Rent Boy
Page 25
With my new attitude and determination to get the ideal life I had to search for it. I wanted to be someone and not just another face in the crowd. I soon realised that I was pushing my friends away from me but I still did not want to be alone. They say that nothing else matters apart from being happy, healthy and wise. I wanted to go beyond that. I wanted to be a star. I wanted to be controversial. I didn’t need any friends, stuff them. I didn’t need any man to make me happy. But most of all I just simply wanted it all. I wanted admiration, good looks and most of all money. I didn’t care about anyone else and opinions no longer mattered. So I followed my instinct and pushed aside any dignity. I reached for the Yellow Pages and did my research on an idea I had be lingering over for a while. I browsed through the pages of escort agencies operating in Melbourne. I looked at all the escort agencies that appeared to be well established and had a good reputation and then I spotted one. That was the place I wanted to work for. Then I made the call. “Yeah, Hi, my names’ Jay and I was wondering if you had an jobs going for an escort?” I asked with confidence. “It depends” said the guy on the other end of the phone. “Tell me a bit about yourself” he asked inquisitively. “Well, I’m about 25, 5 foot 8, athletic build, dark blonde hair.....” I said like it was scripted. Then he interrupted me and said “Okay, come in for an interview, you sound like just what we need” he said enthusiastically. So that same day I went to the agency for the interview.
The agency obviously operated in Melbourne. I approached the agency, very nervously and began to think “Should I really be doing this” and “Am I degrading myself?” But the element of coolness set in. It felt kind of hip to think of myself not as a prostitute but as a professional escort. As soon as I entered the business I was greeted by a very friendly guy, probably about 40 or so. He took me to his office which was the actual core of the agency. This is where all the calls go to. It was the powerhouse of the agency. “So far I like what I see but can you take your top off?” he asked confidently. So I did. He was impressed and said straight away “When can you start?”. “Well, I can start tomorrow if you like” I said with surprise. I actually thought I was going to be turned away. I guess I was terrified of the rejection which would confirm that perhaps I’m not attractive at all. But this confirmed I was attractive. I got offered a job. “We need to come up with an escort name for you” he said. I paused for a second and said “My name is Luke”. He smiled at me and said “I like it, .....I like it a lot....I think you are going to be big” he said with a determined look on his face. He then went into escort business mode talking about how they are going to promote me by putting my profile in all the major gay publications and on their website. There was no turning back now. This was it. I am now an escort. But what surprised me the most was how professional they treated the business. It was a legitimate business like any other. They also reiterated that it was safe sex only which made me feel at ease. This was one professional agency with a sparkling clean image and I felt proud that I had the opportunity to be considered for a job. He spoke about the reputation of the agency and their expectations of their employees and spoke about their staff with a lot of respect and pride. This no longer felt like a taboo kind of thing. This was a business like any other and with a market with valued clients. There was nothing seedy about it at all and can say that with complete honesty. But most of all they had respect for their escorts and looked after their needs and wellbeing. It was refreshing to see that as the escort industry is so misunderstood in society. They did everything by the book, we had to get medicals, blood tests and they gave me a bag of ‘goodies’. The ‘goodies’ bag had loads of condoms, lube, sex toys and so on. This was big business and this was a great opportunity to earn serious cash. The money, or our cut as they called it, was good. The money was great in fact and we even had our own driver to pick us up from home and take us to the client’s residence and then drop us home again. So there you have it, I was an escort, and proud of it. I had no shame as I was going to be a professional. So, pleased to meet you, My name is Luke.
The day after, I was nervous. This was my first day of working as an escort. The structure was simple. We simply had to sign on each day that we were rostered to be available and ensure we had our mobile phones with us waiting to get the call from the agency saying they had a job for us. The only thing was that we basically had to be home all the time so when we get the call we were ready to be picked up in 15 minutes. On my first day I was rostered on from 6 pm, there was no finish time though, you just finished when you finished. That was not the hard part. I had to actually get through my first job. I began to think I was doing the wrong thing. I began to cold feet and it just made me feel even more nervous. But I waited anxiously for the phone to ring. I just wanted to get the first job over and done with.
I didn’t expect it so soon but it only a few minutes after 6 pm that I received the first phone call from the agency. They had a client for me. They briefed me over the phone about the client I was about to visit, all in a very businesslike professional manner. I was to be picked up by my driver in fifteen minutes. It was imperative that I was ready to go. They were forceful about that, and understandably. But I was ready, ready to go and I wanted to make a first good impression. I really wanted this thing to work. After all, it was the money I wanted. At that stage, that is.
My driver beeped the horn outside my home that was my cue. He introduced himself and was a very friendly guy. Like all of the staff from the agency I had met so far. He knew it was my first job and with his warm nature he really calmed me down. But I arrive at my first clients house not knowing at ll what to expect. Where they going to be hideously ugly, grossly fat, hairy, really old ? I really did not know anything except his name and occupation. I rang the doorbell with anticipation but I was ready. Really ready to turn on the charm. I wanted to impress. They were the clients, the valuable clients, the paying clients. My attitude was to never bite the hand that feeds you. Then he opened the door. My eyes lit up with his enthusiastic G’day, you must be Luke?’. It took me a few seconds to reply as I was in kind of trance thinking “You really are not bad after all”. I wouldn’t go as far as saying he was hot material but he was not bad. But a charming man. First impressions last so I knew I was going to love doing this work. Then my instant genuine-like charm whilst turning up the sexy act up a notch, came to light, like it was naturally flowing. The one hour job with client was the easiest hundreds of dollars I had ever made. It was not just about sex. These were not men who hired a prostitute. They were man who wanted company. They wanted authentic company that would give them that special touch of flattery and admiration, even for just one hour. It was also reciprocal. My first client made me feel like a beautiful man. I made him feel like he was wanted. And I was damn good at doing it! The one hour came to an end. The hour of stimulating conversation, cuddling, kissing, caressing, sex and gentlemanly company. He didn’t want to let me go. Not just yet. So he called the agency to have me for just one more hour. That was fine by me, more money. Plus he was nice. He was a nice guy. On the other end, the agency favours extensions by clients as a business plus and if you as an escort can achieve an extension with a client, then you were treated like escort royalty. That meant you were good at your job and the agency puts you in their top ranked escorts. So my first job was a success. It made me feel good. I did not feel cheap or like I degraded myself from selling my body. The reason is because the client never made me feel cheap. He made me glow with confidence. He made me feel like a man. Sure I could be called a slut, sure I could be considered dirty, I don’t care. This was professional escort work with a touch of class. This was not about wham, bam thank you mam, this was about good male company with a down to earth approach.
The second hour ended and I left my first client with a tender kiss and he replied “I’ll see you again Luke.....real soon I hope”. I just gave him a slight smile and said “I hope so” and left. Then got in the car and counted the cash. Boy this job was gonna
be good.
I was been driven back home again only to receive a call from the agency on my mobile. “Mate, you are a star, I don’t think we ever had an new escort get an extension before” my boss spoke with glee. ‘Well, I did try my best” I said modestly. “You have the right attitude matey, but anyway, I have another job for you, this time you need to go to this five star hotel” He said and told me the name of the hotel and I told the driver. “Uhh, okay..” I said apprehensively. I was not really ready to go straight to another job on my first night but I had to agree to go. I felt confident about it though as I obviously impressed the agency already and that made me more enthusiastic and determined to be the best. I felt like I exhausted all my energy in the first job and thought how am I going to get through another job just like the first one? But I thought, hang on, this was a job, just like any job, you just go out there and do what you have to do to earn the cash.
So anyway, I arrive at the plush five star hotel, had my car door opened by one of the porters, made my way into the hotel lobby with my head held high. The general attire I was wearing was quite casual but not offensively tacky either. It was just jeans, t-shirt and boots. My boss did actually mention to me that I may encounter a slight issue with the fact I was not wearing a suit but he said don’t really worry about it, just be aware, that’s all. I had to ask for my client as the front desk as non-guests could not access the lifts or rooms. Security there was tight. So I get to the desk only to be greeted by some snooty so-called front desk manager. I asked politely that I wished to see my client. Obviously I cannot tell you the name. The front desk manager look at me up and down like I was complete and utter trash. The look on his face said it all. It was almost like he was saying I’m just a prostitute. But the look he gave me made me feel not only angry but hurt. It did make me feel cheap. “And who shall I say is calling?” he asked me sarcastically. “My name is Luke and he is expecting me” I said back in a definitive tone trying not to sound frustrated. He gave me a slight ‘huh!’, a bit f a tiny sarcastic giggle, rolled his eyes and called the clients room. “Uh.....excuse me and sorry to bother you with this but we have a LUKE to see you know any LUKE?” he asked my clients with such evil sarcasm. The client obviously said yes he was expecting me and then without delay the disgusting excuse of a hotel manager, escorted me to the lift, pressing the button for his floor, told me his room number and as the lift doors were closing I stuck my finger and said “Up yours you fuckin’ faggot!’. Then I put on the Luke charm for my client for the next couple of hours. Simple as that.
Job number two and about four hour of work plus driving time, I was in the car ready to go home. Now I was exhausted. I really don’t think I could managed putting on another erection at a beckoned call. But there it goes again. My phone rang again. Oh no not another one, not tonight. “Hey there buddy!” my boss from the agency said. “I just got some feedback for you” he said with enthusiasm. “The client you just saw had just rang me” he said. I thought, what have I done wrong? “He rang us to say that you were the best he had ever had!” he gasped with excitement. I felt more than flattered. I felt like a superstar. Then my boss said the expected. I had just one more job tonight. Just one more and that would be fine for tonight. So there it goes again. The charm comes on and I get into work mode and just got on with the job. You can kind of get the picture from there on in.
The next day I awoke late in the morning but surprisingly feeling quite refreshed. I didn’t feel any shame of what I had done last night, in fact I felt quite proud of myself. I had made more money that night than what I what have worked for a week or two in the cafe. But most of I have made an impression. The agency gave me a lot of praise.
The next few months were busy. I was rostered on with agency for about five nights a week and doing about 3 or 4 jobs per night. You would think I would find it harder and harder to just turn on the sex meter when the client expects it, but in fact, it got easier. The more jobs I did the hungrier and hungrier I got for money and sex. I became addicted to having cash bursting out of my wallet and addicted to the excitement of being a hustler. I was actually addicted to sex. There was Sunday where a client, a very rich client, ordered a few escorts for a sex party in his penthouse suite in a top hotel. I think there were about six of us. It was a sex orgy. But I found the way the other escorts presented themselves, they really did look like prostitutes. They were using really cheesy sex talk to the client which just look ridiculous. They were so not professional. So I showed them how a real professional escort works the art. After about three hours the job was meant to finish and we leave. But not me. The client asked me to stay for one more hour, just one on one. The other escorts were insane with jealousy. I won’t lie, they were good looking guys, but they just did not have the real concept of male company. I showed them and felt proud of that. I also wanted to think of myself as an ambassador for the agency as I had a lot of respect for them.
Months go by and I had earned heaps of money. Don’t ask me where it all went cause I really don’t know. It was obviously satisfying my designer shopping fetish. Within that time I had received the agency’s top ranked recognition. I received ‘Escort of the month” twice in a row. Gee, that made me feel awesome. My confidence soared and the other escorts looked up to me. I was in a team meeting once, which we had every now and then at the agency, another escort was having a conversation with another and I overheard the conversation. The escort said to the other escort “One day I want to be like Luke”. It was like something that a kid would say when they were five or something, but this guy was twenty something. What a compliment! The reward of this recognition was that I received some prizes and then you get special treatment in regards to marketing and promoting my profile. I reaped the rewards as it gave me even more work. Remarkably I handled the extra work but found it was only driving my sex drive out of control. I also realised that whilst doing months of escort work I never got sick at any time. I never caught any sexually transmitted disease, not even the crabs, not even a cold or flu. The only time I got an STD was during the times I was partying hard before I started escort work. I think I caught every STD known to man, except HIV, during my over-sexed behaviour when I was partying. But I never caught anything at all during the time I was working as an escort which obviously meant that this industry is clean and safe. I always practiced safe sex, even when I was partying. I never put myself at risk or anyone else, never. It was rule that all the escorts have regular medical checks and my results were always great. So to those people that have an opinion that those who decide to sell their bodies for sex and think we are dirty, think again, we are not only professional in the way be approach the job we are also very clean and safe. I always insisted on safe sex with clients and the clients’ attitude was reciprocal so it was never an issue. But safe sex practices never got in the way or spoilt the fun and games for the client. It was more than just about sex, it was conversation, perhaps a massage, enjoying a quiet drink or just good male company. This was a clean and professionally minded industry with market demand for quality escorts and shame does not come into it especially in an open minded society. It was also rule that our clients had to be presentable to their escort too. If we were not happy with their cleanliness, then we had the right to enforce this upon them, but I don’t think I had ever encountered anything disgusting, nothing at all. After all, it takes two to tango, doesn’t it? I would also like to say to any guys out there who are scared to indulge in the company of an escort but feel guilty, it’s only natural to feel that. After all, you would be paying for another man. But to those men who have a desire to hire an escort but are a bit apprehensive, don’t think as if you are paying for sex. You are paying for the company of a special desirable man to give you the treatment and pampering you deserve. There should be no guilt, just do it, have fun, there is no shame. Just have a great time and enjoy the experience, you won’t regret it.