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Reflecting On Wishes (The Wishes Series)

Page 4

by Felthauser, DeAnna

  “You are quite the gentleman,” she whispered,

  “You are quite the lady,” he replied, leaning down to brush his lips against hers once more before taking her hand and leading her inside.

  The steady beat of the bongo and conga drums seemed to thrum through the bodies on the dance floor. The club was busy of course; it was expected on a Friday night. He noticed Angel didn’t seem to mind. She took the lead, winding her way through the crowd to the bar where she ordered two shots of tequila and two Corona’s. Dakota dropped a twenty on the bar for their drinks and tucked a five in the tip jar. Gathering their beverages, they found a corner booth and scooted in beside each other with him on the outside.

  “You know I was planning on buying our drinks. That’s why I ordered them,” Angel said tilting her head, looking at him with a soft smile on her face.

  He curled his arm over her shoulders and tucked her close to his side. “Tell you what, next date you can buy the drinks, deal?” The grin he gave her was a confident one, not quite cocky, but sure of himself and the connection that was building between them.

  “Deal. Now, you do know the proper way to drink tequila right? I mean, if you don’t, this could really reflect badly on you.” The look in her dark chocolate eyes was playful and sexy.

  “The proper way to drink tequila?” His eyebrow rose in question. He was having a hard enough time concentrating on anything when she gave him that sweet smile but he definitely didn’t want to make a bad impression or look like an idiot in front of her. “Well, back in college I would have said I would lick your neck, dash on some salt and put a wedge of lime between your beautiful lips. Then I would down the shot, lick your neck, suck the lime, and take the opportunity to kiss you. But, we’re grown folks now, so I’d do something a little classier—with spice of course.” He marveled in the way her eyes darkened and the sensual slip of her tongue gliding over her bottom lip. “I’m going to go with the traditional way. Lick your hand between your thumb and forefinger, dash it with salt and hold the lime between your thumb and finger.” He paused a moment, brushing her hair back and tucking it behind her ear. His thumb skimmed down her jaw slowly as he looked into her eyes, his next words coming forth with a definite pause between each word. “Lick, drink, bite, suck.”

  She swallowed visibly, clearing her throat before she spoke. “That’s…uh, one way you can shoot tequila.” He couldn’t take his eyes off her when she reached up and ran the tip of her finger over his bottom lip. He wondered if she felt it tremble under her soft touch. The air felt as if it were sizzling between them with arcs of electricity bouncing back and forth.

  “But that isn’t the proper way?”

  “Not if you like spice and heat. Do you, Dakota? Like spice and…heat?”

  It was his turn to swallow and look away for a minute so he could clear his throat before he replied, “I do tend to like things spicy and hot.”

  The smile she had on her face was something he would love to see every day. In fact, he would make it his lifelong work to keep her happy and brightening his world with that sparkling smile that lit up the entire room. She leaned across the table to grab a bottle of Tabasco sauce and her hair slipped from behind her ear again covering her face. He reached out and tucked it back again, running his fingers through the satiny length. She looked at him while she opened the bottle, “Two shakes or three?” She shook three times over her shot, a smirk on her face that showed her playful confidence.

  “Same as you hot stuff, but please tell me we aren’t mixing that with the lime wedges.”

  “Ugh, that would not be good. The lime is for the beer.” She gave him three shakes of hot sauce in his tequila shot and then squeezed the lime slice down the neck of the beer bottle. “Cheers! To good times, fast bikes and a little added spice to our lives.” She slid his shot to him and picked up her own, holding hers up until he clinked their glasses together. They downed the shots, smacking the glasses back on the table and then looked into each other’s eyes.

  “Wow that was definitely spicy.” Dakota laughed, then took a drink of the icy cold beer.

  “Mhmm, hot, spicy and so damn good.” Angel tilted her head and kissed the corner of his mouth, taking him by surprise.

  “Yes, just like you.” Not one to be outdone, he turned his head, slid his hand behind her neck and pulled her mouth to his. He grazed his lips over hers so slow and sultry it left them both breathless. When he broke the kiss, he drew his thumb down her jaw as he spoke, “I agree, so damn good.”

  Her rosy cheeks complemented her sun-kissed skin tone, but it was the fact that he had brought forth that glowing look that had his chest puffing out like a proud peacock. He had been on his share of dates in the past but no one had ever affected him quite like Angel did. By the glowing look on her face he was having a positive effect on her as well.

  “I know you like motorcycles, you were a track star in school and you’re a physical therapist, but the big question and probably the most important is—do you dance?” she asked, taking a sip of her beer.

  Again, he was smiling at her. “Do I dance?” he laughed in a cocky sort of way. “Oh I dance. Come on beautiful; let’s see what kind of magic we can make on the dance floor.” Her laughter was music to his ears. The carefree way she had about her was contagious. He knew she would be a good dancer, but when she started rocking her hips side to side with the beat of the music it took everything in him to not stop and stare. After all, he wanted to impress her and show her he could keep up with her sexy moves. The DJ kept the music upbeat song after song, taking them through the mambo, cha-cha-cha, and a little salsa before switching to a slow song that Dakota would always remember.

  He had waited a very long time to pull Angel close like he had her right now. Her warm, lean body was wrapped up in his arms with her head resting on his chest while Romeo Santos sang, All Aboard. It couldn’t have been a more perfect song, nor could it have been with a more perfect woman. It seemed as if the rest of the room disappeared and it was only the two of them swaying on the dance floor. The lights were low, nearly pitch-black but for the cliché disco bulb that hung above the center of the dance floor. It took his breath away when her fingers dug into the small of his back, massaging him while he tangled his fingers in her hair and pulled her head back so he could take her mouth with his. The kiss was sensual. His tongue dipping between her lips to taste her spicy sweetness had distracted him enough, but now her fingertips had eased under the hem of his shirt and were stroking his bare skin.

  The sound of the music changed to an upbeat song again. Pulling back he looked into her big brown eyes and smiled saying, “I ain’t gonna lie. I’m kinda mad the song ended.”

  Angel looked rather pleased when she chuckled and took his hand in hers, “I don’t know about you but I’m thirsty, like ice cold water kinda thirsty.”

  “Dancing is thirsty business and we were gettin’ it down out there.” His exuberance had her giggling again, lifting her hair off her neck and fanning herself.

  “We sure did. You got some skill, I was impressed you knew that many Latin dances,” she teased him as they sidled up to the bar.

  “Two waters, please,” he gestured to the bartender. “Shoot, I got moves you ain’t even seen yet! Just you wait and see. Next time we’re going to a hip hop club and I’ll really burn it down, baby.”

  “Okay, mista man. I’m gonna hold you to that.” The teasing banter between them was so easy. She was always quick to come back at him with something cute or funny and it made him want to eat her up, quite literally.

  “Correct me if I’m wrong, but did you just now agree to go out on another date with me?” The smirk he gave her set her off giggling again but this time she playfully punched his arm.

  “God you are a cocky son of a bitch aren’t ya?” She shook her head and rolled her eyes, refusing to answer his question.

  “Hey, I’m just saying…and I have to add to that, when girls punch a guy, it’s how they show him they l
ike him right? I mean, I don’t date a lot so I’m just tryin’ to see if I’m reading you right.” Dakota propped his arm on the bar, leaning on it while he looked at her, waiting for her response.

  “Tell ya what, big guy, if you couldn’t tell that by the kisses we shared on the dance floor, there is no hope for you. None at all!”

  “Oh yeah?” He eased up to her until he had her back pressed to the bar with his arms braced on either side of her. He towered over her petite frame as he whispered in her ear. “I read those kisses just fine, beautiful. I want more, so much more. That taste of you wasn’t near enough.”

  When she looked up at him she merely issued a challenge. “If you want it so bad, why don’t you take it?”

  Her eyes were smoldering up at him. The line in the sand was drawn. He of course, wouldn’t dare back down from such a scorching hot request. He could rush it, kiss her hard, yank her out of the bar taking her back to the truck, the hotel or her trailer to have his way with her. But he was a gentleman—sort of. His hands reached down to cup her bottom, lifting her onto the barstool so she was closer to his height and brushed the hair from her face, cupping her head. With one soft brush of his lips, she sighed against his mouth in such a way it made him instantly hard. There was no way he was stopping just yet. One more kiss, that’s what he needed and then he would pick the conversation back up so they could get to know each other better. Dakota had never been the kind of guy to rush intimacy in a relationship. Not that he was old fashioned necessarily, but he tried to be respectful. This was something he didn’t want to mess up. He wanted more than a one night stand. This was the kind of girl a man wanted to marry.

  Somehow though, all thought was lost when her nails dug into his shoulders and she tugged his bottom lip with her sharp teeth, licking over it and making the sexiest growling sound he’d ever heard. “Fucking hell, Angel.”

  Her wicked little laugh could tempt a saint.

  “What’s wrong, big guy?”

  “What’s wrong is you’re making me want to toss you over my shoulder and carry you out of here.”

  She kissed him once more, soft, brief, yet enough to make him groan. “So why don’t you?”

  Her teasing was shameless and without mercy. It was driving him crazy. “Because, my dick is raging hard that’s why. Fuck…”

  “Mmm, I like that I have reduced you to having a case of the fucks, Papi. Especially when you say it, all gruff like that.” Angel leaned back against the bar and fanned herself, grinning wide “Ay yi yi!”

  Dakota couldn’t help but laugh with her. She was so damn sexy and playful. “Mhmm, I’m gonna make you say ay yi yi in passion before this night is over,” he whispered, his voice laced with hunger. Tugging her off the barstool and positioning her directly in front of him they quickly weaved their way out of the bar and into the warm night air. It was then he did exactly what he’d wanted to do all night. Dakota scooped her up over his shoulder and smacked her ass, making her squeal and giggle as he carried her through the drizzling rain to the truck. The fact that the entire time he walked the short distance she was playing the imaginary drums on his ass had him laughing and shaking his head.

  Once they were seat-belted in and the truck was running with the a/c going full blast, he turned on the headlights and ran his finger under her chin to tilt her face up to his. “As cheesy of a line this is—my place or yours?”

  Angel smirked, “Unless you want to take the chance my papá comes knocking, we should probably go back to your hotel for a while.”

  “Good point,” he replied with a grin on his face. He kissed her once more—a slow, languid kiss that he felt all the way to his toes. It took everything in him not to break the speed law getting them back to the hotel.


  There was an annoying beep that kept penetrating her brain, interrupting her wild dream that involved Dakota. It was one of those dreams that was so real she could feel the warmth of his skin and smell his cologne so vividly she just wanted to bury her face against her pillow and breathe in. Funny thing was, when she nuzzled her face, it wasn’t against her pillow. It was against a firm chest that had a rumbling growl coming from it.

  “Is that your phone, baby?”

  Dakota’s sleepy voice had her jerking herself upright and looking around the sunlit room in horror. “Oh shit. What time is it? Where’s my phone? Oh crap, please don’t tell me I’m late!” Angel practically fell out of bed; dragging the blanket with her while she scrambled around looking for her phone. “Beep again dammit. Beep so I can find you!”

  “Baby, it’s only seven thirty. You’re not late. Come back here and kiss me good morning.” Dakota grinned at her, the sheet barely draped over his groin when she looked up from her crouched position where she had been searching under the bed for her cell phone. Her eyes moved down his body, noting the bulge under the thin sheet, then traveled up to his face with a flabbergasted huff.

  “What the hell is wrong with you? Do you realize what this means? My father knows I stayed the night with you for crying out loud! And…and I’m always there, never late, not once in my entire career have I not been there when the gates open. We have to go. Like…now. Get up, get up, get up, Dakota!” She was flapping her arms at him now, freaking out over the thought of having to face her dad with the walk of shame from not coming back to her trailer last night.

  Angel was running around, grabbing her clothing that was quite literally, all over the room when she heard the first snickering laugh. Turning too fast, Angel found herself twisted in the blanket and falling to the floor in the most ungraceful way ever. That only made Dakota laugh louder as he crawled to the edge of the bed and laid on his stomach, grinning at her while she lay sprawled on the floor.

  “You’re beautiful, Angel, even when you are freaking out, flapping your arms like a chicken and squawking around. You’re absolutely beautiful.”

  “You are insane. My papá is going to kill you.” Angel had the most serious look on her face.

  “I found your phone on the nightstand baby. Call him and tell him you’ll be there soon. We’ll take a shower and get dressed. It’s okay, really.”

  “I can’t call and tell him I’m here! He already knows. We have my brothers’ truck remember? Oh God, Rage is gonna knock you’re sexy face off.” Her almond shaped eyes were wide as silver dollars when she took her cell from his hand and flipped through her text messages. “Dammit, he says papá is pissed off I stayed out all night on a race day. Shit!”

  Dakota took her phone from her hand and dialed her brother, holding the phone to his ear. By the time he picked up, Angel was biting her fingernail nervously.

  “Rage, hey man, Angel and I just woke up. We’re gonna shower and be on the way in a little while. Want us to bring anything? Alright man, yeah, she’s worried about your dad being mad or one of you guys wanting to kick my ass.” Dakota was laughing when he reached over and swept his fingers down Angel’s cheek, pulling her finger from her mouth and winking at her. “I’ll let her know, bruh. See ya in about an hour or so.” He ended the call and handed her phone back to her.

  “See, everything is fine. Rage doesn’t want to hit me and neither does your dad. Rage said your dad is frustrated you weren’t there but that he’s not all bent out of shape. Your brother will have him settled down by the time we get there. Oh, and we’re supposed to get donuts.” He grinned at her and rolled off the bed to push her back on the floor and kissed her with such tenderness that when he pulled back, she had tears in her eyes.

  Her soft hands cupped his cheeks and she sniffled, “I swear to God, Dakota—if you hurt me after stealing my heart I’ll kick your ass.”

  The look on her face was so serious that he couldn’t even tease her. He kissed her forehead and placed a tender kiss on each cheek then said, “I promise, baby. I don’t ever want to do anything to hurt you. I want to make you smile, laugh, whimper, moan…a lot of good things, not hurt you.” He gave her another soft kiss, then pulled back to smile
down at her.

  “So far, you’ve proved to do all that very well. But for now, I need a shower and to get back to the track.”

  With a cocky grin on his face he got up and held out his hands, pulling her to her feet. “If we share a shower it will be faster.” It pleased him that she didn’t try to deter him. Instead she took the lead and let the blanket drop, walking to the bathroom while running her fingers through her tangled hair.

  She winked over her shoulder at him saying, “It better be quick. We need to leave here in the next twenty minutes.”

  By the time she turned the shower on he was right behind her, stepping under the steaming stream of water. When she turned towards him he swiftly lifted her up, entwined her legs around his waist and eased inside of her. Angel wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing him fiercely, hunger taking over as he pressed her against the shower wall and thrust inside of her. She was so tight. Her inner walls were slick with silky heat and he knew it wouldn’t take long before he would lose it. He reached between them, his thick fingers finding her hard bundle of nerves, strumming it until she raked her fingernails down his neck, scoring his back with fiery heat when she peaked and screamed out his name. Dakota choked out groan when she rippled around his shaft. His fingers gently skimming up her body to take her hands in his, pinning them to the shower wall as he unleashed the power behind his hips, pounding her through her orgasm until she was sobbing in pleasure and he was gasping out her name, exploding inside of her.

  “Fuck baby that was…” he was gasping for breath, kissing her neck and nuzzling his hips in a slow grind against her. “That was fucking…”


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