by S. T. Joshi
Mary Adorita, Sister
Mashburn, W. Kirk
Mask of Cthulhu, The (Derleth)
“Masque of the Red Death, The” (Poe)
“Master of the Macabre, A” (Derleth)
Masterpieces of Mystery (French)
Masters, Edgar Lee
Mastropierro, Lorenzo
“Materialist Today, The”
Mather, Cotton
Matheson, Richard
Mathews, Martha Helen
Matin des magiciens, Le (Bergier-Pauwels)
“Matter of Uniteds, The”
Matthews, Brander
Maturin, Charles Robert
Maugham, W. Somerset
Maupassant, Guy de
Mauran, William Lippitt
Maxfield, Julia A.
May, Arthur P.
“Maynwaring, Archibald”
Maynwaring, Arthur
Mazurewicz, Edward T.
Mead, William Rutherford
Meditations and Contemplations (Hervey)
“Medusa: A Portrait”
“Medusa’s Coil” (Lovecraft-Bishop)
Mellon, Paul
Melmoth the Wanderer (Maturin)
Melting-Pot, The (Zangwill)
“Members of the Men’s Club of the First Universalist Church . . ., The”
Memoir of Roger Williams (Knowles)
Mencken, H. L.
Mengshoel, E. L.
Merlin’s Ring (Munn)
“Merman, The” (Bloch)
Merritt, A.
Merritt, John
Merritt, Pearl K.
“Message to America, A” (Seeger)
Messala, L. Valerius
“Messenger, The”
“Metal Chamber, The” (Rimel)
Metal Monster, The (Merritt)
Metamorphoses (Ovid)
“Metaphysical Poets, The” (Eliot)
Metcalf, Mildred
Metcalf, T. N.
Metcalf family
“Metrical Regularity”
Metropolitan Museum (New York)
“Metzengerstein” (Poe)
Mexican Civil War
Meyrink, Gustav
Michaud, Marc A.
Michel, J. B.
Michener, James
“Middleton, Lilian” (pseud. of S. Lilian McMullen)
Migliore, Andrew
Miller, Caroline
Miller, Hayes P.
Miller, Joaquin
Miller, Percival
Miller, Reginald
Miller, William, Jr.
“Million Years After, A” (Root)
Milton, John
Mind Parasites, The (Wilson)
Mind Power Plus
Miniter, Edith
Minnesota Quarterly
Minster Hall
“Mirage” (Fungi from Yuggoth)
Mirage on Lovecraft (Chalker)
Miskatonic University
Miske, J. Chapman
Missbaum, A.
“Mississippi Autumn, A”
Mitchell, D. M.
“Mive” (Jacobi)
“Mocraft, Horace Philter”
“Modern Business Man to His Love, The” (Owen)
Modern Science and Materialism (Elliot)
Modern Science and the Illusions of Professor Bergson (Elliot)
Modern Tales of Horror (Hammett)
Modern Temper, The (Krutch)
Moe, Donald
Moe, Maurice W.
Moe, Robert Ellis
Moffett, Harold Y.
Moitoret, Anthony F.
Monadnock Monthly
Monk, The (Lewis)
Monk and the Hangman’s Daughter, The (Voss)
“Monody on the Late King Alcohol”
Monroe Clothes
“Monster-God of Mamurth, The” (Hamilton)
Montelone, Paul
Montgomery Ward
“Moon, The”
“Moon-Bog, The”
“Moon Pool, The” (Merritt)
Moon Terror, The (Birch et al.)
Moore, C. L.
Moore, Edgar
Moore, Thomas
“More Chain Lightning”
More Ghost Stories of an Antiquary (James)
More Seven Club Tales (Austin)
More Shapes Than One (Chappell)
Morris, William
Morrish, Ethel Phillips
Morrow, W. C.
Morrow, William, & Co.
“Mors Omnibus Communis” (Lovecraft-Greene)
Morse, Asa
Morse, Richard Ely
Morte d’Arthur (Malory)
Morton, James F.; and amateur journalism; HPL on; on HPL; with HPL in New York; HPL’s letters to; meetings with HPL; and Paterson Museum; as revisionist; and weird fiction; writings by
Morton, Thomas
Mosely, James Mather
Mosig, Dirk W.
Moskowitz, Sam
Mosley, Sir Oswald
Mother’s Love Songs (Toldridge)
“Mound, The” (Lovecraft-Bishop)
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
Mr. X (Straub)
“Mrs. Miniter—Estimates and Recollections”
“MS. Found in a Bottle” (Poe)
Muffin Man
Mullaney, Bridget
Mumford, Lewis
Munn, H. Warner
Munro, Harold W.
Munroe, Addison P.
Munroe, Chester Pierce
Munroe, Harold Bateman
Munroe, Kirk
Munsey, Frank A.
Munsey magazines
Munsey’s Magazine
“Murders in the Rue Morgue, The” (Poe)
Murray, Margaret A.
Murray, Will
Museum of Fine Arts (Boston)
Musgrave family
“Music of Erich Zann, The”
Mussolini, Benito
“My Favorite Pastime—Flirting” (Griffin)
“My Favourite Character”
“My Friend—H. L.: A Poet of the Old School” (Munroe)
“My Lost Love”
“My Opinion as to the Lunar Canals”
Myers, Gary
“Myrrha and Strephon”
“Mysteries of the Heavens”
Mysteries of the Worm (Prinn)
Mysteries of Udolpho, The (Radcliffe)
“Mysterious Ship, The”
Mystery Magazine
Mystery of Choice, The (Chambers)
Mystery Stories
“Mystery of Murdon Grange, The”
“Mystery of the Grave-yard, The”
“Mythology for the Young”
Mythos Books
Myths and Myth-Makers (Fiske)
N., S. P.
NRA (National Recovery Administration)
“Nameless City, The”
Nameless Cults (Junzt)
Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym, The (Poe)
Narrative of the Exploring Expedition . . . (Wilkes)
National Amateur
National Amateur Press Association
National Co-operative
National Council of Teachers of English
National Enquirer
National Magazine
Nauck, Mrs. Wilhelm
Necronomicon (Alhazred)
Necronomicon Press
Nelson, Robert
“New Department Proposed”
“New England”
“New-England Fallen”
New England Primer
New English Canaan or New Canaan (Morton)
New Republic
New Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos (Campbell)
New Way, The (de Castro)
New York Public Library
New York Detective Library
New York Dramatic Mirror
New York Evening Post
New York Herald Trib
New York Sun
New York Times
New York Tribune
New York Weekly
New York World
New Yorker
Newcomb, Simon
“News Notes” (United Amateur)
Newton, Dudley
Nick Carter Detective Weekly
Nietzsche, Friedrich
“Nietzsche as a Practical Prophet” (Galpin)
“Nietzscheism and Realism”
Nigger-Man (cat)
“Night Gallery”
Night Land, The (Hodgson)
“Night Ocean, The” (Lovecraft-Barlow)
Night-Thoughts (Young)
“Night Wind Bared My Heart, The” (Jackson)
“Nightmare Lake, The”
Night’s Black Agents (Leiber)
Night’s Yawning Peal (Derleth)
“No Transit of Mars”
“Noble Eavesdropper, The”
Northanger Abbey (Austen)
Not at Night! (Asbury)
“Not at Night” series
“Note on Howard P. Lovecraft’s Verse, A” (Kleiner)
Notes & Commonplace Book . . .
“Notes on ‘Alias Peter Marchall’ by A. F. Lorenz”
“Notes on Verse Technique”
“Notes on Writing Weird Fiction”
“Novel of the Black Seal” (Machen)
“Novel of the White Powder” (Machen)
Nurse, Rebekah
“Nyarlathotep” (Fungi from Yuggoth)
“Nyarlathotep” (prose-poem)
“Nymph’s Reply to the Modern Business Man, The”
O. Henry Memorial Award Prize Stories (Williams)
O’Brien, Edward J.
O’Brien, Fitz-James
“Observations on Several Parts of America”
“Oct. 17, 1919”
“Ode for July Fourth, 1917”
“Ode to Florence” (Greene)
“Ode to Selene or Diana”
Odes and Sonnets (Smith)
Odyssey (Homer)
“Of Evill Sorceries Done in New England . . .”
Of Human Bondage (Maugham)
Official Organ Fund
“Ol’ Black Sarah” (Dwyer)
“Old Brick Row, The”
“Old Bugs”
“Old Christmas”
“Old Egyptian Myth . . ., An”
“Old England and the ‘Hyphen’”
Old English Baron, The (Reeve)
Old World Footprints (Symmes)
Ole Miss’
O’Leary, Jeremiah
Oliphant, Margaret
Oliver, John A. Westwood
Omnibus of Crime, The (Sayers)
“Omnipresent Philistine, The”
“On a Battlefield in Picardy”
“On a Modern Lothario”
“On a New-England Village Seen by Moonlight”
“On Acknowledgments” (Dunn)
“On Collaboration” (Lovecraft-Kleiner)
“On Reading Lord Dunsany’s Book of Wonder”
“On Receiving a Picture of Swans”
“On Receiving a Portraiture of Mrs. Berkeley, ye Poetess”
“On Religion”
“On the Aryan Question” (Huxley)
“On the Cowboys of the West”
“On the History of the Man-like Apes” (Huxley)
“On the Ruin of Rome”
“On the Creation of Niggers”
“On the Death of a Rhyming Critic”
On the Genealogy of Morals (Nietzsche)
“On the Methods and Results of Ethnology” (Huxley)
“On the Trail of the Past”
“On the Vanity of Human Ambition”
Onderdonk, Matthew H.
“One of Cleopatra’s Nights” (Gautier)
O’Neail, N. J.
O’Neill, Eugene
Onions, Oliver
“Only a Volunteer” (Miller)
“Ooze” (Rud)
“Open Letter to the Clergy” (Morton)
Oriental Stories
Origin of Species, The (Darwin)
Ornaments in Jade (Machen)
Orton, Vrest
O’Shaughnessy, Arthur
“Ossian.” See Macpherson, James
“Other Gods, The”
“Our Apology to E. M. W.” (Russell)
“Our Candidate”
Our Natupski Neighbors (Miniter)
Our Police (Mann)
Ouronoskopia (Wittie)
“Out of the Aeons” (Lovecraft-Heald)
“Outpost, The”
“Outsider, The”
Outsider, The (Wilson)
Outsider and Other Stories, The
Outsider and Others, The
“Oval Portrait, The” (Poe)
Overland Monthly
Ovid (P. Ovidius Naso)
“Ovid’s Metamorphoses”
Owen, Olive G.
Owings, Mark
Owyhee Avalanche
Owyhee Land and Irrigation Company
Oxford Latin Dictionary
Ozell, James
“Pacifist War Song—1917”
Page, Brett
Page, Thomas Nelson
“Paget-Lowe, Henry”
Pain, Barry
Pall Mall Gazette
Palgrave, Sir Francis
Papy, Jacques
Paradise Lost (Milton)
Parker, Charles A. A.
Parkman, Francis
Parks, Joseph
Parnell, Clarence
Parnell, Thomas
Partridge, John
Passing of the Great Race, The (Grant)
Passmore, John
“Pastoral Tragedy of Appleton, Wisconsin, A”
“Pastorale” (Crane)
Pastorals (Pope)
Patches of Sunlight (Dunsany)
Pater, Walter
Paterson Rambling Club
“Pathetick History of Sir Wilful Wildrake, The”
Pattee, Fred Lewis
Pauke’s Quill
Pauwels, Louis
Pawtuxet Valley Daily Times
Pawtuxet Valley Gleaner
“Peabody Heritage, The” (Derleth)
“Peace Advocate, The”
Peace Poems and Sausages (Bush)
Pearse, Padraic
Pearson, Edmund
Pellucidar (Burroughs)
“Pendrifter, The” (Crane)
“Penelope” (Starrett)
Penguin Classics
“Penseroso, Il” (Milton)
Penzoldt, Peter
Perelman, S. J.
Perry, Mr.
Pershing, A. V.
Perspective Review
“Perverted Poesie; or, Modern Metre”
Pervigilium Veneris
Petaja, Emil
Phantastique/The Science Fiction Critic
Phantom of the Opera, The (film)
Phantom of the Poles, The (Reed)
Phantom Public, The (Lippmann)
Phantom Ship, The (Marryat)
Philbrick, Clarence Horace
Phillips, Abby
Phillips, Annie Emeline. See Gamwell, Annie Emeline Phillips
Phillips, Asaph
Phillips, Edwin E.
Phillips, Emma (Corey)
Phillips, Ethel M. See Morris, Ethel Phillips
Phillips, George
Phillips, James
Phillips, James Wheaton
Phillips, Jeremiah
Phillips, Jeremiah W.
Phillips, Lilian Delora. See Clark, Lillian Delora
Phillips, Mary C.
Phillips, Michael
Phillips, Mr
Phillips, Robie Alzada Place
illips, Roby Rathbun
Phillips, Sarah Susan. See Lovecraft, Sarah Susan Phillips
Phillips, Theodore W.
Phillips, Walter H.
“Phillips, Ward”
Phillips, Whipple Van Buren
Philosopher’s Stone, The (Wilson)
Pickering, William H.
Pickford, Mary
Pickle for the Knowing Ones, A (Dexter)
“Pickman’s Model”
“Picture, The”
“Picture in the House, The”
Picture of Dorian Gray, The (Wilde)
Pierce, Frederick Erastus
Pigafetta, Filippo
“Pigeon-Flyers, The” (Fungi from Yuggoth)
Pine Cones
Pinero, Arthur Wing
Pittenger, William
Pizzano, Cahrles
Place, Stephen
Place Called Dagon, The (Gorman)
Place of Hawks (Derleth)
Plaisier, Jennie K.
Planck, Max
Planet, The
Plays of Gods and Men (Dunsany)
Pliny the Elder (C. Plinius Secundus)
Pliny the Younger (C. Plinius Caecilius Secundus)
Pluck and Luck
Plunkett, Joseph
Pnakotic Manuscripts
Poe, Edgar Allan; aesthetics of; compared to HPL; HPL on; influence on HPL; and Frank Belknap Long; reputation of; residences of; and weird fiction
“Poe-et’s Nightmare, The”
“Poem of Ulysses, The”
Poemata Minora, Volume I
Poemata Minora, Volume II
Poems for Midnight (Wandrei)
“Poetical Punch’ Pushed from His Pedestal, ‘The”
Poetical Works (Holmes)
Poetical Works of Jonathan E. Hoag, The (Hoag)
“Poetry and the Gods” (Lovecraft-Crofts)
“Poetry of John Ravenor Bullen, The”
“Poetry of Lilian Middleton, The”
Poetry out of Wisconsin (Derleth-Larsson)
“Poets of Amateur Journalism” (White)
Polo, Marco
Poly-Olbion (Drayton)
“Pool, The” (Jackson)
Pope, Alexander
Popular Astronomy (Newcomb)
Popular Fiction Publishing Co.
Popular Magazine
“Port, The” (Fungi from Yuggoth)
Portable Novels of science, The (Wollheim)
Porter, Wesley H.
Portrait of Ambrose Bierce (de Castro)
“Post-Christmas Lament, A” (Dunn)
Poster, William
Pound, Ezra
Powell, Anthony
“Power of Wine, The”
Practical Astronomer, The (Dick)
“Practical Geometry”
Practical Psychology and Sex Life (Bush)
“Prayer for Peace and Justice, A” (Thomas)
Precious Balms (Machen)
Presbyterian Advocate
Prescott, William H.
“President’s Message” (Greene)
“President’s Annual Report, The”
“President’s Message” (National Amateur)
“President’s Message” (United Amateur)