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Rent Boy

Page 27

by James Anthony Ford

  For the entire day, nothing else mattered, we both fooled around, drinking, talking about everything and kissing and cuddling and just looking into each other’s eyes. It captivated me.

  Both Will and I were fooling around and wrestling naked on the couch when we suddenly heard a knock on the door. I said to Will to just ignore it but the knocking continued. “Don’t worry, whoever it is I’ll get rid of them” he said in an enforcing way. So he put a towel around himself and I just lied on the couch naked like a baby. It was one of Will’s friends and his friend sounded joyously happy and chatty. Will was trying to get rid of him making up excuses that he was busy working but his friend just waltzed on in oblivious to see what he was about to see. “Oh, I see.....I’m interrupting something...”Wills friends said as he stared at my crotch. “Uh, yes” Wil replied in a deep voice. So Wills friends left with an embarrassing face. After he had gone, we both just laughed our heads off. Will explained to me that it was actually one of his work colleagues so there was going to be a bit of gossiping on Monday morning. We both just laughed it off. Then we stopped. The laughter ended and we just stared at each other. He then touched the side of my cheek with such tenderness that it sent a shiver up and down my spine. He looked right into my eyes and said “I really have had such a good time with you today......I really, really did and I have something to tell you...” His eyes began to water. I was just wondering what it was on his mind and for god ’s sake just say! He just went silent but he had something to say to me but he just couldn’t manage to get the words out. “I really like you James....”he said with a joyful tear just waiting to run down his cheek. I didn’t know how I should react so I just replied “I like you too”. But I know there were feeling amongst both of us that seemed too deep to discuss. It was taboo almost. We had some sort of connection that neither of us expected. We were two very different young men from two very different backgrounds. I had the body, but he had the looks. He had the brains and I had none. That’s how I felt. I was not good enough for him yet I refused to let myself fall in love. Never again, not even with Will. I thought of his relationship with Paul so it immediately made me speak of Matthew. I could see the jealous rage in Wills eyes and he stormed off into the kitchen. I thought he was going to cry. There was something going on between Will and I that we could not work out yet we were always trying to make each other jealous. So I had to ask him. “Will, what’s going on?” I cried. He gave a fake sounding laugh and said “I don’t know why you keep telling me about this Matthew guy, I really don’t want to know about it......” Will said in an angry voice. “Okay” I said. “Let’s make an oath that I won’t speak about the other guys I have been with and you do the same” I said as I looked at him directly. “Good” he said with a sigh of relief. I think we both knew what was happening here. Our relationship was supposed to be plutonic or like a casual sexual friendship. But god led us into a step further. The fact that he was practically married to Paul still made me bitter. It made Will off limits. So I wanted Will to be jealous about Matthew. I wanted revenge. But I made myself become discouraged about Will and told myself that it just would not work out.

  Weeks later, the relationship between Will and I was slowly drifting apart. It is strange to describe it but the sex between Will and I was getting boring for me. I think it is because the sex between Matthew, Warren and I was getting more and more kinky and exciting. I will admit this though. The fact that Will would not open up to me and admit that he feels something for me made me think that he is not worth it. I actually taught myself to not fall in love by using Matthew as just a sex play thing and put my focus on that. I am not sure if it makes sense to you but Will and I suddenly had not much in common anymore but I don’t know why. I think it’s because the sex with Matthew and Warren far overrides the relationship with Will and I was tired of waiting around for Will to admit his feelings. So I decided to cut ties with Will altogether. I ignored all his phone calls and all his text messages. I did it, but it killed me. I had to do this as I refused to fall in love and get my heart broken yet again. I won’t do this for another man ever again. Will and I are over.

  Months go by and I still refused to speak to Will. I could feel his sadness. I was so gutless that I could not even tell him why I stopped contacting him. I didn’t care about him anymore so the love I had for him dissolved. It was better that way. I was falling for Matthew but I didn’t want to. I was an emotional wreck and totally confused. I just wished I was straight as it have made my life so much easier.

  The last day I heard from Will I shall never forget. He sent me a text message:

  “Jay, I don’t know what is going on but it is clear that you are ignoring me. Whatever I have done, I am sorry. I can’t stop thinking about you but I am going to have to now. You don’t have to contact me, that’s fine but I do want you to know that you mean the world to me. I love you very much. ........W xxx”

  The day I received that text message I took it to bed with me, put the phone under my pillow and cried myself to sleep


  Time rolled on and as the days went on with life without Will, it got easier and easier. That only made me want to bring out my wild side again. I started working as an escort again but only doing a few days here and there. I didn’t want to be too absorbed in it but at the same time I was not receiving as many jobs as I used to when I first started. You have a short shelf life in the escort industry, it’s just the way it was. Anyway, I went out one night with Matthew and Warren, I think we went to a club called The Milk Bar, I think it was that one, I can’t exactly remember but that doesn’t matter, it’s not relevant. What is relevant is that I met some older guy, kind of handsome and a little over-dressed for this sort of club atmosphere. I was sitting on the couch having a drink with Matthew and warren and noticed this guy kept looking at me. But he would look at me, then look away, then look at me again, look away, and so on. I just thought “Here we go again, the eye contact pick up thing”. I say that because I was totally over the ‘pick-up’ thing, it was and still is, so clichéd. But I wanted to know what he wanted. For some reason I didn’t think he was trying to pick me up though but I wanted to know what his problem was. So I told Matthew and Warren I will meet them at the dance floor. They both went and I remained on the couch. They guy who was looking at me immediately approached me. He smiled and sat down next to me. I was a little on edge, he kind of spooked me. As the music was so loud he shouted in my ear “How do you get your abs like that?” hr said in some Hungarian sort of accent “Like what?” I replied. “You know” he said and gently rubbed my abdominal muscles. Then he asked me “Ever done any acting?”. I thought he was kidding so I just shook my head ‘no’. “A body like your needs to be shown, you should show more of it, know what I mean?” he said with a grin. “No I don’t know what you mean?” I said with a look of inquisitive concern. “You see, I’m looking for some talent, but not just any talent so I am very picky, but need to be on film” he said with determination. I was a little stunned but I just said “What exactly do you mean?” “Me and my crew are heading up to Sydney, we are having a bit of a party and we want to film it, you could say its should I put gay porn with a bit of a twist. You will meet lots of hot guys and we will offer you a decent sum of money, what do you think?” he said with such confidence. I don’t know what I was really thinking but the thought of doing a porn movie took the cake. I the word he said which was ‘twist’ that made me be a bit apprehensive but it did not fog my vision of the excitement of starring in a porn movie, how cool I thought. But what a flattering offer, me a porn star? I never thought I would ever see the day, but it was not a surprise to me, I don’t mean to sound like I’m up myself, because really I’m not. It happens that others think I’m hot, I think I’m not, I won’t deny that I had the body, but not the looks. But I also thought that doing a porn movie would be quite cool, and it was so sponta
neous which made it so exciting for me. I really could vision myself doing porn, but in a classy way of course. I did not want to have a slutty and trashy image. I wanted this to have some purpose. But it did come down to money and what I had to do. I’m no actor and I’m definitely not model material, so why me? So I asked him to tell me more. He took my hand into a cosy little dark corner of the club and we talked business. I will not let you in on the directors name or the porn movie company name nor will I disclose the amount of money I was offered. All I can say is that it was an offer I couldn’t refuse and it sounded so genuine. How could I possibly say no? The way he spoke of the production made it sound like organised chaos and for some strange reason I saw a lot of trust in his manner. He also took to me with a aspect of admiration, like I was one of a kind. He really elaborated the relevance of my role in the film and it made perfect sense. This was a professional production and he was obviously on a talent search, he said that after seven days in Melbourne and Sydney, I was the only one he felt that had something to offer in a cinematic format. “What we are trying to achieve is that our viewers of our films feel as if they are finally viewing their sexual fantasy with an element of realness, we want them to be turned on so bad it hurts”. He said this with a strange sort of forcefulness and not only did I raise my eyebrows at this comment it made me wonder what that really meant. But I soon forgot about that, I didn’t care I was going to be in a porn movie! this was so cool. If I was looking for that perfect element of ‘coolness’, then this was it. I had nothing to lose, I wanted money, and lots of it, I was not tied down in any relationship, I didn’t’ give a shit about men anymore, well not in an emotional way anyway, my friends were pissing me off and in fact I just wanted to live life my way and break all the rules and screw the fuck out of it, stuff it, I’m gonna do it! “By the way” he said. “What’s yer name?” I shook his hand, smiled and said “My name is Luke, nice to meet you.......”

  Chapter eleven.........An Urban Myth?

  A little while after my liaison with the Hungarian sounding guy I started to make plans to make my way to Sydney. The idea was that I was to be paid prior to playing a role in the movie and he said he would keep his promise. I believed him. I guess this is how they made the situation so attractive to lure in their ‘actors’. Though when exactly we would be receive any money was the question. I assumed we would be paid when we get to Sydney or on the actual set, but I just had to wait and see. He also promised that I would be reimbursed for all my expenses at the time of receiving my money. When? I was not sure, I never dwelled over it. But they said I had to stay at ‘this’ particular hotel, which they booked for me in my name, so I had to pre-pay for it and pay for my flight. So my credit card took another battering but I thought that it would all be made up for later once the film is done. I was just so excited to have been offered such a large amount of money anyway. The Hungarian guy, who I might add will remain nameless, sent to my home address all the details about the proposed film production, the hotel I was to stay at, the scenes and themes of the movie, the role I was to play, in fact every bit of detail to the core. I guess their plan was to ensure we had no questions. We also had no lines, meaning that, we did not talk in the film. In fact nobody had any lines in the movie at all. It was just a matter of getting your freak on if you know what I mean. So I practiced my ‘ooohhh’s’ and ‘ahhhh’s’. That was really the only preparation for the film. My only concern and one that was not mentioned in the script or production plan was that there was no mention of condoms or lube or anything. I packed some in my suitcase just in case. I will not do bare backing, never have, never will.

  I was quite secretive about this venture to my friends, especially my family about where I was going and what I was doing. I was not about to say “Hey mum, I’m doing a porno!’. I just told my mum, my housemates and few friends that I shall be away for a few days in Sydney for a bit of a break. That seemed to cover me, no questions asked. So off I went with no hesitation. I could have asked for my money upfront and then not turn up to the ‘party’ but why miss out on the fun. I don’t think that would be part of their deal anyway, they appeared to be in charge, I just followed. I also needed to get my debts sorted out big time and this would certainly give me more breathing space, so I really had no choice but to do it plus it all seemed so legitimate. There was nothing seedy about it at all.

  So I arrive in Sydney and was met by some Ukrainian guy, I think, where he was holding up a sign with my name literally scribbled on a piece of cardboard. I almost missed him as my name was almost illegible. I greeted the guy, he said ‘Hi’ in a sharp and short tone. I thought I would break the ice a little and just made a silly crack about my name on the cardboard written so badly stating it looked like Hieroglyphics but he didn’t say anything. He just looked at me like he was about to kill me. It was the same look that Hannibal Lector had before he ate his victims. It sent a chill down my spine, there’s no other way to describe it. I knew straight away where I stood with these guys, these porn movie makers, or whatever they were. I knew I had to just shut up and do my job, then go. I also delayed my question of when I was going to be paid as I was only thinking about the money I had already paid for my expenses to get to Sydney. I was broke but kept thinking that my financial worries would be over soon, so get over it.

  I was driven to my hotel which was a very nice plush five star hotel but was directed by the driver that I had 20 minutes, ONLY. I had 20 minutes to drop off my suitcase, settle in, if that was possible in 20 minutes, freshen up and then get back in the car where he would be waiting. Then it was Showtime. I got nervous and anxious at the same time. It all seemed so scheduled which sounds like a good thing in terms of organisation but there was something bothering me. It just appeared to be all rushed, but why?

  Once I got in the car, I was the only passenger, the driver sped through the streets in Inner Sydney, going through every red light. I had no idea where we were going and I dared not to ask. We seemed to be heading for some inner Sydney suburb but really, I had no idea where we were going. I don’t know if it was just the way the roads in Sydney are but we seemed to be turning around a lot of corners and going down a lot of different streets. It was as though he was purposely doing this to confuse my sense of direction and it happened to work. I was lost but the driver was on a mission to the destination so I said nothing. After about 15 to 20 minutes, I think, I really can’t recall after all those twists and turns, we arrive at some massive mansion style house in a residential part of Sydney. Don’t ask me the suburb because I have no idea. The house though was immaculate and penthouse style but it did appear that we were in a ‘rich’ suburb of Sydney as all the houses surrounding this one was just as big an mansion like. He drove up the driveway of this house, stopped the car and immediately jumped out the car only to open the car door for me on the passenger side. I thought, well, okay, good service I suppose but I couldn’t feel but a little uneased. I didn’t let that affect my mood as I was mentally psyching myself up for a sex romp. We walk down the driveway, the driver leading the way and walked towards the backyard entrance and immediately greeted by the same Hungarian man I met in the club. You know, the one that offered me a ‘job’. “Welcome!” he said enthusiastically. “I’m so glad you could make it lance” he said. “Umm, I’m Luke” I gasped. He just looked at me with a frown and laughed as he walked off. I thought that was strange behaviour but ignored it. In the background were about fifty or so naked, tanned and muscular guys. They all seemed to be speaking another language, just chatting, I guess. They saw me walk in, looked at me up and down, a few of them stuck their noses in the air, you know, like a queen with attitude does and kept on chatting with whoever. Then this one guy comes up to me and spoke to me in an accent “Hey, how you doin’...I’m Franco, you Australian I take it” “Uhh, yeah” I replied with a suspicious voice. “Well, you are the only one here” he said. He was a really nice guy though and we just had a bit of chat as I was undressing. He told me he wa
s from Czechoslovakia. He also told me that all the other guys were either from Czech Republic, Hungary or Ukraine. I was the only Australian. “Would you say that it is strange that I’m the only Aussie here” I asked Franco inquisitively. He took a moment to think about what I said and replied “Not really, I think the movie directors, you know, of the gay porno types, they don’t think Australian’s are very hot” he said. “Really?” I replied. “Yeah, it’s true, but I think you’re different” he said as he was perving on my arse. “How so?” i asked “Cause you have a European look about you and the body to match” he said with such confidence. I was a little surprised and before I got a chance to say anything the director in Czech asked all the guys to line up in one straight line and ensure we had all our clothes off. I knew this as Franco translated for me. I decided to hang around with Franco and stuck to him like glue as I felt like I was in a foreign land. The director then separated all of us guys into groups of about 10 or so. He explained the scene we had to do. But here is the interesting part. The scene we had to do was the same scene done by each group of 10 guys. The scene was a group sex scene in the pool. The director said that everything was to be improvised, he just wanted us to act as if we were having sex like you normally would and forget about the cameras. He then said this, in Czech, of course. “Anyone who looks at the camera whilst you are being filmed will be punished, you will have your cheque revoked and you will be asked to leave, do I make myself clear!” This guy meant business but there was an element of him that scared me but I couldn’t work out what it was.

  After we were separated into our groups we were bundled together in the group just sitting in a chair and naked. One of the film crew, perhaps he was the casting agent or even the accountant, who knows, came around to everyone individually and wrote us each our cheque. Once I got the cheque, it was the amount that shocked the living daylights out of me. It was huge, but what on earth was the name of the bank and company name ???? I couldn’t even tell you, I had never seen such a company name or even heard of that bank name before. But I forgot that as soon as my bulging eyeballs stared at the dollar figures.


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