Testimony of the Blessed (Emissary of the Devil Book 2)

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Testimony of the Blessed (Emissary of the Devil Book 2) Page 14

by K. G. Reuss

  He backed away from me and disappeared from the room, leaving me rooted to the spot, my body trembling. If being exhausted meant I’d be able to have my freedom, I’d take it. I’d take it over and over again if it kept me away from that monster.

  Chapter 32

  I was just settling into bed when a soft tapping sounded on my bedroom window. It was just after two in the morning. I’d cleaned as fast as I could, hoping to get a few hours of sleep before it was time for school. My body ached from scrubbing the floors by hand, and I was certain that I’d end up with at least one blister.

  Another tap. It couldn’t have been Lance at my window. He’d have called or texted me first. Nervously, I went to the window and opened it. I let out a squeal of fright when Corbin came bounding through the opening. His hand immediately shot out and covered my mouth, silencing me before my screams woke Alan or my mom.

  “Shh,” he whispered, nodding at me. I nodded back. He removed his hand and stared down at me.

  “W-what are you doing here?” I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.

  “I’m a collector, doll. I came to collect.” His lips twitched into that smile he always seemed to be wearing.

  “Um, what did you come to collect? And how did you know which room was mine?”

  “I believe you said we could hang out. So here I am. And it wasn’t hard to find your room. I was outside earlier in the evening. You really should close your curtains when you undress.”

  “You-you were watching me change?” I asked in horrified disgust.

  “Only for a moment,” he answered, flopping down onto my bed like he was a frequent visitor to my bedroom, and it was completely normal to make himself at home. “To be honest, I actually felt a little guilty about it. Strange feeling, really. I left you to it and took a walk. Figured it was probably too early to collect you anyway.” He seemed like he didn’t even care. Like it didn’t matter what I thought.

  “You shouldn’t do that to people,” I snapped at him, wondering just how much he’d seen.

  “Easy, princess,” he said softly, getting to his feet and invading my personal space. “I said I didn’t stick around. Trust me on that.”

  “What if you’re lying?” I asked, glaring up at him.

  “If I was lying, you’d know.”

  Something about the way he said it sent chills down my spine. And yet, I knew it was the truth.

  “Besides, lies are just the ugly truths we tell ourselves. So all lies are truths to someone.” He backed away, smirking at me.

  “You’re so confusing,” I grumbled, frowning at him.

  “And you need to get dressed if we’re going to do this.”

  “Do what?” I asked, confused. “It’s late. We have school. And I’m tired.”

  “Come on! Have a little fun. You can call me your escape route.” He winked at me, reminding me that I’d whispered to God for an escape only minutes before while on my knees scrubbing the bathroom floor. Was this my answer? It seemed too coincidental for him to say it. Or maybe I was overthinking it.

  Not wanting to look a gift horse in the mouth, just in case, I gave him a tight nod and grabbed one of my dresses.

  “Ah, no.” Corbin shook his head at me. “No dresses. It may appeal to some, and believe me, it truly appeals to me, but tonight, I think it’s best if you put on a pair of jeans and shirt. What do you say? Be bold, different. One night. You aren’t you. How does that sound?”

  “It sounds like something I could try,” I said slowly, letting the dress fall back on the chair. I went to my dresser and pulled out a pair of jeans and a tank top with a cardigan and quickly went to my bathroom to change. Once I was done, I came back to my room to find Corbin sitting on the edge of my bed.

  “Ready?” he asked, looking me up and down.

  “Yeah.” I nodded nervously. I couldn’t believe I was about to sneak out of my house with some guy I’d only met recently.

  He walked to my window and offered me his hand.

  “Um” I laughed nervously. “H-how will that work? Maybe you should climb down first—”

  “Shut up and live a little, would you?” He rolled his eyes. “And have a little faith.”

  I stared at him in surprise at his choice of words. Faith. I had that. Or at least I wanted to. Without thinking it through a moment longer, I placed my hand in his.

  A sharp gasp escaped me as he wrapped his arm around my waist and jumped from my second-story window with me in tow as if it was nothing at all. I squeezed my eyes closed, my scream frozen in my throat.

  The sound of Corbin’s soft laughter had me cautiously opening one eye to look around.

  “We’re not dead.” I swallowed, my heart beating like hummingbird wings in my chest.

  “Speak for yourself.” Corbin laughed softly again, his joke lost on me. “But if we don’t get out of here, I can guarantee one of us might meet their maker. Pretty sure it won’t be me.”

  Casting a hasty look over my shoulder at my silent home, I took the hand Corbin offered and let him lead me into the darkness.

  Chapter 33

  “We’re going to eat?” I asked, looking at the half-lit diner sign that said Sindy’s. Now it only read Sin.

  “Not really much to do around here unless you’re into sex, drugs, or rock-and-roll. And you don’t really strike me as the type to like any of those things.” Corbin shrugged at me and walked to the diner. I quickly caught up to him.

  “I-I like sex”—

  “Yeah, right!” He chortled loudly, opening the diner door and holding it open for me to walk through. The bell jingled loudly as we entered. A tired, middle-aged waitress greeted us half-heartedly and led us to our table.

  “I do,” I hissed at him after the waitress named Sue left us with our menus. “I mean… I could.”

  “Virgin Mary.” He smirked at me, causing my face to redden. “What’s the deal with you anyway? Why don’t you just spread your legs—”

  “You shut your nasty mouth!” I snapped at him. He grinned wider and held his hands up in mock defeat. “How dare you talk to me like that! You don’t just say those nasty, disgusting things out loud to a lady—”

  “Trust me, babe. You only think you’re a lady. Once you’ve had someone buried deep inside you, you’ll be a depraved maniac like the rest of us. And if my guess is correct, you might be even worse.”

  “You’re a pig,” I said disgustedly.

  “No, I’m honest. And I think that’s something no one has ever been with you. I tell it like I see it, and you need to get laid.”

  “And I suppose you think you’re just the man to do it.” I frowned at him, suddenly wishing I’d just stayed home.

  “Baby, you don’t even want to begin to learn what I think,” he replied, all teasing gone from his voice as he leaned forward. “I would do things to you that you’ve never imagined possible. I’d make you a quivering mess on the floor, moaning out my name, begging me to give it to you. You’d be my little whore, always begging for more.”

  I rose from my seat, and without a backward glance, marched away. I’d gotten as far as the middle of the parking lot when he caught up to me. I was seething. How dare he talk to me like that! I didn’t care if he thought he was God’s gift to women. I wasn’t those women. I was me. And I demanded a little bit of respect. I couldn’t get it from Alan, but I’d be damned if I were going to sit around and deal with more of it.

  “Maggie, come on.” Corbin reached out and grabbed my arm, pulling me to a stop. Without a moment of hesitation, my hand came out and caught him straight across his face with a loud crack that echoed around us in the night.

  “I’m exhausted. I’m stressed. I’m constantly being called names that I don’t deserve to be called. I’m a good girl. I’m a good person. And I’ll be damned if I let you talk to me like that. I am no one’s whore. And if you so as much breathe too close to me again, I will punch you in the face so hard that your long-dead relatives will feel it. Got it?” I glared
at him, my chest heaving with my shallow breathing and anger.

  “I misjudged you,” Corbin answered thickly, his voice soft. “I guess I’m not used to a girl like you.”

  “Then I guess you haven’t used your time wisely.” I folded my arms over my chest. “You should try to be decent to the good ones. There are already enough bad ones out there.” We both fell silent, gauging one another. “For what it’s worth, I’m sorry for hitting you. I shouldn’t have—”

  “I deserved it,” Corbin cut me off. “I admit it. If I’d been you, I’d have struck me too. And I’ve gotta admit, you’re tougher than I originally thought. It’s. . . refreshing.”

  “What do you mean?” I frowned at him.

  “I mean, when I first met you, I thought you were all sugar and no spice. Now that we’re standing in this dark parking lot at nearly three in the morning, I can tell you have a dash of spice in you. A spark. I find it. . . intriguing. That must be why he’s so infatuated with you.”


  “Don’t act so surprised.” Corbin gave me a smile. “He wears his heart for all to see.”

  “Lance?” I asked.

  “Sure, princess,” Corbin shrugged. “But hey, nice hit. My jaw still hurts a bit.”

  “I-I really am sorry. I lost my temper—”

  “Why are you apologizing?” Corbin asked, exasperated. “Stop it. Stop apologizing! You stuck up for yourself. You obviously never do that. This is a victory, not a defeat. Take it. Parade it around. Call me a name. I deserve it.”

  “No one deserves to be treated less than human.” I shook my head and looked away. “No matter what they’ve done.”

  “Devil, you’re quite the saint, aren’t you, Maggie?” Corbin’s voice was soft.

  “No.” I met his eyes. “I just don’t see the point in hurting anyone. Sometimes the best thing to do is to just walk away.”

  “And yet you don’t. You always stay. Always stick it out. You take the hits. You get back up. Why? Why haven’t you broken yet?” Corbin asked, cocking his head to study me. He looked thoughtful. Confused. Curious. So many looks flashed across his face, it was hard to tell how he truly felt.

  “Then they’d win,” I answered softly. “And me breaking isn’t a victory they deserve.”

  “I think I’m really going to enjoy our time together,” Corbin’s voice was soft, dark. . . scary. It sent chills down my spine.

  And yet I stayed. And when he offered me his hand, I took it, following him back into the diner, my mind a little hazy.

  Chapter 34

  “Come on,” Corbin beckoned, waving his hand at me in a hurry up motion. Grumbling, I trotted to keep up with him.

  “Where are we going?” I asked, feeling completely exhausted.

  “Why do you need all the answers?” he called over his shoulder. “How about just going with an idea and dealing with the consequences after?”

  “Um, maybe that’s how you live your life, but I prefer to have things a bit more thought out,” I countered breathlessly. My lungs ached, and my eyelids were heavy with sleep. In another hour, the sun would be peeking over the horizon. The day would begin, and I’d be a member of the walking dead as I tried to make it through a long day of school.

  Corbin seemed like he was filled with energy as he moved quickly in front of me up the steep cliff.

  “We’re almost there, princess. Just a few more feet,” he encouraged. I grunted and slid on the rocks, a branch snapping me in the shin. I was suddenly glad for the jeans Corbin suggested I wear.

  I was looking down, cursing my black and white chucks, when I ran straight into Corbin’s back.

  “Oomf!” I gasped, stumbling back. He whipped around quickly, his hands shooting out, and caught me before I tumbled back down the side of the monstrous hill we’d just climbed in the dark.

  “Easy there. Don’t need you dying out here. Be a bit tough to explain,” Corbin said easily, righting me.

  “You brought me to make-out mountain?” My mouth twisted down into a frown. I guess I’d known that’s where we were headed. But I’d hoped he’d detour along the way and maybe show me a weird rock formation or something.

  “Is that what this place is called?” he asked, smiling and looking out over the lake that lay below. “Figures I’d find it.”

  I rolled my eyes, my arms folded over my chest.

  “Corbin, I’m tired. Exhausted. I need to go home. . . what are you doing?” I asked in horror as he took his shirt off and tossed it aside. He looked glorious in the moonlight with all his rippling muscles on display. I looked away from him quickly, my face heating in embarrassment.

  “What’s wrong, Maggie? I didn’t bring you here just to check out the scenery,” he chuckled softly.

  “If you think I’m going to take my-my clothes off and do dirty things with you, you’re wrong. I’m not that kind of girl. We’ve been over this, Corbin. I have a boyfriend—”

  “Relax,” Corbin interrupted me. “We’re not going to make-out. And in case you didn’t know, I don’t do sweet foreplay. I just jump in, head first, if you know what I mean.” He winked at me beneath the full moon as I cast a weary glance at him.

  “Ugh,” I scoffed, rolling my eyes at him. He was something else.

  “You coming?”

  “What?” I looked at him in alarm, a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach.

  “You know what,” he said knowingly. “We’re jumping.”

  “I don’t think so!” I yelped, shaking my head quickly and taking a step back.

  “Maggie,” he warned, taking a step toward me. “You need to live a little. Just relax and let go. You live this sheltered life where you’re scared of everything. Someday when your pretty little self is standing at the Gates of Heaven, don’t you want to smile as you look back on your life? All you’d do right now if you died, is cry.”

  His words struck me like a slap to the face. I would cry. I’d have nothing to look fondly back on.

  “Or maybe you’d like to visit the Gates of Hell with me?” he asked raising an eyebrow, his green eyes shining, his head cocked as he watched me.

  “I already live in hell,” I replied softly.

  “Touché.” He held his hand out. “Regardless, let’s have a little fun, shall we?”

  “It’s cold.” I shivered, despite my sweater. “We’ll freeze—”

  “Who gives a shit? Let’s jump. Together. We can warm up later. It’ll be a bonding experience, cementing our new secret friendship.”

  I bit my bottom lip, my heart beating wildly in my chest. I was terrified of the possibilities, but something else was flourishing inside of me. I wanted to see what it was like to act impulsively.

  Drawing in a deep breath, I took Corbin’s hand for what felt like the millionth time that night. I was exhausted and wanted to get home anyway. Something told me that if I didn’t just take the literal plunge, he’d find something else for us to do. And really, I needed to sleep.

  “Good girl,” he murmured, walking with me to the edge of the cliff. Below, the water looked like a pit of black— calm with the moon reflecting off the top. I looked up to the sky, breathing in deeply once more.

  God, keep us safe.

  “Ready?” Corbin asked softly.


  Chapter 35

  “I don’t even know why I listened to you!” I shivered, soaking wet as Corbin walked beside me back to his car. “I’m freezing! It’s almost daybreak! I’m going to be exhausted for school! And if Alan finds out, I’m dead—”

  “Maggie, you worry too much. Relax. You had fun, right?” Corbin asked, waving me off.

  “I-I guess,” I muttered. “But what was the point of it?”

  “Just testing out a few theories.” He winked at me, causing me to roll my eyes at him.

  “For what?”

  “Just trying to figure you out is all.”

  “There’s not much to figure out. I don’t go out all that much. I have a jerk f
or a stepdad. I’m miserable. And I want to move far from here when I turn eighteen.”

  “There’s more. And I wasn’t talking about that stuff. I was talking about you, the you no one else knows. So far, I can tell you want to be adventurous, but you’re too shy to make the jump on your own. You want to let go but are afraid of that as well. You love with your whole heart. You’re sweet as pie. And you like someone other than your boyfriend.”

  “I do not,” I scoffed, feeling my face redden.

  “Shepherd isn’t a good guy,” Corbin said, stopping at his car behind me as I reached for the door handle. He pushed the door closed, and I looked up at him. “He could really destroy a girl like you.”

  “I think it’s safe to say that I was destroyed a long time ago,” I answered sadly. “There isn’t much anyone could do to me at this point that would hurt me.”

  “That’s what you think,” Corbin murmured, looking down at me. “What if Lance decided to love someone else? Wouldn’t that break your heart?”

  “Yes,” I whispered. “But I’d get over it.”

  “Ah, sure.” He nodded. “But, here’s my question. He’s a popular guy, and all the girls want him. What if he just took one? You know, a piece of side action, while still holding onto you? Wouldn’t that create a wound you’d carry in your heart for a long time? I’d think it would make loving anyone after that very difficult.”

  “Maybe,” I frowned. “It would devastate me. But Lance cares about me. He wouldn’t do that to me.”

  “And you truly believe that? That a girl who doesn’t put out can keep her man?”

  I swallowed hard and looked down.

  “But what if you acted first? What if you left him before he leaves you?”

  “He’s not going to leave me,” my voice shook as I looked up at Corbin.


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