering through days of this!

  “Shhh…calm, child, remain calm.” My grandmother sat on one side of me and smoothed my damp hair away from my face. Tanaka was firmly planted on the other side of me, holding my hand. Both wore a strange expression, one that I couldn’t quite describe.

  They looked…sad.

  “Tanaka?” I exhaled sharply as I breathed out his name.

  “Yes?” He seemed to force a smile.

  “Tell me about my mother.” I stared up at him with pleading eyes. As much as I really wanted to know about her, I also wanted him to distract me from the pain.

  Tears welled in his eyes as he began. “Oh, she was truly beautiful. Inside and out.” Nostalgia embraced his face, overtaking the distressed expression he wore only moments before. “She was truly a rare and perfect soul.”

  Warmth like I’d never known possessed my heart. All the years of hating her for leaving me behind were washed away in an instant. He’d loved her deeply, it was evident.

  I glanced over to Keanu who was guarding the tunnel and felt such gratitude. Even with all the awful experiences I’d had over the last few months, I was now glad they happened. Meeting Keanu, finding my dad and now giving birth to my baby, life somehow made sense.

  Directing another question to Tanaka as I fought through another powerful contraction, I asked. “What…was my mother?”

  His eyes immediately moved from my face to the floor. Taking in a deep breath, he began to explain.

  “Your mother…told me about the prophecy.” My eyes widened both with interest and in response to a sharp contraction. “She told me that the earth is going through changes, big changes, along with its inhabitants.”

  Confused, I pushed myself up onto my elbows. “Changes?”

  Grandmother, who’d been busily tending to the needs of my laboring body, frowned when I sat up.

  Ignoring her, I waited for him to explain.

  “Yes, the prophecy states that a new age will be born…along with a new race of humans.”

  Intrigued, I almost forgot I was in labor.

  “I don’t understand.” Frustrated with both my body’s intense pain and his story, I glanced around the cave. Looking at the inside of the cavern, I felt strangely underwhelmed. I guess I’d expected the cave to be more like it was in my dreams.

  This cave looked just like any other. No Roman numeral II painted on the walls and ceiling, just stark, rocky slabs with the occasional sharp protrusion.

  “Cassia.” My father caught my attention. “There’s more.”

  Nodding, I tried to focus my attention on him and away from my pain.

  “Your mother…and you… are unique souls.”

  “Unique?” My voice was coated in awe.

  “Your mother said that she gives birth to her new body in every lifetime. Her soul then transfers to the newborn body…until the prophecy is complete.” Pausing, he let the information settle, then continued. “Once the prophecy is complete, the new humans will usher peace into the world.”

  “How will we know the prophecy is complete?”

  Shaking his head, he responded quietly. “I do not know.”

  Digesting all this new information, I realized that his explanation was only creating more questions.

  Sensing my confusion, he added. “All I know is that you, your mother and the ones that preceded her are the beginning of the prophecy. The star on your chest is the sign that the Hopi people had been waiting for…a sign that the new world is at hand.”

  Sighing, the information swirled within my thoughts. Still enduring my labor, I turned to him and asked. “What makes us different? My mother and I, this star, my blood…what does it all mean? Are we…aliens?”

  Caressing my face with his hand, he chuckled at my question. “No, you are not an alien. You are evolution. All beings must evolve, humans are no exception. You are the next step in human evolution.”

  “So, are there others like me?” I grunted in pain after my question, but he continued none the less.

  “No…not yet.” His answer was cryptic.

  A million questions churned inside me, but before I could ask, a piercing shot tore through the cave. My ears rang as I tried to ascertain what was going on.

  Gunfire! Oh god, they’re here!

  Chaos ensued as my grandmother screamed and backed against a far wall of the cave. Tanaka threw his upper torso over me, trying to shield me.

  “Get down!” Keanu yelled, his voice filled with a mixture of fear and anger. “Someone’s in the tunnel!”

  Peering over my father’s shoulder, I trembled as another shot resounded. The bullet sparked off the wall behind Keanu, narrowly missing his head.

  His hands raised in a defensive stance, I heard yet another shot fire and saw Keanu fly backwards into the wall of the cave, blood spraying from his right shoulder.

  “No!!” Screaming as horror filled me, I watched as Keanu slid to the floor, unconscious and bleeding profusely.

  The sound of footsteps echoed around us as someone made their way through the tunnel of the cave.

  A dark figure finally emerged from the passageway.

  Inhaling sharply as I recognized the intruder, hatred consumed me instantly.

  My eyes narrowed into slits and my voice was a low growl when I finally spoke through gritted teeth.


  Meyers circled me, his gun drawn and pointed at my father who had pulled a knife from his boot and was poised to fight.

  Glancing at Keanu’s unconscious body propped against the wall of the cave, I prayed for him to wake up and save us. I could tell he was still alive because his chest was still moving but with his wounds, I didn’t know if he was going to survive.

  Following my gaze, Meyers’ commented on Keanu’s lifeless body. “Just thought he’d want to join his sister. Took care of her personally…if you know what I mean.” He sneered

  “You bastard!” I screamed, clutching my belly in pain.

  “Come on old man!” Meyers’ eyes were wild with exhilaration as he eyed Tanaka’s knife.

  Tanaka and Meyers circled around me, waiting for the other to strike first. As they moved to the front of me, Meyers pointed the gun directly at my father and simply said. “Ugh, I’m bored of this.” He fired two quick shots into my father’s stomach and laughed as he watched him seize his stomach and fall to the ground.

  “No!!!” I screamed and reached for him. My father glanced once at me, smiled and then I watched as the light faded from his eyes.

  “Hello freak.” Meyers smirked as he eyed me up and down. “Hmmm, gained a little weight I see.”

  “Fuck you!” I spat, reaching for a rock beside me. Finding one a little smaller than a baseball, I held it close to my side, waiting for the perfect moment to throw it at his face.

  “Thank you for screaming earlier, by the way.” He snickered. “I never would have found you otherw

  Disgust poisoned me as I looked at his face and realized that the baby could be his. I didn’t want to think less of her, but it was difficult as I looked into the eyes of my assailant. Memories of his body pressed to mine as I was shackled to the cot flooded back into my thoughts. Bile rose in my throat with the idea of his hands on me…of him inside me.

  An overwhelmingly painful contraction suddenly took me by surprise and I cried out, clutching my belly with one hand and squeezing the rock hard with the other. An intense pressure unlike any I’d ever known seized my lower half.

  I had to push.

  “Move!” My grandmother, who had been crouched behind Meyers, stood up and pushed past him.

  Gently, she checked the progression of my labor.

  “It is time.” Her face was grave.

  “Oh good, perfect timing.” Meyers began, “Junior’s coming right when Daddy gets here.” He grinned at me and waved his gun around as he chuckled.

  “She might not be yours!!” I screamed from both anger and the burning sensation between my legs. Arching my back in agony, the sounds of my pained cries overtook his laughter.

  I turned my head and glared at him. With two quick strides, he was by my side. Bending down onto one knee, he grabbed a fistful of my hair in one hand, pulled my head back and held the barrel of the gun under my chin. Leaning close to me, he kissed my ear and whispered. “And then again…it might be.”

  Fury possessed me like a demon. Spitting into his eyes, I didn’t even care if he pulled the trigger. Recoiling and wiping his face, I took the opportunity to bring the rock that I’d been cradling in my hand to his head. Coming at him from the side, I smashed the rock as hard as I could into his temple.

  Clumsily, he fell over onto the cave floor and dropped his gun. Stunned, he looked shocked as a stream of thick crimson ran down the side of his face. “You bitch!” He screeched as his hands flew at my neck.

  Clawing at his face, I felt my esophagus crushing as he dug his thumbs into the soft groove of my neck and pressed with all his might. Still strangling me, he slammed my head up and down, smashing it against the rocky floor.

  It was then I realized he might succeed in killing me.

  My eyesight began darkening as my lungs burned for air. Hands falling to my sides, I gave up. I surrendered to the dulling beat of my heart and the slowing of blood through my veins.

  I didn’t want to try anymore.

  Staring up at Meyers’ maniacal expression, I was saddened that his would be the last face I would ever see. This moment, this violent and tragic moment, would be the last I ever knew.

  Just as my eyes were drawing to a close for the last time, I heard a single shot fire. I had just enough sense left to recognize the shock on his face as his life ended in one instant.

  The pressure instantly released from my throat as he slumped over onto me. I gasped and fought for air to return to my lungs. Pushing his dead body off of me, I looked sharply to my right.

  There, standing strong and proud with the gun in her hand…was my grandmother.

  Chapter 19

  “Push Cassia! Push!” My grandmother brushed the hair out of her eyes with her forearm as she instructed me.

  Groaning, I pushed with all my might. Gritting my teeth together so hard I thought they’d break, I used every amount of strength I had left in my body to bringing my little girl into the world.

  “Good, Cassia, one more!”

  Taking in a huge breath, I held it and gave one last final push. Finally, I felt something move out of me. Relief consumed me as I breathed heavily.

  “My baby! Let me see her!” I exclaimed holding my arms wide toward my grandmother.

  She’d wrapped her in a shawl, bundled up in fabric cocoon. Grandmother stood before me, her face sad and filled with despair.

  Placing her in my arms, I realized she wasn’t breathing. I immediately looked to my grandmother and began crying. “What’s wrong with her?!”

  Grandmother only shook her head.

  Holding her close to me, I looked at her tiny features. Her perfect little nose and mouth, her eyes, closed. Her chest, unmoving.

  “Why?” I had no words for the sorrow I felt. A pain like I’d never known attached itself to my heart.

  Suddenly, I was assaulted by another wave of contractions. Quickly handing my baby to grandmother, I felt the overwhelming desire to again…push.

  “What’s happening?!” I yelled and grunted as I tried to push into the pressure consuming my womb.

  Shock eclipsed grandmother’s face as she uttered. “There is…another!”

  After a few minutes, yet another baby slid out of me. Grandmother gasped, drawing my attention to the newborn in her arms.

  “A boy?!” I exclaimed. “Oh my god! Two! That’s what the dream meant. Roman numeral II! Gemini! Twins!” I laughed like a crazy person as the epiphany settled in.

  Grandmother forced a smile but still, her face was sad.

  “What’s wrong?” The little boy, now wrapped in a piece of fabric torn from my grandmother’s skirt, lie still in her arms.

  Glancing over at Keanu’s broken body propped against the wall of the cave, I sobbed with a wonderful realization.

  Twins…Keanu is a twin.

  He was the father; I knew it in my heart.

  With both of my children now born, a strange calm overcame me. Glancing down at my chest, I watched in awe as my birthmark—the white star—began to pulsate with a vibrant light.

  Looking up, my eyes met with my grandmother’s. She was crying as she handed me my babies. Her eyes told me she knew this was the last time we’d see one another.

  Admiring the faces of my offspring, I felt an odd sensation come over me. The pulsing in my chest grew and the light emanating from me was dazzling.

  My breath sped up for only a moment and then stopped forever.

  I felt a release—I was out.

  I drifted within a new, yet familiar, reality like a thought upon the wind. All knowledge and all memories of my past were at my disposal.

  I’d evolved from a human body many eons ago, like a butterfly escaping from her metamorphic cocoon, and remained a secret until a prophecy—a plan—was complete.

  Reincarnating myself, I created my own future body. Within my own womb, I harbored the new body which would eventually carry my own soul through the centuries. Upon birth, my soul moved from one to the other.

  In all the ages that I have lived, I have only ever given birth to girls.

  When the world was ready to evolve, however, I would give birth to a son. His birth would be the resounding lullaby that would bring a new song to the world.

  The prophecy was now complete.

  Populating the earth with the seed of the new human, he and his children will bring forth the new race, a new people.

  Remembering my purpose, I hovered above my children. Etching their beauty into my ancient memory, I prepared myself to enter my new body.


  The old woman watched as a silvery white light left Cassia’s body and twisted above her two stillborn babies.

  Meandering over them, it moved towards the heart of the little girl. Caressing the spot where the white star would have emerged, the luminescent thread moved slowly away from the little girl and towards the little boy.

  Saddened, the old woman realized that only one could be given the gift of life as she’d seen when Cassia’s body had been brought back from the dead.

  Looking up to Cassia’s still expression, she shed a tear for her lost daughter.

  Watching in awe as the cord of light moved over the baby boy, the old woman waited for Cassia’s soul to enter his chest. Puzzled, the old woman observed as the snake of light writhed and rose high into the air in between the two babies.

  A loud crackling noise suddenly pierced the air and the graceful light pulsated and grew exponentially brighter. The old woman stared in disbelief as the shining cable began to tear into two.

ing above the babies, the two silver threads descended and—one each—wrapped themselves around the babies. In an instant, both threads disappeared into the babies’ chests.

  Both children inhaled at the same time and exhaled with a tiny cry. Tears of joy rolled down the old woman’s face as she picked up her grandchildren—both adorned with a six-sided white star upon their chest.

  Looking at the little girl, her head covered with black downy hair, the old woman smiled as the little one cooed. “Cassia would have wanted your name to be…Amy.”

  Turning to the little boy, his eyes rich brown and full of wisdom she said. “And you, young man, shall be named after your grandfather…Tanaka.”

  Walking to Cassia’s vacant body, she leaned over kissed her daughter’s cheek. “I will keep them safe Cassia.” And turning to leave with the twins in her arms, the old medicine woman looked back and whispered. “Good-bye my daughter.”


  “Come on now, you can do it.” The old woman gently urged the young man as they maneuvered down the side of the mountain. The sun had just risen and was moving to grace the sky with its presence.

  She heard the young man grunt ahead of her and watched him clutch his shoulder as he struggled down the steep slope. His wounds were bad, but she felt that she could heal him.

  Glancing back at the mouth of the cave in the distance, she thought of Cassia’s body, lifeless and cold, lying on the cavern floor. Nodding, she silently vowed to have her brought down and be given a proper burial.

  Cradling the two babies in her arms, she smiled wistfully at their innocent faces. She’d lost a daughter today, but gained two grandchildren.


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