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Captain, My Captain

Page 8

by Maddie Taylor

  “Your mine now, Angel.” he whispered passionately against her lips. “I’m never letting you go again.”

  Ages later, he moved off her. Rolling to his side, he stalked into the bathroom. She whimpered at the loss of his body heat and embrace. He hurried back to her, gathering her into his arms. “Sh, Angel. I’m right here.”

  Tony rolled them to the side; slipping an arm around her waist, he pulled her backside snug against him. He curled his much larger body around her soft curves and sighed. This feeling was what he had waited for. Fifteen years he had longed for her, knowing she would be the one to make him complete. He spread light kisses over her shoulder as he pulled her more tightly into his embrace.

  “Sleep now, Angel.”

  And she did.

  At four in the morning, Megan was awakened by large hands caressing her body. One firmly gripped her large breast as the thumb stroked her nipple to an aching peak. The other was cupping her pussy, the middle finger dipped in and lodged deeply into her wetness while the thumb flicked her clit in rhythm with the thumb rubbing her nipple. Megan moaned as he brought her quickly from a dream state to instant ecstasy.

  Tony’s husky voice murmured in her ear. “I have to have you again, Angel.”

  He lifted her leg and pulled it upward, making room for his throbbing cock to slide easily into her drenched pussy from behind.

  “Unh, God...” she moaned, coming instantly.

  “Oh baby, we’re gonna have to work on your control. Again.”

  He built her to another climax as he used two fingers to manipulate her engorged clit to orgasm after orgasm as he rode her deeply from behind. He plunged into her over and over until she was begging for mercy.

  Long minutes later, after achieving another spectacular climax, Tony withdrew. He laughed as her exhausted body curled up against him, “Of course, making you come over and over again can be nice, too.”

  She smiled in complete satisfaction and fell back to sleep.

  Chapter Eleven

  Before meeting with the team at headquarters, Tony drove Megan by her apartment to pick up a few things. While Megan dug through the mess in her ransacked walk-in closet, Tony wandered around Megan’s bedroom, casually looking around as he waited for her to get ready. They had come back to pack up some of her things to take to Tony’s. She mainly needed clothes and personal items. She also needed something to wear to the annual pool party and cookout that was planned for that afternoon.

  While he waited for Megan, Tony noticed her bedroom was mostly decorated with photos of family and friends in a variety of unique and decorative frames. He smiled at a picture of her with Regan when they were in high school. Megan was dressed in her cheerleader’s outfit and was embracing a smiling Regan, who was wearing what looked like a leather jacket and Goth makeup. He laughed softly as he looked at the blue streaks in Regan’s then black hair. A more different set of twins he could never imagine.

  His eyes roamed over the other frames on her dresser and walls, which was a pictorial of her life. He leaned in closer to a photograph taken years ago at the annual cookout when the twins were about twenty. He remembered it, as he had been home on leave at the time and had attended. The photo had been taken after the softball game. A young Rick and Regan were front and center, arm in arm and laughing into the camera, their team having won that year. Tony scanned the picture for Megan, finding her in the back row. She was seated, posed on a picnic table next to her cousin Moon. Her head was turned slightly toward the camera and covered by a low-pitched baseball cap. He frowned as he took in the expression on her face. Surrounded by the other broadly laughing and smiling faces, hers was wistful, almost sad. She was looking off to the right a bit and he followed the line of her gaze in the picture, and saw his own smiling face. It was a much younger version of him. Tony had one arm wrapped around a fellow teammate and the other around a young woman. He remembered bringing her as a date that day, but for the life of him couldn’t remember her name.

  He heard Megan come back into the room and turned towards her. Megan stepped around the shambles that had been her beloved bedroom and grabbed what she needed. She asked Tony to get her suitcase down from the top shelf of her closet. Together they worked to pack her things, Megan laying them on the bed and Tony stowing them away in her biggest piece of luggage. She took her overnight bag into the bathroom to pack her toiletries while Tony finished up. Something on the floor caught his eye before he closed the case.

  When Megan came back out of the bathroom, she felt she had enough to make do for a while. “I think that should do it,” she said. Looking up, she noticed Tony sitting on the side of her bed. She stopped in her tracks when she noticed the hot pink vibrator he held in his big hand. He grinned at her, that irritating eyebrow quirking in question. Megan felt heat instantly suffuse her face. As fair skinned as she was, she knew she was sporting what looked like a serious sunburn across her cheeks, neck and chest.

  “,” she stammered.

  Without saying a word, Tony bent down to the floor and grabbed a remote controlled silver egg that was sticking out from under a pile of debris. He held it up with his other hand and his grin turned into a broad smile. As he looked at her flushed face, he chuckled softly.

  “No need to be embarrassed, baby.” He stood and bent to unzip her suitcase. “I like toys. We’ll just bring these babies with us. They may come in handy.” He winked at her. Then, grabbing the huge bag, he effortlessly carried it out the door.

  At the threshold, he turned and gave her a considering look. “Let’s head out. We’ve got a busy day ahead. Business first, then we head to Rick’s for the party although I’m still not convinced you should go, Megan.”

  “What?” Still flustered by his intimate discovery, Megan tried to gather her thoughts and concentrate on what he’d said. “Oh, Tony, I look forward to it every year. Everyone will be there. It’s like a family reunion.” She paused. “But if you don’t think it’s safe...”

  She left that unfinished statement hanging and looked up at him with those big blue eyes that reminded him of that Disney character, Puss in Boots - a movie he had seen with his niece a while back, where the little kitty’s searing eyes and soulful expression melted the heart of the meanest ogre.

  “Attempts at manipulation by pouting and using those baby blues won’t work on me. It will also most definitely lead to punishment, Megan.”

  Oops! “Yeah?”

  “Yeah. But just this once, since I am in such a generous mood, you may consider this a warning. I’ve already made arrangements for your protection. So we’ll go, even though I’d rather have you safe and secure at my house.”

  She stood on tip-toe to give him a big smooch. Shy of his lips by a few inches, he had to cooperate and bend his head down to meet her. “Oh Captain, My Captain. Thank you, my Captain!” She flitted away and he laughed at her exuberance.

  Recognizing the bit of sarcasm behind the Walt Whitman quote, Tony still smiled as he watched her skip around the room with excitement. She grabbed a few more things; bikini, flip flops, sunglasses, and stuffed them into a beach bag, then moved back to the bathroom to grab sunscreen. As fair as she was, she would fry without it.

  Waiting on the threshold, shaking his head, Tony couldn’t believe the amount of sass he was willing to tolerate from Megan. Any other sub would have been upended and sporting a very red bottom by now. His eyes had wandered thoughtfully back to the frame holding the image of that long ago summer day spent with friends and the younger Sinclair twins.

  “This is a great picture, Angel. I had forgotten that day. Rick and Regan’s team really trounced us for once. We should take it with us. A lot of these guys will be at the party today, they’ll get a kick out of remembering the glory days, especially the ones that have less hair.”

  Megan glanced at the picture he was holding. “Seems like it always turns out as us against them, doesn’t it? We usually won the years you made it in.”

  “Yeah, must hav
e been my awesome slow-pitch curve ball.” He chuckled.

  “More like all the home runs you hit into Mr. Thompson’s back yard. How many windows did you break over the years?”

  “Hey, it’s not my fault his house backed up against the ball field. Never could figure why he cut down all those tall pine trees. Would have saved him a bunch on repairs.”

  “He loved to watch the games. Remember Mr. Thompson was a baseball coach for years. He used to sit out on his back porch and watch the games after he retired. I guess he missed it.”

  “Hmm. What’s got you looking so sad in this one, baby?” He pointed to the sad expression on her face in the photo. “Couldn’t stand getting beat out by your big sister?”

  Megan looked around his broad shoulders. Figures he’d notice that one. It was lying amongst the debris on her dresser and must have slipped out of one of the upended photo albums lying on the floor. They took a picture like that every year. “Big sister by only three minutes,” she declared, “but lorded over for a lifetime.”

  She studied the picture. “Hmm, looks more like I couldn’t stand getting beat out by Beth Anne Ford.” She turned to get some earrings out of her jewelry box.


  She turned and looked at Tony in surprise. “You don’t remember her? Beth Anne? Your date that year?”

  Tony turned back to the photo and studied the brunette on his arm. “Vaguely. Must not have been much of a spark there, huh?”

  “Tony Rossi! You made out with her on the bleachers while everyone else was watching the fireworks. You two were making more sparks than the pyrotechnics. I thought we’d have to throw a bucket water on you before you’d set those old wooden bleachers on fire. You honestly don’t remember her?”

  “Well, no. Does that make me a dick?”

  “Well, yes, kind of.”

  He smiled at her. “Babe, I’m no saint. I’ve dated a lot of women over the years. You can’t honestly believe I could remember everyone. This was what, eleven or twelve years ago?”

  Megan frowned at him. She knew he was a ladies’ man but goodness! The pair of them made out on the bleachers and then moved on to a more private location. She remembered them coming back shortly after the fireworks show, their hair mussed and both were adjusting their clothes. It had broken her heart.

  “You can’t remember the women you’ve slept with? My God, how many have there been?”

  “Oh No! We are not getting into this.”

  “Right. That pretty much sums it up then, doesn’t it?”

  “Angel, like I said, I’m no saint. Of course, I’m much more selective in my old age.”

  “I guess that’s supposed to be a compliment, huh?”

  “Okay. Subject closed. Not a good idea to talk about old girlfriends and lovers.”

  “Yeah. Especially when there are too many for you to recall.” Megan crossed her arms. Frowning, she glared at him. Her insecurities flared up. Was she just another on the Cap Rossi scorecard? “We better go or we’ll be late.”

  Dressed in shorts, a t-shirt and sneakers, she grabbed a Rangers cap from her closet and started out the door. Cap followed her down the hall as she snatched her purse from the hall table and searched for her keys. She’d had to call the dealership to get a new set made, as her keys had never been recovered.

  “You’re driving, I assume.”

  He nodded, pulling the door open for her. He grabbed her keys as she passed and locked up, turning the deadbolt securely. He followed her toward his car and to the passenger side of his SUV. She waited silently for him to unlock it.

  “You’re not seriously pissed because I can’t remember the name of a date from over ten years ago?”

  “No, I’m not pissed. I’m just wondering how many other women you’ve f---, ah screwed, and don’t even remember their names. I guess it’s the double standard that bothers me. What would you think if I had come with a different guy every year, f---, um screwed him under the bleachers and couldn’t remember his name?”

  “Well first off, that would never have happened because me, your brother or one of your cousins would have kicked his ass. So it’s a moot point. And second, it’s different for men.” Noting her deepening frown, he smiled and went on, “I know it sucks, but that’s the way it is, baby. As old-fashioned as it seems, men still want to play around in their youth and get experience, but when it comes to settling down, they want a woman who hasn’t been ridden like the town horse.”

  “Tony!” She scowled and slapped him lightly on the arm.

  He looked down at her curiously. “How many, Angel?”

  “How many what?” she huffed.

  He crooked a finger below her chin and raised her face to his. “How many men have you been with?”

  “Oh, are we sharing? I don’t know if we have enough time for your exploits.”

  “Megan,” he warned. “How many are we talking about? How many memories do I need to wipe away?”

  She flushed as she tried to turn her head.

  “I don’t want to talk about it. I agree we need to change the subject and never bring it up again.”

  “How. Many?”

  She paused. She was thirty-one years old. Would he still think of her as too young and inexperienced if he knew? Patiently he waited, searching her flushed face.


  “Including you?”

  He just stared at her, waiting, his intense gaze searing into her. She grimaced in embarrassment and unsuccessfully tried to pull her face away from his firm grasp. Frustrated, she lowered her eyes instead.

  “Eyes on me, Megan.” He waited for her to comply. “Answer the question.”

  “Two, okay? Including you. Are you happy now? I am a thirty-one year old woman who is practically a virgin. I’ve had two lovers, including you. The worst part is one was less than memorable. I’ll let you figure out which one. Now can we go to the cookout?”

  He released her chin but his hand slid to the back of her neck, lightly sliding into her hair. His other arm slipped around her waist, anchoring her to him.

  “What about the string of guys you were with over the years? Every time I was in, it seemed like you were with someone different.”

  “Yeah, well…they didn’t, um, they just didn’t do it for me, I guess.”

  “Really? Not that I’m complaining, but as hot as you are with me, I’m surprised you didn’t play more, Angel.”

  “Yeah, well, I guess I have higher standards than you do, Captain.”

  “I guess I should be happy that I meet those standard, huh?”

  Megan’s eyes rose and locked with his. Several moments passed before she laid it out for him and practically brought him to his knees. “You set the standard, Captain.”

  “Oh, Baby. You slay me.”

  “I’ve loved you forever, Tony. Since I met you as a naïve, teenager. I fell in love with the hero in uniform first. Then I fell in love with the man behind the uniform. You just never saw me as anything other than a kid sister.”

  “No. Let me set the record straight on that. When we first met, I noticed you. I saw the pretty young teen with the future and the world at her feet. I recognized the beauty you would become one day. But, you were too young and I was never home. You were off limits at eighteen to this 25 year old solider with wanderlust. Not to mention you were Major Sinclair’s daughter. You have to admit, your daddy was a badass, Megan. Still is. Not to mention a senior officer who could have made my life miserable by having me shipped off to worse places than Iraq. Imagine if horny young Tony had messed with his precious, barely legal teenage daughter?”

  She smiled and huffed a little laugh. “That was years ago, Captain. Why did you take so long?”

  “Bad timing, I guess. Every time I came in, it was for a short leave or I was heading out for another dangerous assignment. US Special Forces guys don’t think it’s fair to leave a woman at home waiting when there’s always a risk you might not be coming back. You seemed to be happy w
ith whatever asshole you were with at the time. And, you have to admit Megan, most were assholes. I’m glad your taste has improved with age, also.”

  “Yeah, I dated some real assholes, but some of the guys were nice, too. They just weren’t you, Captain.”

  Fuck! She could cut straight to his heart with those sweet words and soft looks. They stared into each other’s arms for several minutes, each lost in thought and regret about all the time they had wasted fooling around with other people when they could have been together. Fate had never seemed to be on their side, until now.

  “We have a lot of time to make up for, don’t we Angel?”

  “Yeah, Captain. A lot of time.”

  “Yeah.” His expression was thoughtful as he looked down at the old photo he carried, wondering why she had saved that particular one if it was so upsetting. Well, that puzzle would have to wait for another time; they were going to be late for their meeting.

  “You all set, babe? We better get a move on.” His mood shifted gears and his mind switched back to the business at hand. He helped her into the vehicle’s high front seat with a firm hand on her rear. He then loaded her heavy bags into the SUV and climbed in behind the wheel with that arrogant, yet sexy wink.

  “Buckle up, babe,” he said, and they were off.

  Megan could only sigh, remembering Regan saying something similar. It was going to be a wild ride.

  Chapter Twelve


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