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Rent Boy

Page 26

by James Anthony Ford

  Anyway with my professional escort career on a high, it was also feeding my ego and my sexual desire. I had to take control before I lose it. So I decided I would have a night off and do something that I hadn’t done in ages. Go to a sauna.

  I was looking forward to a night of what you could say ‘real’ sex. I wanted just a few moments of lust and dirty sex. But safe of course. HIV doesn’t happen to people like me anyway, I was too fit and healthy and always safe. The sauna’s or gay men’s venues also promoted safe sex practices a lot which is good. There were always condoms and lube in all the cubicles and other areas of the establishment. They were also clean establishments as well. They had to be, if they wanted customers to come back then they needed to ensure cleanliness was up to scratch. They were a business for the gay community like any other business out there for their market. A sauna or gay men’s venue was not just about picking some guy up but they were social and safe places where you could also choose to watch a movie, chat with friends in the lounge, have a swim in the pool or even sometimes have dinner or something. They were like a world inside a world tailor made for gay or bi-sexual men, a method to escape just for a little while. I also noticed that in sauna’s there were a lot of pamphlets and flyers detailing information about safe sex and STD’s and stuff. So information was always there for you, if you wanted to know. The reality, that is. But the fact that sauna’s always took a serious interest in gay health and safe sex it always gave you me bit of confidence just knowing that was support out there if I needed it.

  Anyway, this time I got to choose who I wanted and play role reversal. So I went to my usual haunt. When I arrived there the place appeared to be busy. I get to the change rooms and there were a couple of cuties undressing or dressing. I get to my locker, took off my top, pulled down my jeans, folded them and into my locker. I notice at the corner of my eye some guy was standing behind a locker watching me undress. I hated that. Even though it was supposed to be a cruisy place, the change room was not the place to cruise. I pretended not to notice the guy watch me as I thought he would just walk off soon anyway. But he kept standing there so I got a bit fed up with it and looked right at him as if to “What the hell you lookin’ at?”. He got a fright and walked away shyly. But he was cute actually. I had seen this guy a few time before and he has always given me some prissy sort of attitude towards me. I wouldn’t mind, well, getting to ‘know’ him, if you know what I mean. But he seems to always give me an attitude and has never tried to pick me up. Every time we walked past each other in the cruise maze he would sort of stick his head up in the air and turn his back to me. You know, real attitude, the attitude that you get from pretentious little faggots. But attitude did not suit this guy and I didn’t understand why he always did this. There was something about him that wanted me to pursue him even if it meant he was actually going to reject me. So I thought, okay, I’m gonna give it a crack and see how he reacts. But I still had my doubts if I was really interested or not. He did not have the body I go for but he was really cute. Kind of masculine handsome cute. Superficially, that’s what caught me about him.

  We past each other a few times in the maze and this time I looked right at him. With amazement his attitude kind of changed immediately. But we both kept on walking in opposite directions. Then I saw him again in the maze, as we walked past each other in slower pace we both stared at each other not showing any emotion. But we past each other again. Then we did it again, we were going around and around in circles and neither one of us was going to make the first move. But we both knew that we wanted each other. It was clear. But it was tense.

  I got fed up with this cat and mouse game, although I was a big fan of ‘the chase’ in saunas, I had to know if this guy was interested or not. So I thought ‘stuff it’, I’m gonna make a move. Then I walk into the maze and he was gone. I walked again and he was nowhere to be seen. “Shit” I thought. “I’ve stuffed it up”. But then I saw him. He was standing next to a vacant cubicle, huddled in the corner with his hands behind his back. He saw me looking at him. He looked nervous and so was I. I walked towards him pretending that I was going to walk right past him. I didn’t want to give the impression that I was easy. Ironically, I think that’s also the impression he was trying to give to me about him too. So I slowly walked towards him, turned around the corner and just slightly nodded my head while looking at him to give a hint of approval. He was watching me right from the corner of his eye. Then I walked right into the cubicle without looking at him. There was a moment of pause and then he followed me into the cubicle closing the door behind him. Then the rest you could say is history. I’m not going to kiss and tell this episode.

  It was a very different sexual experience that I was used to. The guy who I was with in the cubicle had a very tender but passionate approach to sex. With me it was usually pretty full-on hard ‘tear each others clothes off’ kind of sex. But this guy was different. He turned me on. Although he was very cute, very handsome in fact, I had attraction to his body as it really was not muscular or even athletic in any way. But there was something about the way we kissed, the way we touched that gave me goose bumps. Then after we had sex Mr Handsome spoke. He smiled at me and said “I really didn’t think you were interested in me”. “What made you say that?” I said with surprise. “Well....ummm....I didn’t think that I was in your league...” he said shyly. I was a bit shocked when he said that. But all those previous times I had seen him at the sauna and him deliberately ignoring me or showing some attitude made sense as to why he said what he just said. “I will be honest with you.....You’re not really the type I go for but....” I said until he interrupted me. “But I don’t have muscles do I ?” he said as if he was putting himself down. “Look, yes you are right, you don’t ummmm, well,have a muscle bod, but you are cute as and......”I said as he interrupted me again. “....and I am intelligent, and charming and all that other crap, yeah?” he said jokingly. We both just laughed. I looked directly at him and saw a beautiful man and before I had the guts to ask he put his hand out to shake my hand and said ”I’m Will, nice to meet you.....” “I’m Luke, it was VERY nice to meet you” I said in a sexy voice. I did not want to give him my real name, I never did with the other guys. Somehow this led to another hour or so in the cubicle just cuddling and kissing each other, not saying very much to each other. It was the way he held me. It was like it was a type of touch I had craved for, for all these years and he had hit the right note. There was something about this guy that I liked. And I mean, really liked.

  An hour or two later we both showered, and we both couldn’t help but to look at each other in the shower and every time our eyes would meet we would sort of giggle like two little school boys that did something ‘cheeky’. As we were drying off with a towel he asked me if I would like to have a drink with him upstairs. I was apprehensive as I never usually go that far with a guy I meet at a sauna but I instantly said ‘yes’, like it just came out. So we head to upstairs bar. There was no alcohol from what I could remember so he bought us both a soft drink or whatever it was, I can’t remember. We both sat down on a table sitting opposite each other. I felt awkward, I think he did too. We sort of looked at each other, fiddling with our glasses trying to find something to say. I think we both knew what we wanted and this is what prevented us from saying anything. Then he said it again. “I so don’t think that I’m in your league so if you want to leave you can”. I just thought how ridiculous, if anything, I would not be in his league so why all this competition thing? It kind of upset me for him to put himself down like that as he is a really good looking guy. So I said “Enough of that talk, I think you’re hot and that’s that”. He kind of gave me a half giggle of surprise and asked the question that changed both our lives forever “I’m going to probably break all the rules and ask you if you want to come back to my place, you don’t have to if you don’t want to, I understand....”. Straight away I said ‘Yes’. I couldn’t have been surer in my life. It was what I was waiti
ng for him to say.

  That night we did not have sex. This was something else. We made love. I don’t think I had ever made love, not even with Andrew. We spent the night in others arms cuddling and kissing and talking about ourselves. He said he was a university lecturer in sociology or philosophy or something. He was only about 5 years older but he thought that being with a younger man was a bit of a turn on for him. I’m the opposite, I go for older men, always had. He spoke very openly about himself and told me that he was in a relationship with another man. That made me sit up and listen. He told me his name was Paul and he is currently living in England for work at the moment but they have an open relationship. It really confused me. He explained that they sleep in separate beds, don’t have sex together anymore but they love each other dearly. It saddened me a bit as I knew I had no chance with Will. So after his confession I thought I’d better drop a bombshell as well. I told him my name is really ‘Jay’, and ‘Luke’ is my escort name. He said ‘Oh cool, I think you would make a great escort, I really don’t mind at all’. ‘Are you sure?” I said. “Of course’ he replied. But that night we spent together was the start of a special friendship. Well, a friendship where we fucked each other! I am not sure if that makes sense, but that was the way it was. He was in a married relationship, they don’t sleep together, Paul would not mind if Will and I were casually having sex, I was confused and was getting attached to him. I was not sure where this was going to go.

  Will and I saw each other very regularly. Probably four or five times a week. We would have dinner somewhere, or he would cook for me and then we go back to his place and do you know what till the small hours. It was really fun times. I really enjoyed his company and my confusion soon dissolved. I ignored my insecurities as Will and I were quite simply enjoying each other’s company. Ironically, we were both quite different. He was more conservative and very intelligent. I was a party boy. I was envious about his intelligence. The way he spoke was with such eloquence that I was almost at the point of jealousy. He was so interesting to talk to. But I felt like an idiot next to him. I felt like a ‘himbo’. I think I in fact are not in his league.

  Will and I would always have something to talk about over dinner or even when we would just cuddle each other on the couch watching video’s or something. For weeks and then months our relationship continued. There were no signs of this relationship ending and we hadn’t even found something to argue about yet. We were getting close. Our kisses became more and more tender and genuine that it was almost scary. I think we both knew that something was brewing but we dared not to talk about it. There was no way I would let myself fall in love. I was not prepared to have my heart broken again. But Will was married anyway. He was taken but the reality hit him that perhaps it is possible that someone else could steal his heart. We were headed for trouble and we had to slow down.

  Although Will and I did not break up so to speak we both just slowed down the pace. We only saw each other on weekends mainly. We wanted it that way for a while even though I instigated it. It was also about this time that I chose to take a break from escort work for a while but I felt like going out on a Saturday night partying again. For old times sake. So on one particular night I went on my own to a club called ‘Freakazoid’, it was a club that was considered gay-friendly and playing deep house and garage music, the kind of stuff I’m into. That night I was on the dance floor and saw some muscular guy standing on the edge of the dance floor and kind of grooving to the music, not dancing though, and watching me with a half smile on his face. This guy was hot. In fact hotter than hot. He just stood there watching me until I started to peak on the one ecstasy pill I had taken. I thought ‘stuff it’, I’m gonna make a move on him. Then out of nowhere some guy grabbed him from behind and kissed him like they were a couple. “Shit!” he had a boyfriend. But as I turned away with a look of disappointment he grabbed my arm and said “Hey, where you goin?”. I said nothing, I just looked at him. Both he and his boyfriend introduced themselves as “Matthew and Warren”. All three of us gave each sexy looks and I got the impression that Matthew was well, over confident so he asked “Wanna have a threesome?” I didn’t even reply, I wanted this guys body, not so much his boyfriend, I just said “Let’s go....your place”. Then we spent literally six hours of the steamiest threesome sex until there was not an ounce of bodily fluids left.

  I spent the night with Matthew and Warren, not going home until Monday. As I was about to leave their house exhausted I had noticed my mobile had eight missed calls and three text messages, all from Will. Warren was sleeping but Matthew came up to me and said “Wanna do this again? are hot!” “Mmmm, but I would prefer a one on one with you” I said. “No, wherever I go, my man goes too, it’s us three or nuthin!” he said with an attitude. Okay, I thought, this guy was a bit of a hard nut, with a tough attitude and oh so sure of himself. He was arrogant in such a masculine way and really, really hot, how could I possibly say no to him. So I agreed. Threesome’s it is. Every weekend.

  It wasn’t until Tuesday I called Will. He thought I was ignoring him. I told him that I met a guy and I really liked him. I was referring to Matthew. The tome of Wills voice changed and I could sense his jealously. I am ashamed to admit it, but that was what I was trying to do. Realistically, I was not really in love with Matthew, I was only physically attracted to him, Matthew was a real arsehole with an attitude but just pure sex on legs! That was all. I found the more I talked about how hot Matthew was, the more jealous he was sounding, but he was trying not to show it. I was thinking, that I have the right to make Will jealous even though it sounds cruel. The fact is that I was jealous of Will. Jealous that he was with Paul. So I wanted to make Will suffer. I kills me to finally write this down now and confess the facts. I am so ashamed of myself.

  For a couple of weeks I was seeing Matthew and Warren quite regularly for a threesome, nothing else, not even dinner first. That was where Will and I came in. I spent time with Will probably about once or twice a week at this stage, I can’t recall exactly but I was getting more and more attracted to Matthew. But there was a catch. The problem is that Matthew was a tease. He used to turn me on so much to make me even more attracted to him and then say “No, if you want me, it needs to include Warren”. That was cruel. But the fact is that I hated his personality but loved his body. It was just superficial and I just kept on telling myself that. There was something else on my mind.

  One Saturday like normal I went to the club ‘Freakazoid’. Will spoke to me that day and said if I wanted to spend the Sunday with him and he would cook lunch and stuff. I agreed. I did end up taking an ecstasy pill that night, yes I know, what’s new? But I made my way to Wills house in the Sunday morning sunshine. I was not high as a kite but feeling pretty good.

  When I get Wills house he opened the door and the first thing he said was “Yum”. I said “Yum” back and we both smiled and kissed each other passionately. It was like I hadn’t seen him for decades. I don’t know if it was the fact that I was coming down nicely off on ‘e’ but he looked hot. He glowed that day. “Let’s strip down and have a drink” he said enthusiastically. “What at 10 am in the morning?” I said with surprise. “Yeah, stuff it, let’s put on some music and have some fun!” he said with joy. Me, being the connoisseur of the classic Martini, I had the honour of making my famous perfect Martini’s whilst Will pumps up the volume on some music which was the best he had in terms of dance music, Pet Shop Boys. I don’t mind the Pet Shop Boys, but ummm, well, just a bit on the poofy side, but what the hell anyway!

  For about an hour or so not clockwatching or anything, we were just fooling around on the couch, tickling, kissing, cuddling, sucking. I think you get the picture. All in all, we were both starting to get a bit tipsy and were having so much fun. We couldn’t stop laughing. We both made each other feel so good. Even though he proved to me that he couldn’t dance I still found those Calvin Klein underwear he was wearing, and nothing else, so sexy. We were both fooling arou
nd in our undies, drinking Martini’s, wandering, or staggering around the house and the backyard, chasing each other. We thought we would wander outside bringing the Martini’s with, and laid naked in the warm sunshine, lying in each other arms on a banana lounge and just talking shit really. We were both just being silly but having such a good time in each other’s company. I think with the commotion of our loud behaviour caught the attention of Wills neighbours so I caught one of them peering through the fence looking at what the commotion was about . “Havin’ a good fuckin’ look?” I yelled to the peering neighbour. Will giggled and whispered “Shhh” and broke out in to complete laughter. We both couldn’t stop laughing, it was really funny. But he headed back inside taking our controversial selves with us, naked as anything and drunk as skunks, but lovin’ it!


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