by S. T. Joshi
House of Souls, The (Machen)
“House of Sounds, The” (Shiel)
House of the Seven Gables, The (Hawthorne)
“House of the Worm, The” (unwritten novel)
“House of the Worm, The” (Prout)
House on the Borderland, The (Hodgson)
Houtain, E. Dorothy
Houtain, George Julian
“How Our State Police Have Spurred Their Way to Fame” (Van de Water)
“How to Become Familiar with the Constellations”
“How to Make and Use a Telescope”
“How to Write a Blackwood Article” (Poe)
Howard, Daniel
Howard, Hester Jane Ervin
Howard, I. M.
Howard, Leslie
Howard, Robert E.
“Howard P. Lovecraft’s Fiction” (Cook)
Howard Phillips Lovecraft: Dreamer on the Nightside (Long)
Howells, William Dean
Hub Club
Hudibras (Butler)
Huerta, Victoriano
Hughes, Charles Evans
Hughes, Langston
Hughes, Rupert
Hughesdale Grammar School
Hume, David
Hunt, Lillian B.
“Hunters from Beyond, The” (Smith)
Hurston, Zora Neale
Hutchinson, Anne
Huxley, Aldous
Huxley, Thomas Henry
Huysmans, Joris-Karl
Hyborian Age, The (Howard)
Hylan, John F.
“Hylas and Myrrha: A Tale”
I.W.W. (Industrial Workers of the World)
“Idealism and Materialism—A Reflection”
“Idle Days on the Yann” (Dunsany)
“Iles, Francis” (pseud. of Anthony Berkeley Cox)
Iliad (Homer)
Image-Maker of Thebes, The (film)
Imagery Aids (Moe)
Immigration Restriction League
“Imparcial, El”
“Imprisoned with the Pharaohs” (Lovecraft-Houdini). See “Under the Pyramids”
“In a Major Key”
In a Minor Key
“In a Sequester’d Providence Churchyard Where Once Poe Walk’d”
In Defence of Dagon
“In Memoriam: Henry St. Clair Whitehead”
In Memoriam: Howard Phillips Lovecraft (Cook)
“In Memoriam: Robert Ervin Howard”
“In Morven’s Mead” (Jackson)
In Old Narragansett (Earle)
In Search of the Unknown (Chambers)
In Texas with Davy Crockett (McNeil)
In the Confessional and the Following (Danziger)
“In the Editor’s Study” (Conservative)
In the Midst of Life (Bierce)
In the Mouth of Madness (film)
“In the Vault”
“In the Walls of Eryx” (Lovecraft-Sterling)
“In Vita Elysium” (Cole)
Incantations (Smith)
Incredible Adventures (Blackwood)
Indick, Ben P.
Ingram, John H.
Inhabitant of the Lake and Less Welcome Tenants, The (Campbell)
Innsmouth, Mass.
“Insomnia” (Jackson)
“Instructions in Case of Decease”
Insull, Samuel
Interesting Items
International Correspondence Schools
“Introducing Mr. Chester Pierce Munroe”
“Introducing Mr. John Russell”
“Introduction, The”
Introduction to American Literature, An (Borges)
“Invisible Monster, The” (Lovecraft-Greene). See “Horror at Martin’s Beach, The”
Invisible Sun (Wandrei)
“Irish and the Fairies, The” (MacManus)
Iron Working
Irving, Washington
“Is Chicago a Crime-Ridden City?” (Stone)
“Is There Life on the Moon?”
“Isaacsonio-Mortoniad, The”
Isaacson, Charles D.
Isis Unveiled (Blavatsky)
Israfel (Allen)
Italian, The (Radcliffe)
“Iterum Conjunctae”
Jackson, Fred
Jackson, Ralph Temple
Jackson, Shirley
Jackson, Winifred Virginia
Jacobi, Carl
James, Henry
James, M. R.
Jefferson, Thomas
“Jerusalem’s Lot” (King)
Jesse James Stories
Jewish Forerunners of Christianity (Danziger)
Jimbo (Blackwood)
“John Oldham: A Defence”
John Silence—Physician Extraordinary (Blackwood)
“John, the Detective”
Johnson, A.
Johnson, Alfred
Johnson, Clarke Howard
Johnson, Hugh Samuel
Johnson, Samuel
Johnston, Charles B.
Jones, C. H.
Jones, Edward Delbert
Jones, Henry Arthur
Jones, Stephen
Jordan, Horace
Jordan, Stephen J.
Jordan, Winifred Virginia. See Jackson, Winifred Virginia
Joshi, S. T.
“Journal and the New Deal, The”
Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland, A (Johnson)
Joyce, James
Julius LeVallon (Blackwood)
Jumbee and Other Uncanny Tales (Whitehead)
Jung, C. G.
Junior Literature: Book Two (Leonard-Moffett)
Junzt, Friedrich von
Jurgen (Cabell)
Juvenal (D. Junius Juvenalis)
Kalem Club
Kamin, Martin and Sara
Kant, Immanuel
Kappa Alpha Tau
Karloff, Boris
Katherman, M. A.
Kay, James
Keats, John
Keffer, Willametta
Keil, Paul Livingston
Keith, David
Keller, David H.
Kellerman, Stella V.
Kelley, Earl C.
Kelly, Muriel P.
Kennan, George F.
Kennedy, Mary F.
Kenny, Robert
“Kenton, Bernard J.” (pseud. of Jerry Siegel)
Kern, Eugene M.
Key, Francis Scott
Kiernan, Caitlín R.
Kimball, Gertrude Selwyn
King, Stephen
King Argimenes and the Unknown Warrior (Dunsany)
King in Yellow, The (Chambers)
King John (Shakespeare)
King Kong (film)
Kingman, Dr
Kingsport, Mass.
Kipling, Rudyard
Kirk, George
Kirk, William
Kirtland Brothers
“Kith of the Elf-Folk, The” (Dunsany)
Klein, T. E. D.
Kleine, George
Kleiner, Rheinhart: and amateur journalism; and Sonia Greene; HPL on; on HPL; with HPL in New York; HPL’s letters to; meetings with HPL; writings by
“Kleinst, Anatole” (pseud. of Alfred Galpin)
Kline, Otis Adelbert
Knight, Damon
Knopf, Alfred A.
Knowles, Horace B.
Knowles, James Davis
Koenig, Herman C.
Koki, Arthur S.
Körber, Joachim
Krutch, Joseph Wood
Ku Klux Klan
Kuntz, Eugene B.
Kürten, Peter
Kuttner, Henry
Ladd, James
Ladd Observatory
Laertius, Diogenes
“Laeta; a Lament”
“Lair of t
he Star-Spawn” (Derleth-Schorer)
Lair of the White Worm, The (Stoker)
Lake Breeze
Lamb, Charles
La Mettrie, Julien Offray de
“Lamp of Alhazred, The” (Derleth)
Landon, Alf
Laney, Francis T.
Lang, Andrew
Langland, Joseph
Lansing, Robert
Lansinger, J. M.
Laplace, Pierre Simon de
Larsson, Raymond E. F.
Last and First Men (Stapledon)
Last Book of Wonder, The (Dunsany)
“Last Feast of Harlequin, The” (Ligotti)
“Last Incantation, The” (Smith)
Last Laugh, The (film)
“Last Pagan Speaks, The”
“Last Test, The” (Lovecraft-de Castro)
Latin Dictionary, A (Lewis-Short)
Latin-English Lexicon
Latin Literature of the Empire (Gudeman)
Lawrence, Carroll
Lawrence, D. H.
Lawrence, Eugene
Lawson, Horace L.
Lazare, Edward
Lazarus (Béraud)
“League, The”
League of Nations
Lee brothers
Leeds, Arthur
Leeman, Tom
Leet, William
Le Fanu, Joseph Sheridan
“Legend of Sleepy Hollow, The” (Irving)
Le Guin, Ursula K.
Lehr, Mary Henrietta
Leiber, Fritz, Sr.
Leiber, Fritz, Jr.
Leiber, Jonquil
Leinster, Murray
Lemke, William
Lemon, Don Mark
Lenniger, August
Leonard, Sterling
Leopard’s Spots, The (Dixon)
Lescaze, William
Lessons in Astronomy Including Uranography (Young)
Level, Maurice
Lévy, Maurice
Lewis, C. S.
Lewis, Charlton T.
Lewis, Edna
Lewis, Matthew Gregory
Lewis, Sinclair
Libbera, Jean
“Life” (Crofts)
“Life and Death”
Life of Edgar Allan Poe, The (Woodberry)
Life of Johnson (Boswell)
Life of Reason, The (Santayana)
“Ligeia” (Poe)
Ligotti, Thomas
Lincoln, Abraham
“Lines on the 25th. Anniversary of the Providence Evening News, 1892–1917”
“Link, The”
Lippi, Giuseppe
Lippmann, Walter
“Liquor and Its Friends”
“List of Certain Basic Underlying Horrors Effectively Used in Weird Fiction, A”
Listener and Other Stories, The (Blackwood)
“Literary Composition”
“Literary Copernicus, A” (Leiber)
“Literary Review”
“Literature of Rome, The”
Little, Myrta Alice
Little Blue Light, The (Wilson)
Little Essays in Love and Virtue (Ellis)
“Little Glass Bottle, The”
“Little Journeys to the Homes of Prominent Amateurs”
Little Magazine
“Little Sam Perkins”
“Little Sketches About Town”
Little Women (Alcott)
“Littlewit, Humphry, Esq.”
Lives of the Ancient Philosophers (Fénélon)
Lives of the Philosophers (Laertius)
Lives of the Poets (Johnson)
Lloyd, John Uri
Lock and Key Library, The (Hawthorne)
Lockhart, Andrew F.
London, Jack
London (Johnson)
London Adventure, The (Machen)
London Evening Standard
Long, Huey P.
Long, Frank Belknap; and amateur journalism; on HPL; with HPL in New York; and HPL’s death; HPL’s letters to; and HPL’s marriage; influence on HPL; politics of; as revisionist; travels with HPL; and Weird Tales; writings by
Long, Mrs. Frank Belknap, Sr.
Long, Samuel
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
Looking Backward
Loop, Elizabeth E.
“Lord Dunsany and His Work”
Lord Jim (Conrad)
“Lord of Illusion, The” (Price)
Loring & Mussey
Lost Legion, The (Munn)
Lost Valley and Other Stories, The (Blackwood)
Lost World, The (Doyle)
Lost World, The (film)
Loucks, Donovan K.
“Love Versus Lovecraft” (Russell)
Lovecraft, Aaron
Lovecraft, Emma Jane
Lovecraft, Frederick A.
Lovecraft, George
Lovecraft, H. P.:
LIFE: and amateur journalism; ancestry of; and Antarctica; and astronomy; and cats; and chemstry; childhood friends of; childhood games of; and clothing; diet of; dreams of; early readings of; employment of; and father; finances of; and firearms; and grandfather; health of; and mother; robbery (1925); schooling of; and sex; and temperance; and trolleys; and violin lessons
RESIDENCES: 454 Angell Street (Providence, RI) (1890, 1893–1904); Massachusetts (1890–93); 598 Angell Street (Providence, RI) (1904–24); 249 Parkside Avenue (Brooklyn, NY) (1924); 169 Clinton Street (Brooklyn, NY) (1924–26); 10 Barnes Street (Providence, RI) (1926–33); 66 College Street (Providence, RI) (1933–37)
THOUGHT: aesthetics; aesthetics of weird fiction; Anglophilia; atheism; contemporary literature; early thought; economics; film; later thought; politics; racism; theory of poetry
TRAVELS: Baltimore, MD; Boston, MA; Cape Cod, MA; Charleston, SC; Chepachet, RI; Cleveland, OH; Dedham, MA; Dudley, MA; Elizabeth, NJ; Endless Caverns (New Market, VA); Florida; Foster, RI; Gloucester/Magnolia, MA; Kingston/Hurley, NY; Nantucket, MA; Narragansett Co., RI; Natchez, MS; New Hampshire; New Haven, CT; New Orleans, LA; New York City; New York City area; Newburyport, MA; Newport, RI; Paterson, NJ; Philadelphia, PA; Plymouth, MA; Portland, ME; Portsmouth, NH; Quebec; Rehoboth, MA; Salem/Marblehead, MA; Vermont; Virginia; Washington, DC; Western MA; Westminster, MA
WORK: astronomy writings; book publications and prospects; early essays; early poetry; early stories; later poetry; letters in Argosy/All-Story; recognition of; revisions; travel writings
Lovecraft, John Full
Lovecraft, Joseph
Lovecraft, Joseph, Jr.
Lovecraft, Joshua Elliot
Lovecraft, Mary Louise
Lovecraft, Sarah Susan Phillips
Lovecraft, Thomas
Lovecraft, William
Lovecraft, Winfield Scott
Lovecraft: A Biography (de Camp)
Lovecraft: A Look Behind the “Cthulhu Mythos” (Carter)
“Lovecraft—an Appreciation” (Goodenough)
Lovecraft: Disturbing the Universe (Burleson)
“Lovecraft and Benefit Street” (Walter)
Lovecraft Annual
Lovecraft at Last (Lovecraft-Conover)
Lovecraft Chronicles, The (Cannon)
Lovecraft Collectors Library
“Lovecraft on Love”
Lovecraft ou du fantastique (Lévy)
Lovecraft Remembered (Cannon)
Lovecraft Studies
Lovecraft’s Book (Lupoff)
Lovecraft’s Legacy (Weinberg-Greenberg)
“Loved Dead, The” (Lovecraft-Eddy)
Loveman, Samuel; and amateur journalism; and Ambrose Bierce; and Sonia Davis; HPL on; on HPL; with HPL in Cleveland; with HPL in New York; and HPL’s fiction; HPL’s letters to; travels with HPL; writings by
Lowell, Amy
Lowell, James Russell
Lowell, Percival
Lowell, Robert
Lowndes, Robert A. W.
sp; “Luck of Edenhall, The” (Longfellow)
Lucretius (T. Lucretius Carus)
“Lucubrations Lovecraftian”
Lumley, Brian
Lumley, William
Lupoff, Richard A.
Lurker at the Threshold, The (Derleth)
Lurker in the Lobby, The (Migliore-Strysik)
“Lurking Fear, The”
Lurking Fear, The (film)
Lurking Fear and Other Stories, The
Lusitania (ship)
Luten, J. Randle
Lynch, J. Bernard
Lynd, Robert
Lyrics of Lowly Life (Dunbar)
M., Dorrie
Mabbott, T. O.
Mabley & Carew’s
“Mac Flecknoe” (Dryden)
Macauley, George W.
McColl, Gavin T.
McCormack, John
McCurdy, “Monk”
MacDonald, George
McDonald, Philip B.
McGavack, Henry Clapham
McGeoch, Verna
McGrath, Patrick
McGrew, Donald Francis
Machen, Arthur
McIlwraith, Dorothy
McKay, Claude
McKeag, Ernest Lionel
McKeogh, Arthur
McKim, Charles F.
McKinley, William
McLaughlin, E. Dorothy
MacLeish, Archibald
Macleod, Fiona (pseud. of William Sharp)
MacManus, Peter J.
McMullen, S. Lilian
McMurtry, Larry
McNamara, M. Eileen
McNeil, Everett
Macpherson, James
McWilliams, Carey
Madero, Francisco I.
“Madison, A. T.” (pseud. of Alfred Galpin)
“Madness of Lucian Grey, The” (Bloch)
Magazine of Fun
“Magazine Poet, The”
Magic Carpet
Magician among the Spirits, A (Houdini)
Magistris, Mariano de
Magnalia Christi Americana (Mather)
Mailer, Norman
Main Street (Lewis)
Maine (ship)
“Maker of Moons, The” (Chambers)
Maker of Moons, The (Chambers)
“Making of a Motion Picture, The” (Shehan)
Malaeska: The Indian Wife of the White Hunter (Stephens)
Mallarmé, Stéphane
Man from Genoa, The (Long)
“Man in the Mirror, The” (Hunt)
“Man of Stone, The” (Lovecraft-Heald)
“Man of the Crowd, The” (Poe)
Man on All Fours, The (Derleth)
Mandeville, Sir John
Mann, Henry
Man’s Place in Nature and Other Anthropological Essays (Huxley)
Mantell, Robert
Mappin, Beryl
Marblehead (Lupoff)
Mariconda, Steven J.
Marion, Frank
“Marriage Auction, The” (Jackson)
Marryat, Frederick
Marsh, Henry G.
“Marsh-Mad” (Galpin)
Marshall, Mrs.
Marten, Robert D.
Martin, Harry E.
Marvel Tales
Marx, Karl