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Evan's Addiction

Page 58

by Sara Hess

  My dick was so hard the skin felt like it was going to split. I needed inside her…now! Shooting to my feet I hauled her vibrating body further up the bed. Taking a second to peel her bra off I cupped one of her breasts, molding it, and devoured her mouth as I climbed over her.

  Shaw grasped my head and returned my kiss with feverish intensity. “Please…now…” She whimpered into my mouth.

  Wedging my hips into her welcoming open thighs my rigid cock honed in on her heat like a magnet to metal and I slid into her tight, glorious, wetness with an elated groan. “Holy shit, Red. It feels like I’m home…and I don’t want to ever leave.”

  Shaw’s fingers dragged down my spine. “Okay.” She panted into the corner of my mouth, her inner muscles contracting threatening around my nearly exploding dick. “You can stay…but you have to please move.”

  If I could have laughed I would have; instead I kissed her fervently and began stroking into her unhurriedly, enjoying the feel of her. My eyes locked with hers. “Tell me that you will always be mine.”

  Lids half closed, eyes glazed, hands clutching at me desperately, she gasped. “Always.” Her hips rose to meet my downward thrust.

  My mind was fast losing it to the avalanche of pleasure consuming me. “I love you, Shaw. Do you love me?” I knew there was a part of her that was afraid to fully trust in our relationship, but I also knew with time, and enough vocalizing, she’d finally believe. And moreover, I just needed to hear it.

  Her passion darkened green eyes filled with emotions. “I love you so much…so very much, Evan.” Her legs lifted and wrapped around my back, pulling me in tighter. “You lit up my darkness and healed my soul. I don’t know why you’re with me, but I don’t ever want to lose you.”

  Hearing those words, that I knew came from the vault inside her chest, brought back a smidgen of my control. My frenzied thrusts slowed again to long, deep strokes as I sandwiched her face between my hands. “I’m not going anywhere, Red. You’re the lost piece of my soul; I wouldn’t make it without you.”

  A tear slipped from her eye and I kissed it away, recognizing it was a release of her internal emotional struggle.

  Suddenly, her inner walls began constricting around my cock and the ecstasy of it began to unhinge my mind. Through my haze of pleasure I watched Shaw’s face tighten and flush with her impending orgasm. Grasping her ass I wrestled with my loss of control and kept my thrusts measured, wanting this moment between us to be tender and unhurried.

  Taking her mouth I kissed her deeply as her orgasm surged through her. She keened a long, agonized cry of rapture into my mouth, and her nails dug into the muscles of my back as her body shuddered through one of the longest orgasms I’d ever witnessed from her…without the added use of a vibrator that is.

  I held off as long as I could, powering through the torture and pleasure of it, until I couldn’t hold off any longer. With a long groan of my own I drove deep, grinding into her tight, hot depths and came so fucking hard the intensity of it made me light-headed. When it finally began to wane I sprawled on top of her in dizzy depletion, nuzzling her into her neck, as my hips continued to rock instinctively into her seeking every last drop of pleasure it could from her body.

  It just kept getting better with her.

  After awhile I shifted so I was just off to the side of her but still partially on top of her. I wanted her to be able to breathe, but I didn’t want to entirely break the embrace we were in.

  “You are going to kill me.” I gasped through my heavy breathing.

  Shaw’s breath’s puffed against my chest. Her fingers traced over my tattoo and played with my nipple…damn minx, getting me charged up again…while I lazily stroked over her damp side and breast…okay, I wasn’t any better.

  She was relaxed and I smiled at the knowledge. It was getting easier for her to cuddle with me. Growing up and being deprived of affectionate hugs and touches had made it at first difficult for her to completely loosen up, but everyday I was showing her what she deserved.

  “I’ve always said; nothing worth’s doing unless you kill each other doing it.” Shaw pressed her face into my chest and I could feel her smile against my heated skin.

  I chuckled…isn’t that the truth…and moved my hand down to her ass to give it a squeeze. “How did your day go? Did you have to put any other idiots in their place today?”

  I know Shaw could take care of herself, but I didn’t like that she had to deal with the morons of the world without me by her side supporting her. It really made me appreciate the anxiety Nic went through when Carrie went through all her shit.

  “Thankfully, I was idiot free today.” Her hand flattened on my pec. “But something interesting did happen today. I met the woman claiming to be my mother.”

  I went rigid with surprise and dread. Grasping the back of her head gently I tilted it up slightly so I could see her face. “Why didn’t you tell me you planned to meet with her?”

  She bit her bottom lip. “I didn’t plan it; she surprised me on campus. She said she couldn’t hold off on meeting me any longer.”

  I frowned in anger and concern. “So what…she was fucking stalking you on campus?” Like Shaw hadn’t had her quota of assholes stalking her. I couldn’t lay here relaxed any more. I shifted so that we were sitting back against the headboard; Shaw pressed up to my side, the blanket tucked around us. “Did she do or say anything to upset you? Why didn’t you call me?” Didn’t she know I’d drop everything to be there for her?

  She shook her head. “No, she didn’t upset me…at least not intentionally. It was just shocking to see her in person. She asked if we could talk and she revealed a little more information about why she did what she did.” She paused. “And she said she’d like to get to know me.”

  My unease rose at what I was hearing in her voice. “Shaw, we still don’t know if she really is your mother.”

  She sighed, looking down at her fingers circling my navel. My abdomen muscles quivered in delight and I ignored the blood that rushed south at her touch, and at how near she was to my dick.

  “I know…but the story…the way she tells it…it just fits. And we have some similar features. She doesn’t seem like the kind of person who would lie when it could be proven easily that she’s not? And she even offered to have our DNA tested.”

  I didn’t know this woman but I was inclined to not like her because of how she’s abandoned Shaw. I could appreciate that the woman had been a pregnant, frightened teenager, but my only concern was Shaw. However, it wasn’t difficult to perceive that Shaw had been affected by the encounter. I could see the conflict of emotions on her face; the hope versus the afraid to hope that this woman could give her something she’d been missing her whole life…a mother.

  Witnessing it twisted my heart, and I knew I needed to be careful about how I handled this situation.

  “Do you want to do that…get the DNA test?” I massaged her back.

  “Probably, just to make sure; although I feel pretty certain she is.” She rubbed her cheek against my chest. It was like she was saying, ‘thanks for your support’. That right there made me realize that all she needed was me backing her decisions. If things went badly I would still be there for her to see her through it.

  “So we do that, and when it’s confirmed you can make the decision to build a relationship with her if that’s what you want.”

  There was a heavy pause. “Actually…I already made another appointment to talk to her…tomorrow.”

  It was my turn to chew on my words. “Are you certain you want to do that before you’re sure she’s your mother?”

  She nodded. “Like I said, I feel pretty certain she is. It’s just a meet and greet, and I can ask her other questions. If they don’t add up then the DNA won’t even be needed.”

  “I’ll ask Dan if I can take a couple hours off so I can be there for you.” I knew Dan wouldn’t have a problem with it, and I wasn’t having her meet this woman alone again. I was going to meet her to
access her character myself.

  Setting her hand firmly on my abdomen, Shaw looked up at me with glassy eyes, but a resolute expression. “I don’t want you disrupting your life and schedule again just because I have another bump in my life.”

  Grabbing her hand I lifted it to my mouth and nipped at her fingers while giving her an even more determined look. “Our lives are connected so it’s not a disruption. Nothing’s more important to me than you, Shaw. I want to be there. I need to be there.”

  Her body relaxed slightly, and her eyes flickered briefly before her head returned to my chest. “Well, if you’re going to be an interventionist tyrant about it.” She choked out in bogus irritation.

  I grinned at her wording, and the hidden delight in her voice. “It’s good you know who the boss in this relationship is.” I tapped her ass playfully.

  “Me, myself, and I appreciate your recognition and will accept a nice sash or ribbon in honor of the fact.” She declared haughtily.

  My grin cracked my face. Shifting her down the bed I rolled over on top of her. She stared up at me with eyes brimming with emotion and amusement.

  “The only way I’d get you a sash with the words boss on it is if you wear it naked for me every single night.” I growled.

  Latching my lips onto her neck I began kissing down her neck to her breast. Reaching her pebbled nipple I circled it with me tongue and then sucked it hard inside my mouth.

  Shaw jerked at the hard stimulation and cried out in pleasure, gripping my hair tightly. Hooking her legs around my waist she rolled us so that she was straddling me. I stared up at her in surprise, hunger, enjoyment, and love.

  Her hands came done on both sides of my head and she gazed down at me with the same expression as I was wearing…minus the surprise. “I wouldn’t be naked if I was wearing a sash, Genius. That just goes to show you why I should be boss.”

  Damn, she made me ache. Then she bent and did the same thing to my neck and nipple while rubbing her hot, wet center over my erection, and that made me ache even more.

  The next half an hour was spent proving who was boss.

  We ended up calling it a tie.

  Afterwards, Shaw allowed me to go eat, and once I was replenished with food and fluids she dragged me…or I might have dragged her…back upstairs for a rematch.

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  “I still can hardly believe that you risked your life rushing into such a dangerous situation, that you knew nothing about, to rescue my daughter and another girl you didn’t know. Most people would have left it to the police, but you and these other boys thought you could handle it yourselves. Well, thankfully you were able to handle it and not get yourselves all killed. That is so heroic.”

  I stared at the woman across the table from me and tried to keep my face impassive. I couldn’t decide if she was trying praise or criticize me, or criticize me but then belatedly praise me because she thought that was what she was supposed to do.

  I sighed at my prickly mood. Was I being biased because of my aversion to her? I thought I came into this meeting with the woman claiming to be Shaw’s mother with an open mind, but maybe I hadn’t because I couldn’t seem to get past my innate dislike of her. She appeared more interested in the details of Shaw’s kidnapping than asking Shaw about her life.

  The kidnapping did them together, but the woman just seemed too morbidly animated about the whole thing.

  “Who were the other two men that helped you? I assume they were friends of yours? And why didn’t you tell any reporters this piece of news? You guys would have been praised as heroes; turned into local celebrities.” Rebecca leaned toward me eagerly.

  The woman had been trying to get me to talk since Shaw and I had entered the restaurant, and while I’d responded to a few of her questions I’d let Shaw answer most of them. This was their time together and the woman should be more focused on Shaw.

  Shaw was answering her questions without hesitation, and it was painfully obvious why she was being so open, when she normally wasn’t. She was trying to push a connection with the woman. However, while I was fine with her disclosing my part in her rescue, because it was our story and it revealed the extant I would go for her; I wasn’t comfortable divulging Blake’s and Greg’s connection. That was their choice.

  “The two guys were friends of mine, and we didn’t tell the press because we didn’t do what we did for attention. We did it to save Shaw.”

  Rebecca’s eyes flickered with frustration and her mouth thinned slightly. It was something I noticed happened a lot when she didn’t get an answer to one of her questions.

  “Well, you can tell me their names. I won’t tell anyone else, but I would sure like to thank them for saving my daughter’s life.” Rebecca smiled and reached out to touch Shaw’s hand on the table.

  That was another thing that was irking me about this woman; she was calling Shaw her daughter when she had no right to. Not only were we still not certain she was, but the woman just met Shaw.

  The only reason I wasn’t bashing her for it was that I could tell Shaw liked it. And that was raising my anxiety about this woman even more.

  “I’ll let them know and if they want your gratitude I will set up a meeting.” I forced out a smile.

  Shaw threw a small frown my way, most likely picking up on my tension, but when I gave her a real smile her frown lifted.

  Rebecca’s smile stayed fixed, but her eyes narrowed infinitesimally. “So, you just rushed into the house and overpowered the man? Did you have any weapons or anything?”

  For the second time Shaw hesitated and looked over at me; the first time was to get a hint if I was okay with revealing my part in her rescue. “Uhhmm…”

  I caught on to why she was cautious in answering that question. She didn’t want to be the one to reveal that I had guns. She knew they were legit, and the police knew as well, but she wasn’t comfortable revealing my private information.

  I answered for her. “We surprised the guy, and he was a computer nerd…” I patted Shaw’s leg with a grin. “No offense to you, Red, so the three of us had no problem taking him down.”

  Shaw contained herself and just rolled her eyes at me.

  Rebecca looked back and forth between us with a frown. “Why do you say ‘no offense, Red’?”

  Shaw shook her head in mock annoyance. “Red is his hackneyed nickname for me, and he said no offense because I’m a bit of a computer nerd.”

  Rebecca gave a short nod. “Oh. I heard that the guy used the internet to sell the girls, and he did look kind of smaller than you. He didn’t have any kind of weapon?”

  My lips thinned in anger at her one track mind and how she had absolutely no interest in asking Shaw about her interest in computers.

  “Not that I saw.” I answered curtly, taking a drink of my water.

  Shaw’s brow puckered faintly at my lie.

  Rebecca’s gaze flickered off to the side and then back to us. “I need to run to the bathroom. I’ll be right back. Don’t you go anywhere; spending this time with you has been wonderful.” The next second she was out of the booth and scurrying in the direction of the restrooms. I stared at her back with a frown.

  Shaw didn’t ask my why I lied, she only picked absently at the food she barely ate. I’d shoved my plate away a long time ago having lost my appetite.

  “So, how do you feel its going?” I asked, trying to get a sense of her emotions and perspective.

  Shaw shrugged, eyes on her plate. “It’s our second meeting; it’s hard to say.”

  She didn’t have to say anymore, I could read between her words. The woman might be her mother but Shaw was sensing something was off about her. I was glad she wasn’t accepting everything about the woman on face value, but it upset me that she couldn’t. For her sake I wished this could all be simple and clear-cut for her.

  My arm had been on the back of the booth for nearly the entire lunch, playing with her hair, and I moved it to the nape of her neck massaging the tension there.
“Do you want to stay, continue this, or see if we could set up another time with Rebecca to talk?”

  Her brow puckered deeper and she stabbed her fork into the bun on her plate. “You probably need to get back to work, so we can set up another time to talk.”

  I could tell she was using the excuse of me having to return to work rather than dwell on her own thoughts on the matter. And that was fine with me. I think she needed a break from the woman.

  I searched for our waitress and spotting her I tried waving her over, but she was speed walking and not paying attention disappearing around a corner.

  Leaning over I kissed Shaw on the forehead. “I’ll be right back.”

  Sliding out of the booth I strode towards where the waitress vanished and realized she’d went through a swinging door leading to the restaurants kitchen. Leaning back against the wall I decided to wait for her to come back out because I wanted to get this bill paid and get Shaw out of here.

  The restaurant was loud but my ear caught and honed in on a conversation happening on the opposite side of the wall I was resting against.

  “Try rephrasing some of the questions if it seems like they don’t want to answer. Or leave that line of questioning and come back to it later. Sometimes people get uncomfortable talking about what happened to them. If you move onto a different topic for a little while they relax, and then when you go back they forget why they didn’t want to answer your question.”

  I straightened as a different, but familiar voice spoke. “It’s her boyfriend. She looks to him to answer some of them and I can see he’s holding back. He’s been looking at me suspiciously the whole time. I need to try and meet with her without him.”

  “Yeah, maybe your right. The guy works for Dan McKay so he has to have some brains on him, and I could tell through the bug we have set up at the table that there’s something he’s covering up about what happened in that house. But finding out that he was the one to find out where the girls were and that he and his friends saved her is news worthy gold. No one knew this. The cops must have been keeping it under wraps; either because the guys really didn’t want attention, or the cops wanted to take all the credit for it. Hell, either way this a major scoop.”


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