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You Shouldn't Kiss Me Like This

Page 3

by Karenna Colcroft

  Ribbons, certificates, and photos of Stefan in various dance competitions covered the wall opposite the TV. A glass bookcase, which matched the coffee table, held several trophies.

  She walked over to study the awards more closely. Some of the pictures showed Stefan as a young boy, probably under ten, dancing with a little girl whose various costumes had far too many sequins in Erin’s opinion. Other photos were more recent, including one from the TV dance show with Stefan holding up the ticket to the semifinals. The trophies dated back as far as twenty years. Apparently he’d held onto everything he’d ever won.

  “Kind of embarrassing.”

  Erin jumped and whirled around. “Don’t sneak up on me like that!”

  “Sorry.” Stefan’s grin said he was anything but. “I thought you’d have heard the galumphing Gorilla entering the house.”

  “You’ve won a lot,” Erin said, gesturing at the wall. “I didn’t know you’ve been competing so long.”

  He blushed. “I’m not bad. I’ve won competitions, yeah. I’m not really good enough to hit the big time, though. Actually, I became kind of tired of competing, so other than the charity and a couple events I’ve been doing every year since I was a kid, I don’t compete much anymore.”

  “So you instruct.”

  “I like helping other people learn to dance.” His face took on a happy little glow as he spoke. “Dancing’s done a lot for me, and I want to pass it on. I do classes for kids on weekends as well as the weeknight stuff, and every once in a while someone just has that spark that lets you know they’re going to go somewhere. Or tells you that they feel better about themselves because they’ve mastered a sequence of steps, or that they feel less clumsy, or any one of a bunch of other things.”

  “Dance cures all ills, huh?” she quipped.

  “Sometimes,” he replied in complete seriousness. “Anyway, I don’t even know why I have all those displayed. Sometimes I just like to remind myself of what I’ve accomplished.” He smiled. “Plus my baby sister helped me decorate, and she insisted.”

  “She’s probably proud of you,” Erin said. “How old’s your sister?”

  “She was eighteen.” He touched one of the frames. “Leukemia. She helped me decorate this place before she got really sick, and made me promise to keep adding awards as I earn them. We lost her three years ago.”

  “I—I’m so sorry,” Erin said softly.

  He inclined his head. “Thanks. She’s why I started the charity event, and why taking part in it is so important to me.”

  As soon as he said that, Erin had her answer to his request. Hearing his reason for the event left her no room for doubt. “I want to help.”

  He gave her a half-smile. “I tell you a sob story and you all of a sudden make up your mind?”

  “You didn’t tell a sob story,” she countered. “And I’m nervous about the idea of competing. Not sure I’ll be able to handle it without either messing up or crying. That’s why I said I wanted to think it over. I thought about it on the way here, and now after what you’ve told me, I’ve decided I want to try.”

  “Good.” His smile broadened. “While you’re here, we can start planning the routine, maybe.”

  “That sounds good.”

  “So stop eyeing all my swag, and let’s talk.” He shot an embarrassed glance at the awards. “Yeah. Definitely shouldn’t have listened to Emma.”

  “I think it’s amazing that you’ve won so much.” Erin allowed him to tug her over to the island, and hopped up onto one of the stools. “You certainly shouldn’t be ashamed of displaying them. The people at the studio would probably love to see them.”

  “They know I’ve won competitions and things. That’s enough.” He went over to the fridge. “Not much booze here. Then again, you’ll be driving home. So would you like soda or milk?”

  “Soda, please. The caffeine rush will make sure I reach home safely.”

  He chuckled. “Funny lady.”

  He took a bottle of lemon-lime soda out of the fridge and two glasses out of a nearby cupboard. While Stefan poured the drinks, Gorilla wandered over to sniff at Erin’s knee. She scratched him gently behind the ears. “Good dog. Tell your human winning things is okay.”

  “I know it’s okay,” Stefan said. “I just don’t like bragging.” He brought the glasses over and sat on the other stool. Gorilla immediately put his front paw up on the island and grinned at his owner. “Down, you fool.” Stefan pushed him gently back to all fours. “Go lay down and let me spend some time talking without you being all furry and cute and stuff.” The dog hesitated. “Go lay down,” Stefan repeated more firmly.

  Gorilla sniffed and trotted through the living room and down the hall. “He has a bed in my spare bedroom,” Stefan explained. “So…”

  “So?” Alone with Stefan on his turf, Erin suddenly had nothing to say. The small talk about Stefan’s awards had fizzled out, and she didn’t want to talk about competitions anymore because he might ask her about the ones she’d been in. That conversation would have to wait until another time, a time when she’d grown comfortable enough with him not to mind talking about Scott.

  She didn’t have any other topics in mind, though. Even though she’d wanted time with him outside class, now that she’d received her wish she didn’t know what to do with it.

  He smiled reassuringly. “I think we’re both in the same shape right now. I’m glad you’re here, Erin. I really am. I wanted to see you away from the studio. I’m just feeling kind of nervous right now, I guess. I don’t often have a beautiful woman in my house, especially without Gorilla trying to maul her.”

  “So now that you do have one, are your intentions honorable?” she teased.

  “Hell no.” He put his hand on her knee and she shivered at his touch. “Right now, I’d really, really like to kiss you.”

  “I think that wouldn’t be a bad idea at all.” She licked her lips, anticipating the touch of his mouth against hers. Kissing would be much better than talking.

  Balancing carefully on the stool, Stefan leaned toward her. She braced herself on the island top and leaned into his hand, which cupped her cheek as he brought his lips to hers. He tasted like the mint gum he always chewed during class.

  Her mind spun and finally decided to give up thinking for a little while. The touch of Stefan’s hand and lips, the closeness of his body, gave her a feeling she’d never had before. Not only physical desire. True wanting, emotionally, physically, any way she could have him. All those nights at class had given her only the tiniest taste of this, dancing close together with their bodies just touching.

  They weren’t in class now, and this dance would almost certainly lead to something much more physical.

  He broke the kiss long enough to slide off the stool and pull her from hers into his arms. “Oh, Erin,” he murmured. “I knew I wanted you. I didn’t know it would be like this.”

  “Like what?” she asked, trying to lighten the moment by asking a question she had no need for him to answer.

  “Don’t toy with me.” He grinned. “You’re a good kisser, did I mention that?”

  “Just now, yeah.”

  He swatted her rear. “You’re teasing again.”

  “And I don’t recall giving you permission to spank me.” She smacked his ass. “There. Fair’s fair.”

  “This is what I’ve been missing all the times I thought about asking you out and didn’t dare to.” He took her hand and led her over to the TV and the cabinet beneath it, which he opened to reveal a stereo system. “Wait right here.”

  “Where else would I go?” Curious to see what he had planned, although the pulse beating between her legs truly didn’t care, she leaned against the wall.

  He crouched beside the stereo and pushed a few buttons. The beginning notes of one of the songs he most frequently played in class filled the room, and he stood again and took a few paces away from Erin. Extending his hand, he said, “Dance with me.”

  She placed her han
d in his, and they began the movements in which they’d trained. Following the beat of the music was automatic for Erin, just like following her partner. In the beginning, she’d always tried to anticipate her partners’ next moves, and had always wound up missing steps because of it. Over the eight years since she’d learned the dance, she had also learned to give up control entirely and allow whomever she danced with to lead her, whether through basic steps or fancy variations.

  They’d danced like this so many times, but tonight was different. The contact between their bodies was electric, sending tingles through her. This wasn’t only a dance. The old saying, “Dancing is a vertical expression of a horizontal desire,” took on a new meaning for Erin. Their position didn’t matter. They moved as one.

  The beat of the song was low and throbbing. For West Coast Swing, the music worked well because of how easily the count of the beat could be followed. However, this song had obviously been written with something in mind that involved much more contact between bodies. The bass thrummed through her and her pussy kept time, moistening with arousal so strong it nearly pushed her out of the dance.

  Only nearly. She’d trained too hard to miss a step just because of horniness.

  Stefan twirled her into an embrace, and she prepared herself for the next step in the sequence. Instead of releasing her, however, he nuzzled her neck. “Screw dancing,” he murmured hoarsely. He kissed her cheek. “I want you.”

  “Dancing is a vertical expression of a horizontal desire,” she said, voicing her thoughts.

  As Stefan covered her breasts with his hands, she decided she really didn’t give a shit about some stupid quote.

  “It certainly is.” His warm breath tickled her ear. “And I desire you very much, Erin. Will you let me make love to you?”

  Her mind gibbered a bit at the word “love,” until she convinced herself that it was just part of the euphemism. “I’ll let you do whatever you want, if you let me do the same,” she replied.

  He spun her to face him and kissed her hard, crushing her lips against her teeth. His tongue slipped into her mouth and began its own dance with her tongue. He stroked her hair with one hand. With his other hand against her back, he pressed her tightly to him.

  She wrapped her arms around him. Between her legs more moisture gathered, and every nerve ending in her focused on the points where he touched her. Arousal painted fire over her skin and through her.

  His cock bulged against her belly. The thought of having him inside her sent Erin’s libido into overload. Breathless, aching for him, she pulled away. “I’ll take that as a yes.”

  “Good. Follow me.”

  You Shouldn't Kiss Me Like This

  Chapter Four

  His bedroom lay at the other end of the short hallway. The place was as spotless as the kitchen, with a neatly made bed covered in a dark green comforter. Erin had no time to notice anything else before Stefan lifted her off her feet and tossed her onto the bed.

  Laughing, she held up her arms to him. “I shouldn’t be the only one here.”

  “No, definitely not.”

  Quickly, he stripped off his shirt and slacks, leaving only a pair of boxer briefs with a large, very attractive bulge in the front. Tan skin with just a hint of hair outlined the dancer’s muscles in his legs. Erin itched to run her hand over his hairless chest. She licked her lips, smiling in anticipation.

  He put his hand over his cock. “It would appear you’ve already made me hard.”

  “Then it would appear you’d better bring yourself the hell over here and let me do something about it,” she ordered.

  “You have too many clothes on,” he pointed out.

  She knelt on the bed and yanked her shirt off over her head, then folded it carefully and set it on his nightstand. He tapped his foot impatiently, and she grinned. If teasing him was this easy, they might avoid the typical first-time awkwardness.

  She certainly didn’t feel awkward as she continued undressing. She removed her bra, then sat to take off her panty hose. She didn’t have a perfect body, but she had no problem with her looks and had never minded showing off to her lovers. Taking her clothes off in front of Stefan didn’t bother her in the slightest. He hadn’t seen her body before, but he’d certainly felt it against him enough times as they danced. He knew what to expect, and she wanted him to have the full impact.

  Balancing carefully, she stood on the bed to remove the skirt she’d worn to class. He applauded as she lifted one foot, then the other, to take off the garment. Arms outstretched, she smiled down at him, a rush going through her at the lust gleaming in his eyes. “Am I naked enough for you now?”

  “You still have your panties on,” he pointed out.

  “I thought maybe you’d want to help with those.”

  “I certainly should be able to manage that.” Suddenly, he lifted her and flipped her over his shoulder into a fireman’s hold. With one hand, he tugged at the panties but had little luck removing them with Erin in that position. Although his efforts made her laugh, her body found them more arousing than humorous. The pulse between her legs beat harder, and she cried out when Stefan’s hand brushed her ass.

  “This isn’t working.” He deposited her back on the bed and pulled the panties off. In a slingshot move, he shot them across the room. “That’s better.”

  “Hey, I’m going to have to find those afterward!” she protested.

  “I’ll help you.” He pushed her onto her back and lay on top of her, propping himself up with his arms. “Afterward.”

  She reached up to put her arms around his neck and pulled him down for a deep, hungry kiss, lifting her hips against his to show him exactly what she wanted. Even through his boxer briefs, the touch of his cock on her pussy pushed her so close to climax that she had to swallow the scream which rose in her throat.

  She pushed her tongue between his lips, and his mouth curved into a smile. He rolled them onto their sides and slipped a hand between them to toy with her hard nipples. Sparks shot through her straight to her core, and she tried to pull him back on top of her. He laughed as she proved completely unsuccessful at moving him.

  She broke the kiss. “You think this is funny?”

  “I think this is fucking hot.” He ran his hand up her side, and she shivered. “Very hot. I wanted to do all this incredible foreplay on you and make you scream. I’m not sure I have that much patience right now, Erin.”

  Her name came out in a low growl that sent desire through her in waves. She cupped his cock with her hand and squeezed gently. “You don’t need patience. I want you so bad right now I don’t care what you do to me.”

  He clamped his lips over one of her nipples, and she bucked. He smiled in satisfaction. “I thought all women like foreplay.”

  “We do, unless we’re horny as hell and just want to be fucked.” She squeezed his cock again. “Fuck me, Stefan. Talk later. Foreplay later. Just fuck me.”

  Raising himself onto his toes and one hand, Stefan pushed his briefs down with the other hand and shimmied out of them. His cock stood hard at a slight angle from his body, a nearly perfect angle to enter her. A small droplet shimmered at the slit.

  On impulse, Erin touched her finger to the bit of moisture, then stuck it in her mouth and sucked softly. Stefan watched, his eyes kindling with twin flames of lust. “Does that taste good?” he asked huskily.

  She nodded and made a show of licking her finger clean. Then she slid down the bed to take his cock in her mouth. Seeing how aroused he’d become and tasting his salty fluid, she craved the texture of his shaft against her tongue. His cock twitched, and she suspected he was close to coming. If she sucked him off before they fucked, he would last longer inside her.

  That was her selfish reason for wanting to suck him. That and the rush of bringing him to climax, of having him under her control. She also wanted him to feel good, to let him know how much she wanted him.

  Her lips brushed the head of his cock. Abruptly, he pushed her onto her back
again and pinned her arms above her head on the mattress. “I’d love to feel your mouth on me.” He moved onto her and rubbed his cock over her wet pussy. “Later. Right now I want to be inside you.”

  His dick bumped her swollen clit and she cried out. Encouraged, he repeated the move, and an explosion built inside her. Okay, he has a point. Fuck now, foreplay later. Her pussy ached to have him inside, and she clutched him and moved her hips, trying to maneuver him into her. At the last second, she mustered barely enough presence of mind to gasp, “Condom.”

  “Shit.” He rolled off her and rummaged through the top drawer of his nightstand. After several seconds, he triumphantly held up a small foil packet. “Condom.”

  “Good.” She licked her lips and reached for his cock. “Now hurry up and get it on.”

  He grinned. “Getting it on is what will happen after I put on the condom.”

  She swatted his arm. “Quit making bad jokes.’

  He ripped open the packet and unrolled the thin latex onto his cock. As Erin watched, her pussy clenched. Mine.

  For tonight, at least.

  Stefan knelt between her legs and bent her knees back against her chest. Staring down at her, he ran his finger over her clit. She shook with arousal and reached for his arm. He pulled back “You’re so beautiful,” he murmured. “God, I wish I’d asked you for coffee sooner.”

  “Because then you would have had me in bed sooner?” she teased.

  He shook his head with a serious look. “Because then I wouldn’t have wasted so much time pretending I didn’t have feelings for you.”

  He positioned his cock at her pussy and with one sudden thrust entered her. She gasped and closed her eyes, savoring the sensation of being filled. She hadn’t been to bed with anyone in months. Her pussy grasped eagerly at his cock, and she clutched his arms for leverage as she thrust back against his fast, hard movements.

  An ache grew in her core. Not pain, just the desperate desire to climax, to feel the waves crashing over her as she came. That desire spread through her entire body. Everything within her focused on the place where she and Stefan joined.


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