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Penn, Jenny - Rachel's Seduction [Cattleman's Club] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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by Rachel's Seduction (lit)

  Cattleman’s Club 3

  Rachel’s Seduction

  Bored with the monotony of her everyday life, Rachel Adams makes a reckless mistake that tumbles her into the middle of a Cattleman’s fantasy. A wild night of devilish pleasure with Killian Kregor and Adam Whitman might be enough to satisfy Rachel’s carnal fantasies, but it only whets the deputies appetite for more.

  Not about to take no for an answer, Killian and Adam hold nothing back as they lure Rachel into giving into their darkest desires. Being unable to resist the pleasure that the deputies offer doesn’t mean Rachel has trouble defying them whenever it suits her.

  That’s not something either Killian or Adam will tolerate. Rachel is theirs, which means she obeys. Losing this battle isn’t an option for the deputies. Winning against the hard-headed woman, though, seems impossible.

  Killian and Adam are going to need a whole lot more than ropes and toys if they want to truly seduce Rachel. They’re going to need a plan.

  Genre: Contemporary, Ménage a Trois, Western/Cowboys

  Length: 131,281 words


  The Jenny Penn Collection

  Cattleman’s Club 3

  Jenny Penn


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Ménage Everlasting


  Copyright © 2010 by Jenny Penn

  E-book ISBN: 1-61034-074-4

  First E-book Publication: November 2010

  Cover design by Les Byerley

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Amanda Hilton, Publisher


  To Max.


  Cattleman’s Club 3


  Copyright © 2010


  Wednesday, February 20th

  “Did your pussy put you in a better mood?”

  “Excuse me?”

  Killian’s head popped up at the incredulous sound of a female gasp. Not Bryant. When he’d heard the person enter into the lobby, Killian had assumed it was his fellow deputy returning from his late lunch. It was a safe assumption given the storm raging outside. The downpour had kept the public at bay all day.

  A safe assumption, but not a right one. Dropping his feet from the counter, he immediately straightened up on his stool. Killian did his best to school his features into a sincere look of apology as he hastily tucked the magazine full of tattooed women under the counter.

  “I’m sorry, ma’am. I thought you were somebody else.”

  “Well, I should hope so.” The little miss might be in her thirties, but her retort carried the full measure of little-old-lady disdain. With her tight bun and cover-every-inch outfit, she had more than just a matronly tone. Even the way she snapped the water off her umbrella before folding it into the stand had a certain old-grumpy-person feel to it.

  Or a strict school teacher that likes to whack errant little boys. Given her scowl as she marched stiffly toward the counter, he didn’t feel silly in checking her hands for a ruler. Not finding one kind of disappointed him. Killian never had been spanked. He bet that was the only thing he and Miss Proper had in common.

  “I am here to see the sheriff.” The petite woman managed to look down her nose while having to look up at him. “I have an appointment.”

  Killian bet she did. It would be too perfect for Miss Straight-Laced to end up with Mr. By-The-Book. They could have perfect, church-going little angels. Then one day Killian’s little juvenile delinquent could seduce boss’s goody-two-shoes daughter. Teach her all the right ways to praise God.

  Killian could already imagine just how many sorts of pissed off the sheriff would be with him then. Wouldn’t that be some fun? Alex might deserve it, but Killian didn’t plan on having any kids. An affair, though, with the soon-to-be Mrs. Stuck-Up would certainly be a tale worth telling. That’s if she didn’t freeze off any important parts of his anatomy in the process.

  Killian liked his women warm, sultry, even, and definitely—


  Clearing his throat and ignoring his slight lapse, Killian answered with the correct amount of professional politeness. “I’m sorry, ma’am, but the sheriff’s not here right now.”

  Like an owl, she blinked at him, those massive hazel eyes gazing out with amusing incomprehension. “But we have an appointment.”

  He shouldn’t say anything, just nod and stay silent before he dug himself a bigger ditch for the sheriff to bury him in when he got back to the station house. The problem was Killian wasn’t the type to keep his thoughts to himself. She did tempt him, too, with that flustered look. He’d bet she wore a similar look of shock when she came. If she ever does. Killian thought not given how stiff the little lady was.

  “He’s supposed to be here.”

  Definitely one to repeat the ‘oh, God’ mantra of disbelief when she orgasms. “I guess it wasn’t that impor
tant to the sheriff, because he didn’t mention it.”

  “But I made the appointment yesterday.”

  This was when he should shut up, but he never had matured to that level. “But it’s today.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “It’s seems to me like you’re a day late,” Killian retorted, intentionally misunderstanding just to watch that blush grow until it touched the tips of her ears. “I mean, seriously, lady, if you make an appointment for yesterday, you really can’t expect the sheriff to be waiting on you today.”

  The little brunette actually growled, and, damn, if that wasn’t the sexiest sound he’d heard all day. Killian could see her muscles tensing for the pounce. Hell, if he was any kind of lucky, she’d launch herself right over the counter. Instead, all that energy got wasted on a stupid vexing motion. She slapped the folder she’d held clutched between her hands down onto the counter like a gauntlet…Whatever the hell that is.

  Killian didn’t know, but he bet no knight had ever looked as tempting as the mad-as-hell lady leaning across the counter to put him in his place. He gave her points for audacity, given she didn’t have the least bit of height to intimidate him with. She did, however, have the harpish tone down.

  “Listen. I’m Rachel Allen, reporter for the Pittsview Press, and I am supposed to interview the sheriff. Today. Now. About the budget. I have an appointment.”

  Killian studied the stubborn tilt of Miss Allen’s chin and considered he might be dealing with a closet wildcat. He could see the flash of passion in the green bolts lighting up her hazel eyes and considered they just might go all green when she came. Hell, for all the grit the little miss showed in openly challenging him, she probably would give a man one hell of a ride.

  Maybe it wouldn’t be such a hardship to break the sheriff’s future darlin’ in first. Well, maybe a little bit of a pain, but in all the right ways because Killian bet little Miss Allen was a screamer, possibly even a scratcher, and, if he was very lucky, she might even bite him.

  Killian took a breath and thought about draining out the sewer line until his cock stopped trying to outgrow his pants. It was a battle of control Killian enjoyed and couldn’t help but indulge in.

  “That’s all well and good, little lady,” Killian drawled out condescendingly. Starting off with the good ol’ boy smirk, he rose back to his feet and showed her how intimidation was done. “But the sheriff ain’t in right now, and all your tantrums ain’t gonna change that fact.”

  Rachel’s eyes rounded wide with shock, and he half expected her to either smack him or breakdown and cuss. A true Southern lady, she visibly managed to control the urge. It took a lot of effort, though, and made Killian wonder just how much provocation it would take to get her to say something dirty. Like demanding that I lick her pussy…probably have to shave the darlin’ first.

  “Well, then, I guess I’ll have to interview you.”

  Lost in his own thoughts, Killian hadn’t been prepared for that response. It threw him for a moment, and he stumbled. “But I…don’t know about budgets.”

  “But you do know what this place needs, right?” Rachel whipped a notebook out of the folder.

  Her pen clicked open. The sound echoed in Killian’s ears as he stared down at the woman, completely uncertain of what the hell he was supposed to do with her now. His confusion didn’t stop her from waiting, pointedly silent, with that damn pen pressed and ready against her notebook. Killian didn’t like to fail a challenge, and he damn well knew when one was being issued.

  After giving him the moment to feel completely humiliated at being caught off guard, Rachel pitied him with a smile. “I’m sorry, Deputy. I assumed you could do the math. You got five bulletproof vests and eight officers. You need three more. That kind of thing.”

  Click. Like the bell going off at the end of the boxing round, Rachel’s pen rang out with her victory. Tucking it back into her notebook, she just couldn’t leave without giving him one last good kick.

  “That’s all right, Deputy. I can wait until somebody returns who can do it.”

  Killian blinked, staring down at the girl who had dared to insult him. What was she? All of five foot three and maybe a hundred and thirty pounds, all ass and tits. Yeah, Killian had noticed, but he’d been respecting the drab wallflower outfit Rachel had on. That was the kind of man he was.

  His mama had raised him right and taught him to treat a lady like a lady. He’d learned all on his own how to treat a vixen. They deserved the flat of his palm against their asses to make them heel. It was quite clear to him which group little Miss Rachel Allen fell into, evident by the fact that she couldn’t control herself and do the wise thing—quit and run.

  “I guess I shouldn’t even bother to wait,” Rachel commented, as if they were actually having some kind of conversation. “Budgets make such boring press. You, on the other hand, will make quite an interesting story.”

  The damn woman chuckled at her own words, making the heat flare back into Killian’s ears. “I think people would be riveted to learn how deputies in this city greet unescorted ladies when they enter the station. Why, I think there is an obvious need for the budget to include some funds for sensitivity training. After all, it’s apparent—”

  “Fine,” Killian cut her off, needing to hear no more. If little Miss Rachel Allen wanted to play hardball, he’d teach her how the game was played. “Obviously, Miss Allen, the police department is here to serve the public, and, as you are a member of said group, I would be happy to show you our facility and discuss the current needs of our department.

  “If you would step this way.” Killian gestured to the little wooden gate dividing the large room into a small lobby and a barely sufficient-sized work space.

  Rachel hesitated, intelligent enough to distrust him. Killian smiled pleasantly back at her in spite of her hard look, betting she wouldn’t be able to retreat from not only the challenge but the curiosity to find out what he intended to do with her. If only she knew, Rachel wouldn’t have been giving him such a sour look as she collected her folder.

  Nope, she’d have been running screaming from the building instead of issuing her own warning. “Very well, but I’m still not convinced the budget would make better press.”

  “I thought your job was about informing the masses,” Killian retorted, watching as her hip pressed into the gate, “not entertaining them. Do watch the step.”

  He’d offered that warning knowing it was too late. Head held high, Rachel took one step forward and went flat on her face. Holding back the chuckles as she slapped into the linoleum floor, Killian played the dutifully concerned man and rushed to her side. “Are you all right, darlin’?”

  “Don’t call me that,” Rachel growled out, shoving herself up to her knees.

  The plan had been to be helpful, to go to his knees and stack her papers and show the little spitfire he could be polite. He hadn’t factored in the captivating, and very distracting, view of looking right down her shirt. The V neckline of her blouse dipped lower as she bent forward, revealing a pink lacy bra holding her plump breasts close together. The soft mounds pressed against each other, leaving a shadowed cleavage absolutely perfect for fucking a hard dick through. Killian’s swelled at the very idea of feeling all that soft flesh caressing him.

  Oh, yeah, and she’d be looking up at me with those big eyes all fogged with passion, her cheeks all flushed, and she’d be begging, begging for my fucking.

  Killian bet Rachel would be tight, too. By the way she carried herself, he knew she hadn’t gotten a lot of action over the years. Sure as shit, she’d never known a lover like him but soon enough would.

  “Do I need to slap you?” Rachel’s demand brought Killian blinking back to the moment. Glaring at the obvious tent forming in his slacks, she rose to her feet, wisely out of reach. “Because I’m feeling the need to slap you.”

  Killian smirked. He’d like to see her try. “Assaulting a police officer is a very serious offense, Miss Allen.”

  “Yeah?” All full of spice and sass now, Rachel shed her prissy demeanor to give Killian a glimpse of the very woman who would soon be sweating up his bed sheets. “And I’m sure being accused of peeping down women’s blouses would do loads of good for your career.”

  “Kind of hard to cry foul when you like the attention, honey.” Pointedly, Killian’s gaze dropped to the puckered nipples making their own tent in her blouse. The sight whipped to the right as the woman actually did smack him.

  “Ah!” Killian rolled his jaw, working out the burn. “Damn, that hurt!”

  “Good,” Rachel spat, turning to storm out in high dudgeon. “And you can bet the story in tomorrow’s paper is going to pain you even more!”

  “Whoa! Where do you think you’re going?” Killian latched on to her arm, spinning her back around before she cleared the gate. He’d give her points for trying, but all the struggles she could muster didn’t save her from being pinned against the counter. “You keep on squirming, darlin’, because it feels pretty damn good on this side.”

  Leaning into her until her breasts flattened out against his chest, Killian growled right into her wide eyes. “Feels better naked, and if you don’t settle down, that’s where this will end. See, you hit me, and now I can arrest you. I could take you back into the private booking area and start processing you. That begins with a search of your person. I’m going to have to pat down this sexy little body and make sure you’re not hiding anything…paying special attention to all the places you might have something forbidden tucked into you.”

  He let his hand define the threat by slipping down over her ass to press her up against the hard grind of his cock. Even as her breath shortened to sexy little pants, Killian could smell her heat thickening in the air.


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